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Chapter 467: Beijing Peace Talks

Japan's navy has been attacked by China's air power several times, so Japan has also put a lot of effort into studying how to deal with aircraft. However, the result has left Japan very helpless. Although strengthening air defense firepower can resist more

Airplanes are still very limited.

After all, the range of anti-aircraft firepower is limited. When you can use guns and guns to deal with the aircraft, it means that the aircraft has reached the top of your head. Even if you can shoot down a few aircraft at this time, you will inevitably be attacked. Therefore, the best way to deal with the aircraft is the aircraft.

, but at this time, Japan had a powerful battleship fleet, but it did not have a powerful naval aviation force.

It was only then that Taniguchi Naozhen felt an unforgettable pain. It turned out that these powerful battleships were just a pile of scrap metal and had completely lagged behind the times. It was ridiculous that Japan, the United States and the British powers were eager to devote their entire country to building such paper tigers.

, simply stupid!

However, Naoma Taniguchi apparently woke up a little late. Wu Kaijie's plane easily escaped the air defense fire net, and the two bombs were easily thrown onto the Nagato. There were two violent explosions, and the middle of the battleship Nagato was suddenly

Just, shrouded in firelight.

Thick smoke and fire rose into the sky, and a large number of Japanese navy were killed. Broken limbs were everywhere, dripping blood, and bright red organs splashed on the cold steel, which looked extremely strange and strange.

After announcing the end of the battleship era, these behemoths were still too vulnerable to aircraft.

Of course, Japanese soldiers are also very tenacious and crazy. They will never sit still and wait for death. As long as they are not dead, they will resist with all their strength, constantly shooting out tongues of fire. Chinese aircraft are also shot down from time to time, especially those with high speeds.

The relatively slow torpedo planes suffered even more casualties.

However, compared to the losses of Japanese warships, the Chinese side is almost negligible. In this wave of attacks, three torpedoes hit the Nagato, and six bombs were dropped on the giant ship. The Nagato

The defense of the ship was not as good as that of the Kaga and Mutsu. Two of the three torpedoes were fired on the port side, and one was fired on the stern. The two torpedoes on the port side hit the power compartment and ammunition depot, and soon they were

It caused a big explosion, and the torpedo that hit the tail destroyed the steering gear.

In an instant, the Nagato lost all power and could only float on the sea surface with difficulty. Most of the superstructure had been damaged, and only a few secondary guns were still able to fire. A large number of people continued to pour in from the loopholes in the ship's side.

The entire warship was sinking in the sea water.

The Nagato is currently the flagship of Japan's combined fleet. Taniguchi Naozhen is also on this warship. The violent explosion made the old guy scared and almost died. China's first round of offensive has ended. In addition to the Nagato, there are also

Two cruisers were sunk, and the Nagato, the largest and most cutting-edge battleship, was lost all at once. Its impact on the Japanese navy is inestimable, and what is even worse is that such a seemingly powerful warship has no

Show your due fighting power.

The 410mm main gun didn't even fire a single shot, but was seriously injured by the overwhelming aircraft. It was about to sink into the blue sea. This feeling of powerlessness was the most fatal. Taniguchi Naozhen also knew that Nagato

There was no possibility of saving the ship, so he could only give the order to abandon the ship. He fled to the battleship Ise and hurriedly ordered the retreat.

The mode of naval warfare has been completely changed. The battleships that used to dominate the sea are just fragile targets. The attack distance of the aircraft is longer and the attack is more accurate and sharp. It is enough to eliminate the battleships. Japan must now carry out

Adjust the strategy and focus on developing naval aviation. Otherwise, not only will this war fail, but the next one will be the same, and it will even fail more miserably, completely ruining the Meiji Restoration's fortune.

Just as the combined fleet was about to escape, Chinese aircraft flew over the fleet again and launched a second wave of attacks. However, at this time, the Japanese Army Aviation finally arrived and intercepted the Chinese aircraft. The two sides launched a fight

There was a fierce fight, but both the aircraft and the soldiers were at a comprehensive disadvantage.

Moreover, these land-based aircraft flew a relatively long distance, and most of the precious fuel was consumed, and the time in the air was seriously insufficient. It was for this reason that Japan's army aircraft were unable to provide protection throughout the entire process, and loopholes appeared, and they were killed by China.

He caught it and sank the Nagato in one fell swoop.

As the Japanese aircraft were dispersed, the combined fleet was once again exposed to the Chinese aircraft. At this time, the combined fleet was fleeing crazily. This time, China did not have any key attack targets, but focused its main forces on lagging behind.

On top of the warships, strive to weaken the Japanese combined fleet as much as possible.

This is no longer a war, but a one-sided hunt. Wherever the Chinese planes passed, a large number of Japanese warships were damaged and sunk one after another. Japan's hard-earned naval talents also sank in large numbers into the cold water.

, to a certain extent, these talents are more important than cold warships. This is the essence of a country's navy, but at this time they have all sunk into the ocean.

China launched three rounds of attacks in succession. Four cruisers, seven destroyers, and two battleships Hiei and Yamashiro were sunk. Coupled with the loss of Nagato, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese combined fleet was instantly destroyed.

Weakened by more than two-thirds, only the battleships Ise and Kirishima and some auxiliary ships are left. In addition, there are several warships in the Korean Strait. In addition, the United Nations, which was originally the number one in Asia and the third in the world,

The fleet was reduced to ashes and nothing remained!

In addition, China has also shot down more than 70 land-based aircraft. In addition to the 50 suicide aircraft destroyed previously, the number of aircraft shot down by China has reached 130. Japan's last air power has been completely consumed. In a short time

He no longer had the ability to resist. After a great battle, Japan lost most of its naval and air power. After the bad news reached Tokyo, Emperor Hirohito immediately fell into a sluggish state. He always thought that although the war was not going well, in the end

There will be a moment of change, and Japan has been able to make a comeback. During the war between Japan and Russia, Japan also encountered countless difficulties and finally won. It is the same this time.

Hirohito is like a gambler, never knowing how to stop, and he will not hesitate to put the last bit of capital on it. But now Japan has nothing in hand and no longer has the ability to gamble. The navy has suffered a disastrous defeat and air power has declined.

If nothing happens, China may even directly bomb Japan's homeland in the next step, and Tokyo may even become the next target.

What's worse is that the domestic people can no longer stand the continuous defeat. In fact, Japan has always been known for its patience and patriotism. In the early days of the Meiji Restoration, Japanese women did not hesitate to go to Nanyang to do flesh business, which brought Japan reforms. The valuable funds to strengthen the army, until now Japan still bears three times the tax of China.

However, even the Japanese cannot blindly squeeze and extort, at least let the Japanese see the dividends of the war. The entire Japanese is like a robbery group. During the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese gained countless benefits from China, and defeated He defeated the old suzerain, gained the leadership position in Asia, obtained countless territories, and received huge compensations. It can be said that he gained both fame and fortune!

All the Japanese had benefited, so they became extremely belligerent. In the following Japanese-Russian war, although the Japanese did not receive compensation, they still had the title of defeating Baili. It was in the limelight for a while, and it also gained a reputation. It was because of the constant benefits that the Japanese people were willing to support the war of aggression and endure huge taxes. They hoped to get enough benefits after victory.

This kind of gangster-like mentality cannot be used in the country. As long as Japan is defeated once, the accumulated conflicts in Japan will completely erupt. There will be constant riots in various parts of Japan. A large number of people will take to the streets and rush into stores to loot food. Even some military elites joined in, as if it was the end of the world.

In fact, for many Japanese people, defeat really means the end. Everything they have paid in the past has become worthless. In the future, they will not only continue to bear the oppression of the government, but also bear huge compensations. There is no way to survive today, it is better to just go crazy.

The ferocious spirit in the hearts of the small country islanders completely burst out, and the chaos was like wildfire, quickly sweeping across the entire Japan. The Japanese government was immediately overwhelmed and exhausted. Not only did they have to deal with their own people, but also China's powerful military. It has been increasingly pushed into the four islands of Japan.

The Emperor Hirohito had no choice but to summon all the hungry officials to the palace of Erchongqiao again and let everyone come up with an idea. If Japan had some hope of winning last time, now all Japan The top leaders have given up this illusion. It is the wisest choice to conduct peace talks as soon as possible. If the war continues, Japan's domestic opposition will be drowned out without China's intervention.

Hirohito's eyes were also red at this time, and he no longer had the aloof demeanor he had in the past. He looked like a gambler who had lost all his money. He looked crazy and a little depressed, and his mood became hysterical!

In the end, Prime Minister Reijiro Wakatsuki once again proposed peace talks, and no other party had any objections. Although Hirohito was unwilling, he also knew that the war could not continue, so Japan's government issued a statement stating that for the sake of peace in East Asia For the sake of the well-being of the people of China and Japan, Japan decided to accept the peace negotiation request made by the United States and Britain. However, Japan requested that the location of the peace talks be chosen in Japan. It also requested that China cease fire as soon as possible!

The location of the negotiations was chosen with great knowledge, and whoever negotiated on whose territory would have the home field advantage. French participants got the biggest benefits at the Paris Peace Conference, and American participants got huge benefits at the Washington Conference, and Li Hongzhang, an important official of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, was even worse.

He ran to Shimonoseki in Japan to sign a treaty and came back with a bullet.

Now that Japan has been defeated, it has no right to choose at all. The location of the negotiation must be in China. This is non-negotiable. Moreover, Qiao Yu proposed that it is best to adopt a five-party talks model. In addition to the two countries responsible for mediation, the United States and Britain,

We have to include the Republic of Korea.

Bringing North Korea in is also to gain the initiative. After all, North Korea is now in China's hands, and through this kind of international conference, it can also improve North Korea's status in disguise and break Japan's colonial rule over North Korea. For this kind of request, Japan

Ben is naturally unwilling to agree, but there are some things that Ben can no longer decide.

China's aircraft carrier fleet immediately launched a bombing campaign against Japan's coastal areas, with the main targets being Japan's military industrial enterprises and shipbuilding bases. After the bombing campaign lasted for three days, Japan agreed to China's proposal.

This chapter has been completed!
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