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Chapter 525: Visiting Herdsmen

There are many misunderstandings in history, such as the belief that World War II was an anti-fascist war. This is a seriously wrong understanding. The problem lies with Spain. The Spanish Civil War ended with the victory of Franco supported by Germany and Italy, and established the

A pro-German fascist regime.

This regime lasted for forty years from the day it was established until 1975. It ended only after Franco's death. Franco, the fascist leader, was not punished. If World War II was really about anti-fascism, then why not Spain?

Also eliminate them together. Only in this way can the fascist forces be completely eradicated!

It can be seen that regardless of the victorious country's propaganda about itself, World War II was, to put it bluntly, just a hegemony battle between the new hegemons and the major powers. Re-dividing world power was the main purpose of each country.

In particular, the United States often packages itself as a symbol of freedom, a beacon of justice, and the embodiment of justice. But do Americans truly believe in ideology and truly believe in democracy?

This can be clearly seen from the allies of the United States. After the end of World War II, the United States established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the fascist regime of Spain was also among them; in the Middle East, the feudal imperial country Saudi Arabia is also an ally of the United States, and Pahlavi

Iran, controlled by the dynasty, is also an ally; South Korea, which implements military aggression in East Asia, is also an ally... These countries are not only allies of the United States, but also members of the free world promoted by the United States. Do you think it is laughable? How can they be criticized?

Even the fascists who criticized you are free? Isn’t the United States slapping itself in the mouth?

If the United States truly believes in separatism, it should attack its allies, let them bask in the sunshine of freedom, and establish a true American-style separatist system. However, in fact, the United States has not only failed to deal with these reactionary separatism.

They took action and also provided strong support to help them maintain their power.

After seeing through all this, the only thing that matters between big countries is interests. No matter who you are, as long as you listen to me, you are a good person. Otherwise, I will hack you and kill you! In contrast, the Soviet Union went too far.

To value ideology seems extremely pedantic.

There is an even more ironic situation in history, that is, during Franco’s fascist administration, the living standards of the Spanish people improved the fastest, resulting in the post-war economic miracle. Take cars as an example, privately owned cars in Spain were made by

More than 70,000 vehicles turned into more than one million vehicles, and the national income also increased significantly. This is why Franco, the revolutionary, was accepted by the people. He brought great progress to the country. And when it was implemented

After the **, Spain became the hardest hit area by the European debt crisis. History has once again ruthlessly mocked those bullshit scholars who were brainwashed by **. Anyone who takes the propaganda of the United States seriously is a complete fool.


In fact, fascism was able to become popular not through deception or violence, but because it was truly pushed to the throne of the ruling party by the people. This was the case with Hitler, especially the economic miracle he created in Germany.

It is an issue that must be paid attention to.

After Hitler came to power, the unemployment rate dropped from more than 50% to 1.3%, achieving full employment. Such a low unemployment rate is rarely seen when the economy is running well. Pig iron production dropped from 3.9 million in 1933.

tons increased to 18.6 million tons in 1938, steel production increased from 5.6 million tons to 23.2 million tons, and the output of magnesium, aluminum, machine tools, etc. even exceeded that of the United States.

The most incredible thing is that Germany has also implemented a comprehensive welfare policy. Workers can take paid vacations and even travel to the United States to relax. This is unique in the world. In comparison, Roosevelt's New Deal, which has been praised much, is just

The economy has just resumed operation and has not yet reached its peak. The U.S. industry only fully exploded due to the impact of World War II, which is far inferior to that of Hitler.

Another point that must be noted is that when Hitler created an economic miracle, he also took back many of the sovereignty lost due to World War I, annexed Austria to Germany, and took back the Sudetenland. The great success of the German economy has provided a great opportunity for his country and society.

Before World War II, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Greece, Yugoslavia, Romania, Slovenia and other countries followed Germany and established similar regimes.

Living in this era of drastic changes, Qiao Yu admired Hitler's achievements very much, but at the same time he felt a real threat. Just like the reason why Qiao Yu is now hostile to the West is that he led 500 million Chinese people out of poverty, Stalin

Hitler's original sin was the industrialization of 200 million people, and Hitler's original sin was his hope of unifying the fragmented Europe.

China and Germany are at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent. Qiao Yu can feel the threat of Germany. So what should Britain, France, the United States and other countries do? It is obvious that they can only eventually go to war and rely on guns and artillery to deal with the most threatening enemies.


After thinking about it, Qiao Yu also felt a little upset. The drastic changes in the world situation were far beyond what a few pages of history books could explain clearly, nor what a few so-called experts could decipher. Being in the middle of the situation, Qiao Yu even had some thoughts.

There is a sense of powerlessness. Don’t think that with the advantage of time travel, you can play with the times. The world is too complicated.

In addition to sighing, Qiao Yu also wanted to make a move as soon as possible, and could not just watch the situation change. The civil war in Spain had not yet broken out, and China needed to gain as much benefit as possible. Qiao Yu immediately sent a message to Bei Jing, asking Xu Shuzheng and Qian Moyin to join.

Immediately lead a team to visit Germany. Their main tasks are two. One is to sell large naval ships to Germany, and the other is to open the way for intervention in the Spanish Civil War. China and Germany must reach an arms export plan.

Hitler would definitely be interested in weapons that could break Britain's sea control. Qiao Yu had already had this plan. At this time, he proposed to sell it at a good price, and Qiao Yu was also convinced that Germany would pay a big price to buy it. In this world

The only country in the world that can help Germany in the navy is China.

Although Qiao Yu learned about various changes in Europe one after another, he did not rush to bei jing. Instead, he continued the investigation unhurriedly, visited the hospital, visited the border guards, and visited some mines. Of course, these actions

They are all extremely secret, so as not to attract the attention of the Soviet Union, it would be bad if they were targeted by killer agents.

After seeing all of this, Qiao Yu went to see a few yurts in person to truly feel the living conditions of the herdsmen. China has been a mainly farming nation for thousands of years, and the nomadic people are happy enemies.

There are both trade exchanges and constant wars between the two countries. After entering the industrialization era, war horses are no longer the most advantageous weapon, and the threat of nomads has been completely eliminated. However, China has a vast territory and has a large number of nomads in border areas.

Living a stable life and completely focusing on the country are of great value to China's stability.

After the Chinese government took back Outer Mongolia, it carried out a large number of reforms to the upper-class nobles of Outer Mongolia and completely abolished the power of the nobles. These princes and nobles were roughly divided into two categories. One type was based on the Central Plains. For this

Qiao Yu gave them a lot of care and took back their pastures and slaves, but helped them transform into capitalists, and gave them a share of the minerals found on their land. In this way, these immigrants

Basically just sit back and wait to get paid.

They don't even have to settle on the bitter cold grasslands. In fact, many of them have moved to warm islands such as Hainan, Taiwan, and Ryukyu, where they live a comfortable and comfortable life, and receive large dividends while sitting at home.

The second type is the original pro-Russian forces, which tried to use the power of Tsarist Russia to achieve the jurisdiction of Fu. Later, after the rise of Soviet Russia, these people also tried to collude with Soviet Russia. They would never be polite to such people.

Their private armed forces were abolished, their property was confiscated, and all their ranch slaves were confiscated.

The crime was so heinous that all those who actively encouraged du li were shot. Some of the accomplices and family members worked as coolies, while others became civilians, living the same working life as ordinary herdsmen without any privileges.

Since Outer Mongolia was established as Yunling Province, the situation in Outer Mongolia has undergone earth-shaking changes. Administrative agencies at all levels have the same set-up as in the country. Officials are uniformly assessed and selected, and the central government has achieved direct control over this place.

This is a unique feat in history.

Even during the heyday of the Han and Tang dynasties, these grassland areas were still controlled by surrendered leaders. The Central Plains were only enshrined and had no power to establish administrative regions.

Being able to do this now has a lot to do with the economic transformation of Outer Mongolia. Although there are still a large number of herdsmen in Outer Mongolia, the mainstay of the economy has become the mining industry. Outer Mongolia can live a comfortable life relying on its rich mineral resources.

Very good ribs.

Those herdsmen are also very different from the past herdsmen. Most of their cattle and sheep have signed sales agreements with outside companies. They can produce as much as they need and sell as much as they produce. This greatly guarantees the rights and interests of the herdsmen, making

Their living standards have skyrocketed.

Herdsmen who have money in their pockets naturally have the desire to settle down. After all, nomadic herding is very hard work, not only in Outer Mongolia. Inner Mongolia moves faster than Outer Mongolia. The herdsmen even began to change their habit of migrating in pursuit of water and grass.

Raising livestock in captivity will result in higher yields and more income. Even if they are grazing, they will also build a fixed residence to live in during the winter.

The nomadic people stopped and settled in large numbers. This also eliminated the last unstable factor and undoubtedly played a huge role in strengthening the control of the border areas. Qiao Yu was also very attentive to this project and financed it.

A special amount of 10 million was allocated for support.

According to the plan, all herdsmen would be completely settled before 1940. From a historical perspective, this project has unparalleled significance, which means that the threat of nomads that has existed for thousands of years has been completely eliminated.

At this time, Qiao Yu, surrounded by his companions, came to the yurts in Murubagan. In the future, more of these yurts will probably exist in tourist attractions. To be honest, the sanitary conditions of the yurts are not good.

It's not very good. There are some fur blankets randomly covering the outside, and they are all a little black. The space inside is even more narrow and unusual, and there is a strange smell.

However, Qiao Yu didn't care about this. On the contrary, he was a little embarrassed to enter Bogen. The honest Mongolian man felt that he had treated the distinguished guest a little bit. According to etiquette, Qiao Yu accepted the hada, nai tea, and other gifts from Bogen.

An exquisite sterling silver snuff bottle. Giving snuff bottles to each other is also a meeting etiquette among the Mongolian people. It disappeared with the decline of snuff in later generations. Qiao Yu accepted them one by one. Bagan seemed very excited. He even felt like it at this time.

Just like in a dream, I never expected that the Presidential Competition would suddenly appear in my home, as if it fell from the sky!

This chapter has been completed!
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