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Chapter 514: Perfection of the Golden Ou

More and more new technologies and new processes have been incorporated into China's industrial system, and the entire system is becoming more and more perfect. Although there is still a certain gap between the overall system and major industrial countries, this gap is rapidly narrowing. With the increase in national strength,

In the competition, China's scale advantage is also highlighted, and the world's industrial structure is also undergoing rapid reversal.

This trend of national power reversal has been foreseen by some Western economists, who have published a large number of articles pointing out the threat from China. There is a wave of thought throughout the Western world, believing that the next world war will probably be between China and the Western world.

To unfold between them, Western countries should unite together to deal with the rise of China for the sake of God and fellow white people.

The governments of the United States, Britain and other countries are also exaggerating the threat from China, but this is actually just a cover. The most important thing is that they hope that the military industrial enterprises can operate. The crisis continues to deepen, and all countries are looking for a way out. Many politicians have also discovered

The West needs to reflect and make changes from within. However, internal reforms have always involved the interests of all aspects, and it is too difficult to adjust.

Since we don't have the courage to reform internally, we can only point the finger externally, use China as a target, publicize the threat of China, and then take the opportunity to expand our armaments, especially our naval power. Don't look at those warships as just a pile of cold steel.

However, it can provide a large number of job opportunities and stimulate the country's scientific and technological progress. Moreover, the military-industrial complex is also a huge interest group and needs to be bribed.

Therefore, a naval race has begun with great fanfare. When the four Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were completed one after another, the United States began to build two larger aircraft carriers. In addition, the United States also built other auxiliary ships. In addition, the United States also built

Two large battleships.

The United Kingdom also gritted its teeth and followed up. The two countries had the same share of shipbuilding. The United States took action, and the United Kingdom could not sit idly by. Japan, which had just occupied Borneo, continued to improve its financial situation and announced a new shipbuilding bill.

They started construction of two aircraft carriers and named them Soryu and Hiryu.

Japan's plan to rebuild the combined fleet has long been expected by China. In fact, when it decided to support Japan in occupying Borneo, it had already considered Japan's use of this opportunity to rebuild its navy. The Chinese upper echelons are very clear about the madness of the island country.

, especially Emperor Hirohito is also a complete aggressive maniac.

The failure of the Sino-Japanese war did not dispel the idea of ​​​​expansion by the Japanese upper class, but the power was weakened and they had to stop. After the attack on Borneo was successful, Japan suddenly realized that Bai Rui, who was originally aloof, was actually the most vulnerable.

It is not as powerful as imagined, especially for a country as inferior as the Netherlands, which has occupied the fertile Malay Archipelago in vain, but is vulnerable. How can such a country deserve to have such good land?

Looking around from Borneo, there is Sulawesi in the east, New Guinea, the second largest island in the world, and Sumatra in the west. There are countless small islands between these islands. All areas are under a tropical rain forest climate.

As long as it is developed, it will be a big granary. For example, Sumatra Island occupies half of the Strait of Malacca and is a first-class strategic location.

If all these areas can be brought under the control of Japan, at least it can support more than 100 million people. The conditions are much better than those in Japan. Japan has always been a country with great ambitions and a huge appetite. Borneo is also

Before it was developed, they formulated a plan to fully colonize the Dutch East Indies.

Of course, to realize this ambition, you must have sufficient strength, especially a powerful navy. Japan's government has long formulated a plan for an eight-eighth fleet. Japan hopes to build a fleet with eight battleships and eight cruisers.

If Japan's plan for the huge ocean-going fleet is really realized, it will cost 600 million yuan every year just to maintain the fleet, which is equivalent to about one-third of Japan's fiscal revenue.

This was undoubtedly a wild dream. Later, after the Washington Conference, the Japanese Navy's crazy plan was finally restrained. However, during the Sino-Japanese War, Japan's main warships were sunk one after another, and the idea of ​​the Eighth-Eight Fleet was completely eliminated.

Disappeared into nothing, this time Japan has resumed its plan of the Eighth Eighth Fleet. This time Japan's plan is to build eight large aircraft carriers and eight small aircraft carriers within twenty years, forming an aircraft carrier-based force.

In addition to the core ocean-going fleet, Japan is also preparing to build two super battleships, hoping to rebuild Japan's maritime hegemony with its newly built huge navy.

Japan's naval reconstruction plan targets both the colonial powers of the United States and Britain, and China. Moreover, due to the distance problem, the threat to China is more direct and sensitive.

Of course, the Chinese Navy cannot lag behind and is also building warships. With the launch of the Zhenyuan, China has started to build three subsequent models, namely the Dingyuan, Zhiyuan, and Laiyuan.

The tonnage of these three aircraft carriers is more than 30,000 tons. At the same time, China is designing the next super aircraft carrier, which will have a tonnage of more than 40,000 tons and a full load displacement of nearly 50,000 tons. It is tentatively named Jingyuan and Ningyuan.

It can be said that from the day when various countries started building aircraft carriers, the original naval arms restrictions have become a dead letter. All countries are seeking to break through the arms limitation treaties, but everyone has maintained a semblance of peace, and China has not blatantly violated the agreement.

Instead, it states that China will decommission the aircraft carrier when all three aircraft carriers are completed, thus keeping the total tonnage within the treaty limit.

The UK has already learned this trick from China. If China buys its so-called decommissioned aircraft carrier to Siam under the guise of arms sales, doesn’t that mean it is putting money from its left hand to its right hand? What’s the point of decommissioning it?

Is it valuable?

In order to prevent this situation, the United Kingdom and the United States put pressure on China and asked China to guarantee that it would never sell decommissioned warships. China readily agreed to the British request. After all, Siam's poor financial situation could no longer afford a second ship.

The pressure on aircraft carriers is increasing. China's aircraft carriers will definitely be sold at a higher price. Qiao Yu already has a new plan at this time.

The German Nazi Party is expanding rapidly and has shown the hope of winning the election. As long as Germany rearms, the aircraft carrier will definitely be the maritime weapon that mustache dreams of. By then, China will be able to exchange whatever technology it wants.

Although Germany's military technology is world-class, it is not so easy to build an aircraft carrier platform. You must have enough time to explore and experience. It has taken China nearly ten years to modify its aircraft carrier before it reaches the scale it has today.

It only took six or seven years from the time when Germany came to power with a mustache to the outbreak of World War II. Therefore, in its original history, Germany only built battleships with outdated technology such as the Bismarck, and aircraft carriers have not appeared for a long time.

In the end, submarines still have to be relied upon to support their appearance at sea. China's starting point is a big gift package left to Germany. I think Nazi Germany will definitely become more ferocious.

The unprecedented economic crisis has profoundly changed the strategic landscape of all countries in the world. All countries will inevitably embark on the path of military expansion. Once this step is reached, the seeds of world war have actually been planted. We just have to wait for how it will be detonated.

Of course, in addition to these long-term considerations, the Chinese government still has one major issue to deal with, and that is Hong Kong. When China and Britain reached a five-year agreement to return Hong Kong, the United Kingdom wanted to use these five years to lead Hong Kong to a new direction.

If we go astray, we will be in constant trouble when China takes back Hong Kong.

Changing the policies implemented by the UK will offend the local people. If it does not change, it will cause huge financial burdens. The UK is worthy of being a long-established world hegemon. It has enough bad things in its belly, but it has never been calculated.

An economic crisis will break out.

Originally, the British government in Hong Kong relied on borrowing to carry out infrastructure construction and comprehensively improve welfare. They wanted to maintain it for five years and then leave the burden to China. However, it backfired. Due to the outbreak of the Great Depression, the British government could not maintain it for five years.

, the capital chain quickly broke.

The whole of Hong Kong is full of unfinished projects and the government is heavily in debt. Only a part of all the promised welfare benefits can no longer be maintained. Not only can it not be maintained, Hong Kong has to cut its original fiscal expenditures and raise

tax rates to fill the fiscal gap.

What was originally a good project to win over people's hearts suddenly revealed its true form. Instead, it made the people of Hong Kong miserable and complained. The wave of strikes and protests became violent again. The Chinese government also took the opportunity to intervene at this time and imposed sanctions on the British government.


China and Britain have a treaty, but the British have no right to make Hong Kong people miserable. China has reason to demand compensation from the British side for the Hong Kong British government's misdeeds to maintain the basic stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. Moreover, the Hong Kong British government has caused

China does not recognize any debt issues and the UK is responsible for everything!

China's move was extremely ruthless, and it pushed Britain into an embarrassing situation. It was originally a big hole dug for China, but before the hole was dug, it fell into it. The British Empire was disgraced, and Li Zi and

All face was lost.

The British are willing to default on their debts, but this will have a huge impact on the country's credit. The government cannot afford it, especially if it spends British tax dollars on this piece of land that is about to fall into the hands of China.

It won't pass in the first place.

Hong Kong quickly became a sore foot for the United Kingdom. It was in a dilemma. At this point, the Chinese government also felt that the situation was almost the same and proposed an exchange condition to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom exchanged Hong Kong for China in advance and transferred the Hong Kong assets they controlled.

Hand it over together, and China can take over and deal with the debt problem.

Now, Britain has no choice but to hold its nose and agree to China's conditions. Hong Kong, a land that has been separated from the motherland for more than 80 years, has finally returned to China's control.

The whole of China attaches great importance to this piece of land that was finally recovered. Ca Mau is intact. China has completely bid farewell to the 1st era. The things that have been imposed on China through a century of humiliation have finally been wiped out.

This handover ceremony was very grand. Chinese Prime Minister Wang Yongjiang personally led the team to attend. At the same time, China's navy and army also officially stationed in Hong Kong. The navy also sent an aircraft carrier formation with the Zhenyuan as the core to Victoria Harbor to participate in this national celebration.

grand ceremony.

Of course, Victoria Harbor will soon become a historical term. This ancient deep-water port was officially renamed Ninggang, symbolizing the end of Hong Kong's colonial destiny and eternal peace from now on. The British Union Jack slowly lowered, and the Chinese flag

The five-color flag is slowly rising, and the alternation between the two flags seems to herald the decline of the British Empire and the rise of the Eastern powers. The last flaw in China's territory has been made up for, and Jin Ou will be solid from now on!

This chapter has been completed!
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