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Chapter 509 The Four Nations Wrestle

Britain's attitude has been very clear. When Japan issued a protest to the Netherlands, it already stated its position. What the British Empire needs is peace and stability in Southeast Asia. Any blind provocation of confrontation is not allowed. Of course, Britain also urges

Holland and Japan investigated the truth of the shipwreck as soon as possible and resolved the conflict.

The British statement was smooth and as expected. However, what surprised everyone was that China made no sound at all. It seemed that it did not care about this matter at all. No one could have guessed China's indifferent attitude.

It is revealed that Chinese Borneo is located in the south of the South China Sea, right at the doorstep of China. How come there is no movement from China in such an important location? It is really not normal. The only explanation is that there must be some conspiracy behind China.

In fact, this speculation is not accurate. China is at a critical moment against the power of Jewish consortiums. Housing prices are rising rapidly, and a large amount of foreign exchange is pouring into the Chinese market. Moreover, these consortiums have just successfully sheared the wool of the United States, and the capital in their hands is now the strongest.


While they are pushing up the stock and real estate markets, they are also secretly buying gold and silver from China, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to transport the precious metals out. In this way, when the stock and real estate markets collapse, China's monetary system will collapse as well. Their methods are ruthless.

The swiftness and fierceness of the movements simply exceeded the imagination of the Chinese government.

The Chinese government is facing a formidable enemy, and all the nerves are tense. It must not only cope with the offensive of the consortium, but also pay attention to controlling the emotions of the domestic people. The test for the Chinese government is really too great, and almost everyone is busy.


Therefore, there is not much energy to pay attention to the issue of Nanyang. Of course, China cannot completely relax in such a sensitive area as Nanyang. The military forces represented by Jiang Baili and others cannot participate in the economic game, so they have less time to do so.

As soon as the conflict broke out in Nanyang, Jiang Baili was sensitively aware that a conflict was coming.

Jiang Baili is very aware of Ribenru's behavior. Ribenru is the character of a gambler. The biggest characteristic of gamblers is that they may be very calm when they don't enter the casino, but once they stand in front of the gambling table, they will lose it.

Be rational and will never stop until you lose all your money.

Therefore, once Japan starts to act in Nanyang, it will definitely persist to the end regardless of all costs. Jiang Baili immediately found Qiao Yu, "President, Japan has already started to act in Nanyang. It's time for us to come up with a charter!"

"Brother Baili, I'll leave this matter to you. The housing market has already made me miserable. Maybe many people are scolding me now!"

What Qiao Yu said is half true and half false. The problem of the housing market does involve most of Qiao Yu's energy. There are complaints among the people, and there are many people who scold Qiao Yu. However, everything is still under the control of China, and Jewish capital is also

Being attracted in, all that was left was to close the door and beat the dog. As for the issue of gold and silver loss, Qiao Yu was not worried. As early as before the Sino-Japanese war, the Jewish consortium was trying to take action against China's financial security.

Qiao Yu also made a lot of arrangements for this. As a result, the Japanese war interrupted this process. However, the previous arrangements were not in vain. They happened to be used now. Therefore, apart from bearing some temporary infamy, Qiao Yu did not

Too much worry.

The purpose of giving this task to Jiang Baili is that Qiao Yu wants to make his number one assistant truly independent. Jiang Baili has always been a strategic talent, indecisive, and to put it bluntly, he lacks independent opinions and has never had the experience of being in charge of a party.

Japan has now begun to march towards Nanyang, as China envisaged. In this way, China's Nanyang strategy can be launched smoothly. However, Nanyang is a big mess, with various countries gathering forces, and all aspects of struggle are very complicated. In addition to the great powers, Nanyang

The natives are also a big problem.

If Qiao Yu wants to take charge of the overall situation, Nanyang needs a capable assistant who can be directly responsible for Nanyang. After much deliberation, Qiao Yu chose Jiang Baili. This time, he was given full authority to handle the situation because he wanted to give Jiang Baili a test.


"President, Nanyang is of great importance, you should take charge personally!"

"Brother Baili, you don't have to refuse. I have regarded you as my right-hand man over the years. When this period of time passes, I plan to grant the title of general to the entire army. The entire army will be awarded the title uniformly. Many people have proposed to grant the title.

Brother Baili, with the rank of marshal, you can't let everyone down!"

Since the Republic of China, China has fought many wars, and a large number of outstanding commanders have emerged. However, there is no unified award of titles. Except for some lieutenant generals and major generals inherited from Beiyang, other generals are awarded temporary titles. Regarding this issue, Qiao

Yu Zao stated that it would be best to wait until all the territory is recovered before ceremoniously conferring titles on all the generals.

This kind of grand conferment has the meaning of celebrating everyone. There is no doubt that if you can get a military rank, you will naturally be a founding hero. This is very attractive to any military recruit. It stands to reason that Jiang Baili's prestige and qualifications are enough, but

But there was a fatal problem, that is, Jiang Baili did not take charge of his own affairs. Although planning and planning could be regarded as credit, it could not compare to actually commanding the war and regaining his homeland.

Qiao Yu also made it very clear. He hoped that Jiang Baili could truly become a marshal. Putting him in charge of Nanyang issues this time was to give him a chance to make great contributions. Jiang Baili had nothing to win.

I'm thinking about it, but I can't take this kind of title conferring lightly.

This is an eternal merit. When Li Shimin drew the map of the Twenty-Four Heroes in Lingyan Pavilion, the fame of those founding heroes will be passed down through the ages. This is a supreme honor. Now, China has developed from a state of fragmentation and bullying to a world power.

, his contribution is much greater than that of the founding heroes of the Tang Dynasty.

This is a major event that is destined to go down in history. Even if Jiang Baili no longer loves fame and fortune, he still can't stand the temptation, so he smiled and said: "President, if you are not afraid that I will mess up the matter, I will take the responsibility!"

"Brother Baili, just go ahead and do it with confidence. With the Chinese Navy backing you up, there is nothing to worry about!"

After Jiang Baili got this mission, he immediately began to arrange the operation. At this time, news came that a large number of Japanese expatriates were massacred by the Netherlands. Originally, the explosion of the cargo ship could only be regarded as an accident. It was not easy for China to make a fuss about this matter, but it happened.

After the massacre of overseas Chinese, China could no longer remain indifferent.

Because this is not the first time a problem has occurred in the Netherlands. In the past history, Huaru was the one who suffered the most massacres. Just a few years ago, there was a massacre of Huaru on Java Island, and the Chinese navy also intervened. Now

The Dutch authorities have once again massacred Japanese expatriates, and China must also take a stand.

Immediately, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense held a special press conference, strongly condemning the Dutch behavior, believing that the Dutch massacre of unarmed expatriates was a blatant provocation to world civilization and the most barbaric and shameless act in history.

, the Netherlands massacred innocent Chinese many times, which shows that this shameless action is the essence of the Dutch colonial government. This is a shameless and cruel government.

China strongly demands that the Netherlands deal with the perpetrators of the massacre of the expatriates as soon as possible. In addition, in order to prevent a large-scale Taoist crisis and protect the safety of Chinese expatriates, China requires the dispatch of security forces into Borneo!

China's tough stance quickly broke the balance in Southeast Asia. The Netherlands secretly complained when they entered. They can look down on Japan, but they must not ignore China's influence, and there are still a large number of Chinese in the Dutch East Indies.

People, these people have long been inclined to China, and now China must not be allowed to interfere in Nanyang affairs.

The Netherlands immediately contacted the United Kingdom. Now only the British Empire can resist China's influence. Compared with the panic of the Netherlands, the Japanese government was happy at this time. China had originally promised to help Japan share the pressure from the British side.

, in the first few days after the incident, there was no voice from China, and Japan thought it had been fooled. However, China’s tough stance now is a huge encouragement to Japan.

Immediately, Tanaka Yoshiichi issued an ultimatum to the Dutch government, proposing a total of five conditions, handing over the murderer who massacred the overseas Chinese, and extraditing him to Japan for trial; the Dutch government formally apologized to Japan and compensated the loss of 4 million yuan; established

The Dutch-Japanese joint investigation team investigates the freighter explosion case; in the Japanese expatriate-inhabited area in Borneo, the Japanese expatriates have a high degree of autonomy; the Japanese government can invest in all mines in the Dutch East Indies!

The most important thing among these is to establish an autonomous region. The Netherlands is not a fool to join. This is completely a country within a country, and the largest number of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia are not Japanese expatriates, but Chinese expatriates. If this opening is opened, I am afraid that Nanyang will

There are Tang Rui Streets everywhere, which the Netherlands cannot agree to under any circumstances.

In addition, investing in mines is also a very sensitive matter. The UK already has these powers. If Japan gets involved, will this place still belong to the Netherlands?

The British government could not accept this condition. The Dutch immediately rejected Japan's request and asked Japan to abide by international consensus and not try to undermine the peace of Southeast Asia.

Tanaka Yiichi and Emperor Hirohito had some intense communication, and finally decided to take tough measures against the Netherlands. Japan took out all the only two aircraft carriers, the Hosho and the Ryujo, and the battleship Haruna and so on.

Twelve battleships served as auxiliary forces, as well as four troop transports and some supply ships, forming a task force and heading towards Borneo.

Japan sent troops under the banner of protecting overseas Chinese, but all countries knew that the war was about to break out. Although the Netherlands acted very tough, at the critical moment they found that the power in their hands was too weak. The huge Netherlands

The largest warship in the East Indies was a light cruiser.

Although the United Fleet is in decline, it is still not something that the Netherlands can compete with. Now the Netherlands' biggest hope is that Britain will join. Only the British Empire can save Borneo. Therefore, the Dutch government continues to ask for help from Britain, and Britain is also riding a tiger.

Before the First World War, as long as the British Empire showed its majesty, no one in the Far East would dare not listen. But now the British Empire has lost that majesty. Of course, no matter how depressed the British people are, they still have to fight for their own face.

Just after the Japanese fleet set off, the United Kingdom also dispatched a battle group with the aircraft carrier "Sports God" as the core.

At this time, a shocking news suddenly came from China. The Zhenyuan aircraft carrier, which had just been launched and entered service shortly, was officially visiting Siam at the invitation of the Siamese Navy. The two countries also wanted to jointly negotiate the lease of the Sattahip military port.


This was also the first move personally arranged by Jiang Baili. Just as the British invasion was about to leave Singapore and go get involved in Borneo, the Chinese aircraft carrier appeared in Siam. It was clear that it was to cut off the British invasion. This move

It was so ruthless that Britain was suddenly in a dilemma!

This chapter has been completed!
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