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Chapter 506: The Crisis Continues

Speech is a compulsory course for Western politicians. Skilled speech skills can attract more votes. In terms of the level of speech, Hitler can definitely be regarded as a rare orator in the West. Many of their actions may seem a bit exaggerated in later generations.

It's a bit artificial, but it is the best encouragement for the German people who are currently suffering from the economic crisis. The excited voice is like a sharp sword, crushing the dark and cruel reality, and showing the rare hope.

in front of the entire audience.

In addition, Hitler's speech is not reasoning, but persuading, forcing you to agree with his point of view. In addition, the time of the speech also needs to be considered. The best time is at night, when people are most sleepy and vigilant.

, and also easy to accept ideas instilled by others.

In speech after speech, Hitler became more and more skilled. He did not hesitate to point the finger at the Treaty of Versailles, which the German people hated most. He also lashed out at the weak and incompetent Weimar Republic government. In dealing with the economic crisis

Regarding the issue, Hitler attributed the original sin to the Jewish forces.

These things all cater to the psychological demands of ordinary German people. Although the upper echelons of Germany are still somewhat dismissive of the Nazi Party, there is no doubt that this small local party in the past has expanded rapidly, and Hitler is also making ambitious plans.

actions to attack the country’s supreme power.

China has paid great attention to the rise of the Nazi Party and has secretly given a lot of support. For Qiao Yu, who is familiar with history, supporting the Nazi Party now is undoubtedly a very good investment. After Hitler comes to power, it will be different.

For Germany to form an alliance, it is very worthwhile just to use the period before World War II to exchange for enough military technology. You must know that Germany is currently the country with the strongest industrial technology in the world. After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union only gained dominance after the United States and the Soviet Union divided German technology.

China's current industrial technology is still relatively backward among major industrial countries. Its real flagship products are some agricultural and mineral products. In addition, some light industrial products can gain some share in the international market by virtue of their high quality and low price. However, after the economic crisis broke out, the United States

In order to protect the country's manufacturing industry, they took the lead in raising tariffs and wanted to use trade barriers to protect the country's manufacturing industry.

The effect was far beyond the expectations of the United States. Countries began to raise tariffs crazily, and trade barriers became more and more serious. International trade volume dropped by 70%, and the United States' own trade also dropped by 50%.

, world trade is divided into several disconnected parts.

Britain and France each controlled their colonies to form a du li system. The United States controlled the Americas. In addition, China and the Soviet Union also had a du li system. International trade was seriously affected. Faced with this situation, China cannot be immune to it. It is even said that China is in charge of tariff issues.

Be more radical.

Except for automobiles, ships, large machines, chemical products, electronic products, etc., except those that cannot be produced in China, the tariff levels for the rest have been increased to more than 80%. For example, the tariff for automobiles has exceeded 300%.

Although the increase in tariffs was initiated by the United States, there is no doubt that China's actions have taken this trade war to a new level, and countries have to blindly increase tariffs in order to protect themselves.

"President, this stupid move by the United States to enter and exit is really wonderful. It just provides China with enough excuses to protect its own market. I think we should thank the United States for entering!"

"Prime Minister, let me tell you, this is not because the Americans are stupid, but because they are too smart. These people just need the economic crisis to intensify, and the interest groups behind them haven't had their fill yet!"

In fact, the United States is currently the most powerful industrial producer in the world, with the strongest manufacturing base. American products are also the most competitive in the international market. It stands to reason that the United States should expect the world to play free trade.

Only in this way can the United States solve its own overcapacity problem and heal the wounds of the economic crisis by relying on the global market.

However, the United States took the lead in implementing trade barriers and wielding the big stick of tariffs. The implications are very intriguing. Qiao Yu looked at it from his own perspective and found that there was definitely a problem. To put it bluntly, the interest groups believed that the current economic crisis was not enough.

, but also to make the harm greater, only in this way can greater benefits be obtained.

"Anyway, even if it is a conspiracy by those consortiums, it is a good thing for China. Our own industrial level is backward and we need high tariffs to protect our own industries. In fact, we should establish a completely independent operation like the Soviet Union.

The system is the best shortcut in the early stages of industrialization!"

No country can avoid inferior products in the early stages of industrialization. This has become a common practice, and the same is true for China. In fact, high tariffs are a great loss to the immediate interests of the people, forcing them to pay high prices to buy low-quality products.

Domestic products, but if we don’t do this, our country’s industry will never develop.

"Prime Minister, the situation of the Soviet Union is too special. They have sufficient domestic resources, and apart from resources, their other advantages are too small. If the market is opened, nothing can be developed, and the country will simply be completely closed. Compared with China,

The Soviet Union still has its own advantages and needs more international resources. Complete isolation will never work!"

The gap between China and the Soviet Union is indeed very large. The cost of all products in the Soviet Union is much higher than that of other countries. Moreover, this situation cannot be solved by development. The poor geographical situation is the Achilles heel of the Soviet Union. Infrastructure investment is

There is no bottomless pit, so there is no other way but to rely on the government to use force to promote industrial construction. As a country with superior natural conditions and an extremely rich labor force, China still has considerable advantages, and the cost of its products can be very good.

control, and also be able to compete with the great powers.

Of course, relying on low prices alone is not a long-term solution. The key is to master key technologies and create cost-effective things, so that you can occupy a place in the international market.

Fortunately, current international trade is far less developed than later generations, otherwise the competition faced by China would be more intense. It is still an era where might makes right. China can rely on its powerful force to forcibly establish a relatively dubious trading system.

"Has Siam agreed to the conditions we proposed?"

After China delivered the fleet to Siam, King Rama VII tried to delay the payment. Unexpectedly, his plan played into China's hands, so China simply proposed three conditions of its own to Siam.

Each of these three items is seven inches above Siam. The first one is the issue of currency fixed exchange rate. If the Chinese dollar is exchanged with the Siamese currency one to one, then the strong Chinese dollar will inevitably

Becoming a more sought-after currency in Siam also opened the door for China to sell goods to Siam and make investments. From then on, Chinese capital was able to move in without any trouble.

If a country's finance is controlled by foreign countries, is it still called a du li country? The second item of free purchase is more straightforward. Although it seems that China is also opening up to Siam, how can Siam's economic power compare with that of Siam?

Compared with O, China, as for the issue of Sattahip garrison, it is tantamount to directly placing Siam under Chinese protection.

No matter how confused King Rama VII is, he still understands China's intentions. The Yao Dynasty that was willing to suffer in the past has disappeared. Now China is more greedy, more determined and powerful than Britain and France. King Rama VII has until now

Shi Ye suddenly realized that the aircraft carrier he bought back was actually a double-edged sword, a luxury item that had to be exchanged for Siam's national sovereignty.

He deliberately refused, but the pressure from China was real. What's more terrible was that as the economic crisis deepened, Siam's economy became more and more difficult. Agricultural products lost the market, and a large number of workers were involved in construction. The communists took advantage of the opportunity.

The call for the abolition of the monarchy has become louder and louder. Now, if he offends China again, I am afraid that the throne will be unstable.

Gu Weijun, who was responsible for negotiating with King Rama VII, also knew that the civil and military laws were relaxed and forced Siam to accept China's conditions, while also throwing a big gift package to King Rama VII, mainly that China would help Rama VII.

In addition, the two countries can also sign an economic cooperation plan, and Siam's agricultural products can be exported to China in large quantities to alleviate Siam's economic crisis.

Under this combination of hard and soft tactics, King Rama VII continued to retreat and his attitude became increasingly softened.

"President, I think the situation is almost there. As long as we work harder, we can almost take down Siam. Although Siam is not too big, it is still a piece of meat and will be beneficial to China's development!


"Well, what's more important is that this is the beginning of the Nanyang Strategy. We will first capture Siam, then expand our sphere of influence little by little, and finally completely merge into China's territory. After this big crisis, the international order will definitely be restored.

Rewrite it, and then it will be China’s time to show its prowess!”

When there was no economic crisis, the Western world was prosperous, just like a group of colorful people basking in the sun on the beach. Suddenly a big wave came over, and it was obvious to everyone who was wearing clothes or not. Now virtue is in crisis, but

The industrial foundations of the two countries are there, and Britain and France can barely protect themselves, but the signs of decline have become more and more obvious. As for other countries such as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Poland, they have all shown their true colors, swaying under the blow of the crisis.


China and the Soviet Union are the only economies in the world that are still growing. After a round of crisis tests, the international industrial pattern will inevitably undergo major changes.

"President, I think it is too early to buy the United States at the bottom. This crisis is far from bottoming out, and the price you will pay in the future will definitely be smaller!"

"Prime Minister, if you get some things early, they will be effective sooner. In addition, I am ready to take action against the Jewish consortium and take advantage of the global anti-Semitic wave to confiscate all their properties in China. China's wealth must not be

Let a bunch of greedy villains take control!”

Ever since Qiao Yu investigated the secret properties of the Jewish consortium in China, his murderous intention has become stronger and stronger. Currently, it seems that at least more than 200 billion of national property is in their hands. Through this wealth, the Jewish consortium can mobilize

Its financial resources exceed one trillion. If this money is not controlled by China, Qiao Yu will have trouble sleeping and eating!

"President, are you too anxious? These consortiums are not so easy to deal with. They are causing trouble in this big crisis and acting rashly may not be good for China!"

"Without further ado, it is precisely because of this crisis that the global anti-Semitic wave has formed. In addition, we cannot kill them all. We only pursue the part before the establishment of the Republic of China. As for what they have recently obtained through legal means, we will also

Give protection!"

This chapter has been completed!
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