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Chapter 487 Bright Sword

Military exercises are combat command and action drills induced by scenario situations. They are comprehensive training that approximates actual combat and are implemented by the troops after completing theoretical study and basic training!

There are many classifications of military exercises, but in the final analysis there are two types. One is virtual, such as joint disaster relief, maritime search and rescue and other more virtual things, which are mostly about communicating feelings and increasing understanding between the troops; the other is

It is real, with real swords and guns, full of confrontation, and clear targeting.

China's South China Sea exercise is this kind of real-life exercise. There are more than 20 warships participating in the exercise, divided into two fleets, red and blue. The blue force is the battleship Guangxi, which has just returned from a visit to Siam.


The Guangxi had just carried out a visit to Siam, and the impact it had was so great that it exceeded everyone's imagination. The whole of Nanyang was shaken. Although the Nanyang Chinese had left their motherland for many years, they were connected by blood, making most of them

We are all sincerely proud of having a strong motherland. China is getting stronger and stronger. The most obvious feeling is not the Chinese people, but these overseas wanderers. Although China has always been rich in Nanyang, it has no sense of security.

Colonial forces, local aborigines, religious groups, as long as they dare to cause trouble for Huaru, they will plunder the meat of Huaru at will. However, with the expansion of China's maritime power, these have become less and less.


When the Guangxi was first commissioned, it visited Java and stopped a violent incident against Huaru. The Dutch colonial authorities had to step in and deal with all the Indonesian monkeys, which really gave Huaru a sigh of relief.

China is not only the backer of overseas Chinese investment, but also the largest market in East Asia. In recent years, a large number of Nanyang Chinese investment has focused on domestic investment, establishing factories, selling local specialties, ores, and kimura. With trade exchanges, most Chinese

The money in my pocket is getting bigger and bigger.

And this time the Chinese navy defeated the Japanese combined fleet and became the undisputed overlord of East Asia. The shock was even greater. Everyone exclaimed that Yao Dynasty was back. Nanyang Hua felt the most profound about all this.

The Guangxi visited Siam for the first time. After the news came out, Chinese people living in Siam went to Bangkok one after another, hoping to have a glimpse of this giant ship.

In addition to the excitement of the Chinese immigrant groups, other Nanyang people were also alarmed. There has been no shortage of warships in Nanyang in recent years. Britain, France, and the United States all have powerful navies and often appear in Nanyang. However, the Guangxi belongs to China.

The warship, carrying the power of defeating Japan, suddenly evoked these people's memories of the once powerful Yao Dynasty, and the yearning and fear hidden in their hearts emerged together, making everyone either rejoiced or frightened.

I feel uneasy, but I just can’t remain indifferent.

After the Guangxi arrived in Bangkok, it received a grand welcome. King Rama VII of Siam personally came to the port to greet him. The ceremony was grand beyond imagination. Countless Chinese waiting at the port played a huge couplet:

I still remember that the Sanbao Fleet saw China’s majesty again!

After seeing this scene, almost every Chinese soldier had tears in his eyes. Hundreds of years ago, the ancestors led a huge fleet to conquer the ocean, showing the power of the Yao Dynasty to the world, and later generations

The descendants are unfilial and sit back and watch as China is driven out of the ocean step by step, eventually becoming a piece of fat in the mouths of the great powers!

The billowing smoke of Humen Beach, the fierce flames of the Old Summer Palace, and Beijing City with the flags of eight countries flying... Fortunately, all the shame has passed, and China once again dominates East Asia. Five thousand years of majestic China has left a lasting impression on East Asia and even the entire world.

The profound imprint it has left cannot be compared to that of a mere century-old colonial empire. Moreover, China has brought order and prosperity to these areas, while the West has squeezed and plundered them. The huge gap between the two is well known to everyone.

The King of Siam was also very excited at this time. It is not easy for a small country to survive in the world. It always has to deal with big countries. A little mistake will lead to a life and death crisis. Since Chulalongkorn's death, Siam's

The national power has begun to decline, and the financial situation is deteriorating rapidly. Britain and France are watching closely to suppress Siam from all aspects of military and economic aspects.

Siam understands very well that as long as it cannot escape the fate of the buffer zone between Britain and France, Siam's national power will be greatly affected by the two countries, and there is no way to develop its national strength and improve people's livelihood. But sadly, Siam has no power to change the tragedy.

The current situation, and China finally provided Siam with a third option, introducing the old suzerain into it, relying on China's power to fight against Britain and France, forming a three-legged situation. This is the most stable situation.

That's why Siam took the risk to invite China to visit, and also released news about the Kra Canal to attack Britain and France. China also took this matter very seriously. Finance Minister Jiang Yonggui and Foreign Minister Gu Weijun came to visit together.

Gu Weijun stayed in Siam for a symbolic three days before leaving for Europe to attend a conference on disarmament.

Jiang Yonggui has been staying in Siam, meeting celebrities from all walks of life to discuss development issues between the two countries. In particular, Jiang Yonggui proposed to King Rama VII of Siam the idea of ​​forming a canal company, and hoped to go public in the United States for financial financing.

In addition, Jiang Yonggui also brought a large number of outstanding water conservancy experts to inspect the Kra Isthmus and formulate a plan to build the canal.

At the beginning, Siam just wanted to take the opportunity to beat Britain, and did not want to pretend to be real. Seeing that China Jingran was playing it real, Siam was also a little worried, but Jiang Yonggui's methods were also extremely sophisticated, so he immediately threw out the

In a business cooperation plan, China will import agricultural and mineral products from Siam, then help Siam export machinery and equipment, and help Siam build fertilizer plants to comprehensively increase Siam's agricultural production capacity.

Siam has a dense network of rivers, abundant precipitation, and high rice yields. It was also a major granary in later generations. In addition, Thailand also has a large number of rubber plantations and tin mines. These things are urgently needed by China. However, Siam is currently in financial difficulty.

In the absence of a market, the cooperation conditions proposed by China are very equal and do not have many additional conditions. The most critical one is that China and Siam should jointly build the Kra Canal.

After the Suez Canal was built, it immediately became an important economic pillar of Egypt. If the Kra Canal was built, Siam would also be able to gain huge benefits from it. Not only would passing ships have to pay a lot of taxes, but they would also attract tourists along the way.

With a lot of investment and a lot of jobs, Siamese people are so envious of the life of sitting back and collecting money in Singapore.

Just when Jiang Yonggui was about to leave Siam, King Rama VII of Siam suddenly decided to visit China with Jiang Yonggui and meet with President Qiao Yu to discuss cooperation between China and Siam.

The Guangxi received domestic orders when it returned to the country, requiring the Guangxi to participate in maritime military exercises and act as a blue force. King Rama VII studied in the UK in his early years and prided himself on military knowledge, especially in a naval atmosphere like the UK.

As a rich country, King Rama VII still had great enthusiasm for the navy. However, Siam's national strength was weak and he did not have the ability to build a powerful fleet. Therefore, he heard that China was preparing to conduct a maritime exercise and immediately asked to observe the ceremony.

China was also happy to show its powerful naval power to this king, so Rama VII became the most important guest at this ceremony.

The background of this Chinese exercise was a dispute between a major Western country and China in the southern Xinjiang region. The Chinese navy took emergency action to protect China's security. Then a certain country sent a powerful naval fleet through the Strait of Malacca and entered the South China Sea, approaching China.

Southern Xinjiang.

After receiving the intelligence, the Chinese Navy dispatched an aircraft carrier formation with the Qidian and Yangwei as the core to immediately go south to meet the invading enemy fleet.

It can be said that the target of China's exercise has been very clear, that is, the United Kingdom, and a certain place in southern Xinjiang is Hong Kong. This time it is a simulated dispute in Hong Kong. After the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom intervene, how will China respond? The Blue Army represents the United Kingdom.

A total of two battleships and one aircraft carrier were dispatched. China, represented by the Red Army, mainly used two aircraft carriers.

The British fleet wants to quickly pass through the South China Sea, enter Hong Kong, and assist the defending troops there. The mission of the Chinese aircraft carrier formation is to intercept and kill this fleet. Since both fleets have aircraft carriers to participate in the war, both China and the UK have sent carrier-based aircraft.


Chinese carrier-based aircraft took the lead in discovering the British fleet by virtue of their performance advantages. Then the Chinese carrier-based aircraft formations dispatched and took the lead in attacking the British aircraft carrier. British carrier-based aircraft also dispatched to intercept. The Chinese pilots fought bravely and killed most of the British carrier-based aircraft.

Shot down, and at the same time successfully broke through the British air defense circle and launched a fierce attack on the British aircraft carrier.

The British aircraft carrier was sunk, and then China focused its attack on the two giant ships. Although the two giant ships had powerful firepower, when facing the aircraft carrier, they could neither attack each other nor escape. They were completely passive.

In the situation of being beaten, the referee finally judged that the Red Army successfully sank three British warships with the loss of thirty-one carrier-based aircraft. Although this was just an exercise, with the end of the Sino-Japanese War, Britain became

It has become the only country that still occupies Chinese territory. This kind of war is very likely to occur in the South China Sea in the future.

This exercise is a show-of-the-sword action, and the sword is pointed directly at the British Empire. Back then, the British were able to conquer thousands of miles with only 10,000 to 20,000 troops. The history of being able to bring a thousand-year-old country to its knees with just a few cannons on the coast has passed.

Well, now it is no longer the British attacking China, but the powerful China will launch an offensive against the British at any time and drive them out of the land of Asia.

King Rama VII, who had been watching this exercise, also felt a surge in his heart. This naval exercise showed an unprecedented combat method. The two fleets did not meet like knights on the sea, and then began to fight each other.

When the cannon is fired, all the main battles are out of sight. The aircraft carrier plays the leading role in the battle. The reconnaissance relies on the carrier-based aircraft, and the attack also relies on the carrier-based aircraft. The other warships all circle around the aircraft carrier and become the bodyguards of the aircraft carrier.

Rama VII has studied in the West for many years, and his vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people. He gradually understood why China was able to defeat Japan. The method of naval warfare has undergone revolutionary changes. Japan has fallen behind, and China has caught up.

Because of this change, Japan originally had a powerful navy, but it was constrained in every way and could not give full play to its own advantages.

The Kingdom of Yao Dynasty is indeed unusual. In the past, Rama VII thought that China had fallen more than once, and that China's situation was not even comparable to that of Siam. Now it seems that China really has a strong foundation and cannot be underestimated. Quietly, Rama VII thought about China

I am more and more admired and even a little scared!

This chapter has been completed!
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