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Chapter 490 Changes in the Far Eastern Republic

According to the results of the Geneva Conference, China has been allocated a total of 120,000 tons of aircraft carriers. According to China's plan, it will build three large aircraft carriers, plus the starting point, a total of four. In addition, China's existing four escort aircraft carriers will be reduced to One or three escort aircraft carriers will face the fate of decommissioning, which means that with the launch of the Zhenyuan, China can decommission one escort aircraft carrier.

There is no doubt that aircraft carriers are a weapon for the country. There are not many aircraft carriers bought and sold in later generations. The Americans would rather dismantle the decommissioned aircraft carriers themselves than sell them. This shows how much they attach importance to it, because such a ship carries the level of shipbuilding of a country. , can also reflect the ideas and strategies used by the navy, which is of infinite value, even for this kind of modified aircraft carrier.

China has long ago reached an arms transaction contract with King Rama VII of King Luo. China will help King Rama VII build an aircraft carrier fleet within five years. After Rama VII brought this news back to King Rama VII, the same country of King Luo also Everyone was excited. They already knew that China defeated Japan's combined fleet with its aircraft carrier. If China also had an aircraft carrier, even if it did not have the combat power of China, it would be a huge shock to Britain and France.

In the past, Kuo Luo gained independence by playing both sides, but in fact it was the fate of a semi-colony. Now that it has an aircraft carrier, the Kuo Luo people can straighten their backs and no longer have to fear others. The whole country is doing their best. The military was even more delighted to support the king's decision.

Luo's newspapers have been discussing this issue for a month or two. However, after actually introducing aircraft and carriers, King Rama VII discovered that it was far from that simple. Although China only offered a preferential price of 30 million yuan, , and can be repaid in ten years, but the actual cost is far more than that.

First of all, Yuluo needs to arrange a special military port for the aircraft carrier and equip it with some maintenance and care equipment. This cost cannot be paid without five million. The training of pilots for carrier-based aircraft is another big expense. Yuluo is a small country and the people are weak. The level of education is very low, and there are not many land-based pilots in the country, let alone the more demanding naval aviation. Fortunately, China has agreed to help with training, but the cost is at least three million yuan, and this is only the initial cost. , flying skills cannot be learned once. In order to ensure combat effectiveness, training must be carried out every year. Although it may not seem like much, it will not last long and it will cost a lot every year.

In addition, other warships equipped for the aircraft carrier also require professional crews, which means that the navy has to expand its force. In addition, almost all the weapons used by the warships cannot be produced. Even the navy uniforms have to be imported from China. All sorts of things. If you want an aircraft carrier to settle down in Luo, you can't do it without 50 million.

In fact, everything from the navy to shore maintenance personnel to logistics management must be imported from China. After having an aircraft carrier, the military's combat model will also change, and the top brass of the three armed forces will also have to be sent to China for training. Otherwise, the weapon will be empty and will not be used at all, and it will be nothing more than a toy.

King Rama VII did his own calculations and found that if he wanted to recruit such an aircraft carrier task force, he would not be able to do it without less than 100 million. This is a complete waste of money, and it is simply a bottomless pit.

In fact, King Rama VII still calculated too little. If Luo brings back warships, the subsequent expenses will be linked one by one and never stop. This is the bulk of China's money. Of course, you can choose not to send Luo.

If it is slaughtered, then the aircraft carrier purchased at a huge cost can only be turned into an expensive toy, which is even more terrible.

This is often the case in arms sales. The biggest profit is actually the follow-up service and repairs. You have nothing. Even a screw can cost hundreds of dollars. Do you want it?

Don't think it's too much. China's fire business has been very kind. Especially this time, Qiao Yu has wiped out a lot of training expenses in order to win over Qian Luo. Otherwise, the price would have doubled. If it were replaced by Europe and the United States, it would only charge more.

Even worse, I may not even sell it to you!

"President, this arms trade is really profitable. What we are selling this time are decommissioned warships. The cost is extremely low. Calculated before and after, we can get at least 50 million in profit. If we increase the investment, we can build a ship."

A brand new large aircraft carrier, the profits are really huge!"

"Brother Baili's benefits are not limited to these. This time we sent a large number of technicians, many of whom are apprentices, and let them use the Luo people's territory and the Luo people's money to grind and grind.

Practice your own skills, this kind of borrowing the chicken to lay the egg is the best way!"

"President, don't just think about good things. Li Luo just sent a notice saying that the finances can no longer bear it. This is only the first year. What if they can't come up with the money?"

Qiao Yu also frowned. It seemed that the Yuluo people also understood the issue of arms trading. It was far from as simple as they imagined. However, at this time, they absolutely cannot let the big fish that just took the bait run away.

"Brother Baili, ask the Ministry of Finance to study the limit of what Kuoluo can bear. As for the shortfall, use Kuoluo's specialties as collateral, such as mines, grains, land, whatever is valuable, it doesn't matter if it's older.


"The Grand President mine is fine, but grain is not necessary. China's grain production has been rising steadily in recent years, and there is a lot of growth potential. In a few years, China will be able to export a large amount of grain. It is useless to import too much now!"

"I have food in my hands and don't panic. In a country as big as ours, there are constant natural disasters. The drought in the northwest has been very serious in the past few years. If Yan Xishan hadn't managed it well, I'm afraid there would have been a large number of refugees. I'm ready to establish a country."

For the strategic grain reserve, China must prepare at least enough grain for the whole country to eat for two years. In addition, it must establish a complete storage system for important materials such as oil, so that when war comes, it can be prepared!"

Strategic reserves are nothing new. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, when economic conditions were good, Chinese dynasties would build large warehouses to store various materials. For example, in the famous Wenjing Dynasty, the materials stored by Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, were even used.

In the Tang Dynasty, of course, this kind of storage was like a landlord building a granary, lacking scientific management. Often with the collapse of official governance, the contents of the warehouse would be consumed, leaving only some data on paper.

In addition, things such as grain and cloth also have time limits and must be replaced regularly. For a super-populated country like China, it is necessary to establish a huge strategic reserve, and Qiao Yu also knows that there will be one soon.

The economic crisis hit the United States the hardest. A large amount of food was burned on the spot. At this time, more than 10 million Americans were severely malnourished, and many people died of starvation. After the United States drafted troops for World War II, more than four people

One in 10 young people have poor physical conditions, and most of them are due to the devastating Great Depression.

Of course, China does not need to be the savior of the Americans. Qiao Yu saw a very good opportunity to purchase grain at low prices. As long as China can spend some freight, it can obtain a large amount of grain and increase China's strategic reserves.

Even if this food is not eaten in the end, it will not be a loss, because Russia is facing a great famine at this time. In fact, Russia has been facing a serious food crisis since the founding of the country. A large number of people starved to death. Some people even commented that Stalin was hungry.

Eight million Ukrainians died in exchange for factories that defeated Hitler.

In fact, this statement is very reasonable. Although Russia has a large area and a large population, if you divide the territory equally, you will find that Russia is actually a country with a relatively sparse population. Compared with Eastern Europe and Western Europe, it is very inferior.

Maybe it's a little better than the Nordic countries, but of course the area east of the Urals is even worse.

According to the laws of market economy, Russia has no hope of establishing factories. The reason is very simple. The cost of transportation infrastructure is too high, and the products produced by Russia have no competitiveness at all. However, the Russians have adopted planning and economic means, coupled with the control of the great powers.

Russia's blockade allowed Russia to establish its own industrial system.

Of course, many transportation, raw material, fuel, etc. costs are borne by the government. In economics, this part is called sunk cost, which is completely borne by the government. Therefore, after the planned economic system of Russia collapsed in later generations, Russia quickly went on to

On the road to industrialization, no one but the government can bear these costs.

Some people in later generations believed that Stalin's act of starving Ukrainians to death was genocide. In fact, this is not necessarily correct. It is that Russia did not have much choice and could only make a choice between industry and agriculture. After all, Russia's strength was not enough to support it.

Walking on two legs, they had to make a choice between industry and agriculture. Russia chose industry, so Stalin could only rely on extreme measures to build the factory that defeated Hitler.

In fact, China was also in the early stages of industrialization at this time and faced the same problems as Russia. The advantage of China over Russia is that China has an unparalleled labor force. Even if a large number of workers are absorbed by industry, there is still a sufficient labor force in the countryside to support it.

It meets the needs of agriculture, which is unmatched by any country in the world.

But no matter what, Russia is now screaming with hunger. China's grain can be exported to Russia in exchange for Russian industrial and mining products. This is also a good thing with huge profits.

Qiao Yu told Jiang Baili his idea, and Jiang Baili also agreed very much. It was indeed a good idea.

"President, Russia is also undergoing drastic social changes. The speed of industrialization is very alarming. However, the struggle among the upper class in Russia is also very sharp. It has already affected the Far Eastern Republic. Should China participate in it to weaken Russia as much as possible and let the Far East

The Republic and Russia distance themselves!”

Russia has been a nightmare for neighboring countries since its birth. Although China has recaptured the outer northeast and successfully forced the Far Eastern Republic to continue to retain it, China still cannot take its northern frontier lightly, especially since the upper echelons of the Far Eastern Republic are still under the influence of Russia.

The influence is that the Foreign Minister of the Far Eastern Republic is still Trotsky, the Russian political tycoon, and the Minister of Defense is also the former Russian general Blucher. Under this situation, the Far Eastern Republic is almost a satellite state of Russia.

"President, a month ago, Chairman Krasnoshokov of the Far Eastern Republic sent a secret envoy, hoping to strengthen exchanges with China, especially military exchanges. They hope to purchase some Chinese equipment and also conduct economic exchanges with China.

Especially I hope to introduce grain and vegetables from China!"

People's hearts are indeed the most susceptible to change. After the Far Eastern Republic existed for several years, the upper and lower levels have developed a considerable degree of independence. They are not willing to accept Russian control, and China has been waiting for this day!

This chapter has been completed!
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