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Chapter 542: King vs. King

Hitler kept talking, but Jiang Baili became more and more sleepy as he listened. Jiang Baili recognized Hitler's talents and abilities, but his spirit needed to be adjusted. Is a world-wide war so easy to coordinate?

According to his plan, Germany launched from Europe and China acted with Asia. The two countries would first unify the entire Eurasian continent, and finally crush the United States to death, and then divide the entire world equally. As the rulers of this new world order, China and Germany would

Italy and Japan serve as assistants to China and Germany respectively.

Jiang Baili simply sneered at Hitler's idea. China and Germany were thousands of miles apart, and there was no way to coordinate well on the battlefield. Moreover, other countries would not let China and Germany expand casually. The pace of war would probably not be like this.

Ideally, the United States will definitely intervene in advance.

Moreover, there is no possibility of an alliance between China and Japan. Regarding Hitler's idea, Jiang Baili only wanted to give one comment, that is, wishful thinking. However, Jiang Baili could not say anything directly, but smiled and said: "Mr. Führer, your idea is perfect.

, but it is also extremely ambitious, I think we should wait until President Joe comes and discuss it together!"

Hitler seemed suddenly enlightened and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, I have been looking forward to the meeting with President Joe. This will be an important meeting and will change the structure of our world!"

Jiang Bailixin said that if Qiao Yu really agreed to form an alliance with Germany, he would be crazy!

The impression of this head of state is not good, but this does not hinder the military exchanges between China and Germany. In fact, after the Chinese aircraft carrier arrived at Wilhelmshaft, a large number of German naval generals came to watch the warship one after another.

Only thirty-six combat aircraft were carried.

This is also to hand over the aircraft carrier to Germany. China does not need to be fully armed, but these aircraft are enough to show Germany the unique attack capabilities of the aircraft carrier. On the fifth day after the aircraft carrier arrived in Germany, it was invited to launch a maritime attack performance. Hitler also

I personally watched the performance of the Chinese Navy on the newly launched German battlecruiser Scharnhorst.

This time, the target ship was an old cruise ship, which was more than a hundred nautical miles away. First, the USS dispatched a reconnaissance aircraft to conduct a sea search. After discovering the target, the carrier-based aircraft were dispatched to attack the target overwhelmingly.

Most of the Chinese carrier-based aircraft pilots have been tested by war and are skilled in bomb-dropping skills, and they can easily send the target ship to the bottom of the sea.

This kind of exercise can only be regarded as a child's play, but it was a real shock to Hitler and other top Nazi Party officials. They knew very well that the German Navy had fallen behind. However, since the German Navy was completely destroyed after World War I, naval talents also appeared.

There was a fatal gap, so their ideas did not keep up with the trend of the world, and a considerable number of Germans felt that they should vigorously develop battleships.

When Hitler saw the attack method of the aircraft carrier for the first time, he knew that this was the weapon Germany needed. The aircraft carrier realized beyond visual range combat. On the battlefield, the most important thing is to be regular and strong. The advantages of aircraft carriers over battleships

It was too big, and aircraft were cheaper and more accurate than naval guns. In Hitler's eyes, the USS was not just a warship, but a treasure to conquer the world.

This kind of weapon is worth not to mention 200 million US dollars. Even 500 million US dollars is worth it. Of course, Britain also has a large number of aircraft carriers. Germany cannot deal with Britain with just one aircraft carrier, but the USS is like a seed. Once it falls into Germany's

With it in hand, Germany can produce its own aircraft carrier.

Hitler always believed in his heart that Germany did not really fail in World War I, but was just defeated. As long as Germany could break the British naval blockade, Germany not only did not have to fear being trapped, but could also easily crush the British Isles. Hitler's thinking turned

Very quickly, he could even see the day when he would become the master of England.

After the exercise, Hitler personally boarded the ship, shook hands with the Chinese pilots one by one, and personally gave them medals as a sign of encouragement. According to the secret agreement between China and Germany, these pilots will stay in Germany for half a year to assist Germany.

Train pilots.

Of course, not all German senior officials were happy. The most awkward one was Air Marshal Göring. He repeatedly stated that everything that could fly into the sky on German territory must be managed by him, the Air Marshal, and the corresponding aircraft carriers.

There is nothing special about the plane.

However, the navy is firmly opposed to Göring's madness. Aircraft carriers are under the management of the navy in all countries. How could they be allocated to Göring's air force? It is simply ridiculous. Göring once again showed his belly to everyone.

There are just straw bags inside.

In fact, this kind of dispute can also reflect the importance that Germany attaches to aircraft carriers. At this time, Qiao Yu also rushed over from the United States. Two Chinese aircraft carriers came to Germany one after another, setting off carrier fever in Germany. Along with it, there was also China fever.

In order to welcome Qiao Yu's arrival, Hitler held the most solemn ceremony. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians surrounded both sides of the road holding flowers. In addition, Nazi Party flags and Chinese five-color flags were everywhere. Wherever Qiao Yu passed,

It's the sound of cheers.

High-level officials of the Nazi Party also attended the welcoming ceremony. When Qiao Yu appeared, Hitler quickly walked forward and shook hands with Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu also appeared polite.

In his previous life, Qiao Yu heard that Hitler had a hobby, which was that his opponents had special preferences. This is why later generations thought Hitler was somewhat feminine. Qiao Yu's hands were warm and slender, which definitely met the standards of beautiful hands. Inadvertently, Qiao Yu

Yu noticed that Hitler seemed to glance at his hand. It seemed that the rumors of later generations were well founded.

"Mr. President, Germany and China have finally shaken hands. Our two countries have similar unfortunate fates and common pursuits. We hope that the future will be better!"

"Mr. Führer is right, China and Germany are good friends and good partners. I also look forward to further cooperation between China and Germany!"

Qiao Yu said that China and Germany are just friends, not allies!

However, Hitler did not care about the difference in his excitement. Instead, he and Qiao Yu inspected the honor guard of the three armed forces and the SS. To be fair, the Nazis did put a lot of effort into designing their military uniforms. They showed all the might and majesty of the soldiers.

Looking at the German army with high morale, Qiao Yu also imagined that the world would soon tremble under the feet of this army.

The army is always the best display of strength, and the Germans are also using this method to show their strength to Qiao Yu. Germany has indeed been rearmed.

After going through a lot of red tape, Qiao Yu and Hitler had their first round of secret talks at the presidential palace, and Hitler began to peddle his views on alliance.

"Mr. President, Stalin and his Red Party are the scourge of the world. All countries should unite to deal with the Soviet Union and eliminate this cancer!"

"Mr. Führer, the Soviet Union has indeed seriously threatened world peace, but blind alliances are not a good thing. They will only make other countries feel uneasy. And there is no possibility of an alliance between China and Japan!"

Hitler suddenly frowned slightly: "Mr. President, China and Japan are neighbors separated by a strip of water. Although there has been an unpleasant past between you. Japan invaded China, but China also saw the combined fleet sent to the bottom of the sea. There should be a relationship between you.

It’s even. Why should you still be upset about it?”

Hearing Hitler's words, Qiao Yu's heart suddenly surged with anger. He also instantly saw through Hitler's face. His courtesy to China was just a need. From the bottom of his heart, Germany did not regard China as an equal ally at all.

I have never put myself in China’s shoes.

"During the Franco-Prussian War, Germany asked France to cede territory and pay compensation. In the last war, Germany also suffered the same fate. Didn't the two countries even out? Why is Germany still worried about it?"

Qiao Yu used his spear to attack his shield, which immediately left Hitler speechless. The other Nazi officials were also at a loss. They couldn't understand why Qiao Yu's reaction was so huge when he mentioned the Japanese.

, in their view, although Japan is a small country, it still has great combat effectiveness and a considerable navy. It is a good ally and China has no reason to reject it.

Jiang Baili on the side is very clear about Germany's mentality, which is a sense of superiority. Germany is great and cannot be humiliated. As for allies like China, they should do things according to Germany's thoughts and should not have their own ideas. Under the Nazi

Among the racial theories promoted, the Chinese are not considered a superior race, they are completely inferior people.

Although he was angry, Jiang Baili was still unwilling to reach a deadlock at the beginning of the negotiation, so Jiang Baili said with a smile: "Mr. Yuan, alliance is a big thing. China believes that the views of all countries in the world, especially the views of the United States, should be considered.

It’s not appropriate to make a hasty decision!”

Qiao Yu also nodded: "Once an agreement is signed against a third country, it will remind the countries of the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. This is not appropriate. Of course, if necessary, I suggest that a communication mechanism be established. The two countries or

Exchange of information between several countries!”

Qiao Yu turned allies into partners with just one sentence. Hitler felt a knot in his heart, but it was hard to say anything. After all, Germany still relied on China, so Hitler nodded and agreed.

The first formal negotiation ended hastily. At this time, Qiao Yu also put aside his last doubt. Germany was indeed not worth forming an alliance with. Moreover, once this regime takes control of Europe, it will definitely become a nightmare for the world. The current figure in China is to bring Germany into the world.

It became a nightmare for Britain, France and the Soviet Union.

Qiao Yu did not arrange formal negotiations the next day, but visited the factory in Berlin. Germany originally had a Chinatown, but after the rise of the Nazis, all the Chinese were expelled for the so-called purity of blood. This shows that Hitler's view of China

There is nothing to look at differently.

The various situations in the legends of later generations are just wishful thinking and self-deception on the part of some people; there are not many such so-called lies, and even more outrageous rumors are about the Jews. It seems that China protected tens of thousands of Jews during World War II and got this.

National loyalty, but you must know that Americans have saved millions of Jews, they are the real benefactors, and the Jewish consortium is not polite at all when shearing the wool of the United States.

After calming down, Qiao Yu started negotiations with Hitler again. This time Hitler was not as showy as the first time, and his words became extremely measured.

"Mr. President, China and Germany have no direct conflict of interests, and they also have common aspirations. If the two countries work together, they will both benefit, and if they divide, they will lose. The two countries will become side-by-side comrades, and the world will change according to our wishes!


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