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Chapter 538 Global Visit

It has become inevitable for the Japanese to expand their aggression in the Nanyang region, and there is intelligence that the Japanese aircraft carrier Zuihe is about to be launched. As a result, Japan has three large aircraft carriers, plus the Hosho and Ryusei.

Japan has three large, two small and five aircraft carriers, and the total tonnage has undoubtedly exceeded the original limit of 90,000 tons. In addition, according to the most covert channels, China also learned that Japan has another aircraft carrier, the Shokaku, that is also under construction.

, is about to be completed.

Moreover, the Japanese, who have a huge appetite, have designed a new type of aircraft carrier, named Taiho. It is said that the tonnage will exceed 50,000 tons. If this plan continues, Japan is bound to become a powerful maritime force in the Asia-Pacific region, able to directly threaten China.

Two beautiful hunks.

The purpose of such a frenzied development of armaments by a small country is very simple. It can only expand its aggression. All countries in the world are aware of Japan's madness, so everyone's attention is focused on the Asia-Pacific region.

This has become a crossroads of great powers, and the risk of conflict is very high. At this juncture, Chinese Army Field Marshal and Defense Minister Wu Tong issued an initiative to the United States to establish a Sino-US intelligence communication mechanism to maintain peace and stability in the Pacific region.


China's proposal was clearly aimed at Japan. Once the intelligence between China and the United States was shared, Japan, the sandwich sandwich, would become very embarrassed. U.S. President Roosevelt immediately agreed and sent Secretary of State Hull to visit China, hoping to strengthen cooperation with China.

Moreover, Hull also brought an invitation from Roosevelt, hoping that Qiao Yu could visit the United States at the right time.

Today's leaders of various countries are far less mobile than the leaders of later generations, and no one will leave their country easily. Especially powerful dictators. The United States' invitation at this time is undoubtedly expressing its strong desire to strengthen cooperation.

China also responded positively. Hull received unprecedented courtesy in China. Vice Prime Minister Yan Xishan personally went to the airport to greet him, and the two countries immediately launched a positive dialogue.

In fact, although the United States has an industrial system that ranks first in the world at this time, Americans are not yet strong enough to ignore any opponent, especially a huge country like China. They must pay attention to it. The situation that the United States is most worried about is the situation between China and Japan.

Congress comes together and then jointly targets the United States. This will suddenly increase the pressure on the United States in the Pacific region.

At this time, China sent a signal of goodwill to the United States, which the Americans naturally wanted. The Secretary of State personally came to China for negotiations.

Foreign Minister Gu Weijun and Hull had a frank conversation. The two sides pledged to conduct close intelligence exchanges and establish a military mutual trust mechanism to address the Nanyang issues that the two countries are most concerned about. China once again pledged to respect the spheres of influence of various countries in Nanyang and prevent aggression. At the same time,

It is necessary to promote openness and expand economic and trade exchanges.

Portal development has always been a loud slogan in the United States, and it is also a means for the United States to expand its market. China's proposal is just in line with the American appetite. Hull seemed very satisfied. Of course, Americans are not so stupid that they believe whatever China says.

At the moment it's just a greeting, the real core issues need to be decided by higher-level people.

Hull visited Beijing for a total of seven days, communicating with all walks of life in the military and government. He also visited scenic spots in Beijing. Before returning to China, Qiao Yu also told him that he would pay an official goodwill visit to the United States within three months.

The rapid warming of Sino-US relations has made Japan extremely angry. From Japan's perspective, when the two major powers on the east and west sides of the Pacific cooperate, there is no doubt that Japan is targeted. The island country's inherent sense of crisis has once again erupted.

A large number of well-known Japanese scholars actually declared in newspapers that China's behavior was a betrayal and a surrender to the white people, which undermined Asia's anti-colonial cause. They watched helplessly as their brothers in Asia were oppressed by colonialism, but China turned to the great powers at this critical moment.

Surrendering ruthlessly betrayed the interests of all Asian countries and severely damaged the sentiments of all Asian nations.

Looking across Asia now, only Japan is qualified to lead the anti-colonial cause and lead all countries to independence. Under the leadership of His Majesty the Emperor, the Japanese government and military must overcome all difficulties and dangers and strive for the future of Greater East Asia.

Naturally, these things are not something that Japanese officials dare to say. Most of them are some private scholars who stand up and clamor. What such voices can do is to deceive others, deceive themselves, and satisfy the Japanese vanity of being the leader of Asia.

Heart, but what is empty is still empty after all!

If you want to speak with weight, you must have stronger strength. At this time, China is about to launch the Jingyuan and the Ningyuan is also entering the final stage. At the same time, China is starting to build a new level of aircraft carrier and ocean-going submarines.

, in addition to these two, China has focused its attention on long-range bombers. These are the real trump cards and can shut up island countries when necessary!

At this time, an invitation from Germany was also sent, hoping that Qiao Yu could visit Germany and deepen the cooperation between the two countries. Moreover, there was also a major plot in this, which was to send the number to Germany.

It is absolutely impossible to buy and sell aircraft carriers openly. Britain and France are like watchdogs, keeping a close eye on Germany. If they can retreat on other things, the aircraft carrier will never relax. After all, the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel are

Home of the British Royal Navy.

Therefore, Germany has designed a plan, which is to let China send warships to Germany in the name of naval visits, so as to break through the opposition of Britain and France. Then, after the warships arrive in Germany, they will be under the protection of shore-based aircraft.

When the rice is cooked, it is too late for Britain to object.

This idea is completely rogue, but it is also the only feasible way, otherwise it would be simply impossible to get a ship of more than 20,000 tons to Germany.

Moreover, in Qiao Yu's view, Britain and France were robbers, and rogue methods should be used to deal with robbers. After research, the Chinese side finally agreed to this proposal. Of course, both parties had to ensure that the actions were concealed and no information was leaked.

As a result, both the United States and Germany have become the destination countries for Qiao Yu's first state visit. China is making intensive preparations for the visit, and the Japanese government is also convening an emergency meeting. Qiao Yu's visit to the United States will inevitably promote closer ties between the two sides of the Pacific.

exchange, it will definitely not be comfortable for Japan to be caught between the two countries, and the Japanese government is also worried that the two countries will reach a treaty against Japan.

Therefore, the Japanese government urgently formulated an action plan, which is to seize as many islands as possible and expand the territory before China reaches an intention to cooperate. This will create an established fact. After China and the United States have communicated well, Japan has already taken the land.


Emperor Hirohito finally approved the plan after some consideration. Of course, he knew that doing so would offend China and the United States, but his ambition to expand territory had trumped everything else. Japan must have enough living space, otherwise it would be a dead end.


Soon, Japan broke the news that a large number of Dutch spies had been captured in Borneo. The media, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, would take the opportunity to hype it up again. In addition to all the previous publicity, the reputation of the Netherlands in Japan was completely ruined. A large number of

People took to the streets to demand that the government punish the Netherlands.

The relationship between the two countries quickly fell to a freezing point. Japan dispatched the light aircraft carrier Hosho to approach Java Island. In an instant, the situation in Southeast Asia became delicate again.

Japan has already played this game last time, and this time it adopts this attitude. It is obvious that it is convinced that the Netherlands is cowardly and incompetent. It wants to bully it to death, but the Netherlands has no friends that it can count on. The British Empire can no longer rely on it last time.

As a result, the Netherlands naturally lost confidence.

In addition, the only ones that have the power to stop Japan are China and the United States. The relationship between the Netherlands and China is not good. As for the United States, I am afraid it is beyond its reach.

While the Dutch were at their wits' end, two large Japanese aircraft carriers, Soryu and Hiryu, had already sailed south from Saipan and stationed directly at Machen. A sharp blade was already hanging over the Dutch's heads, and war could break out at any time.

Facing the ferocious Japanese, the Netherlands was completely like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to fight back. The Dutch government continued to ask for help from major countries.

At this time, the U.S. Congress passed a bill imposing trade sanctions on Japan, and Roosevelt also issued a stern warning, requiring Japan to give up its wrong expansion actions, otherwise it would be sanctioned by the world.

Just after the United States took action, China also issued economic sanctions. The close cooperation between the two major countries undoubtedly showed the results of Hull's visit to China and also created a friendly atmosphere for Qiao Yu's next visit to the United States.


There is not much substance in it. The U.S. sanctions do not include oil and scrap steel in the embargoed list, and China also does not include grain, coal and other materials. The two countries only restrict products that compete with their own countries.

, to put it bluntly, it is actually trade protection in the name of sanctions.

As soon as the cannon is fired, there are thousands of gold! The American consortium still hopes to make war profits. As for China, its thoughts are more complicated. China needs to be strictly guarded against Japan, and Japan needs to attract hatred, especially since Nanyang is now gathering forces from all sides. Japan

The action happened to be clearing the place.

The Chinese business community made a huge fortune from Japan's development of Borneo, and it was the same this time. Therefore, neither China nor the United States took stronger measures to sanction Japan. On the contrary, Japan's confidence began to grow, and Japan dispatched three ships.

aircraft carrier and set up a no-fly zone on Java Island.

At this time, Qiao Yu also boarded the Zhenyuan aircraft carrier and began his visit to the United States. Not long after Qiao Yu left the country, Jiang Baili also sailed to Europe on China's first large aircraft carrier. China's two aircraft carriers

Finally we will meet in Germany.

The Chinese President and Chief of Staff visited the United States and the United States on a powerful Chinese aircraft carrier almost at the same time. This effect was no less than that of the United States' Great White Fleet. This was undoubtedly an oath to the world that a maritime power had officially entered the world stage.

, the Chinese navy is no longer satisfied with the small sea area at its doorstep, but wants to embrace a wider ocean.

The Zhenyuan slowly left the Tianjin port under the escort of two cruisers and four destroyers. As China's first completely self-built warship, the Zhenyuan can well reflect China's shipbuilding level. The fully enclosed bow can easily

To resist the invasion of wind and waves, a large number of activity facilities are arranged on the ship, so that the soldiers will not be too bored.

Qiao Yu finally got a rare moment of rest and relaxation. Looking at the calm Pacific Ocean, Qiao Yu kept thinking about it. The Pacific Ocean will soon lose its peace and become a turbulent battlefield. A new international order will also begin.

To be born!

This chapter has been completed!
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