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Chapter 466 Hunting

The Chinese Navy has been bombing Tanegashima for more than ten years. The island is in a mess, and almost all the defense facilities on the ground have been destroyed. Moreover, China has also invested a large number of ground-penetrating bombs to attack Tanegashima.


Of course, China has not found so many scrap 1RI gun barrels, so it can only be replaced with ordinary steel pipes. However, the effect is also good. Japan's underground fortifications have also been severely damaged. In the air raid, more than 2,000

Many Japanese soldiers died, morale became increasingly low, and rumors spread that China would attack Tanegashima at any time, and even begin to conquer Japan from here.

In fact, Japan has never completely gotten rid of China's huge shadow. Even when Japan was the most powerful, China's power accumulated over thousands of years cannot be changed in one day. Japan even tried to play itself as the leader of Chinese culture.

It is best to succeed and then go to compete in the Central Plains.

Now that the Zhongyang Dynasty attacks Japan again, it immediately arouses the fear in the hearts of Japanese people. This deep-seated fear is like a virus, rapidly expanding and permeating the hearts of every Japanese people.

In fact, Japan is not monolithic. The Japanese party also expressed great dissatisfaction with Japan's blind expansion and aggression, especially the warlords and chaebols' monopoly on political power.

They also took the opportunity to spread various remarks attacking the Japanese government. These people did not dare to touch the sensitive topic of Emperor Yao, but their accusations against the government and the military have reached a very serious level, calling them a group of national thieves.

The crime that drags Japan into the abyss. If Japan wants to have a normal future, it must overthrow the cruel and unkind government, and even rely on the power of the Central Plains Kingdom when necessary.

Regardless of whether this rhetoric is good or bad, it is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for those Japanese people who are about to be unable to bear the pressure. It is worth grabbing tightly. Hatred and dissatisfaction with the government continue to ferment, and the crisis is also brewing further.

, waiting for the final explosion.

Five Chinese reconnaissance aircraft were conducting alert patrols for the aircraft carrier in the southern waters of Kyushu Island. At this moment, a huge fleet of more than fifty aircraft rushed towards the south quickly, with the Japanese sun painted on the wings of the aircraft.


For many years, Japan's air force has tried its best to avoid the Chinese aircraft fleet. They only adopted some scattered sneak attack modes. After all, the combat experience gap between the two sides is too big. This time, such a large-scale dispatch of aircraft is really abnormal. The reconnaissance aircraft

Immediately reported the news to Chen Shaokuan.

As soon as Chen Shaokuan heard that a large group of Japanese planes had appeared, he immediately guessed that the Japanese might have launched the final offensive. Tang Xiangming and others also agreed with this judgment, and Shen Honglie put forward his own suggestions.

"Commander-in-Chief, Japan's Army Aviation Forces are dispatched in large numbers, and the battleships of the United Fleet will probably appear soon. We only have one, two, and three aircraft carriers, and it is still difficult to deal with them. I suggest that we find Japan's battleships as soon as possible.

Formation, choose the right opportunity to sink them, and send enough planes to shoot down all the planes attacking Japan!"

Chen Shaokuan immediately agreed to this suggestion. China's three aircraft carriers immediately adopted an oval battle formation and began maneuvering toward the northeast. At the same time, more than thirty fighter jets took off to intercept the Japanese aircraft group.

Soon Japan's air formation crashed into China's interception network. No matter which country it is, the pilots taking off from the aircraft carrier are the most elite force. Land-based aircraft are no match at all, and Chinese pilots have passed by.

With actual combat training, the aircraft he piloted was far more advanced than Japan's.

The two fleets collided together, and soon a large number of Japanese planes fell into the cold sea water like dumplings. There were even many Japanese planes that were exploded in the air and turned into balls of flames.


But soon China also discovered the abnormality of these Japanese aircraft, that is, the Japanese aircraft did not seem to be interested in China's interception. They just rushed forward crazily, and most of the destroyed aircraft would undergo violent explosions.

There was an explosion, and the Chinese pilot soon understood.

It turns out that the Japanese are good at learning and selling now, and Jingran also carried out suicide attacks. Thinking of this, the Chinese pilots got very alert and violently attacked the Japanese aircraft in front of them. If they were once attacked by them

Breaking through the prevention and control network would be extremely harmful to Chinese warships.

Soon one Japanese plane after another was shot down, but after all, there were more than fifty planes in total, and there was always something that slipped through the net. About eight planes broke through the blockage of Chinese planes and rushed madly toward the fleet.

, the crazy energy of these Japanese people is stronger than that of those North Korean people.

However, some things can be solved without being crazy. China's aircraft carrier task force adopts an oval formation model. This method was first advocated by US Navy Admiral Nimitz. The aircraft carrier is placed in the middle of the formation, with battleships on the periphery.

Layers of fire protection provided by cruisers and destroyers.

This formation can protect the most important and relatively fragile aircraft carrier to the maximum extent, and can also optimize the firepower coordination of the entire fleet. The aircraft carrier's aircraft provide long-range surveillance and protection for other warships, while other warships act as the aircraft carrier's

Personal bodyguards can display their combat effectiveness very well.

Japan's suicide plane broke through China's air fire blockade, and soon encountered fierce anti-aircraft fire from peripheral warships. The dense rain of bullets enveloped the sky, leaving no gap. Although Japan used it like a cat and a tiger,

It carried out suicide attacks, but it had serious shortcomings.

Since Japan does not have a suitable monoplane to perform the mission, it can only change the old biplane into a suicide aircraft. The maximum speed of these aircraft is only about 200 kilometers, which cannot meet the requirements of rapid penetration.

In response to the intensive firepower, the Japanese aircraft that finally overcame the air blockage were quickly shot down and turned into large fireballs. It did not cause any damage at all and was just a waste of the pilot's life. This is also

The reason why China did not send too many suicide attack troops is that Japan's idea of ​​winning with numbers is completely taken for granted.

The Japanese pilots may have seen the situation clearly and there was no hope of attacking the Chinese aircraft carrier. Therefore, the remaining three aircraft collided with the heavy cruiser Fuzhou. Two of the Japanese aircraft were shot down and the other one hit the aircraft carrier.

A huge hole was blown up on the Fuzhou's bow. A large amount of seawater poured in instantly, and the Fuzhou's bow sank rapidly.

In the explosion, more than a dozen Chinese navy soldiers died in the explosion. When Chen Shaokuan heard that the Fuzhou was seriously injured, the color on his face was also very ugly. The Fuzhou had been seriously flooded, and the ship's speed

The number of ships dropped sharply, and now is the critical moment of the battle between the two navies. The fleet simply does not have the energy to take care of the injured Fuzhou.

Moreover, this place is too far away from mainland China and there is no way to rush back. After thinking about it, Chen Shaokuan ordered to abandon the ship, evacuate all the crew to other warships, and then blow up the Fuzhou and sink it. This was the first time China had started the war since

The first large warship to sink.

No matter how unwilling everyone is, there is no way. War is like this. You can't just think about attacking others without getting beaten yourself. However, China will never give up. Japan has sunk a Chinese warship. They will

You have to pay ten times and a hundred times the price.

At this time, the reconnaissance plane on the Qidian sent back the news that the Japanese fleet had been discovered. A total of more than 20 warships were heading south along Kyushu Island. The distance from the Chinese aircraft carrier formation was only about a hundred nautical miles. China's

The naval aviation force immediately made preparations and the aircraft began to take off quickly.

In fact, it is quite difficult to find a fleet on the sea with current search methods. During World War II, it was normal for the United States and Japan to spend a day or two looking for each other's fleet, even if they found it.

There will also be errors in judgment, and there will always be some mistakes in Bi Jingjin's visual observation.

However, this time the navy between China and Japan is not so troublesome. The sea area where the two sides are located is not wide, just east of Japan's Kyushu Island. And since Japan does not have an aircraft carrier, the naval formations can only rely on shore-based aircraft to provide

Air cover will make the situation worse. Shore-based aircraft have limited range and require land-based airport support, so combat capabilities are greatly reduced.

Therefore, Japan's naval formations can only get as close to the coastline as possible, which makes it too easy for Chinese aircraft to find them.

Combined Fleet Commander Taniguchi Naozhen felt the serious problem of not having an aircraft carrier after the fleet went to sea. The matter was definitely not as simple as those bureaucrats in Tokyo thought. Although shore-based aircraft can also provide air cover, due to the range of the aircraft

The restriction is equivalent to limiting the naval combat distance!

China's aircraft carriers will not wait quietly to be beaten. The aircraft carriers can adopt a more flexible combat method, such as withdrawing outside the attack radius of shore-based aircraft, so as to ensure their own absolute safety, and then dispatch carrier-based aircraft to attack Japan.

Ben's fleet launched a wanton attack, so the combined fleet could only take a beating without being able to fight back at all!

Perhaps to verify Taniguchi Naozhen's worries, just as the fleet was sailing quickly, Chinese reconnaissance planes appeared in the sky, and several escorting Japanese shore-based aircraft launched attacks on the Chinese reconnaissance planes. Unfortunately, China

The plane relied on its superb flying skills to shoot down most of the Japanese planes, and then left the sky above the Japanese fleet in a swagger.

In fact, Japan's combat plan had serious assumptions from the beginning. According to Japan's idea, it would first use suicide aircraft to severely damage China's aircraft carrier. Even if it could not sink it, it would still damage it. In this way, the speed of the Chinese navy would be greatly reduced.

It will be dragged down, and at the same time it will also greatly damage China's naval aviation power. Then the Japanese battleships can rely on the cover of land-based aircraft to completely sink the Chinese warships. However, contrary to expectations, the Chinese aircraft carriers are safe and sound.

Ten suicide planes were replaced by only one Fuzhou ship.

At this time, the Japanese battleship formation did not know the news that the suicide attack had failed, and they headed south happily. It was not until they met the Chinese reconnaissance plane that Taniguchi Naozhen realized that the situation was not good, but it was too late.

At this time, China's huge fleet of carrier-based aircraft had already rushed towards the Japanese combined fleet.

Pilot Wu Kaijie has become the captain of the squadron by virtue of his superb flying skills and outstanding achievements. This time he drove his beloved fighter plane to the sky above the Japanese fleet. At this time, it happened that part of the Army Aviation Corps that was performing a cover mission withdrew.

To replenish fuel, the replacement troops had not arrived yet. There was a short gap, which was caught by the Chinese side. Wu Kaijie's plane quickly rushed towards Japan's Nagato battleship. He had already taken Japan's largest battleship

Warships are regarded as the best prey!

This chapter has been completed!
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