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Chapter 508: Nanyang Beacon Smoke

The dangers involved in competing with powerful financial groups are simply unspeakable. Moreover, Qiao Yu not only has to defeat these people, but also try to avoid damaging the vitality of his country. The sense of proportion becomes very subtle. It is definitely not one person or two people.

Enter what can be done.

Previously, China established the National Financial Security Commission, whose main mission was to direct China's capital power to exchange profits in the United States and Europe. Now that China has successfully obtained the first batch of profits, the subsequent bargain-hunting operations have become much easier, so Qiao Yu

The original team of the Financial Security Committee was also strengthened, and a group of elite soldiers were transferred from the government. Major economic experts and financial management experts participated in the effort to jointly formulate measures to deal with the consortium.

Faced with the current situation, experts unanimously believe that the method proposed by Qiao Yu to pull out the bottom line is the most effective, trapping all Jewish capital in the property market and stock market. As long as this continues, these profit-seeking consortiums will inevitably cut off their flesh and blood and withdraw from China.

, After all, the power of the Jing consortium is not monolithic. They are also divided into many parts, each with their own interests.

However, the Chinese government can concentrate the efforts of all parties to achieve the effect of unity, so there is no doubt about winning, but everyone has fully estimated the consequences of doing so. In the short term, housing prices will surely reach new highs, far from the

If it exceeds the capacity of the people, public resentment will inevitably boil over, and the prestige of the government will be greatly affected.

However, if there is no such tit-for-tat response, these capital forces will continue to make waves, which is definitely a huge hidden danger to China's construction. This is the battlefield. No matter what the cost, as long as you can win, everything can be compensated. If you fail,

There is really nothing left.

In addition, Qiao Yu has another plan. He wants to use this operation to let the Chinese people see the true nature of the Jewish consortium and take the opportunity to promote the anti-Semitic cause. In this way, he can use public opinion to remove the wealth that has fallen into the hands of the consortium.

Take it back and clear the way for China's future development.

It was with this plan that Qiao Yu decided to win this financial defense war at all costs. After the opinions within the Chinese government were unified, all parties began to take action. First, the Chinese government lowered interest rates and encouraged loans. Soon, the Chinese government lowered interest rates and encouraged loans.

Soon, hundreds of millions of funds flowed from banks to society.

Most of this capital was lent to real estate companies. In an instant, China's real estate market seemed to have been given a shot of stimulant. It rose rapidly and became more and more alarming. House prices in all major cities were like balloons, getting bigger and bigger.

, house prices in Beijing City generally exceed 200 yuan.

The house has instantly become something that everyone looks up to. However, the more this happens, the more people come out to advocate for the housing price, and the housing price will continue to rise, and it is becoming more and more shocking. Not only the housing market is like this, but the stock market is also expanding rapidly.

Among them, Chinese people are very conservative in investment, but faced with crazy price increases and the mentality of getting rich overnight, many Chinese people with certain accumulation have joined in.

Qiao Yu has no choice for this part of the people. Since it is a war, there cannot be no losses. It is better for a small part of the people to lose than for the whole country to sink. Of course, if Qiao Yu can choose, he is not willing to do this. He hopes that everyone

A Chinese citizen can enjoy a better life, but the situation is such that when choices must be made, this is the only way.

In fact, Qiao Yu is quite lucky that he still has the ability and strength to make decisions, otherwise this country would really become a puppet controlled by capital power.

The Chinese government puts most of its energy on the financial battlefield. From Qiao Yu, Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang, Vice Prime Minister Yan Xishan, down to ordinary workers, as long as they are involved, no one can fail.

I feel a lot of pressure and worry.

At this time, new news came out from Nanyang. A Japanese cargo ship suddenly caught fire and sank in Banshee, Borneo, and all the Japanese sailors on board died.

This news quickly attracted the attention of various countries. The reason for this was mainly because the situation in Nanyang was too sensitive. Borneo was the island of Kalimantan in later generations and was the third largest island in the world. Today's Borneo is generally

It was divided into two parts by the British and the Dutch. The northern part was controlled by the British and the southern part was controlled by the Dutch.

Banyan is the capital of southern Borneo. It is also the transportation hub of Borneo and one of the most important ports. The rubber, rice and other goods that are abundant on the island are transported from here. The Japanese cargo ship that exploded this time was transporting rubber.

, after the cargo ship exploded, all the rubber on the ship was ignited, and there was no way to control the fire. In the end, the entire ship sank completely into the sea.

Since the relationship between China and Siam has become closer and closer, Britain, France, the United States and other countries are all aware that troubled times in Nanyang are coming. As China's influence deepens, the fragile balance in Nanyang will definitely be broken. Today, Nanyang gathers the world's major powers.

The power of China has become a huge powder keg, which is no worse than that of Balqian in Europe. However, everyone still doesn't know who will act first, let alone how they will detonate this powder keg in Nanyang.

This incident made everyone feel a little uneasy. More importantly, Japan, a country that had just been defeated by China, reacted far beyond imagination. Prime Minister Tanaka Giichi issued a strongly worded statement, claiming that there was intelligence showing that the warship was

The Dutch government has an unshirkable responsibility for what was set on fire by militants. Japan must be given a reasonable explanation, otherwise Japan reserves the right to take further action!

Japan's aggressive attitude also made the Netherlands very angry. Although the Netherlands was only a third-rate country, it was still a former sea coachman. If it were three years ago, Japan's threat would have made the Netherlands wet its pants, but

It's definitely not going to work now. Everyone knows that Japan's combined fleet was almost destroyed by China. Now Japan is like a down-and-out phoenix, worse than a chicken. It dares to point fingers at the Netherlands. It's simply asking for death.

The Netherlands also issued a statement, claiming that the responsibility for this incident lies with Japan. It was caused by improper operation by the Japanese crew and had nothing to do with the Netherlands. The groundless accusations made by Japan's government are without any reason.

In addition, the Netherlands also contacted the United Kingdom immediately. After all, both countries have many interests in Borneo, the most important of which are rubber and oil. These are out-and-out strategic materials and also the entire

The value of the Dutch East Indies lies in the fact that Japan is now in trouble, and Britain cannot stand idly by!

In addition, this incident has to remind people of the Spanish-American War. The USS Maine battleship was mysteriously bombed and sunk in the Cuban port. Immediately afterwards, the United States insisted that Spain was responsible and launched the Spanish-American War.

The remaining Spanish colonies were snatched away, tearing off the last fig leaf of the former colonial empire, and also heralded the rise of the United States.

The same incident occurred again in the Dutch East Indies. Is the finger pointing at the Netherlands, a country that has also been in decline? All observers are watching closely, and everyone is guessing whether the Japanese are really preparing to attack the Netherlands.

Take action or bluff.

In fact, this incident was not an accident like the USS Maine battleship, but a long-planned action by the Japanese government. Ever since Qiao Yu conveyed to the Japanese government through Cao Rulin that China would support their actions against the Netherlands.

After receiving the information, Riben also fell into conflict.

Japan has the strength to attack the Netherlands. Is China's proposal sincere or a hidden conspiracy? Japan has no financial resources now. If it makes a mistake again, Japan may be removed from the list of powerful countries.

Completely removed.

From Emperor Hirohito to the civil and military officials in the cabinet, as well as senior ministers from all parties, they are weighing this issue. The dispute is also very serious. A group headed by the senior senator Xiyuanji Gongwang insists that Japan has no

The main task of starting a war is to defend the four islands. The most important thing is to survive the impact of the economic crisis and use limited national power to improve people's livelihood and develop the economy.

In fact, the meaning of this proposition is very clear, that is, Japan should be willing to be a second-rate country, not try to compete for world hegemony, and honestly take good care of its own home, and never lose sight of the four islands.

However, Prime Minister Tanaka Giichi is a staunch militant. He emphasized that if Japan cannot become a first-class power, it might as well sink to the bottom; Japan is currently experiencing internal and external troubles, coupled with the ensuing economic crises, and its small domestic market.

and resources are far from enough for Japan to use. If it does not open up the market, it will be a dead end; in addition, China has also expressed support. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Fighters are fleeting, and Japan can only fight to the death to save the country's destiny.

Pinning on the war against the Netherlands!

The two factions argued endlessly, and neither could convince the other. In the end, the lawsuit had to be brought before Hirohito and let Emperor Yao make a decision. In fact, Hirohito was also extremely troubled by this issue. From the bottom of his heart, Hirohito was more inclined to Tanaka Giichi's idea.

But Japan really cannot afford to lose.

For this reason, Hirohito didn't eat or sleep for three full days. He felt like crazy. He sat blankly in his seat, thinking hard. After repeated weighing, Hirohito finally made up his mind to take a gamble and regain his strength.

Ben’s national prestige…

Of course, everything you want cannot be decided by just thinking. Japan's combined fleet has recovered some combat effectiveness after a period of time. After the war, Japan repaired the Fengxiang aircraft carrier, and Japan also modified a small aircraft carrier with a displacement of

It weighed nearly 10,000 tons and was named Longxiang.

Japan also has a large-scale aircraft carrier construction plan, but due to lack of financial resources, it only remains on paper. However, Japan has two small aircraft carriers, as well as the battleship Haruna and a large number of auxiliary ships.

The countries that have entered the stream are enough!

Not long after the shipwreck incident broke out, there was explosive news. Local Japanese expatriates in the Dutch East Indies organized a demonstration and protest, demanding that the Netherlands apologize to the Japanese government. Who knew that these intruders and the Dutch military police had happened?

In the conflict, more than 20 people were killed. Immediately afterwards, violence broke out in the Dutch East Indies against Japanese expatriates. There were not many Japanese expatriates in Nanyang. There were more than 300 in this bloody conflict.

Japanese expatriates were injured, and more than seventy of them were killed!

After the bloody incident, the situation in Nanyang suddenly became serious. Japan's government kept making harsh words, and the Netherlands refused to give in. It seemed that a war was inevitable.

At this time, everyone knows that whether this war can be fought depends on the attitude of the big country that really has the final say. In other words, what Britain and China think. If these two big countries come forward to oppose, ri

Japan and the Netherlands will never fight. If any big country has other ideas, the peace in Southeast Asia will end!

This chapter has been completed!
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