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Chapter 515: Two Elections

With the return of Hong Kong, China's territory has been completely restored. Except for some territorial disputes between the northwest and the Soviet Union, Xi Zang and the United Kingdom, all major issues have been resolved. Moreover, this kind of control is not comparable to that of previous dynasties. All dynasties in China have

The controlled area is mostly centered on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, blocked by the plateau to the west, and the grassland area to the north. This is mostly a strategic buffer zone for the Central Plains and nomadic peoples.

If the Central Plains is strong, it will be able to occupy more. If the Central Plains is weak, it will be controlled by the nomadic tribes. The competition between you and me has lasted for thousands of years. This situation continued until the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. The Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were too few.

, had to make Mongolia an ally, and had very limited control over the princes of Outer Mongolia. As for the southwest and Tibet, it was in the hands of local forces. The imperial court only had one title, and rebellions would even break out from time to time.

Nowadays, China's control over border areas has been strengthened unprecedentedly. Except for Xi Zang, all provinces have built railway lines, and the entire country is connected. The army can be mobilized quickly across the country, and communication capabilities are also better than before.

It is too powerful. As long as there is any situation, it can be reported immediately. In the face of modern technology, the ancient eight-hundred-mile express is really too slow.

China's entire border defense force has more than 300,000 soldiers, firmly guarding the sacred territory of more than 10 million square kilometers, not only on land, but also on the sea. The Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea have all become China's

In the inland sea, through the Ryukyu Islands, the Chinese navy can directly enter the Pacific Ocean.

At present, the Chinese Navy has a total of three large fleets and one task force, namely the South China Sea Fleet, the East China Sea Fleet, and the North Sea Fleet. The South China Sea Fleet has two large aircraft carriers and the largest submarine fleet. It is China's largest maritime force.

The second largest is the East China Sea Fleet. This fleet is currently mainly guarding Ryukyu, and will become the core force of China's Pacific Fleet in the future. It is still defensive. When all the large aircraft carriers of the Chinese Navy are completed, this fleet will definitely receive great benefits.


Because the enemies that the East China Sea Fleet has to face are too powerful, one is Japan, the old enemy, and the other is the United States. You must know that after leaving Ryukyu, you will encounter the U.S. Guam base. According to the assessment, the East China Sea Fleet will have at least three enemies.

Only one aircraft carrier is enough, one to deal with Japan in the north, one to deal with the United States in the east, and the remaining one as a backup force. Of course, China does not have such strength at present, and it has also adopted a defensive posture against Ryukyu.

The other fleet is the North Sea Fleet. This fleet is based in Vladivostok and is mainly responsible for the maritime security of the outer Northeast region. The main opponent to be dealt with is Japan, but in the future this fleet will develop into the North Pacific Fleet.

In this way, China can embrace the Pacific Ocean in two ways.

As for the future of the South China Sea Fleet, it is actually very clear. After taking control of Malacca, this fleet will be upgraded to the Indian Ocean Fleet and become an important tool for China to control South Asia, the Middle East, and even the coast of Africa.

The final task force was arranged in North Korea. On the one hand, it was to strengthen control over North Korea, and on the other hand, it was to protect the security of the Beijing-Tianjin area. It can be said that the prototype of China's oceanic navy has initially emerged. The next step is to expand ships and improve combat effectiveness.


The entire economic crisis has been developing for more than two years. The economies of the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and other countries have all suffered a fatal blow. The small countries that rely on them are also in miserable condition and are struggling in the quagmire.

China and the Soviet Union not only suffered no losses during this crisis, but also introduced a large number of new technologies, became more and more industrialized, and became stronger and stronger. Stalin was indeed a capable thief. The Soviet Union's industrial development was faster than

China is no less willing to make concessions. Of course, this kind of development comes at the expense of the people and carries great risks.

A large number of conflicts broke out in the Soviet Union. The common people valued the tangible benefits before them rather than those empty slogans. The rule of the Soviet Union made their food crisis more and more serious, and a large number of farmers were struggling on the edge of starvation.

China also took this opportunity to smuggle grain to the Soviet Union through the Far Eastern Republic. Chita became the largest black market in the Far East for a time. Chinese grain and light industrial products were transported here and then to the Soviet Union. In exchange, Soviet gold, silver, ore,

Timber, even jewelry, etc. were all transported to China.

During this smuggling operation, a large number of swindlers accumulated their first fortune and became the richest group in the northwest region.

Originally, Japan was also in deep crisis, and there was absolutely no chance of luck. However, they occupied Borneo and a large amount of resources were transported to the country. In addition, the development of new land required a large amount of investment. Japan's chaebols also saw the reason.

Business opportunities, a large amount of money was poured into Borneo, and Japan's economy finally got rid of the impact of the crisis. For the first time since the Sino-Japanese War, Japan's economy showed signs of rapid growth.

A large number of domestic imports were moved to Borneo. These immigrants also needed food and drink, and there were huge business opportunities. Japan, with its strong demand, finally got rid of the impact of the economic crisis to a certain extent and re-armed itself.

No matter how serious a crisis is, it will eventually hit the bottom. After entering 1932, the crisis finally reached a peak and began to show signs of turning around. However, the crises in the past few years have made everyone tremble, and no one is afraid.

Not sure if there will be a turnaround.

At this time, another election year has arrived, and the American people urgently need to elect a hero who can lead them out of the economic crisis. The Democratic Party has entered the election, and New York City Mayor Roosevelt has become the first choice in everyone's mind.

Roosevelt himself was a disabled person and could only rely on a wheelchair to move around. This shortcoming did not affect Roosevelt. On the contrary, many people seemed to see a real inspirational drama from him, especially Roosevelt's various incidents during his tenure as mayor.

This move will give him a lot of points.

Roosevelt cut agricultural taxes to reduce the burden on farmers. After the outbreak of the Great Depression, Roosevelt began to try to increase government investment like the policies of China and the Soviet Union, provide job opportunities for the unemployed, and signed a skilled worker export agreement with China. Although his opponent in the election

His actions were accused of betraying American interests, but there is no doubt that Roosevelt's actions actually reduced the unemployment rate in New York and boosted public confidence.

This has also become his campaign policy. The only thing we fear is fear itself! This sonorous and powerful statement allows the confused Americans to find a way out. No matter whether it is correct or not, Americans must try it.

Roosevelt's opponent in the election was Hoover, a Republican. The president who had been in the White House for 29 years did not offer any effective solutions to the crisis. Instead, he allowed the crisis to deepen further, and the outcome became very clear.


Roosevelt defeated Hoover by a huge margin and became the 32nd president of the United States. During his election, China also provided a considerable amount of political donations. This kind of money-power transaction is also a habit of the United States.

Anyone who is president must have the support of a sponsor.

China's investment must also have sufficient returns, that is, the U.S. government must appropriately relax on technological exchanges. This kind of exchange is also very willing to Roosevelt. Economic cooperation with China will have a great effect on the United States getting rid of the economic crisis.


Before Roosevelt was elected, Germany was undergoing great changes. After the economic crisis, Hitler and his Nazi Party expanded rapidly. The total number of party members exceeded one million within two years, becoming a powerful national party.

It already has the strength to seize a majority of seats in parliament.

At this time, the German president was still Hindenburg, a veteran general from the First World War. In 1925, Hindenburg became the president of the Weimar Republic. In fact, for Hindenburg, World War I was always a pain in his heart. At this time, Wilhelm II

He also took refuge in the Netherlands. As a 1st-century Prussian soldier, his loyalty to the Hohenzollern family was well known. However, the old Hindenburg could no longer do anything but maintain the last dignity of the country.

Hindenburg looked down on Hitler and just regarded him as a clown. He absolutely did not want Germany to fall into the hands of such people. However, he had no way to deal with Hitler's rise. In 1932, Hindenburg and Hitler were at the same time.

Participating in the presidential election, Hindenburg relied on his high prestige to obtain more than half of the votes in the second round of voting, while Hitler unexpectedly received 38% of the votes.

There is no doubt that Hitler has become the second favorite in the hearts of the German people. What is even more terrible is that Hindenburg is 85 years old at this time and is a complete decrepit. Under the heavy pressure from all parties, Hindenburg

Fort had no choice but to appoint Hitler as chancellor, and from then on Hitler also appeared on the stage of history.

After he came to power, he first asked Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and conduct a new election. On the eve of the re-election, Hitler directed the arson attack on the Reichstag, eradicating the Nazi Party's opponents in one fell swoop. At the same time, he instructed Hindenburg to abolish the Weimar Republic*

* system, the Nazi Party became the only political party in Germany.

At this time, Hitler also expressed enough respect for this great figure in World War I. You must know that Hindenburg was a field marshal in World War I, but Hitler was only a corporal. The gap between the two is simply a world of difference.

, cannot be compared, but more than ten years later, Hitler has become the most powerful person after Hindenburg.

In Hitler's mind, he was just waiting for Hindenburg to be eliminated naturally, and then all the power in Germany would naturally fall into his hands without any obstacles.

China has paid great attention to the two elections in the United States and Germany. Qiao Yu also knows very well that the main actors in World War II have already appeared one after another, including Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Mussolini.

As for Chugur, the fat man is still dormant, and Hideki Tojo also made his mark during the campaign against Borneo. Because of his brutal methods, he was nicknamed the Razor.

Actors began to appear on stage one after another, and the show was about to begin. Qiao Yu sent warm congratulatory messages to both Hitler and Roosevelt. In addition to expressing heartfelt congratulations, he also talked about the friendship between China and Germany and China and the United States. Hitler and Roosevelt also

I called back very politely. Everyone is salivating over the huge potential market in China.

After Hitler called back, he couldn't wait to publish a long speech, enthusiastically praising the economic and trade cooperation between China and Germany, and expressing the idea of ​​continuing to expand cooperation. Qiao Yu immediately asked Vice Prime Minister Yan Xishan to lead a team to form a huge purchasing group to go


China and Germany have very in-depth exchanges. This time, China spent a full purchase amount of 60 million US dollars. This amount is definitely not small. As long as it is injected into the German market, it will definitely bring a lot of job opportunities!

This chapter has been completed!
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