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Chapter 458: Landing Three

Thanks to the powerful weapon of the flamethrower, the Chinese ** team advanced much faster. Many fortresses with tricky and difficult positions were turned into a sea of ​​​​fire one after another. The Japanese soldiers among them finally realized what barbecue is.

The feeling is that no matter whether they want to or not, they cannot avoid the attack.

After the flamethrower operation, many infantrymen from the middle regiment followed and found that many Japanese in the fortress were not burned to death, but suffocated to death. The liquid oil sprayed out would burn violently and quickly consume all the oxygen.

, the Japanese in a relatively sealed tunnel had absolutely no chance of survival.

When the Chinese soldiers went in to search, they only saw the corpse of a Japanese soldier with a bruised face. It felt uncomfortable to suffocate to death. These people had also struggled hard, but it was all in vain. They had a choice.

There was no other way to survive, whether to suffocate to death inside or escape and be shot to death by the Chinese soldiers who had been waiting for them for a long time.

After a day of fighting, the Chinese ** team has advanced about three kilometers and is about to cut off the waist of Okinawa Island. At this time, the sky has also dimmed. After more than a day of fighting, the Chinese ** team is very tired, especially

It is the naval aviation force. Their workload is actually the largest. They are needed for fire support and interception and reinforcements. In addition, they also need to undertake battlefield patrol tasks to guard against unexpected situations. At this moment, where the sea and the sky intersect

Suddenly more than a dozen small black spots appeared, approaching quickly towards the landing site. Soon the Chinese side saw clearly that these small black spots were Japanese torpedo speedboats, which were attacking the Chinese fleet at maximum speed.


Between the Okinawa Islands, Japan also has many small torpedo boats, which are usually responsible for patrol work. Now the war is coming. These small boats did not withdraw to the mainland with the combined fleet, but were incorporated into the torpedo boat detachment, preparing to wait for opportunities to attack

Chinese warships launched an attack.

These small boats with a displacement of one to two hundred tons can usually reach a speed of forty or fifty knots. This is the time to fight hard. The Japanese torpedo boats have already used the fastest speed to approach China. Although these things are not big, they are

You must not be careless. Torpedoes are fatal to warships. Even a thick-skinned battleship will be seriously injured or even sunk if it is hit by two or three torpedoes. Therefore, Chinese destroyers and aircraft quickly dispatched to intercept

These little things must not be allowed to break through to the inside.

A fifty-kilogram explosive was dropped. After a loud noise, a Japanese torpedo boat turned into fragments and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea. Although these small boats were fast, their defense capabilities were extremely weak, not to mention aircraft.

The dropped explosives and even the main guns of ordinary destroyers can easily sink these small boats.

Soon the sound of explosions came one after another on the sea, and Japanese boats were constantly being wiped out. However, these Japanese sailors did not flinch at all and still rushed towards the Chinese fleet crazily. Seeing this kind of action of hitting rocks with pebbles, China

I didn't feel too funny about it.

Just ten years ago, the Chinese navy had nothing, only some old boats left over from the former Qing Dynasty. If a war broke out, would the Chinese be able to retreat? They would probably risk their lives even if they knew it was death, otherwise they would allow the other side to occupy them.


This is the tragedy of a small country and weak people. At this time, everyone in the Chinese Army felt a sense of luck. If it hadn't been for the vigorous development of industry and rectification of armaments in recent years, China would have become the protagonist of the tragedy.

After sinking all the Japanese torpedo boats, China did not dare to slack off. While consolidating and expanding its position, it continued to transport various supplies to Okinawa. It was extremely busy.

After three days of hard fighting, the Chinese troops finally penetrated Okinawa and divided the entire island into two parts. The Chinese troops firmly controlled an area of ​​more than ten kilometers in length and built temporary ports to be able to transport supplies calmly.

, it can be said that the war has made major progress. However, Yang Sen and Tian Songyao did not feel any joy. They knew that the real test had just begun. Japan had already shrunk its main forces to the southern region and built a strong defense here.

There are countless fortifications, forts and bunkers, as well as a large number of underground tunnels.

Some were built by Japan in the past, and some were recently excavated. In short, the southern half of Okinawa has become an iron wall. Even if China controls the sea and air, it will not be of much help. Japan can use the mountains

With the advantage of tunnels, they can avoid China's bombing. When the army launches an attack, the Japanese will continue to emerge from the ground like rats and attack the Chinese army.

However, the Chinese corps had to be exposed in the open field and were killed wantonly by these Japanese. The casualties were very heavy, even if they had such sharp weapons as flamethrowers. The range of flamethrowers was only twenty or thirty meters.

, so you must be as close as possible when using it.

However, the Japanese fortifications were too dense and it was difficult to find a blind spot for the attack. Many times, the flamethrowers would be shot before they even approached the Japanese fortress. China tried to attack, but China lost the battle in less than a day.

More than 800 people have advanced only about one thousand meters! Every inch of land is soaked in blood. If the fight continues in this way and wants to capture the entire island of Okinawa, China will have to pay at least 20,000 casualties, and what's even worse is that

We have to pay a huge material price. Speaking of which, China's current financial situation is not strong and cannot afford such a waste. Next, we have to deal with Japan itself." In addition, as the war continued, other major countries also took action one after another.

The most important thing is that the Soviet Union has launched joint military exercises with the Far Eastern Republic. If China is dragged into a protracted war of attrition, Russia will never miss this good opportunity. In addition, Britain, France, the United States and other countries do not have a good thing. They

It is even more unwilling to see a powerful China rise in the Far East, so China must solve Ryukyu cleanly, otherwise it will not be counted as these powerful countries. The Japanese joint fleet counterattack alone will cause China trouble.

It is too difficult to rely on three aircraft carriers to protect the landing site and fight against the Japanese fleet at the same time. Thinking of various difficulties, Yang Sen is also a little anxious. China still has not fully calculated the huge consumption of amphibious landing operations, tens of thousands of tons per day.

The consumption of materials is too heavy a burden for a less developed country.

"Old Tian, ​​I thought I would be able to show my face in front of the whole country this time, but I didn't expect that I would be a hot potato!"

Yang Sen's assistant Tian Songyao also had a wry smile on his face when he heard this, "Commander-in-Chief, do you still regret it?"

"No way! No matter how hard the bones are, I, Mr. Yang, are not afraid. No matter how hard the little devil's tortoise shell is, we can still break it. No matter how great the loss is, I will admit it. China has been bullied by foreigners for so many years.

Now that we have finally turned around and bullied foreigners, can we soldiers back down?"

"The commander-in-chief is right. We must have such determination. We are all old men in the Sichuan Army and we cannot embarrass the president. When the critical moment comes, I will also rush to the front line!"

Although the two people kept encouraging themselves, there really weren't many ways to deal with Japan's tight defense. They thought about the map and racked their brains. At this moment, a staff officer suddenly came to report.

, said that Air Force Commander Wang Yue came to Okinawa.

Wang Yue was a pilot, but now he has become the commander of the Air Force, and there is no need for him to charge into battle. This time he came to the front line for important matters, so Yang Sen and Tian Songyao took him in.

"Brother Yang Sen, it is really enviable to fight and kill Japanese pirates on the front line!"

"Brother Wang, I know how good I am. These little devils are not easy to deal with. They are just like a bunch of rats, specializing in digging holes. I also have a lot of headaches!"

Wang Yue also saw Yang Sen's distress, and immediately burst into laughter and said: "Brother Yang, I came here this time to receive an order from the president to help you. There is nothing to be afraid of in the small Japanese fortifications!"

When Yang Sen heard what Wang Yue said, he knew that he might have a secret weapon again. He was very happy and hurriedly asked him to introduce himself. Wang Yue was not polite and told Yang Sen and Tian Songyao the secret of this shipment.


The main fortification in Okinawa is the cemetery. Then the Japanese dug a large number of tunnels and fortifications based on the cemetery, forming a strict defense system. The solid stone cemetery can effectively resist ordinary aviation explosives, and there is no need to be afraid of explosives in underground fortifications.

It is normal for the Chinese ** team to be helpless in the face of such a turtle shell.

In response to this situation, the Japanese industrial company came up with a newly developed ground-penetrating bomb. There is nothing mysterious about this ground-penetrating bomb. It can even be said to be a bit crude. It mainly uses scrapped gun barrels to load explosives.

, install a stable tail fin on the tail, install an alloy warhead with good penetration on the warhead, and also have a fuze.

It seems that this kind of ground-penetrating bomb is a bit primitive, but after testing, it can easily penetrate to a depth of more than ten meters or even twenty meters underground. It is fatal to those fortresses with complex structures hidden deep underground!

What is even more exciting is that the cost of this kind of ground-penetrating bomb is extremely low. China consumes a large number of gun barrels just for normal training every year. You must know that the wear and tear of artillery is very serious. Tanks can shoot hundreds of hits with rifled guns.

It's just a round. Over the years, China has accumulated countless scrap gun barrels. With a little modification, they can become powerful ground-penetrating bombs. It's just a reuse of waste!

Wang Yue specially brought a large number of these ground-penetrating bombs from China this time, and also brought some Air Force aircraft. Now that China has occupied a solid landing site and built an airstrip on Okinawa, the Air Force can fully shoulder some of the responsibility.

Attack missions save valuable naval aviation and focus on dealing with threats at sea.

Yang Sen was overjoyed when he heard Wang Yue's introduction to the earth-penetrating bomb, but he also had a trace of worry in his heart, "Brother Wang, it doesn't matter what you say is lively, but it also depends on the real ability. You can't open the bastards like Japan."

It’s all in vain for Kezi to say anything!”

"Brother Yang Li, just look at it!"

On the next day, the Chinese team still began to attack Japan. At this time, thirty Chinese bombers carrying new explosives appeared on the Japanese position. After consecutive battles, the Japanese were not convinced of the Chinese aircraft.

There was no longer the initial fear. Although the explosives looked scary, their power was still limited and could not threaten the Japanese hiding deep underground.

Therefore, they were not afraid, but this time it was completely beyond their expectations. The explosives did not explode on the ground as before, but penetrated into the ground, followed by a violent explosion. In an instant, several Japanese fortresses were destroyed.


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