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Chapter 539 Meeting with Roosevelt

The Zhenyuan crossed the ocean and headed straight for the United States. Bismarck once said that God favors three kinds of people: drunkards, fools and Americans!

Although it sounds like a joke, the land of North America is indeed a place blessed by God. The eastern part of the United States is the Appalachian Mountains, the western part is the Rocky Mountains, and between the two mountain ranges is the vast Great Plains. Here is

The best and most extensive arable land in the world.

China and the United States have similar latitudes and land areas, but the area of ​​cultivated land in China is only about half that of the United States, and the quality is much worse than that of the United States. The most important thing is that this is based on the large amount of converted farmland into forests in the United States. It can be said that China is conservative.

Along the Central Plains, Americans not only have enough to eat and drink, but they can also easily control international food prices.

The two mountain ranges running east-west are areas rich in mineral resources. Although China has a large amount of iron ore, its taste is generally not high and almost all of it has to go through the process of beneficiation, while Americans almost mine it directly from the mines.

Can be smelted directly.

Another thing that makes people jealous is the rivers. China's big rivers all run east-west, with large differences and limited transportation capacity. However, the Mississippi River in the United States runs north-south. Its transportation capacity is seven times that of the Yangtze River, and it can also

It connects the Great Lakes and connects the economically developed northern and southern regions of the United States.

Of course, China is not all a place with shortcomings. At least China does not face crazy snowstorms in winter, violent hurricanes in summer, and there are countless famous mountains and rivers to enjoy.

The most embarrassing thing about the United States is that it has a two-ocean barrier, which guarantees homeland security to the greatest extent. Now the U.S. Army has about 20 troops in the world, even less than Romania. But Americans can sit back and relax, just sit back and watch.


After thinking about it carefully, Qiao Yu even felt that the United States might be God's illegitimate child, which was too partial. Of course, envy was useless. Compared with China, the United States was still a little brat that had only been founded for more than a hundred years.

For thousands of years, China has been used to seeing the rise and fall of chaos. It has consumed all the ancient civilizations in the world, and it is naturally certain to consume the United States to death. Let's wait and see!

Watching him build a Zhulou, watching him banquet guests, watching his building collapse...

Qiao Yu and his party passed directly through the Panama Canal controlled by the United States and arrived at the Port of New York. The Chinese President visited the United States. It is also a big event for the United States. The heads of state of the most powerful countries on both sides of the Pacific will meet for the first time to discuss the world.

Peace issues.

American media have reported endlessly on Qiao Yu’s deeds. Among them, the most talked about thing among Americans is that Qiao Yu studied in the United States for a period of time when he was young. Many media introduced in a serious way that it was this experience that made Qiao Yu embark on his career.

In order to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, everything was carried out under the inspiration of the Statue of Liberty.

Of course, this is just the media putting gold on their faces. In fact, when the Zhenyuan arrived at the New York port, the United States also sent the Yorktown-class aircraft carrier Enterprise to greet it out of courtesy. However, this cutting-edge American aircraft carrier and the Zhenyuan

Put together, they look dwarfed by each other.

The displacement of the Enterprise is only 20,000 tons, which is one-half smaller than the Zhenyuan. Moreover, it adopts an open bow, which is far less beautiful than the closed bow. Another problem is the painting, which is also very important.

, the Zhenyuan adopts a silver-gray paint scheme, making it look like a king, and the Enterprise is naturally reduced to the status of a foil.

Although the United States has the most powerful industrial capabilities, shipbuilding technology still needs time to accumulate and it needs to advance amidst constant mistakes. It will take some time for the United States to surpass China. At this time, the American sailors on the Enterprise looked at Zhenyuan

No. 1 felt a burst of envy and jealousy.

Twenty years ago, most people had the impression that China was still a backward country where everyone had pigtails. The sick man of East Asia was almost the same as the natives of Africa. However, in just twenty years, China has grown into an amazing country.

A country in awe, the Zhenyuan ship in front of us is the best proof of China's strength.

In fact, all sea and air weapons have one characteristic, that is, they are beautifully and generously made, which means that the functions in all aspects are reasonably distributed, which means that they have more powerful combat effectiveness. Nowadays, the Zhenyuan is much more powerful than the Enterprise, which means that the two

If a ship fights a duel, the Americans will be at a disadvantage.

Of course, the situation on the battlefield is very complicated, and there are many factors that are difficult to judge. Otherwise, if the two countries compare the performance data and declare victory or defeat directly, why would they still use soldiers to fight? But this also illustrates the problem. China's shipbuilding technology is indeed better than that of the United States.


At the New York port, US Secretary of State Hull has come to greet him, and a large number of media reporters have also gathered here. As for the number of Chinese, it is even greater. The port is covered with darkness. Everyone is waiting for the master of the Eastern world.

s arrival.

When Qiao Yu stepped onto the land of the United States calmly and elegantly, there were endless cheers at the port. All the Chinese were holding various welcome banners and slogans. Many of them came here from the West Coast of the United States.

, for these overseas travelers, being able to see the powerful warships of the motherland is the greatest happiness.

Being connected by blood, they are both descendants of Yan and Huang, and every Chinese is sincerely proud to be able to stand tall in the world. After Qiao Yu gave a brief speech at the port, he went straight to Washington. Meeting with Roosevelt was the highlight of this time.

I am still very curious about President Qiao Yu who is sitting in a wheelchair. A disabled person can stand out in the fiercely competitive American society and serve as president. He has served four terms in one sitting, creating a history. Roosevelt is quite

Above is the emperor of the United States, whose power has reached its peak.

To be able to do this, Roosevelt was definitely one of the few great politicians in American history. You must be careful when dealing with such a person. Qiao Yu was thinking about how to deal with Roosevelt all the way.

On the lawn of the White House, Roosevelt had been waiting here for a long time. Roosevelt also had a strong interest in the ruler of this powerful country in the East, who could turn a country that was free of human flesh into the world in a very short period of time.

Being recognized as a powerful country is definitely a miracle, and if you look closely, China has fought against almost all major powers except the United States. It still maintains a record of complete victory, which is even more terrifying.

In this world, perhaps the future masters of the Soviet Union and the heads of state of Germany can be compared with the master of China. What surprised Roosevelt even more was that Qiao Yu made almost no mistakes in all major directions. He was also the president.

Roosevelt naturally knew how difficult this was, so he was also full of curiosity about Qiao Yu.

The two presidents finally met for the first time in front of the White House. Out of respect for the disabled, Qiao Yu took a few steps and took the initiative to hold hands with Roosevelt. Roosevelt also had a warm smile on his face and held his two big hands tightly.


Although Roosevelt was physically disabled, his hands were very strong. Qiao Yu shook them tightly and said, "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. The United States eagerly welcomes you!"

"Mr. Roosevelt, many misunderstandings in the world occur because of lack of understanding. China and the United States should move frequently to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation!"

The two presidents shook hands and talked happily together. The spotlights on the side were flashing continuously. It is conceivable that the meeting between the two presidents will become the front page headlines of major newspapers tomorrow.

There were actually a lot of things to discuss between Qiao Yu and Roosevelt. The two people quickly came to a special conference room surrounded by everyone to conduct closed-door consultations.

"Your Excellency, President, in the face of the rapidly changing international situation, what do you think?"

Qiao Yu smiled slightly. "Mr. Roosevelt, this topic is a bit too big, but I just want to say a few points. No matter how the world changes, China and the United States should maintain close relations. The Pacific is vast enough, and there is no need for us to have a direct conflict.

; In addition, the current international order under the leadership of Britain and France has huge restrictions on both China and the United States. It is a very unfair order, and I am looking forward to changes; finally, I want to say that China and Germany will not form an alliance!"

Qiao Yu's three points all directly addressed Roosevelt's biggest worry. China is unwilling to go to war with the United States and will not form an alliance with Germany. In this way, it will not pose a direct threat to the United States. It also has great dissatisfaction with Britain, France and the United States.

This is also the common interest of China and the United States.

Roosevelt did not expect Qiao Yu to be so direct, but he was also very happy. Being able to talk to such a keen and frank person would save a lot of trouble. Roosevelt then asked: "Your Excellency, do you hope to use Germany to change the world structure?"

Woolen cloth?"

“Isn’t the United States doing the same thing?”

Qiao Yu asked back, and Roosevelt smiled slightly and said: "It seems that we have the same idea, but I want to know what China's bottom line is on the territorial issue. I know it is a bit presumptuous to ask, but I still hope to get your answer."


"Mr. Roosevelt, China has been a powerful country for most of the past two thousand years, with a large number of vassal states. Now China must restore these spheres of influence. Only in this way can China's homeland security be guaranteed!"

Roosevelt naturally knew what areas Qiao Yu was referring to, and most of them were now under the control of the British. For Qiao Yu to be able to talk honestly about this, Roosevelt was also very pleased.

This demand is still within the scope acceptable to the United States.

"Mr. President, I am very pleased with your candor. The pursuit of national security is China's legitimate rights and interests, but we do not want to see the use of violence to solve problems!"

"Mr. Roosevelt, maybe not. Someone has already beaten us!" What Qiao Yu was talking about was of course Japan. Just as Qiao Yu was heading to the United States, Japan officially bombed Java Island, and soldiers had begun to land on Java.

The island and the entire Dutch East Indies changed hands right before our eyes.

Qiao Yu's words were very clear. There was no need for China to take action next. Japan had already started a war of aggression. Roosevelt also knew what Qiao Yu meant. He added: "Mr. President, the situation in the world is getting more and more serious, and the United States also needs to

To expand the navy, we are preparing to build four more aircraft carriers!"

"Absolutely. The Pacific Ocean is vast enough. There is no problem in putting down dozens of aircraft carriers. As long as the two countries can respect each other and maintain communication, there will be no problem."

Roosevelt thought that the issue of military expansion had always been the most concerned issue among all countries, and Qiao Yu would never agree easily. However, the fact was completely beyond Roosevelt's expectation. Qiao Yu did not object at all, which really made him confused about Qiao Yu's thoughts.

, In fact, Qiao Yu's idea is also very simple, that is, if the United States wants to use its industrial strength to mobilize troops, no one can stop it.

It is better to simply agree happily and gain a head start in the next negotiation. Now the United States is still raising conditions, and China also has its own interests that it cares about.

This chapter has been completed!
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