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Chapter 547 Trade Restrictions

Czechoslovakia was a country that only emerged after World War I. Both Britain and France were responsible for the country's security. They needed to ensure the integrity and independence of Czechoslovakia. This was an obligation stipulated by the treaty.

However, neither Britain nor France wanted to shoulder this obligation. Mr. Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Daladier had already reached an agreement that they would never go to war with Germany for the sake of the Czech Republic. For this reason, the old man took a plane and made a special trip to Berlin to fight with Hitler.


China has been paying close attention to the situation in Europe. According to the original historical track, the real start of World War II was in the Far East. Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. Now China is getting stronger and stronger. Although Japan annexed the Dutch East Indies,

But I don’t have the courage to go to war with China.

The glorious task of kicking off this world war will most likely fall on Germany. Any changes in the situation in Europe will affect the sensitive nerves of China's top leaders. When Hitler formally raised the Sudetenland issue, Jiang Baili and others already understood Germany's intentions.

The path of expansion is irreversible.

"President, Czechoslovakia is located in the heart of Europe, with unparalleled strategic value and a strong military industrial base. If Germany takes control of Czechoslovakia, its military industrial capabilities will at least double. In fact, the current industrial levels of Britain and France are compared with Germany.

, still has certain advantages, Germany is far from ready, if Czechoslovakia is annexed, it will be too late if Britain and France try to stop it!"

"Brother Baili, do you think they will use force to stop it?"

Jiang Baili smiled bitterly and shook his head: "To be honest, I don't understand what that old guy Chamberlain is thinking now. It's understandable to give in. But I have never seen such unprincipled concessions, one after another.

The country was pushed into the arms of Germany and kept giving up the opportunity to contain Germany. The same was true for France, which put all its efforts into repairing the turtle shell. I even suspected that the leaders of these two countries had been bribed by Hitler. With them here, Germany

The road to expansion is green.

This time I think Czechoslovakia will also be doomed. Judging from Chamberlain's actions, it is probably a disaster, otherwise Britain would not have climbed up the pole and ran to Germany. Chamberlain's body was damaged after more than seven hours of flying.

It’s hard for him!”

This period of history seems a bit inexplicable to later generations. Britain and France completely abandoned their ethics and shattered them to pieces. They kept bringing allies and helpers to Hitler's mouth, so that Germany could feel confident and bold.

This kind of annexation of tigers is simply rare in the world.

Later generations will collectively refer to these actions as the appeasement policy. However, in Qiao Yu's view, although Britain and France are cowardly, they are also full of bad water. Most of what they do is to praise Germany, and one of their main purposes is to guide Germany to attack.

Another purpose of the Soviet Union was to passively pressure the United States.

Americans, look at it, Germany is already so powerful. Why don't you take action to support us?

If the script is still staged according to World War I, it will actually be very beneficial to Britain and France. It can encourage the United States to enter the battle as early as possible, and also make the fighting between the Soviet Union and Germany more intense. In this way, Britain and France do not have to fight like in World War I.

At the front, after all, that war brought too painful memories to them.

However, no matter how wishful thinking continues in the minds of Britain and France, the pattern of war has changed. If they want to replicate the process of World War I, it can only be nonsense, and they will inevitably shoot themselves in the foot.

After some thought, Qiao Yu introduced the National Service Law. Although China has adopted a compulsory military service system in the past, and people of legal age must perform military service, China has a large population and there is no need for forced recruitment like other small countries. Soldiers are drafted every year.

It is already sufficient, and it is completely possible to select the best among the best.

Especially in recent years, the economic level has improved, food is getting better and better, the physical fitness of soldiers is getting higher and higher, China's recruitment standards are also constantly improving, and the overall quality of soldiers continues to improve, so all officers are extremely happy


However, in order to deal with a world-class war, China must be prepared, and soldiers must undergo certain training to ensure that a large army can be organized as soon as possible. Therefore, Qiao Yu promulgated a new military service law.

Citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to undergo three months of military training every year and learn formation and basic shooting skills. In addition, China has also reserved other talents.

For example, drivers, doctors, professional maintenance technicians, pilots... none of them can be trained quickly. China's foundation is relatively weak, so preparations must be made in advance, and we cannot play like the United States.

Therefore, there are detailed provisions in the new military service law. Every year, the Chinese government will allocate a special fund to subsidize citizens of appropriate age to obtain driving licenses. These drivers can work in any factory during normal times. Once wartime comes, the country has

When necessary, we must obey the state’s mobilization orders.

In this way, the drivers trained in this way can be utilized to the maximum extent in peacetime and wartime, which reduces a great burden on the country. It is also a good opportunity for those children from poor families who do not have money to learn skills. Other crew members

, doctors also adopt similar methods.

In addition, Qiao Yu expanded the flying clubs in various places, promoted them from major cities to the whole country, and designed a batch of new trainer aircraft. Pilots depend on their talent, so the wider the net is cast, the more they can be caught.

Of course, if there are a lot of fish, the best ones will be sent to the naval aviation force, and the slightly worse ones will be sent to the air force. The rest still have a large number of transport aircraft that need them. In short, the more such talents are reserved, the better.

Another major project is the air defense system in coastal and border areas. These are areas that may face threats. Sufficient air defense shelters must be built. These are not only for preparations for World War II, but also a complete air defense system will be very important in the future.

Every city has an above-ground part and an underground part. The high-rise buildings above the ground look magnificent, but underground cities are not bad at all. A complete sewer system must be established. These sewers can also undertake air defense missions when necessary. Of course, they can also

Including the subway system. In addition, there are special air-raid shelters, and the main factory areas must be protected.

There can be no carelessness in these tasks. Just when Qiao Yu was arranging these things, news beneficial to Germany came from Europe. Chamberlain and Daladi once again ruthlessly betrayed Czechoslovakia. They were in Munich

Through negotiations, it was officially decided to assign the Sudetenland to Germany.

Hitler once again won a huge victory without losing any blood, and the morale of Germany was unprecedentedly high. Looking around, Germany was already looking for the next target!

"Britain and France handed over the Sudetenland to Germany, which undoubtedly gave the green light to Germany's expansion. Czechoslovakia will soon fall. Now Germany and Italy are completely connected. Hitler and Mussolini's

The strength is getting bigger and bigger. Based on our comprehensive intelligence judgment, Germany's next target is very likely to be Poland. It is officially because of Poland's obstruction that the connection between Germany's East Prussia and the mainland was destroyed. Hitler has always been worried about this situation.

It can be said that Poland’s fate is at stake!”

The country of Poland is a tragedy in history. It was caught between the warlike Prussia and Tsarist Russia. Its territory was divided several times and later became a province of Tsarist Russia. After more than a hundred years of waiting, it finally arrived.

With the opportunity of the war, Poland finally became an independent country. But with the rise of Germany, this unsightly country once again fell into Germany's sight. Poland is in danger again!

Wu Tong basically agreed with Jiang Baili's judgment. He added: "President, Poland's strength is second only to France among Germany's neighbors. It is an important link in Eastern Europe. It restricts Soviet Russia to the east and restricts Soviet Russia to the west.

With Germany, this is an ally that Britain and France are absolutely unwilling to lose. However, if Germany does not occupy this place, it will not be able to attack the Soviet Union. To be honest, the British are also in conflict at this time!"

Qiao Yuxin said that Britain and France were not in conflict. They invented the most ridiculous sit-in war in human history. They watched Germany annexing Poland stupidly. The two old enemies of Germany and the Soviet Union finally came face to face. However, the subsequent plot did not follow the rules of Britain and France.

As imagined, the Germans turned around and swept Western Europe!

"Germany is now sending us frequent invitations, hoping that China will join the Axis camp and jointly oppose the Soviet Union. Many people still value Germany's proposals!" Jiang Baili told Qiao Yu about this situation.

Soldiers are all warlike, especially seeing that Germany can easily win, which makes many people jealous, especially since there are many pro-German forces in the Chinese army, and there is good cooperation between the two countries.

Based on the foundation, it is now logical to form an alliance. Even Liu Xiang, Deng Xihou and others also proposed to Qiao Yu to formally form an alliance with Germany.

Of course, not everyone is willing to form an alliance with Germany. The most critical factor is Japan. Now Japan and Germany are getting closer and closer. Germany has provided Japan with a batch of military technology. Qiao Yu is also very clear about the Germans’ calculations.

, they hope to use Japan to balance China. Even if the four countries form an alliance in the future, Germany will be able to better control the alliance.

However, there are deep-rooted conflicts between China and Japan. The closeness of Germany and Japan has made the Chinese feel a little resentful. The vast majority of generals are unwilling to fight side by side with the Japanese.

"Brother Baili, China's defense industry is also developing rapidly and requires more and more materials. We should appropriately control the volume of trade with Germany!"

As soon as Qiao Yu said this, everyone present did not understand that Qiao Yu was preparing to impose trade restrictions on Germany. It can be said that the rapid expansion of Germany has made China feel a little pressure. Although China and Germany are far apart,

But China must also take action.

"President, there are still a lot of technical exchanges between China and Germany. I'm afraid it would be bad to reduce them rashly!" Wu Tong asked tentatively, although China has digested most of the technology exchanged for the 10,000-ton class.

Die forging presses have been established, but China still needs to rely on Germany in many places. Naturally, the more exchanges, the better.

Qiao Yu shook his head slightly: "Now it's time to take sides. If we overlap with Germany's interests too much, we will be jealous of the United States, Britain and other countries. Although Roosevelt and I have discussed many things, we still

Don’t worry, we will take this opportunity to show the world that China does not want to get involved with Germany. Of course, trade can still be carried out secretly!”

This chapter has been completed!
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