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Chapter 431 Carrier Attack

Chapter 431: Aircraft Carrier Attack

When Qiao Yu returned to Beijing by train, it was already the second day. The confrontation had temporarily ended with the Japanese retreating, but everyone had a trace of worry in their hearts, fearing that this time the incident would not end so simply.

"President, one of our destroyers and two patrol boats were having a confrontation with a light cruiser of the Japanese Navy in the East China Sea, one hundred and fifty nautical miles away from Fuzhou. It lasted for about two and a half hours, until our side

An escort aircraft carrier arrived and the Japanese cruisers chose to retreat, but then the Japanese fleet in Taiwan also entered a state of combat readiness. It seemed that there was some big action!"

Jiang Baili introduced the situation this time to Qiao Yu. In fact, since the establishment of the Chinese Navy, the confrontation and friction between the Chinese and Japanese navies has continued. In fact, it is also an inevitable phenomenon. The Japanese archipelago plus the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan Island controlled by Japan

Inside, it is like a fence at the door of a Chinese home.

After Japan firmly defended this place, it blocked the Chinese navy inside the fence and made it difficult to get out. This became even more obvious after China regained Guangzhou Bay. A large number of newly launched Chinese warships continued to conduct combat readiness patrols. Japan

He is most concerned about China's every move. After seeing China stepping up its actions, Japan himself did not take any corresponding action.

A large number of warships were transferred to places such as Okinawa and Keelung. They continued to provoke the Chinese navy and the military was in serious conflict, especially among the people. The Japanese hoped to use fish meat to make up for the domestic food shortage. These Japanese fishermen killed a large number of whales.

, a whale has several tons or even dozens of tons of meat, which is very attractive to the Japanese. In addition, the fishing grounds along the coast of China are often subject to cross-border fishing by the Japanese.

The life of fishermen at the seaside is not easy. They drive small fishing boats to fight against the wind and waves in the ocean. It is normal for them to get injured or even die. Therefore, these fishermen have developed a courage. If Chinese fishermen used to be

Maybe they are also afraid of the Japanese. Now that China is getting stronger and stronger, especially in China's coastal areas, there are also a large number of warships patrolling. These fishermen will naturally have the courage.

This time, six or seven Chinese fishing boats collided with four Japanese fishing boats. Seeing these Asian dwarves fishing in China's fishing grounds, the Chinese fishermen were angry at that time. They moved their boats close to the Japanese.

They used all the available weapons on the ship to attack the Japanese. The Japanese were able to resist at first, but as more and more Chinese fishing boats gathered and more and more people were gathered, the Japanese were finally completely defeated.

The two fishing boats were sent to the bottom of the sea alive, and a dozen Japanese people were silent along with the boats. The Japanese people on the other two fishing boats were also wounded. Of course, three fishermen on the Chinese side also died.

After listening to Jiang Baili's introduction, Qiao Yu also sighed: "Brother Baili, why do I think our fishermen have more courage and blood than soldiers!"

"President, how can people who can make a living in the roaring waves be weak! Otherwise, they would have been fighting for the fish in the sea. This kind of conflict has happened many times in the past, but this time Japan's reaction was very violent, especially their

The Taiwan fleet has been mobilized, and the squadron stationed in Okinawa is also constantly mobilizing. Some people in the Japanese military have expressed that they will take more decisive action against China, protect the rights of Japanese fishermen, and demand that China hand over the murderer.

Judging from this operation, Japan seems to want to test the strength of the Chinese navy!"

Qiao Yu nodded and agreed with Jiang Baili's judgment. Fishermen's conflicts at sea are not uncommon not only now, but also in future generations. After all, the ocean is different from land and has no obvious boundaries, so it is easy to cross the boundary. This kind of fishermen's conflicts generally do not cause any problems.

It's a big deal, but this time after the Japanese fishing boat had a problem, their cruiser appeared immediately. If the Chinese navy hadn't happened to be patrolling there, the Chinese fishermen would have suffered a loss.

This time on the Chinese side it was a coincidence. Qiao Yu did not believe that it would be a coincidence on the Japanese side. This could only mean that the Japanese wanted to stir up trouble and deliberately seek trouble.

"President, the timing of Japan's selection is very clever. Although the Chinese Navy has accelerated the pace of construction, the two main ships are still on the shipyard. The only ones that can support the scene are the Guangxi, Chong Qing and Qidian. These three

These warships are all old before the war. Although we have made modifications, they are still difficult to compare with the combined fleet. I think this is Japan’s preparation to once again frustrate China’s march towards the sea!”

Jiang Baili expressed Qiao Yu's conjecture. Nowadays, China's industrial production capacity has gradually caught up with Japan, and even has the potential to surpass it. If it drags on, China will be able to transform its strong industrial strength into combat effectiveness.

At that time, Japan would never want to confront China. For Japan itself, the best choice was to launch an attack on the Chinese Navy before the Chinese fleet actually formed an army. If Japan's talent is cut off, it will inevitably delay China's development, or even completely

Blocking China's road to the ocean and failing to control the ocean will make China's current development like a castle in the desert, which can easily collapse completely.

China categorically rejected Japan's unreasonable request to hand over Chinese fishermen. At the same time, China in turn asked Japan to apologize for infringing on the rights of Chinese fishermen, and to restrain Japanese fishermen from entering China's fishing areas, otherwise China would also take measures.

Decisive measures.

China has always been very tough on the Japanese issue. We are not afraid of the European powers, let alone the small Japan. Moreover, we were able to defeat the Japanese in Qingdao a few years ago. It is the same now. The people's thoughts are

It's so simple, they have full trust in their own government.

Civilian demonstrations have begun, and the same is true in Japan. Both sides are trying to use public opinion to put pressure on the other side. At the same time, they are also showing their correctness.

In addition to the superficial work, the next movements of Japan's combined fleet just verified Qiao Yu's judgment. Japan dispatched the battleship Mutsu and the aircraft carrier Fengxiang south to prepare to station in Okinawa. The battleship Mutsu was the Japanese Nagato.

The sister ship of the battleship, it is equipped with a 410 mm main gun and has a displacement of nearly 40,000 tons. Looking at all the battleships in the world, the Mutsu is outstanding, and the Hosho is the first aircraft carrier built in Japan.

It is also very meaningful.

The two warships stationed in Okinawa have a very clear intention of pointing their swords at China. The Chinese and Japanese warships are patrolling the sea more and more intensively. As long as the warships encounter each other, the two sides will be at war with each other. As long as there is a slight conflict, there will be a misfire.

War is normal.

The sudden clouds of war over East Asia are a good thing for all the great powers. China and Japan are both yellow people. These two countries are the best at fighting each other. Moreover, countries such as Britain and France have suffered from China's losses. Now Japan

How could Britain and France not be excited when they took the initiative to jump out? They immediately provided various conveniences to Japan. In short, they tried their best to encourage Japan to go to war with China, so that they could profit from it.

The United States, on the other hand, seems more worried. It does not want a large-scale war to affect the current economic development momentum. Of course, it is not willing to have either China or Japan rise and threaten the interests of the United States in the Pacific. Therefore, the Americans can at most shout a few words of peace.

Just a slogan!

Naturally, this kind of shouting has no effect. The situation between China and Japan is still getting more and more tense. The Japanese Navy is mobilizing massively and the popular anti-Japanese sentiment continues to expand. Now Japan has basically emerged from the shadow of the Great Kanto Earthquake. The Navy

With the addition of two large aircraft carriers, the Tosa and the Kaga, our strength is unprecedentedly strong, and this is the time when we are most confident.

The emperor of Japan also changed at this time. After Taisho died, Hirohito became the emperor. This young emperor was educated in militarism at a young age and dreamed of inheriting the career of his grandfather, Emperor Meiji, conquering all countries and peoples, and making Japan

Its majesty spreads throughout the world.

However, God seemed to have played a joke on Hirohito. After he actually took power, China had begun to rise rapidly. With the five-year plan as a sharp tool, major industrial products began to surpass Japan, which Japan could never accept.

Moreover, Hirohito still firmly remembers Yamagata Aritomo's will, which is to interrupt China's rise as soon as possible. If it takes more than ten years, Japan will never have the capital to fight China.

Therefore, after Hirohito came to power, he was eager to seek opportunities to interrupt the rise of China. At this time, Hirohito naturally thought of the Combined Fleet, which is Japan's most important reliance. As long as the Combined Fleet can defeat the Chinese Navy, Japan will

It can achieve hegemony in East Asia just like the Sino-Japanese War.

At random, Japan is preparing to intensify its harassment of China's coast, and the conflict between the fishermen just gave Hirohito a good excuse. Although Japan now nominally implements a constitutional monarchy, Hirohito's power must be restricted, but in Japan the Emperor

He has been deified, especially Japan's military, which is extremely supportive of Hirohito, believing that he is a figure like Emperor Meiji who can bring prosperity to Japan.

With the support of the military and the emperor's prestige, Hirohito's plan to confront China was quickly implemented, Nan Hai Huairentang.

Minister of National Defense Wu Tong faced a huge combat map and introduced China's action plan to Qiao Yu and other senior officials.

"President, this time Japan's provocation is very obvious. We must not show weakness. However, Japan's combined fleet is a powerful opponent. It is still difficult for us to fight against Japan with only the navy. I suggest that the sea and land should act together this time.

Two armies have been hoarded in the Northeast, namely the Second Army and the Sixth Army, aiming at North Korea and the Far East. Now both places are important raw material bases for Japan and are connected to China's territory. As long as China assumes an attack posture, it will

It can greatly attract Japan's spirit!"

This is indeed the case. In addition to purchasing iron ore from abroad, Japan relies on North Korea and the Far East to provide most of its iron ore. Once there is a threat here, Japan will definitely step up its vigilance. This is called attacking it and defending it.

Then Wu Tong continued: "In terms of the navy, we are preparing to dispatch submarine units, mainly around the waters between Japan's Kyushu Island and Taiwan. As long as the battle starts, we will disrupt and attack Japan's maritime lifeline. The most important thing is

As for surface ships, we plan to dispatch the Qidian as the flagship, and also gather two escort aircraft carriers together to station in Quanzhou Port. This time our chance of winning lies in the naval aviation!"

China's naval aviation force was established later than Japan, but China is much ahead of Japan in aircraft design, and its pilots are also very high-quality and can quickly master the essentials of flying. It has been less than a year since the Qidian was launched, and China is about to guide Japan.

To win with the starting number is the biggest test for the aviation force. (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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