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Chapter 457 Landing Two

Chapter 457: Landing (2)

Okinawa is more than 700 kilometers away from mainland China, which is nothing to future generations. It is basically within the attack range of fighter jets. However, in this time and space, such a long distance is not a trivial matter, especially in Okinawa.

There are nearly 20,000 Japanese defenders.

On the Korean Peninsula, China was able to quickly defeat the Japanese army by relying on the blitzkrieg model. However, after reaching the island terrain, the blitzkrieg lost its power. It can be said that in the battle for the islands, what is often competed is perseverance, and the Japanese army is exactly that.

Known for his tenacity in fighting.

In later generations, the United States also fought against Japan in the Battle of Okinawa. The United States had a huge all-round advantage, but after the war, it still suffered 70,000 casualties. It was this huge casualty that completely shocked the United States.

Such an island has to pay such a high price. What will be the result if Japan's main island is attacked!

In the end, the Americans chose to use atomic bombs to end the war, and did not have the guts to land on the four islands and go shopping in Japan. In today's time and space, Okinawa's defense is of course far inferior to that of World War II. The total strength of the guards was only one division, plus

The total number of some local troops is about 20,000.

Similarly, China's attack power is far less powerful than that of the United States, so China needs to plan well. Another problem is that China must end this war as soon as possible. Japan's combined fleet has withdrawn from the mainland. As long as the rest is completed, the combined fleet will be ready at any time.

Maybe going south, Ryukyu has always been regarded as the gateway by Japan. Now that China is kicking down Japan's door, Japan will never sit idly by and ignore it.

The current commander of the fifth division is Lieutenant General Mu Tatsu. He is also the commander of the Okinawa Police and is responsible for defending Okinawa. When Kato retreated to the mainland, Tokyo had already told Mu Tatsuyuki that the combined fleet would come back.

, will never sit back and watch the Army defend Ryukyu alone, and said that as long as Mu Tatsuyuki persists for a month, the Japanese combined fleet will go south and start a decisive battle with the Chinese Navy!

Regardless of whether this promise is true or false, this is where Mu Tatsuyuki's courage lies. Since Okinawa is too long and narrow, and the north is mountainous and sparsely populated, the real value is the area in the south centered on Shuri. Therefore, Mu Tatsuyuki

Tatsuhi concentrated more than 18,000 soldiers in the south for defense, while only 2,000 second-line troops were deployed in the north.

Mu Tatsuyuki also knew that China now has control of the sea and air, so it is obviously unwise to fight the Chinese on the beach. Therefore, he set up his main positions in the deep zone. In addition, there is a special building in Okinawa.

That is the family tomb.

These family tombs are not just for the rich, but also for ordinary poor people. They are built with solid stones and are round in shape, similar to bunkers. Such family tombs are found all over the island, especially in southern Okinawa, which is relatively densely populated.

Family tombs are scattered all over the place. With a little modification, they can become strong fortresses. As long as some more trenches are dug, they can become a dense fortification group.

Mu Tatsuyuki placed the main force here. Surrounding Shuri, he built two lines of defense. A third line of defense was built at the northwest end of Yaedake and in the Zaidake area. Each line of defense relied on hilly terrain to form multiple lines of defense.

Layers of solid defensive positions.

With a solid defense, Mu Tatsuyuki even boasted to Tokyo that this was a place that would never be lost. In private, he also said that even if China tried its best, he would be able to defend it for at least three months!

Yang Sen, who commanded this battle, also spent a lot of effort to conduct reconnaissance on Okinawa. Whether Okinawa can be successfully captured is of great significance to China. This is also a key battle for China to turn its advantage into victory. If it is delayed for a long time,

, waiting until Japan's combined fleet recovers will only bring variables to the war, which is something that no one in China wants to see.

Therefore, during the preparation stage, Yang Sen and Chen Shaokuan worked together to use the advantages of naval aviation to sweep the islands around Okinawa. At the same time, they violently bombed the exposed fortifications on the island to clear obstacles for the landing operation.

Just when everything was almost ready, China's first landing force sailed on a hundred various transport ships, escorted by the navy, and headed for Okinawa. The fleet set out in the morning, and they had to pass nearly

After a day's sailing, we planned to arrive at Ryukyu at dawn the next day.

Most of these soldiers are from fishermen in the Jiangnan area. These people are hardworking and more importantly, they are familiar with the sea. Even if the waves are huge, they can still sleep peacefully without any seasickness. But this time there are not many of them.

I can sleep. Although China has already broken out a war with Japan in Qingdao, and the two countries are old enemies, this time it was the Chinese Communist Party who took the initiative to attack the Japanese. The significance of this is extraordinary. Being able to participate in this kind of military

Every soldier felt so excited about the action that it was almost impossible to sleep!

Ordinary soldiers can't sleep, but the navy doesn't even dare to blink. Such a large-scale fleet operation is also a major test for them. If China can send submarines to attack the Japanese, it may not be attacked by the Japanese.

You must be ten thousand times more careful.

A large number of destroyers are patrolling closely around the entire formation. In fact, Japan has long been interested in using submarines to attack China. However, Japan's submarine technology is not up to standard now, and there are still many problems that have not been solved. It is not as good as the full set of German submarines.

China has high technology, so it has not been dispatched on a large scale!

However, China did not dare to be careless at all, and finally passed the night without any danger. A glimmer of light appeared in the eastern sky. This was also a sign of China's official landing battle. The aviation force once again visited the beach and began fierce bombing. Naval cannons

He also joined in immediately.

All the landing soldiers also transferred to landing craft and began to rush towards Okinawa. A cool sea breeze blew from the sea, mixed with a slight fishy smell. Every Chinese soldier's blood was boiling. There were also scattered bullets and bullets on the opposite beach.

The shells came over.

However, the density was obviously not enough, and the expected brutal battle did not happen. As the first landing craft successfully approached the coastline, Chinese soldiers trudged from waist-deep water to land, and the five-color flag finally flew over Okinawa for the first time.

On the island.

More and more soldiers and weapons and supplies have been sent to the beachhead. China has established a relatively stable support point. However, Yang Sen, who has been in charge of the Guangxi, is not very optimistic. He knows very well that no cruelty has happened on the beachhead.

War does not mean that war will go smoothly.

On the contrary, this is a harbinger of the brutal war that is about to face. On the beach, China's sea and air superiority can be maximized. With the cooperation of aircraft and naval guns, it is not a problem to deal with the Japanese. But now the Japanese will send their soldiers to

Post-shrinkage is not a good thing for China. You must know that China's heavy weapons are not sufficient at this time.

Due to transportation capacity issues, China has only shipped 20 tanks, and they are all light tanks. The soft geographical conditions of the beach cannot withstand tanks like Biao San. Now Chinese engineers are doing their best to reinforce the beach and are also building simple tanks.

port area, but these all take time.

In addition, there are only more than 30 heavy artillery, which means that more combat tasks must be solved by infantry. This also means that China will pay a heavy price. However, Yang Sen also knows the path of Ci not commanding troops. If he is afraid of sacrifice,

I will no longer be a soldier!

After the beachhead was stabilized, Yang Sen ordered to develop in depth. The first phase of the mission was to penetrate Okinawa, split the Japanese base first, and then further expand the results.

The Chinese ** team hit all the tanks to open the way forward, and then the infantry followed closely. After advancing for about a kilometer, the opponent's artillery fire suddenly became fierce, and several more shells fell between the Chinese tanks opening the way.

Two tanks were destroyed in an instant, and one of the tanks caught fire. It was obvious that the light tanks with weak defenses could not effectively resist Japanese artillery fire. The Chinese soldiers could only slow down the attack speed and rely on the artillery fire little by little.

Cover and move forward, but the deadly heavy artillery cannot be transported temporarily, and light artillery and mortars cannot destroy strong fortifications, so the Chinese ** team suffered heavy casualties.

During the difficult advancement process, the biggest trouble the Chinese team encountered was the circular cemeteries. Many peoples in the world are very concerned about their permanent destination. For example, the most extreme one is the Egyptian Pharaoh, who built huge cemeteries.

The pyramids, of course, are not much different from the ancient Chinese emperors.

In Ryukyu, this has almost become a national movement. Now these strong cemeteries have become important fulcrums for the Japanese. A large amount of firepower has been placed in them. Each Chinese side has to pay three to five lives, or even a dozen people, to eliminate them.


Just when the landing troops were helpless, a group of troops who had just landed solved their troubles. This is China's flamethrower troops. Modern flamethrowers were also invented by Germany and also showed their talents in the trench warfare of World War I.

, but what really made the flamethrower famous all over the world should be the battle for the islands in the Pacific battlefield.

The United States also encountered China's current troubles when it launched island landings. Heavy firepower could not be transported, and naval guns and aircraft could not effectively attack islands with complex terrain. Strong fortifications became a nightmare for all American soldiers.

And the flame gun, a relatively lightweight weapon, has emerged.

The flame igniter consists of a backpack and a flame gun. When you press the trigger, the flammable liquid will pass through the ignition device before it is ejected. When it is ejected, it will be a fierce flame. The range is not very far.

It's tens of meters away, but this kind of weapon has amazing lethality.

It plays an important role in dealing with complex tunnel fortifications in particular. Soldiers who are recruited will not only be burned alive, but many will also die of suffocation. Flame shooters are also a very hated unit on the battlefield. They are often

They will receive special attention, and once caught, they will most likely be executed on the spot. Very few flamethrowers can become prisoners.

There are six people and three flamethrowers in a Chinese flamethrower team. This is also the first time that China has officially used this kind of weapon. They slowly approached the Japanese fortress. After entering the process, the operator suddenly pressed the button

Pulling the trigger, a fire dragon shot out and hit a Japanese fortress.

The flames enveloped most of the bunker in an instant. The fuel of the flame igniter is specially added and burns for a long time. At the same time, harmful gases are produced during burning, which is very harmful to the human body, and this time it burned to the 3rd day.

After entering my bunker, due to the high temperature, the explosives in the bunker exploded violently in an instant, and this stubborn obstacle was removed in an instant! (To be continued.

This chapter has been completed!
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