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Chapter 505 Where is the way out

(When the Beiyang government came up with the Thirty-one Articles, it was Cao Rulin who was negotiating. He was recognized as a pro-Japanese faction and was even regarded as a traitor. Most of them took the attitude of purging such stained Beiyang old man Qiao Yu, even though

Yes, these people still have a certain ability, but old habits in officialdom die hard, and if they are used too much, they will pollute the atmosphere of officialdom.

However, Cao Rulin is an exception. Qiao Yu discovered through observation that this man is not really pro-Japanese. On the contrary, he still has a lot of resentment towards Japan. He is just forced by the situation and has to do it. In addition, his ability to do things is also good.

, after some observation, Qiao Yu appointed him as ambassador to Japan

Cao Rulin felt the most profoundly about the humiliation that Japan had imposed on China, and had the toughest attitude towards Japan. However, Yue himself just liked this. In other words, the Japanese were very servile, and they had a blind desire to defeat their own country.


Nowadays, Japan is filled with a trend of leaving Europe and entering Asia. It is completely different from the Meiji Restoration. Some Japanese dignitaries have begun to give up suits and wear Chinese robes. Regarding this 180-degree turn,

, Japanese people not only don’t feel any discomfort, they also appear to be very normal.

Cao Rulin also has his own observations about all this, but the more he thinks about it, the more he despises the Japanese nation, but there is also a hint of fear in the contempt. Japan's history is not short, and it also has a history of civilization of more than a thousand years.

Although it cannot be compared with an ancient civilization like China, it is enough to compare with countries such as Britain and France [

However, such a country has never given birth to a great philosopher, and has never formed its own ideological doctrine. This is a unique thing in history. Ancient countries and nations have always had their own unique set of philosophies, which often have their own set of unique philosophies.

The distinctive characteristics of a nation

But this is not the case for the island country of Japan. They have completely Sinicized in the past history and introduced all Chinese things. When they realized that China had fallen behind, during the Meiji Restoration, they decisively abandoned Chinese ideas.

system, began to be fully westernized, leaving Asia and joining Europe, without any sloppiness.

After China defeated Japan again this time and confirmed its status in East Asia, Japan began to leave Europe and enter Asia without any obstacles. Xi Ben is like a chameleon, constantly learning from one strong person after another. If we say

Japan has its own philosophy, which is to worship the strong and despise the weak

This is also evident among the Japanese people. After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the Japanese market became increasingly depressed. A large number of factory owners and investors went bankrupt. Even the major chaebols had a difficult time. Countless Japanese people jumped from buildings and into the sea.

, these were the pride of society in the past, people who frequently appeared in the news. Now a large number of suicides have made Japanese society very indifferent. The coldness in the bones makes Cao Rulin feel scared.

The deformed nation of Japan is a combination of wolf and dog. If it is completely conquered, it will become an honest guard. If not, it will be a vicious wolf that may rise up and hurt people at any time. Cao Rulin at this time

I feel a little lucky in my heart. If the Sichuan Clan had not risen rapidly, replaced Beiyang, put China on the road to becoming a powerful country, and defeated the Japanese combined fleet, China would have continued to be controlled by Beiyang. I am afraid the consequences would have been disastrous. The old empire would have definitely been destroyed by this.

A vicious wolf bit him all over his body.

But everything has changed now. The initiative is firmly in the hands of China. It depends on how China will send Japan into the abyss of eternal destruction. Cao Rulin did not pay attention to the complaints of the staff. The more Japan's social order collapses, the more it will collapse.

China’s actions will be more beneficial

"You don't have to complain. This is the case in the whole of Tokyo. However, I will pay a visit to Tanaka Yiichi soon and ask him to strengthen the protection of the embassy personnel!"

After Cao Rulin confessed some things, he drove directly to the funeral of Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka Yoshiichi.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I haven't come to see you for a long time. It's really disrespectful."

"Mr. Ambassador, you are so polite. The door of the Prime Minister's Office is always open to you and you are welcome at any time!"

Cao Rulin glanced at Tanaka Yiichi and saw that his hair was a lot grayer and his face had no luster. It was obvious that he was not living a good life during this period.

"Mr. Prime Minister, now that the economic crisis has spread around the world, all countries have been affected. As important neighbors in East Asia, China and Japan should strengthen cooperation and jointly resolve this crisis!"

After the Sino-Japanese War, Prime Minister Reijiro Wakakabe became a scapegoat and was ousted from power, and Giichi Tanaka became Prime Minister. However, it was not easy for Prime Minister Tanaka Giichi to deal with the post-war mess, and he had no time to get rid of it.

The shadow of defeat was followed by an economic crisis, which suddenly revealed the Japanese economy's original shape. Even with Tanaka Giichi's extraordinary ability, he was able to reverse the situation.

Now when he heard that Cao Rulin actually expressed his willingness to engage in economic cooperation with Japan, his eyes suddenly lit up. China is undoubtedly the largest supermarket in East Asia. China and Japan are at odds, causing Japan to lose this supermarket. If China can open up to Japan now,

Japan can definitely get out of the crisis easily

"Mr. Ambassador, you are absolutely right. China and Japan should put aside their past grievances and open their supermarkets to each other to promote trade. This will help the two countries get out of the crisis quickly!"

"Mr. Prime Minister, now that the crisis continues to develop, China must raise tariffs to protect its own supermarkets and cannot open to Japan alone. Moreover, China believes that the root cause of this economic crisis lies in the old colonial order. Countries such as Britain and France occupy too much space.

Large international supermarkets have formed relatively independent groups through their privileges, isolating products from other countries. To solve the crisis, we can only build a global supermarket to compete fairly among all countries!"

Cao Rulin's words made Tanaka Yi couldn't help but nod. This time's economic crisis does have this factor in it. He is also extremely dissatisfied with Britain, France and Japan, but it is not that he wants to establish a fair international order, but that Japanese consumption can replace it.

become a colonial empire

"Mr. Ambassador, Japan has been trying to restore the international order, but it is too weak and weak."

"Mr. Prime Minister, as long as you work hard to find opportunities, there will always be opportunities. For example, the horse-drawn carriage drivers of the past are not worthy of owning such a huge colony. The islands in Southeast Asia are all extremely rich areas."[

Cao Rulin directly brought up the Netherlands, and Tanaka Yi was moved. To be honest, Japan is also reflecting on which direction it should move in if it wants to expand. After careful calculation, there are two countries on the mainland: China and the Soviet Union.

The behemoth, across the Pacific Ocean, is the giant United States. Japan is sandwiched between the three big guys. The geographical position is extremely tragic. After all, there is only one way out in the south.

Nanyang is the best way out for Japan, but now the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan have fallen into the hands of China. Japan wants to develop southward, but it will be difficult for Japan to move forward without China's permission. Now Cao Rulin has taken the initiative to propose the Dutch East Indies, which just hits the mark.

Understand the thoughts of Tanaka Yiichi

However, he also knows that major national affairs cannot be decided in one or two sentences. It must be demonstrated in detail and China's true attitude must be clearly understood. If this is a trap set by China, Japan will be in trouble. They are now

My family's financial resources are too limited, so I can't afford it.

Tanaka Yiichi asked tentatively: "Mr. Ambassador, although the Netherlands' national power is declining, Britain still has huge interests in the Dutch East Indies. It is almost a common colony of both countries. I am afraid I will offend Britain."

"Mr. Prime Minister, China will help you share the pressure from the British side. As for the rest, it depends on the courage of Japan!"

After Cao Rulin finished explaining, he left directly. Prime Minister Gao Zhongguo had already said everything he needed to express. The rest depends on Japan's decision.

As China's strength expands, it increasingly feels the overall pressure from Western society. Especially China's sale of the Chao Yong to Qianluo has aggravated the dissatisfaction of Britain, France and other countries. If China rashly marches into Nanyang at this time

, it might lead to joint suppression from the Western world.

Nowadays, the economic crisis is getting more and more serious. Everyone knows that the most effective way to solve the economic crisis is war. Once the cannon is fired, gold will be released. Factories can be fully operational, unemployed people can join the army, and excess production capacity can be quickly solved during war.

At this time, if the West joins forces to attack China in the name of fighting China, then China will become the protagonist of World War II. This is definitely not what Qiao Yu wants. Therefore, Japan will be removed and Japan will be allowed to break the military balance in Nanyang, and then China will mediate

, balancing the power of Britain is the best choice!

As for whether Japan will accept it, Qiao Yu doesn't care. If Japan still has the ambition to make a comeback, it will definitely accept it. If it doesn't accept it, it will be tantamount to declaring that Japan will be completely removed from the list of powerful countries and will never be eliminated again. China will also be completely eliminated.

One less enemy

At this time, the Japanese government also began emergency consultations on China's proposal to discuss their way out.

At this time, Munich, Germany, was also witnessing the rapid rise of a political party. Hitler received financial assistance from China, and the Nazi Party entered the fast lane of development. The ensuing economic crisis made the Nazi Party develop like mushrooms after a spring rain.

The number of party members has expanded rapidly, surpassing Bavaria and becoming a national political party

It was another dusk evening. Surrounded by his closest followers, Hitler came to the square in Munich. At this time, tens of thousands of people had gathered here. After the end of World War I, Germany lost its sovereignty.

, the economy is completely supported by American capital. Now there is a problem in the United States. The situation in Germany is even worse than that in the United States. More and more people have lost their jobs. What is even more unbearable is the government's ability. Facing the terrible situation

The government is unable to take any measures and can only watch countless Germans sleeping rough on the streets.

At this desperate moment, the Nazi Party emerged from nowhere and gave precious news to the desperate people.

"Compatriots, great German citizens, Germany is a great nation. We have a glorious history, but today, German citizens are humble and cowardly, living like ants. Who made Germany fall to where it is today?

Who has to take responsibility?"

Hitler was full of energy at this time, and his movements were exaggerated and powerful, which instantly attracted everyone's attention! He continued to speak loudly: "The culprit of everything is the unequal treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied Powers; it is the weak and incompetent government that allows them to

The country has fallen into the abyss of sin; it’s those damn Jews who have robbed us of our wealth and jobs!”

This chapter has been completed!
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