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Chapter five hundred and thirteen: The technique of copying the bottom

Roosevelt was one of the few politicians in the United States with unique vision and insight. He actually saw the crisis very clearly. The Jewish people must bear a considerable degree of responsibility for the manipulation behind it, but Roosevelt himself must also bear some responsibility.

Relying on Jewish funds for support, otherwise he would not have the ability to impact the president.

You must know that even if these capital forces cannot push you to the presidency, they can easily create some troubles and make you lose the election. Therefore, the consequences of ignoring them are absolutely terrible. However, Roosevelt also escaped from this crisis. Two countries

A lot of things were discovered above.

Both China and the Soviet Union adopted a national planning model and used administrative power to guide economic development. This greatly violated the current libertarian principles, but there is no doubt that this is an effective method. As a pragmatist

As long as it is effective, it should be adopted instead of being constrained by the so-called 1ri concept.

Of course, these things cannot be implemented until he becomes president. Now he can only do his best to mitigate the impact of the crisis and prove to the American people that he is the one who can lead everyone out of the crisis.

At this time, China launched a skilled workers cooperation plan. The Chinese government came forward to introduce senior skilled workers from the United States. This had a very good effect on alleviating employment pressure. As for the problem of talent loss, there is no need to consider it for the time being. It is an urgent matter.

However, Roosevelt also fully demonstrated his savvy. He asked China not to simply introduce technicians on a large scale, but also to purchase machinery and agricultural products. In addition to senior technicians, it must also be matched with a large number of ordinary workers. Only in this way can it be obtained

U.S. support.

The Chinese side expressed support for these proposals, and the cooperation agreement between the two parties was soon finalized. New York is the most developed area in the United States, and has gathered a large number of high-end American talents. With the cooperation of both sides, a large number of American workers have entered

After being introduced to China, along with China's purchasing plan, New York's economic situation has greatly improved.

Factories that had been stopped for a long time started to operate again, and the economy started to move again. Roosevelt's prestige was greatly improved during this exchange. At the same time, he also followed China's example and invested in infrastructure to a certain extent, and created a considerable number of jobs.

Opportunity, more and more Americans are starting to pay attention to this Mr. Mayor.

Of course, China has gained real benefits from this kind of exchange. Excellent workers cannot be overemphasized for a country. Industrial workers are the core of all production activities.

It is also China's weakest link. The number of middle- and low-level workers is barely enough. As for the shortage of high-level workers, it is too serious. The Great Depression has provided China with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In addition to the United States, Germany is also the hardest hit area.

, and Germany has stronger technicians than the United States.

Moreover, the relationship between China and Germany is far closer than that between China and the United States. A large number of German workers were working in China long before the Great Depression. Now China has become the key to changing their destiny. For a time, it became one of China's major industrial cities.

China is experiencing a massive influx of foreign immigrants.

In the past, these foreign immigrants were arrogant and domineering in China, as if they were emperors, but now they come to China to work honestly. In the eyes of ordinary people, there are not too many foreign immigrants and they are not too strange. They are all

Just the same entry.

Qiao Yu is also very happy about this situation. With a large number of senior workers from virtue and virtue, the overall quality of Chinese workers will soon be improved. Even if these workers leave China in a few years, they will leave their advanced experience in China.

The United States and Germany, old enemies during World War II, are now working for China, which looks very strange and interesting.

In fact, there is nothing special about this. Germany and the Soviet Union were life-and-death enemies during World War II, but the Soviet Union's industry largely benefited from Germany's help. Of course, Germany also experimented on the vast Soviet territory.

New tactics and tactics gained valuable mineral resources.

Countries are never divided into simple enemies and friends. Many times, they are enemies on certain projects, friends in some aspects, and competitors in other aspects. The relationship seems complicated.

Just like China and the Jewish consortium currently, the Jews need China's support to establish the Jewish state they dream of. However, the two sides are life-and-death enemies on top of economic issues. The Jews are trying to control the Chinese economy, while the Chinese government, as well as the local

The financial group forces will never allow this to happen and will definitely fight back strongly.

However, the Jews still chose to back down in this confrontation. They promised to spit out those Chinese assets, but they asked China to also relax its financial supervision so that they could withdraw capital from the Chinese market.

This is also the opportunity that Qiao Yu has been waiting for. Only by recovering this wealth can China completely bid farewell to the 1st era, completely get rid of the fate of colonialism, and completely eliminate the threat to the next development. Being able to make the Jewish consortium surrender is also a huge victory.

, Qiao Yu also gave up as soon as it was good. After all, China still needs to carry out economic exchanges with the West. It would be of no benefit if the Jews were brought into the capital to offend them.

Therefore, China also agreed to the request of the Jewish investors, and the more than 2 billion Jewish capital trapped in the Chinese market began to cut off its flesh and blood. This time it also taught the Jewish investors a heavy lesson. If they cannot control the other party's political situation, if they cannot control the other party's

Regarding high-level trends, it is a very wrong choice to rely solely on capital power and administrative power to confront each other. This is also the result of their excessive arrogance.

However, Jewish investors are Jewish investors, and they are absolutely not willing to suffer losses. During the process of disinvestment, Jewish investors secretly transported large amounts of silver in the hope of causing a shortage of silver in the Chinese market and thus threatening financial security. Although this would not work as originally planned,

A complete victory, but it was enough to make up for the losses in the housing market.

But at this time, the Chinese government announced some major news. China had obtained control of several silver mines in Peru. Peru is the largest silver-producing country in the world. China successfully intervened, which undoubtedly made

The Jewish man's little move once again lost its effect.

These consortium capitals can only leave in despair. This can be regarded as one of the few defeats in Jewish history. However, it is obvious that this kind of struggle will never end, but will continue forever. However, the next struggle will probably be worse than the current one.

If it is more dangerous, the Jews will definitely be more prepared.

The methods will become more covert, and of course China will also make progress. The best way to deal with consortiums is to use consortia to deal with them. I believe that the power of China's consortia will soon become more and more mature, and the battle between the two sides will definitely become more and more intense.

Temporarily relieving the trouble of Jewish immigration and successfully capturing Pontianak in Borneo, it is undoubtedly a good time for China to develop. All a country needs to achieve industrialization is capital, technology, and investment.

Just waiting.

Now, due to the huge profits gained during the economic crisis, the funds for industrial development have been temporarily satisfied. The subsequent bargain-hunting operations have provided China with valuable workers and machines. What is lacking now is some key technologies. This is also

This time, China’s main target is bargain hunting.

Now that China has a certain industrial foundation, ordinary technologies cannot be judged by China. What can really make China shine are those technologies that can significantly improve the performance of weapons.

What fascinates China the most is the aero-engine technology of Hewlett-Packard Company of the United States. Although China does not lag behind the United States in aircraft design. Currently, the Air Force has replaced a wide range of monoplanes, but the engine has always been China's weakness. This is also the weakness of all aircraft.

The common dilemma of rising countries.

The main shortcomings of China's engines are short life and large size, which have become a bottleneck restricting the Chinese Air Force from further improving its combat effectiveness. In this regard, the United States has world-leading technology.

Pratt & Whitney, founded in 1925, launched its first product that year - the 425-horsepower R-1340 "Wasp", a single-row 9-cylinder air-cooled star design with a displacement of 22 liters and a weight of less than 295 kilograms.

Due to their superior performance, aircraft equipped with the "Wasp" engine were in the leading position in terms of speed, climb rate, high-altitude performance and reliability. Records were broken one after another, and soon they occupied a dominant position among Navy and Air Force fighter jets.

This kind of critical technology is not easily available to the United States in normal times. However, after the economic crisis broke out, all American companies were in a bad situation, which gave China the opportunity to buy the dip. After many efforts, China finally got what it wanted.

Here comes the key technology of the Wasp engine.

Of course, just acquiring the technology is not enough. We need to further digest and understand it, and finally create an engine suitable for China. However, with this good start, everything will not be too far away with the ingenuity of China.

To have a good engine, you also need good fuel. Only by eating good food can you exert excellent performance. The United States is also unique in high-grade gasoline cracking technology. Using high-quality fuel can make

The aircraft's maneuverability can jump by ten percent or more.

The piston engines currently used in aircraft use aviation gasoline. An important criterion for measuring aviation gasoline is the octane number. The engine with a higher compression ratio needs to use gasoline with a higher octane number, so as to avoid knocking and improve the efficiency of aviation gasoline.

The usual way to add octane is to add anti-riot agents.

As a country on wheels, the United States has a lot of experience. China has spent a lot of money to introduce a full set of American technologies, which is of immeasurable value to the improvement of aviation technology. As long as it is digested and absorbed, China's air superiority will become more and more important.

The more obvious it is.

In addition to this aspect, China also secretly introduced two scientists, and their research results were also shipped to China. They are Yuri and Brickweed. These two people discovered the existence of deuterium in water in history.

, others discovered heavy water based on their research.

Heavy water is actually deuterium oxide. Its molecular weight is heavier than that of ordinary water. It can be produced by electrolyzing water. Its greatest value is that it can be used as a moderator and coolant in nuclear reactors. It is essential for manufacturing nuclear weapons. China's

Nuclear weapons research has already begun, and we must not let go of this critical technology.

Of course, China does not expect that by controlling a few people, other countries will never know the secrets of nuclear weapons. This is a dream. With the development of science and technology to this extent, even if these people don't discover it, other people will find it.

, but China’s actions can delay their progress as much as possible.

In the original history, Norway used cheap hydropower to build the world's first heavy water plant in 1934. Now this crown has fallen to China. A large number of hydropower stations in the southwest provide China with the best opportunity to produce heavy water.

Base, the nuclear weapons program is quietly going on!

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