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Chapter 485 Roadside Bomb

China has a tradition of serving officials in different places since ancient times, in order to prevent local forces from becoming stronger. In the early years of the Republic of China, China followed the United States and adopted the so-called federal system. As a result, local forces became stronger, and local military and political officials at all levels

They were all in charge of the province, and it developed into a situation of warlord separatism.

After Qiao Yu came to power, he resolutely abolished federalism. Under China's vertical system, the central government must have absolute leadership over local governments. Of course, local governments also have a certain degree of autonomy, but there must be no ineffective command at critical moments.

Opposition to the establishment of Taiwan as a province is based on this consideration. Taiwan is part of the culture of southern Fujian. If it is established as a province, it will be equivalent to two provinces appearing in the same cultural circle. In theory, officials from the two places can cross-serve, which is unfair to other provinces.


Therefore, Taiwan can only become a city. In addition, Taiwan's administrative system must also be adjusted. A group of officials will be transferred from the country. In particular, great efforts must be invested in culture and education, and a comprehensive decolonization movement must be carried out. Schools must abolish

Japanese language requires Taiwan to restore Chinese traditions.

Everything requires a combination of grace and power. In addition to social reforms, the most important thing is to clean up the garbage from the colonial era. Including Japanese expatriates, Taiwan has arrested a total of 270,000 people, and the vast majority of these people are in

During Japan's rule, all the pro-Japanese elements who cooperated with Japan and committed heinous crimes have been executed, and the rest have been sent to the northwest region to perform hard labor. They will most likely have to atone for their sins in this life!

In addition to Taiwan, Qiao Yu also merged northern Jiangsu and northern Anhui with Xuzhou as the center to form a plain province. The cultural traditions of Xuzhou are different from those of southern Jiangsu. If they were merged together, it would be a drag on southern Jiangsu.

, it is also a restriction on northern Jiangsu, especially since Shanghai still belongs to Jiangsu at this time, and Jiangsu itself is already very powerful. Xuzhou will be separated, and Xuzhou will be given some preferential policies to promote the development of Xuzhou.

In addition, Qiao Yu merged the three provinces of Chahar, Suiyuan and Ningxia. This place was roughly the same as Inner Mongolia in later generations and was named Grassland Province. Outer Mongolia was also officially established as a province and was called Yunling Province; east of Lake Balkhash

The territory in the south will be merged into Xinjiang Province, so that the northwest will be basically dealt with.

The remaining provinces are the southwestern provinces, which is the old territory where Qiao Yu started. This is the base camp of the Sichuan Clan, and it is also the most difficult area to adjust. The biggest problem is that Sichuan Province is really too big, and of course it is not just a large area.

, in fact, there are many provinces in the country that are larger than Sichuan, but Sichuan's comprehensive strength far exceeds other provinces in the country.

Sichuan's heavy industry foundation is strong, and its economic scale is comparable to that of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces combined. More than one-third of the country's scientific research institutions are in Sichuan, more than a quarter of college students are in Sichuan, and there are a large number of Sichuan-born officials in the military and political circles.

, has far-reaching influence, especially in the military circles, the main generals are all from Sichuan.

The Sichuan faction's far lead has caused dissatisfaction with other factions. In fact, Qiao Yu has already noticed this problem and consciously suppressed the Sichuan faction. Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang, Chief of Staff Jiang Baili, Foreign Minister Gu Weijun, etc. whom Qiao Yu re-appointed have all

He is not from the Sichuan Clan, but it still cannot change the situation. In fact, it can be said that as long as Qiao Yu is still in power, the prosperity of the Sichuan Clan will not end. Yuzhou Province was established with Qing as the center, and Sichuan Province continued to be called Sichuan Province with Chengdu as the center.

, thus Sichuan was divided into two parts, which was also a restriction on Sichuan. Qiao Yu was having trouble with this problem.

"President, I do not agree with the separation of Sichuan. The strength of the Sichuan clique is ultimately a matter of development. Now the momentum in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Guangxi is very strong, and Yaojin in the north is also entering at an alarming rate. As long as time passes, the whole country will

A new power distribution has been formed. Sichuan is very strong now, and its status may plummet in the future. Moreover, Chengdu and Chongqing are already integrated and divided into two provinces. The number of votes in the Senate has doubled. This

It is a disguised increase in strength, which is not advisable. Just as the president often said that development should be used to solve problems, then development should be used to balance local forces!"

Qiao Yu was also full of emotion. Jiang Baili was indeed right. By dividing Sichuan into two parts, it might be a disguised form of increasing the strength of the Sichuan faction and expanding its voice in the parliament.

"Brother Baili, in this case, the southwestern provinces will not make adjustments. Now we only have to deal with Ryukyu. Does Brother Baili have any good ideas?"

After mentioning Ryukyu, Jiang Baili was also a little worried. This was not China's territory originally. Now the Ryukyu royal family still has descendants, and many Ryukyu immigrants still hope to restore the country. This time after China occupied Ryukyu, it received a large number of people.

The petition hopes that Ryukyu can achieve duli. Of course, these Ryukyu immigrants are not fools, and they dare not let China live in vain. They are willing to accept China's protection and provide military bases for China.

In fact, the Ryukyus are very clear-headed. If they want to develop their economy and improve their living standards, they must rely on the huge Chinese market. However, China has already determined its plan to incorporate Ryukyus into its territory. After all, the protectorate is even worse than the territory, and even

Under certain circumstances, you may be kicked out.

"On Ryukyu, Chinese soldiers fought bloody battles and suffered heavy casualties. It can be said that every inch of land has the blood of Chinese soldiers and must be included in the territory. I suggest the establishment of a Ryukyu special city, mainly as our military base, on Ryukyu Island.

People can partially migrate to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The environment here is similar to Ryukyu and has a vast hinterland. This is also a good thing for the islanders!

While Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili were discussing, someone suddenly sent an urgent telegram. When Qiao Yu saw it, his brows knitted into knots. Jiang Baili also hurriedly took the telegram and glanced at it. Jiang Baili's face suddenly became ugly.


It turned out that there was a problem in Ryukyu that they were discussing. Recently, there has been a series of attacks on Chinese troops in Ryukyu. Three Chinese armored vehicles were blown up by planted mines, and more than ten Chinese soldiers died. All three armored vehicles were

It was blown up during a patrol. This vicious incident had a very bad impact on the morale of the squadron.

Yang Sen didn't take it seriously at first. Ryukyu was a battlefield between China and Japan. It was normal to leave some weapons behind. And even if the war was over, there might still be pro-Japanese elements hidden among the people of Ryukyu, or even

This is inevitable for the remaining Japanese soldiers. These soldiers must have serious feelings of opposition to the Chinese troops.

For this situation, it is enough to strengthen precautions and conduct a thorough investigation. However, after investigation, Yang Sen found that the matter was not that simple, but that there was another hidden secret. The investigators found a landmine that had not exploded at the explosion site. After research,

By comparison, we found that this was not the standard weapon of the army, but was made by local methods, and it looked very crude.

However, it is not often that land mines are officially equipped. There are not many people who know how to make land mines. Moreover, these land mines look very simple, but they have many key components. In terms of the use effect, the performance is very stable and the explosion power is very powerful.

Huge. Judging from these techniques, the opponent's army is no amateur.

If it's not an amateur, then it can only be some masters who are playing tricks on themselves. At this point in the deduction, it becomes very important to find out who is behind the plan to attack the Chinese soldiers.

After receiving Yang Sen's report, Qiao Yu felt a little uneasy in his heart. This attack on China was no different from the roadside bombs encountered by the US military in later generations. This was a troublesome thing for the US military, which was armed to the teeth.

With China's current technological level, it will be even more difficult to crack it.

If it cannot be solved, then you can only watch soldiers continue to die under such shameless attacks. This is something that no commander wants to see. Such mysterious attacks have a far greater impact on the morale of the army than real swords.

A real gun war is bigger. On the battlefield, no matter how cruel it is, you can clearly know who your enemy is.

However, roadside bomb attacks are unpredictable. You don't know who the enemy is. Often the unknown can bring huge mental pressure to the soldiers. Soldiers are already under great pressure on the battlefield. If you add this kind of suffering to the

, it will definitely be worse!

"President, I think there are three possibilities for the attack. One is the local Japanese forces in Ryukyu. However, from the current point of view, the experts who use landmines among them may not be of high quality. The second one is the Japanese annexation.

Unwilling to lose Ryukyu, the Japanese led the attack. The third type was the Ryukyu Restoration Organization. They knew that China would not allow them to return to the country, so they became dissatisfied and planned actions against China!"

"Brother Baili, the first scenario is indeed unlikely. According to common sense analysis, the Japanese or the Ryukyu Restoration Organization have the motive to commit the crime, but I don't think they took the action. Don't look at it.

They are crazy when they fight, but they will become very honest once they are defeated, and the Japanese also know how to be patient. They have just been defeated, so why bother to anger China again? This kind of roadside attack cannot shake China's control.

The overall situation of Ryukyu is equivalent to useless efforts, Japan would never do this!

As for the Ryukyu invasion, I don't agree with it. Although they may have China opposing Ryukyu du li, these people lack action. When Japan occupied Ryukyu, they just hoped that the great powers would come forward to help them recover. Their dependence is so strong.

How could a group of people take the initiative to attack the army! And if Brother Baili were from Ryukyu, would you target a heavily armed patrol?"

Jiang Baili shook his head: "The President is right. If I want to attack and retaliate, I will definitely attack those unprepared administrative officials. It will be easier for them to succeed and the impact will be much greater!"

Qiao Yu's head was also spinning rapidly at this time, sifting carefully: "Brother Baili, don't be bound by Ryukyu. We have offended many people over the years. The Russians, the French, and the British all have conflicts with us.

, In addition, the United States may not necessarily want us to occupy Ryukyu. These powers may have done it secretly. Although this is a small thing, if used well, it can have a huge effect!"

When such an attack occurs, China will immediately suspect Japan and Ryukyu. It can not only stir up the conflict between China and Japan, but also deepen the conflict between China and Ryukyu. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone and has many benefits. Thinking of this, Qiao Yu

Two targets were gradually locked in his mind, one was the famous MI6, and the other was the Cheka of the Red Empire. These two organizations are the top intelligence agencies of this era and even later generations, with prominent reputations.

And they all have motives to do evil things to China.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu immediately asked Wang Lingji to investigate!

This chapter has been completed!
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