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Chapter 432: The Diaspora Crisis

The two escort aircraft carriers modified by China both have a displacement of more than 7,000 tons, and the number of carrier-based aircraft has reached 30. From a performance point of view, it is completely comparable to Japan's Fengxiang light aircraft carrier, and the carrier-based aircraft of the Qidian

It has even reached seventy-eight, making it an out-and-out large aircraft carrier.

Although it has been in service for less than a year, China has already started training carrier-based aircraft pilots. It has selected the most talented pilots from all over the country and formulated training plans. Especially after the Qidian was launched, it became even more popular.

The whole army is paying attention.

Navy Commander Chen Shaokuan is a staunch supporter of aircraft carriers and regards aircraft carriers as the hope for the future of the Chinese Navy. Of course, on the surface, the Chinese Navy is most concerned about battleships like the Guangxi, but this is just a cover-up.

This time, Chen Shaokuan personally commanded the aircraft carrier formation to set off from Qinzhou, ride the wind and waves all the way to Quanzhou, and start a confrontation with the Japanese. Defeating the Japanese combined fleet has always been the dream of the Chinese navy, and it has been deeply rooted in the bones. The navies of both sides have been feuding since the Sino-Japanese War.

, the first mission of all Chinese naval officers is to visit the Sino-Japanese War Museum.

It has not been long since the end of the Sino-Japanese War, and a large number of relics that personally experienced the war still exist. The relics of Deng Shichang, Ding Ruchang, Liu Buchan, etc. can be easily found, especially old people like Sa Zhenbing still exist. Collect all kinds of relics

Items seem easier.

In fact, this naval museum was built under the supervision of Sa Zhenbing himself. It contains a large number of physical objects and tells in detail the story of China starting from the Westernization Movement, establishing shipyards, purchasing warships, and developing its navy, until the Beiyang Navy was involved in the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1898.

It was completely destroyed, and Deng Shichang and other generals died heroically for their country.

At the same time, China has also filmed related movies and documentaries for a long time. Only by knowing one's shame can one be brave. A seed is sown in every navy member's first day of service, that is, hatred of Japan and the Japanese combined fleet as the largest

When the enemy invades, only by defeating the Japanese combined fleet can the heroic spirits of the Yaoshang be comforted, the majesty of China's Yaoshan Dynasty be restored, and the shame of the Chinese invaders be washed away.

Today, Chen Shaokuan personally commands the naval fleet to confront Japan, which is the first step for the Chinese navy to take revenge. However, Chen Shaokuan knows very well that the enemy is strong and we are weak. Japan can easily crush China not only on its battleships, but also on its battleships.

Even on the aircraft carrier, China has no advantage, but this time it must not take a step back against the Chinese navy, and there is no possibility of retreat.

Chen Shaokuan's eyes swept over every young naval soldier who was working hard on the aircraft carrier. These people are China's hope. Isn't it a bit reluctant for these still slightly immature shoulders to carry the maritime dream of a big empire!

In addition to surface ships, Chinese submarines are also taking action. Hidden dragons are gathering in the Taiwan Strait and the East China Sea. Some ocean-going submarines with more outstanding performance have left Chinese waters and are approaching the four islands of Japan. These submarines

Like assassins one after another, just waiting for the war to begin, they pounced on Japan with all their strength.

Japan has already formulated a plan to provoke China, and will naturally not be polite. China's massive mobilization of the navy cannot scare Japan. They also mobilized the Nagato battleship. The pride of this Japanese navy lies in other countries.

Under the escort of warships, it quickly headed south to form a powerful battleship formation with its sister ship Mutsu, which would exert strong pressure on China. However, out of fear of the Qingdao naval battle, Japan dispatched the newly built Akagi aircraft carrier.


China and Japan have heavily gathered their troops in the East China Sea, and war is about to break out. All countries in the world are paying attention to the confrontation in the Far East. In fact, the powers all know that the hatred between China and Japan is already very deep, and almost

It can only be solved through war.

China's advantage lies in its army and strong war potential, while Japan's advantage lies in its navy and geographical location. After the war, Japan can easily block China's maritime borders and cut off China's connection with the world, just like before the last war.

What the British did, trapped Germany firmly in the European continent, unable to obtain sea supplies, and ultimately trapped Germany to death.

This is a very good choice, so many people believe that Japan is very likely to adopt similar tactics. However, there are no big countries like France and Russia on the Asian continent that can work for Japan. After all, the competition between China and Japan is

The decisive battle between the whole country is just a small conflict, and everyone is guessing in their hearts.

Just when the smell of gunpowder at sea was getting stronger, the latest news suddenly came out in Bei Jing. Zhang Zuolin, the former commander-in-chief of the Northeast Frontier Defense, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Xinjiang Theater and the commander-in-chief of the Tough Second Group Army. He went to Hailanpao to command the operations in person.

, and Shi Yi, a thousand generals of the Sichuan Army, was appointed commander-in-chief of the Sixth Army and led his army into the Yanbian area.

These two orders have a huge shock to the world. Aren't everyone guessing whether the competition between China and Japan will be a national war or a regional conflict? Now China has made its attitude clear. If a war breaks out, the Far East and North Korea will most likely be involved.

In the flames of war, this is Japan's most important source of overseas raw materials. China's sword pointing at these two places is tantamount to touching Japan's heart. Japan cannot help but fight desperately, so there is no doubt that this war is between the two countries.

It's a life and death battle to see who can survive to the end.

In addition to appointing the commanders-in-chief of the two armies, Qiao Yu also officially announced that he recognized the provisional government of the Republic of Korea as the only legal government representing the Korean Peninsula. Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula was illegal, and Japan's colonial rule allowed North Korea to enter the country.

The people have caused great harm and must be punished.

In the past, China has also supported Kim Jiu and other North Koreans to enter, but this time it expressed it with an official attitude, which immediately made everyone in Japan very angry. Isn't this trying to touch Japan's heart, but Jin Jiu was extremely excited,

This is how a daughter-in-law of many years becomes a mother-in-law.

He was finally able to legitimately display the banner of the Republic of Korea. In fact, Kim Gu had a grudge against China. For example, in the case of Vietnam, although China helped Vietnam expel France and seize half of the country, Chinese forces immediately invaded Vietnam.

, will China also take such measures against North Korea?

Jin Jiu had no idea, but the Koreans were obviously much smarter than the Vietnamese. Since the Tang Dynasty, the Koreans had learned how to be a good son to the Central Plains dynasty. A small country must have its own consciousness. Don't

If you try to take advantage of a big country, you can only obediently pray for the big country's protection. This is the best way to survive.

Jin Jiu excitedly formed the South Korean advance army. The total number of soldiers exceeded 8,000. They were all rigorously trained by the Chinese and well-equipped. This army was waiting for the Chinese to give the order to attack North Korea and regain their homeland.


In addition to the mobilization of the military, Wang Yongjiang, Prime Minister of the Chinese Government Affairs Council, also delivered a speech, demanding that Chinese expatriates evacuate from Japan as soon as possible, that the country be prepared for war, and that the national economy be shifted to a wartime track at any time.

Qiao Yu ascended to the throne of president from the position of prime minister. During his tenure as prime minister, Qiao Yu took all domestic, foreign, military and civil affairs into his own hands. The president was completely a decoration.

Now that he has ascended to the throne of the president, the powers of the prime minister will naturally be restricted and divided. According to Qiao Yu's plan, the president is in charge of diplomacy, the military, and administrative powers, while the prime minister retains civil affairs, economics, public security, etc.

, is truly the general manager of the country, and his authority is much heavier than that of the prime ministers in the past.

Moreover, although the Prime Minister is nominated by the President and can only serve with the approval of the Parliament, their internal status within the United Democratic Party is actually the same. They are all standing members of the Executive Committee and have the same voting rights for major political strategies.


To a considerable extent, it has formed a constraint on the president and prime minister. However, no one in China has yet been able to shake Qiao Yu's status. No matter what position he holds, he can order his resignation. However, this will form an effective system for future successors.

institutional constraints.

The pattern of the prime minister internally and the president externally has basically been established. This is also a continuation of the monarchy and prime ministerial power in ancient China. However, the division of labor is clearer, and the two have equal status within the party, and they also have corresponding terms of office.

, to avoid the phenomenon of one party being too strong and breaking the rules.

In fact, ordinary people don't care about how the system is designed. After all, no matter how it is designed, they have to listen to Qiao Yu's arrangements for decades. What everyone is more concerned about is who will be the first prime minister.

In the end, Qiao Yu chose Wang Yongjiang, who had made great contributions to the immigration and development of Northeast China. Wang Yongjiang's ability has been recognized by the whole country over the years, so he is well-deserved to sit in this position.

China's First Five-Year Plan was mainly prepared and formulated by Wang Yongjiang. The preparation of such a five-year plan involves all aspects and industries. The complexity is simply unimaginable. However, Wang Yongjiang finally successfully prepared it, and in his

Under the auspices of Wang Yongjiang, the First Five-Year Plan was successfully implemented, China's industrial indicators grew rapidly, and Wang Yongjiang's status rapidly improved.

This time Wang Yongjiang came forward and announced that he was ready to switch to a war economic system at any time. Such words are still very weighty. China's attitude has been made very clear, that is, I am ready to go all out. It depends on how Japan can return.

Got it!

"President, are you preparing for a full-scale war with this arrangement? I guess the time has not come yet!" Jiang Baili said to Qiao Yu: "Wars between major powers directly determine the rise and fall of a country's national destiny. China

Neither side is ready!"

Qiao Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Baili, I don't know yet, but I have to show this posture. I am worried that once the navy fails, we will have to attack North Korea and the Far East. In short, after this contest

You must not suffer a loss!"

Jiang Baili also understood Qiao Yu's thoughts. Although China has a great family and a great cause, if it loses to the Japanese again, it will have a great impact on the morale of the people. Therefore, China must win. If it cannot win at sea, it will make up for it on land.

This is Qiao Yu's plan.

"Brother Baili, the decision-making power of the war is not only in our hands, but also depends on Japan's plan. However, Japan started by relying on sneak attacks. We must be careful. I asked you to arrange an evacuation from Japan.

How's Qiao's job going?"

"Don't worry, President, our more than 17,000 overseas Chinese in Japan have left Japan, are withdrawing to China, and have entered the East China Sea." While he was speaking, Wang Lingji suddenly ran in in a panic.

"President, one of our passenger ships transporting expatriates was forcibly intercepted by Japan. There are more than 1,300 expatriates on board. They are all in crisis. Please tell me how to deal with it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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