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Chapter 486: South China Sea Exercise

Just as the Chinese side was intensively beginning to investigate, there were four more attacks on patrol soldiers in Ryukyu. This time, not only land mines were used, but grenades and rifles were also used. Three more soldiers died in the attacks.

The news spread quickly, and public opinion was in an uproar. The successive victories had allowed China to regain some of its consciousness as a major country. Regarding this naked provocation, the media showed shock and anger. Soon

Some media pointed the finger at Japan. Some small and medium-sized newspapers even shouted slogans to continue to teach Japan a lesson. Some influential newspapers also asked the government to investigate the matter strictly.

In addition, at this time, major cities in China had begun to popularize radios, which also produced the first batch of media commentators, the so-called celebrities. Today's news and gossip are far less crazy than later generations, and the topics they can talk about are not too big.

There are many more. In addition to the news about Zheng Fu, there are some news about opera houses and courtesans. This time, a series of attacks occurred, which made all the gossip boil. Almost everyone jumped out, and many people even directly asked for the abolition.

The contract between China and Japan continues to wage war against Japan.

Just when the public opinion was boiling, the attitude of the Chinese government was very strange. It only stated that it would deal with it seriously, punish the murderer, and restore order in Ryukyu as soon as possible. It did not make too many statements, which made everyone feel a little confused.


Yang Du has also been paying attention to this matter. To be honest, it is sad to sacrifice soldiers, but the country is too big and there are many things. There are many more important things than this. The reason why Yang Du is so concerned is because of this time.

The node is really important. The Sino-Japanese War has just ended, and the major powers have held a conference on arms restriction in Geneva. At the same time, the Chinese Navy's Guangxi warship has just visited Thailand. These things are connected together, and in fact, a change in the world pattern

The blueprint has shown a glimpse of the situation, and nothing can be taken lightly at this time.

"President, Japan's ambassador has privately informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Japan has nothing to do with the attack on Ryukyu, and they are also strictly opposed to this despicable assassination operation." Yang Du thought for a while, and then said

: "President, I now believe that it is definitely not the case. Hoya has repeatedly clarified that the Ryukyu Restoration Organization is definitely not involved!"

"Well, Mr. Xizi, I can't tell whether it's true or false without definite evidence, but we must not let this kind of thing disturb our judgment or interfere with our decision-making. This is the most important thing.

At the Geneva meeting, we must increase our support for Japan to prevent the West from kicking Japan out of the world of great powers!"

After a great war between Japan and China, the navy's main battleships were basically lost. What's even more terrible is that the elite force of the navy, army and air force was lost by more than 300,000, which was equivalent to consuming all the wealth that came from the Meiji Restoration.

The huge combined fleet only has one battleship, the Haruna, to support the facade. In addition, Japan will salvage the Hosho, which was not seriously damaged, and rush to repair it. Before the new ship is launched, this is Japan's last force.

This kind of strength is far from being recognized as the third in the world before the war. However, Qiao Yu knows very well that Japan still has certain potential, especially since the foundation of Japan's shipbuilding industry is still there, and a large number of excellent warship design groups have not been lost.

, and the warlords and chaebols that constitute the two legs of Japan's political arena have not been fundamentally shaken. In addition, Hirohito also grasped the sore feet of the chaebols in the end and took control of the country's power by coercing the chaebols.

It can be said that as long as Japan is given a chance, it can still regroup and make a comeback. The main powerful countries in the world are now white, and almost all the colonies are under the control of white. There are only two yellow countries, China and Japan.

, although there is huge hatred between the two, China still needs Japan to share some of the pressure.

Moreover, if the big powers were instigating the serial attacks on Ryukyu this time, then the intention of instigating conflicts between China and Japan would be very obvious. We should support whatever the enemy opposes, and we should oppose whatever the enemy supports.

Qiao Yu will never be fooled.

"The President has the opinion that no matter what the enemy has in mind, it is enough for us to remain unchanged in response to all changes. We cannot let others lead us by the nose and fall behind!"

Qiao Yu set the tone, and Gu Weijun naturally supported Japan at the Geneva meeting. Originally, the United States and Britain proposed to place China in the third position in the world and be allocated a share of 150,000 tons of aircraft carriers, while the United States and Britain had 230,000 tons.

, in addition France and Italy are allocated 100,000 tons, while Japan is only allocated 30,000 tons.

If this condition is met, the share of 30,000 tons will only be enough for Japan to own one large aircraft carrier or two small aircraft carriers. A navy of this size will not play any role at all. Of course Japan does not agree, but as a country that has just

Countries that have experienced failure do not speak forcefully enough, and the United States and Britain do not want to listen to Japan's voice at all.

But at this time, China stood up and expressed great opposition. China firmly insisted that Japan, as a major country in the Asia-Pacific region, should receive a share that is at least the same as that of France and Italy, and cannot be too low.

To this end, China also specifically raised the issue of the Soviet Union, pointing out that Japan owns land in the Far East and has actually taken on the task of resisting the Soviet Union's export of revolution. If Japan is weakened at will, the Soviet Union will take the opportunity to expand its power to the Pacific region, and then

Threaten the balance of Asia as a whole.

China's statement made everyone in Japan overjoyed. At this time, Japan is actually most worried about China. After all, the two countries are the closest. If China supports strict restrictions on Japan, Japan will most likely become a low-income country. It is difficult to

Turning around, now with the support of China, Japan can also argue its case.

The United States and Britain also had to consider China's attitude at this time. At this time, the meeting focused on restrictions on aircraft carriers and submarines from the beginning. You must know that in the Washington meeting, the controversy over aircraft carriers was actually the smallest.

All countries failed to see the huge value of aircraft carriers, and instead argued endlessly over battleships.

But this time the situation is completely different. All countries are scrambling to develop aircraft carriers. The United Kingdom is a global navy and the United States is a two-ocean navy. This requires them to develop aircraft carriers as a means of long-range attack, especially since both countries are in Asia.

We have huge interests and have to face the newly rising behemoth of China.

Although France still has the largest army in continental Europe at this time, France knows that an army alone cannot bring security. France also needs a strong maritime power. Of course, as a continental country, France's idea of ​​developing a navy is similar to China's.

, that is, paying equal attention to aircraft carriers and submarines, building a destructive navy, and aiming directly at Britain's maritime hegemony.

Mussolini of Italy hoped to build the Italian Navy into the overlord of the Mediterranean. He also wanted to relive the 1st dream of Caesar the Great and rule the entire Mediterranean region.

Although all countries are ambitious, except for China, some of their aircraft carriers remain on paper. Although the United States and the United Kingdom have launched aircraft carriers, due to insufficient attention, aircraft carrier training is seriously insufficient. In other words, neither the United States nor the United Kingdom has aircraft carriers.

Form combat effectiveness.

Now China holds the most powerful naval aviation force in the world. Its fleet of five aircraft carriers, one large, four small and five small, definitely has the capital to dominate the Asia-Pacific. It is precisely because of this that the United States, Britain and other countries have to pay attention to China's opinions, especially China and Japan.

It is the biggest enemy. Now China does not advocate excessive restrictions on Japan, and they have nothing to say. In addition, these powers also hope to use Japan to contain China.

Therefore, we reluctantly agreed to the proposal to put Japan, France and Italy on the same standard. However, in addition to the total tonnage, there are also various restrictions on the issue of naval bases. All countries are scheming and arguing.

However, the Japanese government has frequently praised China's attitude of upholding justice in newspapers, and a large number of Japanese scholars have come out to advocate Sino-Japanese cooperation. Asia belongs to Asia, and China and Japan should jointly lead the anti-colonial movement in Asia.

*Struggle for justice and strive for the comprehensive sovereignty of Asia.

The Chinese government is not too enthusiastic about the goodwill card played by Japan. For China, Japan is a double-edged sword. If used well, it can cut down the United States, Britain and other great powers. If used improperly, it will hurt itself. Therefore,

China will not cooperate too deeply with Japan.

During this period, the Chinese Bureau of Investigation also gradually discovered some clues about the Ryukyu serial attacks. Wang Lingji reported the collected and compiled intelligence to Qiao Yu.

"President, after our close tracking, we captured two murderers who were preparing to carry out the attack. After investigation, we found that these two were peripheral members of the Ryukyu Restoration Organization. They were originally operating in the United States and recently returned to Ryukyu.

, but through the investigation of the intelligence organization in North America, these two people are actually just pawns of other forces to break into the Ryukyu Restoration Organization!"

"The United States? Are you saying that these people have something to do with the U.S. government? It seems that the U.S. intelligence agency does not have such great capabilities?"

In later generations, the U.S. intelligence agencies were independent and pervasive. However, in fact, the U.S. intelligence power was not extremely powerful from the beginning. In fact, U.S. intelligence work was seriously lagging behind among other major powers. In the early days of the Cold War, the U.S.

Intelligence often suffered at the hands of the Soviet Union.

The United States' agents relied entirely on the technical guidance provided by the British to compete with the Soviet Union. In the 1940s and 1950s, the British were the teachers of American intelligence work. However, now that the United States has not experienced the training of World War II, its intelligence capabilities are even lower.

, not even worth mentioning!

"The President is right. These people are indeed bought not by the United States, but by the British. It seems that Jewish forces are involved. We estimate that the British want to disturb the Geneva Disarmament Conference, so they came up with this idea.

The idea of ​​inciting relations between China and Japan planned the attack, and we can still be sure whether the Jews actively participated or were forced to assist!"

Qiao Yu nodded. As long as you know who did this kind of thing, there is nothing to fear. The accumulation of the British Empire over the years is indeed unusual. It not only knows how to balance the big powers, but also knows how to use these despicable means.

He is worthy of being a century-old overlord!

"Fang Ark, let me keep an eye on the British intelligence six agency. I can't let the British get involved in the plot anymore!"

Of course, Qiao Yu would not do anything just to suffer a loss, especially since he already had enough strength. Qiao Yu immediately decided to launch maritime military exercises in the South China Sea. China dispatched two aircraft carriers, the Qidian and Yangwei, to escort the ships.

Surrounded by many people, they marched majestically towards the South China Sea. The exercise area was only 150 nautical miles away from Hong Kong. The point of the sword was already very clear!

This chapter has been completed!
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