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Chapter 489 Zhenyuan

The political significance reflected in military trade is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary economic and trade. Arms trade is often proof that the friendship between two countries has developed to the highest stage. The reason is also easy to understand. The weapons of each country

The machine standards are different, and the training methods used are also very different.

If you purchase arms from a country, you often have to accept the country's system. From the use of arms, to logistics maintenance, and even personnel training, everything must be imported from that country.

It will inevitably form a huge influence in the military.

The military is the lifeblood of a country, so arms trade is often a matter of political considerations rather than economic considerations. Qiao Yu threw out the aircraft carrier at this time. This was not just selling a 10,000-ton ship. He wanted to make the aircraft carrier

To form combat effectiveness, we need a large number of auxiliary ships, aircraft, logistics construction, and the construction of docking bases for aircraft carriers. We must have professionals in these aspects, otherwise we will not be able to do it at all.

However, Yuluo is almost blank in all aspects, and everything must be imported from China. This is not only a huge economic power, but also a huge political benefit. When the Chao Yong arrives in Yuluo, it will definitely become the core of the Zhongluo Navy.

All navies will be built around this aircraft carrier. At that time, it will be equivalent to China having the entire Luo Navy under its control through one ship.

Moreover, China helped Xiang Luo build a port. China was able to use this port at the critical moment, which could greatly threaten the British Singapore. At the same time, it could protect the future Kra Canal and prevent the British from jumping over the wall. It can be said that China

What was sold to the state was a warship, but what was actually bought back was a die-hard ally.

This is also a method that Qiao Yu came up with after careful consideration. It is not that Rama VII failed to see Qiao Yu's plan, but he really had no way to refuse. The temptation of aircraft carriers was too great. He once studied in the UK.

The most profound thing I feel is this island country's obsession with the navy, which even reaches a crazy level.

Almost every British person can casually name their battleships, and countless British teenagers also regard Nelson as their best idol. The British Isles can develop into a world colonial empire, and its biggest reliance is on the Royal Navy. Rama VII also

With a dream to revitalize Cianluo.

If you want to make a strong country, you must make the year strong..." This is a truth that everyone knows, but there is no chance for Luo. The country is small and weak, and the strong country has formed a restriction on the later countries.

There was a consensus that Cai Luo, who was caught between Britain and France, had no hope of building a strong army.

However, when this force came to the Central Plains, he got such a huge benefit that it almost knocked him unconscious, but Qiao Yu's next words made him even more crazy.

"I have temporarily set the price of the Chao Yong at three million yuan. In addition, the China National Congress will donate twenty Hummingbird carrier-based aircraft, and will also help Luo train a group of pilots for free. As for the other auxiliary ships, the China National Congress

We are also willing to provide a general formation of at least four to six destroyers and several frigates. In addition, it is best to equip cruisers and submarines to carry out long-sea combat missions and supply ships. The cost is very high, not even a thousand

It is impossible to achieve more than 10,000 yuan. In addition, the investment in later maintenance will be greater, which will put a lot of pressure on the finance of Qianluo."

Every time Qiao Yu said something, King Rama VII's heart sank. Although the aircraft carrier was good, the cost was really astonishing. The financial situation of Yiluo was not good to begin with. He was still working hard to reduce civil servants and reduce expenditures, but the cost was too high.

Spending three million to buy an aircraft carrier is okay, but it would be difficult to spend too much money. But without other ships, the aircraft carrier is just a beautiful toy and has no value at all.

At this time, King Rama VII's face didn't look good. It seemed that he thought too simply. He wanted to buy it when his head was hot, but he refused at this time. Wouldn't it make the Central Plains look down upon!

"Your Majesty the King, there happens to be a batch of old ships to be decommissioned in the Central Plains. Although they are second-hand, they are in pretty good condition. We can provide them to Su Luo at a preferential price. With an investment of about seven million, Su Luo can own them.

An aircraft carrier battle group. In addition, if His Majesty the King is still interested, China can provide Luo with some air force equipment. Future wars will not be possible without air supremacy. In short, China is willing to help Xianluo comprehensively improve its military force and safeguard the country you have come to.

The hard-earned independent status will firmly support Yao Luo!"

Qiao Yu threw out this arms sales plan, and King Rama VII suddenly felt dizzy. Which monarch doesn't want to have a powerful army? In this world of the jungle, there is nothing without strong force. Now Xianluo is in a different situation.

It is so difficult. If we can vigorously import equipment from China, it can form an effective restriction on Britain and France and enhance the international influence of Luo. The benefits are indescribable!

King Rama VII was finally tempted. During his visit to China, he inspected a large number of China's military and military-industrial enterprises. China's weapons may not necessarily be the best, but the price is fair.

If you can’t afford new equipment, there is still a lot of second-hand equipment available. The most important thing is that there are no strings attached. It is simply a dream come true!

Qiao Yu completely impressed King Rama VII through the arms trade. Just after he concluded his visit to China, the Central Plains military sent a huge inspection team, mainly to consider the level of military development of Luo and help him formulate plans.

A comprehensive plan to strengthen the army.

Regarding the expansion of China's power in Southeast Asia, the biggest headaches are Britain and France. Now France has been defeated by China, and its maritime power is also very embarrassed. It has no qualifications to speak in East Asia. The only ones that can really compete with China are

Britain, as the Middle Kingdom and the Romans came closer and closer, the pressure on the British became more and more intense, and John Bull's head became bigger and bigger.

The British could only try their best to win over the United States and France to form a colonial alliance and put pressure on China. However, the British did not know whether the Americans would help them when the showdown came. After all, no one was willing to attack the stone with an egg.


However, China's breakthroughs in Southeast Asia greatly affected the situation at the Geneva Conference. The Chinese delegation held the Kra Canal in their hands and sent Romania to sell arms, which put great pressure on Britain.

After four months of competition, various countries finally reached a consensus on the tonnage of naval battleships.

The battleships maintained the tonnage allocation at the Warwickton Conference. On the aircraft carriers, the United States and Britain were still in the first class and were allocated 170,000 tons. China received 120,000 tons. Japan, Italy and France became the third class and received 90,000 tons.

, as for other auxiliary ships, no agreement was reached, but further discussions were stipulated at the next meeting.

This meeting to reduce naval armaments did not achieve the purpose of reducing armaments. Instead, it gave the green light to expand armaments. Currently, the aircraft carrier tonnage of various countries has not reached the target. The United States currently has two aircraft carriers, the USS Saratoga and the USS Lexington.

, there are also three Yorktown-class aircraft carriers under construction, and the United States also plans to build a larger aircraft carrier.

It is also worth biting the bullet to follow suit and start building aircraft carriers. France and Italy have also formulated ambitious military expansion plans. Japan has also gritted its teeth and begun planning to reorganize its armaments and once again build a powerful combined fleet.

According to the current situation, as long as the King's Year comes, the major powers will have a considerable number of aircraft carriers. Judging from this trend, if World War II breaks out again, then the battle for the sea will definitely be much more fierce and cruel than World War I.

, Qiao Yu is still very satisfied with this result. The more brutal the war, the greater the consumption of the Western world, and the greater the benefit to the rise of the Central Plains.

At the time of the Geneva Conference, China and the United Kingdom also reached an agreement, which was aimed at sending Romania, that is, China promised not to send Romania to garrison. As for the issue of the Kra Canal, although China said that it still needed to consider whether to build it, the two sides

No substantive agreement was reached, and the Chinese inspection team was still demonstrating the feasibility of the canal.

The Kra Canal is like a sharp sword hanging over Britain's head. It can fall at any time and shake the colonial foundation of the British Empire. It can be said that the situation in Nanyang is a microcosm of the entire world pattern, and it has only temporarily reached a fragile balance.

, but as long as there is a slight change, this balance will be broken, and a more dangerous situation will be brewed.

Time flies. The year has finally passed, and China’s First Five-Year Plan has entered its final year. Judging from various data, China has been able to achieve the plan at least half a year in advance on all major goals. It can be said that

The foundation for China's industrialization has been laid, and General Manager Wang Yongjiang has begun to formulate a more ambitious Second Five-Year Plan.

When setting goals, Wang Yongjiang focused on Britain and France. China should strive to catch up with Britain and France in terms of industrial output and become the world's second-rate industrial power. However, Qiao Yu did not agree with this plan.

It was emphasized that China must pay close attention to the international situation and focus on infrastructure construction and military development.

Qiao Yu certainly knows that the Great Depression, the famous one in history, will come next year, which is also the first year of the Second Five-Year Plan. Although China's economy is still in the early stages of industrialization and is not qualified to enjoy an economic crisis, China

China will also be affected by the world economic situation. After all, China is not isolated. If there are problems in Europe and the United States, it will be difficult for China to survive alone.

To fight the economic crisis, the best way is to strengthen government investment, especially in infrastructure, which requires huge investment. Now China happens to have a huge shortcoming in this aspect. The Great Depression has a huge impact on China.

It is also a good time to adjust and develop. Only when the infrastructure is built, can the huge China be able to mobilize and gather more powerful forces! The Chinese government is summarizing the experience of the First Five-Year Plan and formulating the Second Five-Year Plan.

During the plan, good news came from Qinzhou Shipyard. China's first self-designed aircraft carrier was officially launched. This is also China's first Limen-designed aircraft carrier. It has a displacement of nearly 30,000 tons and adopts an island structure.

, the bow is fully enclosed, elevators are installed on the sides, and key protection measures have also been taken. For aircraft carriers, the biggest threat is torpedoes. The defensive armor of the new aircraft carrier at the waterline reaches 120 mm.

In addition, more watertight cabins have been installed internally, and the boiler room and warehouses for storing ammunition and oil have been reinforced. It is also worth mentioning that the maximum speed of this aircraft carrier has reached 33 knots, and a total of equipment

With five carrier-based aircraft squadrons and a total of ninety aircraft, its combat effectiveness ranks first among the aircraft carriers currently in service in the world.

This is the moment that the entire Zhongchuan Kingdom has been waiting for for a long time. Although the Chinese Navy was known as a powerful force in the past, its main warships were all modified. It is a huge regret that it does not have 100% Zhongchuan blood. Qiao Yu

After receiving the report, I was extremely happy and named the aircraft carrier Zhenyuan!

This chapter has been completed!
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