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Chapter 541: Hitler’s Ambition

Rockefeller Jr. is the helmsman of the Rockefeller Foundation and has unparalleled power in the United States, a country that revolves around capital. Especially this time, he represents the entire Jewish consortium. This is a force that the president of the United States must respect.


However, Qiao Yu doesn't have a good opinion of these greedy plutocrats and oligarchs. Chinese society is also different from the United States. They can control the situation in the West, but the basic structure of Eastern society is the operation of power. No matter how powerful these consortiums are, they can only do some small things behind the scenes.

To influence China, as for methods such as directly launching spokespersons through elections, there is no way to win over China.

Therefore, even the Jewish consortium can only exchange interests with China and dare not use force.

"There is an old saying in China that pitiful people must be hateful. There is a wave of anti-Semitism in Europe and even the whole world. You should reflect on the reasons. However, the people in China are still worried about the problem of hot money.

There’s really nothing I can do!”

Although the situation of the Jews is inseparable from ethnic and religious discrimination in the Western world, it is also inseparable from the problems of the Jewish nation itself. They do not try to integrate into the local society. On the contrary, they still firmly maintain their own practices. In addition, the Jews do not try to integrate into the local society.

The pursuit of interests has also reached a kind of pathology, and the pursuit of personal gain is regarded as a matter of course.

They have no regard for other people's feelings. Once they are boycotted, they act as if the whole world is sorry for them. They are typically self-centered. During the industrial revolution, the entire Western world was also influenced by Jewish ideas. It was even manipulated by the Puritans in the United States.

Most of the economics believed in are copied from Jewish classics.

The differences between China and the West can be seen in many aspects. From the fundamentals of cognitive society, the Chinese people value not doing to others what they do not want others to do to themselves, while the West emphasizes games and winner-takes-all.

Of course, Qiao Yu would not expect any changes to happen to the Jews, he would just deliberately raise prices. In fact, Ben-Gurion, Rockefeller Jr. and others had long known that there were not many people in the world who could provide shelter to the Jews, and China was

the best choice.

"Mr. President, the anti-Semitic wave in Germany is getting higher and higher. A large number of Jews are in danger of their lives. We have cooperated before, and you also promised to help the Zionist nation. I hope to get your help at this critical moment. We

Willing to provide anything you need!”

Little Rockefeller was ready to be slaughtered, and Qiao Yu deliberately kept Chahar silent for a long time, and then said: "Are you willing to go to India?"

Preventing consortium infiltration is a string that must be tightened at all times. It must not be relaxed, so it is impossible for China to open its door wide and let Jews come in at will, so Qiao Yu proposed India.

Ever since Qiao Yu supported Chandra in launching an uprising in India, the accumulated conflicts in the entire Indian society began to erupt, initially against the British. Then it developed into a social revolutionary movement against the caste system and aristocratic families, especially the

Some people who believed in the Soviet revolutionary theory also joined in, turning India into a pot of porridge.

However, the original upper class of Indian society couldn't stand it anymore. They were afraid that if the revolution continued, the British and them would be wiped out. Therefore, the original princes, nobles, Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and some rich Sikhs

The aristocratic families gave up their anti-British opinions and began to side with the colonial government, assisting the British in suppressing the rebels and preventing threats to their authority.

This move by the upper class was regarded as a betrayal of the nation by nationalists and young students, but they did not hesitate to join Chandra's uprising. In recent years, Chandra's revolutionary movement has

It rises and falls, but has always existed tenaciously, like a nail firmly nailed into the northeastern part of India, and has even spread to the central region.

The whole of India has been torn apart. Qiao Yu proposed to let the Jews go to India at this time in order to make the situation there more complicated.

Ben-Gurion frowned and asked tentatively: "Mr. President, India is a British colony and we will not be allowed to enter. Moreover, there are constant wars. We are unarmed and we may be in danger if we go there."

"Haha, can the British manage India with only 9,000 administrative officials? Isn't this a joke? There are so many loopholes. And don't you hope to establish your own country? No matter where you end up establishing your country, you need to go through it.

Tested by war, India is now the best training ground, and China can continue to provide you with arms assistance!"

For Ben-Gurion, who regarded the establishment of an independent Jewish state as his lifelong mission, this proposal was indeed full of temptation. China once provided them with a group of Jewish soldiers, most of whom were sent to Palestine and became the protector of Jewish immigrants.

The loyal defender was highly praised.

However, the number of these people is limited after all, and the founding of the country is far away. If they can train their troops on the vast South Asian subcontinent, it would be the best thing for the Jews.

"Mr. President, I completely agree with your proposal. Jewish organizations can first provide 100 million US dollars for immigration purposes. However, there are still a large number of old, weak, women and children among the Jews, as well as a large number of scholars. They cannot go to India, which is full of dangers.


"China can resettle some, but only women and children, as well as teachers, technical workers, and scientific researchers. The rest of the businessmen, bankers, and religious scholars are not allowed. In addition, their temporary period in China is only ten years, and the time is one

It’s time to evacuate them all!”

The conditions proposed by Qiao Yu made Rockefeller Jr. and Ben-Gurion look at each other in confusion. It seems that the reputation of Jewish bankers in China is already bad, but it is already very good for them that China can accommodate these people. The remaining people

They can all handle it.

Of course, there are a larger number of ordinary Jews. These people can just stay in Germany and wait for their fate. The Jewish consortium has always only valued profits. They also have profound interests in their efforts to realize the dream of restoring the country. Therefore, they only save those who are useful and those who are not.

Those who use it will naturally be abandoned, even compatriots.

"I will go back to Germany for a visit next. I will have a talk with Hitler and ask him to relax the restrictions appropriately!"

When it came to treating the Jews, Hitler did not send them to the crematorium immediately. At first, he only restricted work and deported them. Only when the Jewish consortium felt threatened would they find ways to evacuate people from Germany.

When Little Rockefeller heard that Qiao Yu was actually willing to help persuade Hitler, he was very happy. You must know that with Qiao Yu's identity, Hitler would agree whether he was willing or not. This is the weight that a leader of a powerful country should have. Therefore, they could not help but


Qiao Yu was not in a hurry to leave the United States. He then visited many factories and met with American military and political officials. There is still a huge gap between China's industrial level and the United States. This gap is not only reflected in industrial equipment, but also in

Reflected in business management.

There are important reasons why the United States was able to become the arsenal of a democratic country during World War II. An individual American worker may not be much more efficient than a Chinese worker. But through standardized and standardized production, Americans have made workers' efficiency explosive.

Growth, one American worker can almost reach the level of three to four Chinese workers.

If the United States were fully mobilized, this country would be able to arm at least 10 million troops. Seeing these, Qiao Yu was deeply impressed by the terror of the United States. He was also grateful for his decision. He was an absolute fool to become an enemy of the United States during World War II.

What comes to mind is that only Japan, a second-rate country, would foolishly attack Pearl Harbor and awaken the devil.

In the past few days, the military and political circles of China and the United States have reached a considerable number of cooperation opinions. In particular, the two countries have established a Pacific hotline and reached an agreement on intelligence sharing. In this way, China and the United States have actually established a partnership.

Relationships are of great significance in coping with the next situation.

When Qiao Yu left New York on the Zhenyuan, he received an even warmer farewell. Many Americans believed that Sino-US cooperation could bring real peace to the Pacific and save them from the pain of war.

The next step for the Zhenyuan was to sail into the rough Atlantic Ocean and arrive in Germany. In fact, Germany at this time had already set off a wave of China fever. Chief of Staff Jiang Baili had arrived in Germany seven days ago on the Zhenyuan. The British were very jealous of this Chinese aircraft carrier.

Yu Huai.

This warship was originally an old British ship. After it was transformed into an aircraft carrier by the Chinese, it became very glorious. This time it made a grand visit to Germany. How could the British not feel sour in their mouths? However, they also knew very well that sending warships

Visiting is also an internationally accepted practice.

The Great White Fleet of the United States had visited the world back then, and the British had no excuse to stop it. However, since the USS entered the Mediterranean, the British have paid close attention to it and sent warships and aircraft for reconnaissance from time to time. Especially after entering the English Channel, the British even sent

Accompanied by his own aircraft carrier.

Jiang Baili actually has some worries about this. If the British really know that the ship will stay in Germany after this trip, he is afraid that the British will try their best to sink the ship now, and he and the soldiers on the ship will be buried under the sea.

It's small, but it affects the national strategy, but it is a huge sin.

However, everything went smoothly. The ship arrived in Germany smoothly. Jiang Baili also received a warm welcome from the German side. Hitler sent the Nazi Party's No. 2 figure Goering and Propaganda Minister Goebbels to greet him personally in Wilhelmshaven. When the German sailors saw

After the huge number, there was also a sense of envy. Germany was the second largest naval power in the world before World War I, but now it has become insignificant. This is a shame for Germany.

Fortunately, the head of state has cheered up Germany again, but I don’t know when Germany will also have a powerful maritime fleet. Jiang Baili studied military affairs in Germany in his early years. Now he has returned to his hometown, things and people have changed. He is already the marshal of China, and China has also

It has become a powerful country in the East, and it no longer has the attitude of looking up to Germany.

After Jiang Baili arrived in Berlin, Hitler personally met with him. Hitler knew very well that Jiang Baili was now the number one person in the Chinese military. If he could win his support, it would be much easier to bring China to his side.

"Mr. Chief of Staff, I had seen the Chinese army on the Western Front battlefield. Although we were still opponents at that time, I was deeply impressed by the Chinese army. The soldiers were very brave and fearless, obeyed orders, and possessed

With such an army, China will never remain unknown. Now China has indeed become an important power in the world. Now that the world has once again reached a critical moment of change, China and Germany should join hands to bury the evil colonial order and establish

A new world order, with China as the master of the East and Germany as the master of the West..."

This chapter has been completed!
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