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Chapter 526: The Beginning of Expansion

In this small yurt, what surprised Qiao Yu the most was that in a conspicuous position at the top, there was a photo of himself in military uniform hanging. The photo was spotless. There was a small copper incense burner underneath, like a magic box.

It doesn't fit in with the whole messy environment.

Qiao Yu is disgusted with the behavior of hanging portraits everywhere. Leaving things everywhere has no effect other than causing disgust. Moreover, his two life experiences tell him that most people have no respect for these portraits.

For example, school portraits are often dirty and messy.

Any emperor asked others to call him long live, but not even one lived to be a hundred years old. These self-deceptions were really unnecessary, but when he saw someone offering himself up here, Qiao Yu suddenly felt

A very weird feeling.

Seeing Qiao Yu's surprised expression, Bagan immediately started to explain eloquently. The translator on the side told Qiao Yu what he meant. It turned out that Jigen was a slave of the prince and had no pasture of his own or cattle of his own.

After Yang, zhengfu implemented reforms, the original slave status was cancelled.

He also owns his own pasture, cattle and sheep. Over the years, his living standard has become higher and higher. He has also married a wife and had children. Moreover, the government has also implemented a housing project, and soon they will have their own house.

In Bagan's opinion, all these changes were brought about by the government, Qiao Yu, the leader. He is the Bodhisattva who descended from the Immortal Heaven and should be enshrined. Moreover, this situation is not isolated. During the reform

A large number of herdsmen who benefited from the event had Qiao Yu's portraits and photos in their homes.

Being worshiped as sacred by others is definitely a huge satisfaction for vanity, but Qiao Yu also feels a little weird. Sooner or later, this system of personality worship will be eliminated by society. The higher it is praised now, the harder it will fall in the future. However,

Ba Gen was obviously sincere, and Qiao Yu couldn't say anything.

During the conversation, Qiao Yu also learned that a pair of Bagan's children will soon be of school age. Within the next two years, they will be able to have a fixed residence and their children will be enrolled in school to receive education.

The education they receive is exactly the same as that in the mainland, except that bilingual teaching is adopted in the first three years of primary school. In fact, the requirement for them is only to be able to speak Mongolian. After that, they will be taught in Mandarin. The purpose is naturally very simple.

, is to promote integration, establish cultural understanding, and ultimately realize the true equality of the people.

China is a very large country with many complexities, so some people also advocate taking protective measures for some ethnic minorities and respecting their cultural traditions. This is also to maintain China's cultural diversity. Qiao Yu sneers at this formulation.

Dividing a country into different parts of the country is creating divisions and contradictions, and in the industrial era, people are mobile. The population will continue to flow. Simply dividing according to different ethnic groups does not have much practical significance. As for giving

Privileges violate the basic spirit of the Constitution that everyone is equal.

As for the diversity mentioned, it is even more nonsense. The national characteristics of many ethnic groups are forced out by the harsh environment. Everyone hopes to live a better life. The entire world and country are constantly progressing, and ethnic minorities are still allowed to live.

Isn't maintaining their original way of survival restricting their development? Scholars who maintain this view are not really taking care of ethnic minorities.

Rather, they want them to maintain a relatively backward and primitive way of life for appreciation, and then satisfy their pathological sense of superiority. The same principle also appears in the view of farmers. Some people stubbornly hope that farmers maintain tradition and simplicity. Isn’t this a sense of superiority?

This kind of mentality is like the literati in the past who admired women with small feet.

Of course, there are some people who are supported by external forces who will promote this with bad intentions, but they are just creating opportunities for division!

In Qiao Yu's view, a unified country must have a unified language, similar cultural mentality, and common moral cognition, and comprehensively promote the Chinese language and use Chinese characters when more than 95% of the country is Han Chinese.

It is an inevitable choice.

Of course, Qiao Yu's behavior attracted a lot of opposition, calling it cultural corruption and the regression of civilization. However, this is all a debate among academic circles. After actually contacting these herdsmen, I found that they were very fond of Si, and Bagan was studying hard.

As long as he understands Chinese, he can communicate better with the vendors, he can hope to enter the factory, he can read newspapers and books, learn the most advanced knowledge, and make his life better.

Scholars harm the country, talk is useless!

Only by contacting these grassroots people can we get the most authentic information, and this country is also supported by their reputation.

Including Jiang Baili, Yang Du and others, they all felt deeply that there are no complicated things in the eyes of ordinary people. The most direct thing is the quality of life, and other things are too illusory.

When he was about to leave Bagen's house, Qiao Yu rarely left behind a piece of calligraphy. After years of training, Qiao Yu's calligraphy has become elegant. In fact, it was his son Qiao Luan who really inspired him to practice calligraphy hard.

When he was very young, he showed great talent in calligraphy and painting. As a father, his face was always disgraced when his son laughed at him. Qiao Yu also consulted many famous experts for advice.

Now when I write, I also use iron hooks and silver hooks, which penetrate the back of the paper. I wrote four words for Bagan: Work hard and get rich!

Qiao Yu's purpose was very simple, which was to replace the awkward-looking portrait with this word, but what he didn't know was that everything he came into contact with in this yurt had been put away respectfully by Bagan.

He regarded it as a treasure, and it became the most memorable thing he often talked about to other herdsmen!

"President, after this round, the people's hearts are stable. With this guarantee, it is more important than the military advantage over the Soviet Union. If the government has established a firm foothold here and its authority is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, this land will forever be

It’s ours!”

"Mr. Jiuzi, the more you come into contact with the people, the more ashamed you feel. When people enshrine you, you must really come up with more policies to benefit the people. Otherwise, your face will always be burning and your heart will feel guilty.

I have decided to promote the housing project in pastoral areas nationwide. This year, we will provide two million units of small and medium-sized housing to the people. In addition, the renovation project in the old city must also be accelerated, and low-rent housing must be provided for migrant workers. We cannot

You always think that you are making decisions for the people, but you must do your best to meet their needs!"

Qiao Yu said this out of emotion. The Jewish consortium's attacks on the real estate market have ended for many years, and the global economic situation has also improved greatly. However, in order to prevent the real estate industry from rupturing, China still maintains relatively high house prices.

In places such as Beijing and Shanghai, the lowest price has not dropped below 200 yuan per square meter. With the recovery of the global economy, prices are still rising. Jewish capital that has not completely withdrawn is also trying to increase housing prices as much as possible to make profits.

This level of housing prices has exceeded the affordable range of most people. The weakness of the housing market has greatly affected Qiao Yu's prestige. However, the profits from land finance are so huge that they are like opium and cannot be easily released.

Come down.

In particular, China is still in the early stages of industrialization and requires a large amount of investment. The high level of the real estate market has provided the government with sufficient construction funds and has enriched a large number of real estate companies. In addition, high housing prices have another advantage, which is that it forces the people to have to

Save a lot.

Huge savings support social construction from another aspect. During the entire Second Five-Year Plan period, China basically completed the construction of the Northeast Industrial Zone. Jiangsu and Zhejiang also developed rapidly. Most of the funds came from this. No matter how good the excuse, this

They are all deprivations and calculations on the people, and they are all a wrong path.

Qiao Yu wants to promote affordable housing projects across the country, which is to cool down the real estate industry from the other side. The real estate industry can certainly develop, but it should go to the high end and target the truly wealthy groups, while ordinary people can get low-cost insurance from Zheng Fu.

Xing housing, Qiao Yu plans to provide 10 million units of small and medium-sized affordable Xing housing within five years to solve the housing problem of more than 30 million people.

Of course, this ratio will be adjusted with the growth of China's population and the process of urbanization, but no matter what, Qiao Yu is determined that housing is a major matter that affects everyone and must be handled well!

"President, now North Vietnam has been in conflict with the South one after another, and war will break out soon. Do you think we should focus on the war first?"

Yang Du continued: "President, can the people postpone it a little longer? When the war is over, the country's finances will be more abundant, and it will tilt towards the people!"

Qiao Yu originally had this plan, but at this time he shook his head firmly: "I still say what I said, we can't make decisions for the people self-righteously. Of course, I will not change the actions of the three Indo-China countries. As for how to balance it, that's

The matter between your advisor and Premier Wang!"

Qiao Yu has made it clear that he is cheating and will do both. As for the difficulties, it is not my business. Old Yang Du has no other excuse. He can only hope that Wang Yongjiang, a financial expert, can turn his hands into rain.

, get enough funds!

As soon as Qiao Yuzhou boarded the train and was about to return to Beijing, news came from Vietnam that the French had decided to execute three scholars who opposed French colonial rule. This suddenly caused a hornet's nest. These three people have great reputation in Vietnam.

, has always been dissatisfied with French colonial rule, and also publicized his views everywhere.

France has been trembling with fear since China captured North Vietnam, fearing that China would seize the entire three Indo-China countries. This will definitely have a terrible impact on France. Whether it is later generations or now, the so-called Paris fashion can lead the world.

Chao flow.

But aside from the complicated surface, you will find that most of these French flagship products are actually processed from tropical specialties, such as perfumes, leather goods, etc. This is also an important relationship between France and France in the colonial era. It only occupied some

The British looked down upon the corners, so they had no choice but to take this path.

If we lose the three countries of Indochina, wouldn't it be impossible to do this? Therefore, the sensitive French upper class has very tight control over South Vietnam and does not allow any objections. However, the more this happens, the easier it is for problems to arise.

People in South Vietnam took to the streets to protest, and serious conflicts broke out. At this time, Ruan Aiguo also received instructions from China. He officially issued an ultimatum to France, asking France to push out southern Vietnam, otherwise it would

Take decisive measures to unify the country!

In fact, China's control over North Vietnam is much tighter than France's control over South Vietnam. Ruan Aiguo is just a puppet now, and his every move is controlled by China. This so-called ultimatum is actually China's expansion.

War letter!

This chapter has been completed!
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