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Chapter 428: The Jews Started

Economic problems are very complex and involve all aspects. But they can also be very simple. To put it bluntly, they are problems of production and distribution. The capitalist management method uses financial stimulation to help solve production problems. That is to say, the era of capital has created any

Huge social wealth unmatched by any era, and unprecedented progress in human society.

It was also in this era that humans were finally able to get rid of hunger and begin to pursue their own freedom and dignity. However, the era of capital has not solved another problem, which is distribution. If it cannot be distributed reasonably, what will be created

The huge social wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few, resulting in serious social inequality.

"I have said that the way of Yao is to make up for the losses and make up for the deficiencies, while the way of entering is to make up for the losses and make up for the deficiencies! In the past, we called the emperor Yaozi, so the mission of the emperor should be to implement the ways of Yao and do his best to the best of his ability.

Ensuring social fairness requires that the more the economy develops, the more complete the functions of the government and the stronger the power. However, the American government chose to give up at this juncture and followed the path, completely giving up its own responsibilities.

The European War brought huge amounts of capital to the United States, and American industry expanded rapidly. During this expansion process, capitalists made more and more profits, and their power became stronger and stronger. The purpose of capital is to pursue profits, and they

The stronger the power, the greater the ambition. Traditional industrial production can no longer satisfy their greed, so they start to play with finance, push up the stock market and real estate market, and rely on financial tools to make money!"

"President Wei, according to what you said, the income of American workers has not actually increased, so how can they push up the housing market? You must know that the biggest buyers of houses are still ordinary investors. Those investors will not be so stupid as to push up the housing market on their own.

, buy it yourself!”

Yang Du is good at politics, but he doesn't have a thorough understanding of international things. His question is also very reasonable. An ordinary person who eats two steamed buns for a meal will definitely not be 10,000 times richer than him.

You may eat 20,000 steamed buns, so if you want to push up the housing market, you need to have enough money to buy it!

"Mr. Yang, this is not difficult. The Americans invented credit purchasing and bought all these things by installment payment. To put it simply, they turned poor people who had no purchasing power into rich people. Relying on this

This method solves the problem of market demand, allowing them to continue to produce and make more and more profits!"

Yang Du frowned, "Isn't this a case of eating grains and eating grains? Chinese merchants have also done this, but they were all a few big companies, but in the end they were unsustainable!"

"Mr. Yang is right. The situation in the United States is even more terrifying. They have kidnapped the whole country and even the whole world through their developed financial system and free capital flows. However, this approach cannot be sustained for a long time, and sooner or later it will collapse.

At that time, the United States will usher in a huge depression. This has been proven repeatedly in history, and this time the United States plays a bigger game than before, and the fall will inevitably be harder!"

"According to what President Wei said, the United States must have suffered heavy losses! Then since we can analyze it, don't the Americans know it? Is it true that hundreds of millions of people across the country are just a leaf in the eye? Aren't they afraid of huge losses to society?"

"Don't be afraid, they don't even have the whole country in their eyes!" Qiao Yu continued: "As for the power of capital, they pursue absolute egoism. It doesn't matter to them whether the social loss is one hundred or one thousand. What they think about is what they have in their own bowl.

Can I have an extra dollar?"

In the eyes of bankers, there is no country at all, only interests. Indeed, most of these bankers are of Jewish origin. The God they believe in is gold. To hell with things like country and nation!

China has very strong local forces, and China is a power society, not a world of capital. The rules of the game are different. Although the Jews are actively planning to influence and control the entire society and bring China into the orbit of capital.


However, due to China's tenacious attacks, the Jewish forces have not made breakthrough progress. This is why Wei Ruolan's subordinates were able to gather a large number of economists who opposed Jewish capital. However, the Jews are good at long-term planning. If China does not take control actions, I am afraid that

In the future, there will be fewer and fewer such truly conscientious experts. At that time, Chinese society will be filled with assorted bastards who will completely help foreign forces to deceive their own government, and then turn around to deceive the people.

The word conscience is raised high, like a memorial arch, but no matter how much you pretend to be like it, the fox's tail will eventually show.

"President, I mentioned the Jewish forces, and I have another piece of bad news to report. Now the Jewish forces have also taken action in China. Their main target now is silver. China's silver exports have been abnormal in recent times.

The increase is very noteworthy!”

China now also adopts a gold standard system, but this gold standard is not a true gold standard, but a gold nugget standard. Under this system, the banknotes issued by the Central Bank of China in the country cannot be freely exchanged for gold.

, only when international trade requires settlement, can banknotes be exchanged for gold from the central bank.

Then gold is used to purchase materials from foreign countries, and foreign countries will also come to the country to purchase materials. At this time, there will be an inflow of gold. This is actually a limited gold standard.

But under this system, all countries must do their best to maintain trade balance and ultimately ensure a surplus, because only in this way can gold reserves be guaranteed, otherwise gold will flow out in large quantities, especially from countries like China that do not produce gold.

Exports must be maintained, only in this way can enough gold be exchanged.

Otherwise, the gold reserves in the central bank will be exhausted, and the monetary system will collapse at that time. Under this system, there are actually great restrictions on the scale of international trade. However, under this system, it can

Avoiding the situation of sweating for green paper is also the biggest advantage!

The situation in China is quite special. China itself produces very little gold. Although it now has the Outer Northeast, gold mining is still in its early stages. The output is far from meeting domestic needs. The country is extremely large and requires a large amount of currency. The development of various places

The situation is different. Many people are still unable to accept the fact that all the gold, silver and copper in their hands have turned into a few thin pieces of paper, so they are very resistant to banknotes.

When China's financial system was established, it did not completely adopt the gold standard, but retained the silver standard. The currency issued by China was also linked to silver, and ordinary people could freely exchange the banknotes in their hands for silver!

Of course, this situation only applies domestically. Gold is still used in international trade. Nowadays, with the stability of China's political power, economic development, and social stability, people's trust in the government is getting higher and higher, so there are very few people buying gold.

I am willing to keep a lot of money.

Therefore, a large amount of silver in the world is stored in financial institutions, and the Chinese government has actually been planning how to deal with these accumulated silver.

"President, there are two opinions in China. The first one is to completely abolish the silver standard and fully integrate with international standards. The other group believes that our gold reserves are not sufficient, and as more and more materials are purchased, the number of gold will increase.

is precious, so they advocate expanding the silver standard system. At least our trade with Southeast Asia, the Far Eastern Republic and other places can be settled in silver! I prefer the latter. These areas have been influenced by China since ancient times and have no regard for silver as currency.

Exclusion, and once the silver standard is implemented, it will mean the expansion of China's financial power, which is very beneficial to China's development and can help China expand its power in Southeast Asia. However, at this juncture, the Jews began to attack silver.

It’s not about the wine!”

Qiao Yu knows very well that financial matters are never trivial. In essence, the financial industry does not create wealth, but only transfers wealth. However, if anyone underestimates the power of finance, he will be in bad luck. How many countries will prosper in future generations?

The economy was once sheared by financial capital and then collapsed, falling into the so-called high-income trap, sinking and losing opportunities for development.

Now that China has also encountered this situation, Qiao Yu doesn't want his hard-earned family fortune to be completely destroyed. "President Wei, do you understand now why the Jews did this? What else can we do to deal with it?"


"President, I think the Jews have three purposes for doing this. The first is to destroy China's silver standard system. The output of gold is far less than silver, so it is naturally easier to control. If China expands the silver standard, it will be a threat to financial capital.

A major blow, the United States has repeatedly proposed the concept of a silver dollar, but in the end it all ended in disgrace. The biggest resistance was the power of financial capital.

The second point is to disrupt China's financial order. Since the country still implements the bank standard, the outflow of silver will inevitably cause currency depreciation and then inflation, which will shake China's currency and credit. After several years of development, China has accumulated some wealth.

, these financial consortiums have begun to become jealous.

The third point is that I think they want to attract Chinese capital to the United States and continue to push up their stock market. Then when the stock market collapses, China's hard-earned money will be lost and all will fall to these investors.

In the hands of others, it can severely damage China's economic construction achievements, force China to fall, and finally succumb to financial power. Then China will be no different from Europe and the United States!"

"The Jewish forces are indeed vicious. They have not yet integrated into China and are thinking of all kinds of bad things. These intrusions are too rampant. President, I suggest that we take immediate action. China is different from the United States and Europe. It is absolutely not the case.

We will let them do whatever they want, and with just one or two administrative orders, we can nullify all their hard work!"

Yang Du was extremely angry. In his life, Yang Du had always plotted against others, and there was no time when others plotted against him. Now the Jews are bullying Yang Du because he doesn't understand finance. Isn't this seeking death?

"President, we are still helping the Jews train the army and provide weapons. How come these people are not grateful at all and are scheming against China? They are really impatient!"

"Mr. Xizi, there is no need to be anxious or angry. The Jewish people are not monolithic. They have to be divided into many parts. Moreover, the most important thing in war is to annihilate them all in one fell swoop. We cannot alert the snake in the grass. I think the Jewish plan is already quite good.

Now we will not act rashly, but take little by little actions. I think the Jewish people will not expect that Chinese economic experts can understand their actions so quickly. We might as well teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful China is!


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