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Chapter 427 False Prosperity

Chapter 427 False Prosperity

Haiphong can be directly connected to the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan through railways. The three southwestern provinces are the areas where China's heavy industry is most concentrated. The materials needed are huge. Haiphong can become an effective supplementary channel. China has prepared to upgrade the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and transform it into

The standard track is the same as that in China. In addition, double tracks must be built to expand transportation capacity.

In addition, Haiphong can also serve as an entrepot trade center, directly connecting Guangzhou, Shanghai and other places. Since Haiphong Port fell into the hands of China, the status of Hong Kong as a free port has plummeted, and the population has been outflowing rapidly, which has troubled Britain.

Originally, when China was still under the control of the great powers, because there was no independent power in tariffs, the coastal port areas were just like free trade zones, a paradise for the great powers to dig for gold. As China took back all its power, it began to regulate the country's economy, and tariffs

The level has naturally improved significantly.

In recent years, Hong Kong has been developing rapidly. Although the British in Hong Kong shamelessly attribute the credit to themselves for bringing prosperity, as long as they are not fools, they will not be deceived by their false propaganda. Hong Kong and the colonial people

The antagonism between zheng and fu is still very serious.

Especially after the issue of Guangzhou Bay is resolved, Hong Kong is left as a lonely eyesore in southern China. China has not determined the final time to attack Hong Kong, but it has begun to affect Hong Kong in an all-round way. The motherland has enough work.

Opportunities, better wages and benefits, why suffer under the rice flag, why not embrace the five-color flag.

The loss of workers in Hong Kong is getting faster and faster. Although China has not adopted coercive measures, the British Hong Kong authorities also feel that it is difficult to maintain. They occupy this precious port. Of course, there are military and political considerations, but more importantly

I hope to open up the Chinese market here and get enough benefits, but unfortunately this goal has gradually gone away. Southeast Asian goods can go through Haiphong Port, and Chinese businessmen consciously boycotted the United Kingdom, and a large number of workers were lost, making this free port an instant

It becomes unreasonable for you.

"President, now that Guangzhou Bay has been taken back, do you want to fight the rabbit and take back Hong Kong? In this way, the mainland will have all the sovereignty in its hands. This is a great achievement. The people of the country will

We’ve all been looking forward to this day!”

"Mr. Xizi, after all, Britain and France are different. Britain also has a huge fleet. When necessary, it can use its fleet to block sea transportation lines. The British may not be able to do anything to us here in Hong Kong, but they can completely defend Singapore and then control it.

In the South China Sea, just disturbing our trade routes will be very troublesome. We have to wait until the navy matures before we can challenge the British, otherwise I won't worry!"

What Qiao Yu said is absolutely correct. France's current navy is in serious decline. It is already a teammate with Italy. How much spare power does it have to send a fleet to the Far East? Therefore, China can attack the French with confidence and boldness, even if they

If he dared to send the navy, Qiao Yu was confident that he would defeat the French with the Qidian and powerful submarine force, but he did not have the confidence to face the British.

After all, the heritage of the British Empire lies there, and there are too many unexpected factors in today's naval battles. To a large extent, it depends on luck, just like the Battle of Midway in World War II. It must be blessed by God.

Therefore, Qiao Yu prefers to wait until everything is ready before taking action.

When the family's financial resources are strong, even if China loses once or twice, it will still be able to win the final victory. Now the family's financial resources are too thin, and losing once will break its muscles and bones. China does not need to be as crazy as Japan and gamble on its national destiny.

"The president should consider everything!" Yang Du saw that Qiao Yu was not dazzled by the victory. He still looked very cautious and relaxed a lot. Qiao Yu may not be good at other things, but he is above the overall situation.

Never being confused and being clear-headed are the most important advantages of a leader. However, China's national power is also on a track of rapid improvement. Even if it is not taken back now, it will only be three to five years later.

He also said: "President, the Northeastern immigration work has achieved initial results. About 30 million people have been moved to the fertile black land. This is a unique immigration work in human history. This year, the grain output of the three Northeastern provinces has already accounted for 10% of the total.

It has reached more than 10% of the country, and the output of soybeans is as high as more than 95%, and there is huge potential to increase production. If another 20 million people can immigrate and the population of the Northeast reaches 50 million, the outer Northeast can also be developed.

Come out, it is conservatively estimated that the grain output in the Northeast will reach more than one-third of the country's. This piece of black land is so precious!"

Yang Du said it with emotion. Everyone knew that the black soil was fertile, but they didn't expect it to reach this level. If this trend continues, it will definitely become the largest granary in China.

Nowadays, Northeastern rice with mellow taste and full aroma has appeared in the markets of Beijing and Tianjin, including Shanghai, Sichuan and other places. In addition to grain, Northeastern soybeans are beyond imagination. More than 90% of soybeans in the country are produced in Northeastern China.

, and its export share in the world accounts for more than 90%. China has an undisputed monopoly on the soybean market.

This is a very profitable product. How else would future generations of American emperors hold on to it? Later generations of the United States would drive Chinese soybeans out of the market by relying on despicable methods of commercial fraud. In this time and space, they would probably not have a chance.

Not only will there be no chance, Americans will also have to spend a lot of money to import soybeans from China.

Soybean exports have brought a lot of profits to China. One-third of the imported machinery in the entire Northeast region was purchased from soybean profits. Nowadays, China has become more and more supportive of the decision to develop the Northeast. Originally many people just thought that this was

Immigration has strengthened the borders and national defense. Now it seems that economic interests are the most important.

In addition, the people who are jealous of the Northeast are the Japanese. They work desperately in the ice and snow of the Far East to transport various resources that they have worked hard to mine back to the country.

The cost of mining in the Far East, where the climate conditions are extremely poor, is naturally much higher than in other regions. In order to maintain profits, Japan's chaebols have naturally reduced the miners' salaries to an outrageous level, which is just enough to keep them alive.


In addition, Japan has also mobilized a large number of manpower from North Korea. These laborers brought to the Far East are basically destined to die. Not only do they have to endure the severe cold, but they also have to work frantically for fourteen to five hours a day. It is no exaggeration.

It is said that every ton of steel in Japan is soaked in blood and has the full smell of blood.

However, I have to admire the madness of Japan. Their brutal exploitation has also brought them considerable benefits. Japan's steel production has exceeded 3.5 million tons, an increase of 100 million tons compared with the same period in history.

More than 10,000 tons.

Of course, no matter how crazy they are, the natural conditions are there. As long as China completes the First Five-Year Plan as scheduled and steel production exceeds 5 million tons, Japan will never have a chance to catch up with China!

"President, China's development speed in recent years is not slow, but it seems that foreign countries are faster than us, especially the United States. American products have flooded our market in recent years. If this continues, we may still surpass the United States.


Yang Du set the goal of China's transcendence on the United States. This is very normal. Both countries are large countries with vast areas. China is much larger than the United States. The dimensions of the two countries are similar. The population of the United States is also more than one

billion. Among the major powers, only the United States is closest to China in size. Of course, there is also the Soviet Union. However, many of China's industrial product indicators have surpassed the Soviet Union. The goal of exceeding the goal is naturally set on the United States.

"Mr. Xizi, you should know the wisdom of our ancestors better than I do. How can you still believe that the United States will continue to develop!"

Qiao Yu thought about it and it was almost 1927. The United States was at the peak of the so-called Coolidge boom. At the peak, it would be close to a crisis. It seemed that he was about to make some arrangements. Qiao Yu was about to make some financial arrangements.

Changjiang Yonggui and President Wei Ruolan came over.

"President, Governor Wei has been paying attention to the U.S. economy and is about to report to the President. I think I will ask him to introduce the prosperity of the U.S. economy to you and Mr. Xizi!"

Wei Ruolan already knew it, and didn't need any information. He said directly: "President, after the outbreak of World War I, the U.S. economy experienced a brief post-war recession, and then showed rapid development.

Situation, after Coolidge became president in 23 years, he pursued the idea of ​​​​small government and adhered to ziyouism. The core of his policy was to reduce taxes, cut government agencies, reduce government control, and encourage ziyou competition. The U.S. economy is in his hands.

It continues to develop at a rapid pace, and the trend is getting more and more fierce!”

When Yang Du heard this, he smiled and said to Qiao Yu: "President, China should be called Da Zheng Fu right now, but the United States is practicing Xiao Zheng Fu. However, both countries have ushered in tremendous development. It can be seen that different paths lead to the same goal!"

"Mr. Xizi, the prosperity of the United States is false and has huge hidden dangers. It is far less reliable than China's data. Moreover, China is still in the primary stage of industry. We still have a long way to go, while the United States is always hiding hidden dangers.

It is a huge crisis, this is also the common view of dozens of economic experts!" Wei Ruolan mercilessly criticized the so-called prosperity of the United States.

Then the Chinese economic expert began to explain the reasons for the prosperity of the United States, and comprehensively analyzed the problems behind the prosperity to Qiao Yu and Yang Du.

The Coolidge prosperity that the United States was able to achieve was the result of many factors. As the saying goes, a cannon fired a thousand taels of gold. The First World War delivered huge wealth to the United States. At the same time, the war consumed an astonishing amount of social wealth. After the war, Britain, France and other countries

Busy recovering from trauma, the international market has left huge space for American products.

Moreover, the United States held a large number of British and French bonds during World War I. With this advantage, the United States successfully extended its tentacles deep into Canada. At the same time, it used gold and dollar diplomacy to turn Latin American countries into the back garden of the United States. In addition to the Americas, China

Rapid development and the import of large amounts of American machinery have created huge external demand.

American entrepreneurs used the wealth gained from World War I to replace a large number of equipment and improve production efficiency, causing the American industry to reach a blowout development level.

However, Wei Ruolan is not optimistic about this development: "President, the United States pursues the idea of ​​small government and big enterprises and promotes free competition. In fact, it is completely irresponsible. They push workers and farmers to compete with capitalists and big companies.

On the same starting line for enterprise competition, this kind of freedom is nothing but the freedom of capital. However, the income of workers and farmers in a disadvantaged position has not grown with the growth of the economy at all. In fact, their income has been in a relative shrinkage.

In the final analysis, the development of the United States is unequal development, and this is their biggest hidden danger!” (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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