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Chapter 546: The Powerful Head of State

Hitler rushed into Vienna without firing a shot. This famous European city finally fell into the hands of Germany. All of this was like a dream. Until Hitler succeeded in doing this, the German army's

The general looked up at the head of state with great admiration.

You must know that Austria is located in the heart of Europe, its strategic location is very important, and it has the same roots and species as Germany. If it is annexed by Germany, Hitler's strength will at least increase significantly.

Moreover, the Treaty of Versailles had clearly stipulated that the two countries were never allowed to merge. Hitler's actions now undoubtedly trampled this sacred treaty under his feet and spat in contempt.

The Treaty of Versailles is the legal basis for Britain to dominate the world. If this treaty is torn up, how can Britain be the world hegemon? Therefore, many German generals insist that this expansion will inevitably be blocked by Britain and France, and there may even be a war.


However, Hitler insisted that Austria could be annexed without using force. Britain and France were far more cowardly than imagined, and they did not dare to choose war. However, not many people in the German army believed Hitler's words. As long as Britain and France

If your brain is normal, you will take strong measures to protect Austria.

Little did he know that the facts turned out just as Hitler had predicted. When the German army entered Vienna amidst warm cheers, all the German generals began to believe that their leader was a genius with some special ability. Such a genius could lead

Leading Germany towards a greater future.

At this moment, Hitler truly won the support of the German generals. Of course, Vienna was also of great significance to Hitler himself. He was born here and spent his most miserable years here. But more than ten years later, he became a conqueror.

Identity entered this historic city and staged a perfect counterattack. Putting aside other ideas, Hitler was able to do this, which is definitely an inspirational example.

Therefore, a considerable number of people in China agree with fascism and even hope to imitate the German system and transform China. The most important thing is to expand the power of the president and push Qiao Yu to the supreme position.

Most of those who hold this view are young officers and the latest generation of young students. For these people, they have experienced China's earth-shaking changes since childhood, and they have a heartfelt respect for the leaders who brought all this.

They are the group of people who are most likely to be exposed to new things, so it is not surprising at all that they believe in fascism.

In their view, if China's power can be more concentrated, the country can develop more rapidly. These people regard the Prime Minister's Office as the biggest obstacle. They advocate the abolition of the Prime Minister and the merger of the President and Prime Minister into one, just like Germany.

called the head of state.

However, they completely failed to understand that this decentralization of power was entirely the result of Qiao Yu's deliberate creation. Otherwise, the Prime Minister's Office would not have the ability to divide Qiao Yu's rights. Qiao Yu has always been very concerned about the restrictions and balance of power. In the political structure

Among them, everyone's power, including his own, must be controlled. Otherwise, any loss of control will cause serious consequences.

In fact, the current German system is very imperfect. It is entirely based on Hitler's personal prestige and the strong control of the Nazi Party. If this regime is not destroyed in World War II and continues to develop, it is bound to be in trouble. This is the Soviet Union.

He has set the best example.

The system of the Soviet Union was very incomplete. This huge country did not even have a true head of state, and the entire bureaucracy was also very imperfect. Not only did it lack constraints on the top, it did not even have a dedicated anti-corruption agency. This was unprecedented in the world.

All are extremely rare.

Anti-corruption is always the basis for the safe operation of a bureaucracy. Just like the white blood cells of the human body, it defends and kills mutated cells and invading bacteria and viruses. Only in this way can the health of the body be ensured. Ancient China established a strict

With the supervision system in place, officials and censors at all levels can even get wind of things they say without being held accountable.

Germany is the same as the Soviet Union on this issue. Hitler had a powerful Gestapo, and the Soviet Union had a world-famous People's Security Committee. However, these were intelligence organizations and lacked specialized self-cleaning institutions, so neither country was sustainable.

The Soviet Union would inevitably disintegrate in later generations.

Qiao Yu is very concerned about any calls for political reform, and he can't help but think about it. China's current smooth operation is largely due to Qiao Yu's personal prestige, but this is not a normal phenomenon.

If he leaves the position of president, whether the country can continue to move forward safely is a question that Qiao Yu must think about, and it is also something that he must try his best to do well.

After repeated discussions with several confidants, Qiao Yu came up with three reform measures. The first was to limit the retirement age of officials. It was temporarily set at sixty years old. Individual senior officials could relax it to seventy years old, but they must retire after this age.

; The second measure is to establish a specialized anti-corruption agency; the third measure is to establish a comprehensive evaluation and accountability mechanism.

Various ideological trends are surging in Chinese society, and some people may even aspire to create something like Germany. In the final analysis, it is due to the imbalance of current social development. China has made great progress overall, but the gap between rich and poor is significant, and the differentiation between urban and rural areas is becoming more and more serious.

It is serious, and the world is also in a period of drastic change, so it has become very normal for various problems to arise.

The three reform suggestions put forward by Qiao Yu shocked the domestic political arena like thunder. Many officials believed that they were Conglong heroes and should naturally sit on the throne and wait for natural elimination. Now the earliest batch of officials in Sichuan

In fact, I have reached the age to retire.

But they were not willing to go on silently. Many people wrote to Qiao Yu and even used various connections. For a time, various voices in the media were heard, and there were more and more arguments in the government.

However, Qiao Yu took practical actions to silence them. Luo Changchun, the former governor of Yunnan Province and deputy prime minister, officially requested to retire. He was one of the first people to follow Qiao Yu and has always been regarded as Qiao Yu's right-hand man. Although Qiao Yu

After Yu entered Beijing, Luo Changchun's status has been reduced. However, he is also one of the most powerful people. Now that he has taken the initiative to retire, his impact is inestimable.

After him, Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao, Tan Yankai, Ren Kecheng, Zhang Bailin, Cao Kun and many other people successively put forward requests for retirement. At this time, everyone suddenly realized that the first major blood change period in China's officialdom had arrived.

The original political giants have also come to an end one after another.

In addition, Qiao Yu also started to split the intelligence system, and Wang Lingji, the intelligence leader, also retreated to the second line. People like him knew too many secrets. It was very difficult for him to retire like ordinary people, so he could only temporarily retreat to the second line.

What followed was a major reform of China's intelligence system.

Qiao Yu stripped off all the supervisory and anti-corruption functions of the National Bureau of Investigation, retaining only the power of intelligence and reconnaissance. He promoted Dai Li to the director of the new Bureau of Investigation. The power of the Military Police Department was also greatly restricted. They were only responsible for military law enforcement, and at the same time established a separate military

Intelligence Center. Mainly responsible for external intelligence work.

In addition, the stripped anti-corruption supervision power was given to the newly established National Anti-Corruption Commission. The director of the committee is Yu Peilun. He is an honest man and has little involvement with the interests of all parties. He is just suitable for this position. He also has good prestige and qualifications, and is completely

Able to shoulder due responsibilities.

Of course, if anti-corruption agencies are not restricted and controlled, new corruption will breed, and anti-corruption work will even become a tool of political struggle to attack dissidents and attack political opponents. This is something Qiao Yu absolutely does not want to see. After repeated

Considering this, Qiao Yu also split the anti-corruption agency into three parts.

The first part is the National Integrity Administration under the government, which is under the leadership of the Prime Minister. The second part is the National Anti-Corruption Commission, which is directly responsible to the President. The third part is the Administration Supervision Bureau, which belongs to the Congress. The three parties supervise and restrict each other to the maximum extent.

Ensure the health of the country's bureaucracy.

In addition, within the United Democratic Party, Qiao Yu has also greatly strengthened the power of the Discipline Inspection Commission to supervise and manage all party members and kick out the bad apples.

In addition, the accountability mechanism in Article 3 is also very important. In the past, even if officials made mistakes in their decision-making and caused huge losses, it was difficult to deal with them. There was a lack of effective accountability. Qiao Yu also set strict standards this time.

, if serious problems arise, all officials in charge must be completely relieved of all public duties and never be used again.

In addition to being punished for doing wrong things, there are also punishments for not doing anything. Those mediocre officials who do nothing and wait to die are actually a more disgusting group. Therefore, in the new system, officials who have no achievements must also be punished.

Demotion or even dismissal from all positions.

This kind of war against the bureaucracy is actually more troublesome than fighting against foreign countries. It involves the interests of all aspects. Qiao Yu has been brewing for a long time before launching it at this critical moment. The world is about to undergo drastic changes. If the various problems in the officialdom are not resolved now

The problem is, after World War II, the collusion with each other will be closer and the resistance will be greater. By then, Qiao Yu may not have enough courage to reform.

The violent turmoil in the officialdom has made everyone feel real pressure. Qiao Yu has left specific affairs to others over the years. The president's sense of presence seems to be weaker, but when he really takes action

, no force can stop it, this supreme authority is so powerful.

In the east of Eurasia, Qiao Yu used reforms to show his super control, while Hitler once again sounded the clarion call for expansion in the west of Eurasia. This time Hitler's target was Czechoslovakia.

Czechoslovakia was one of the countries built on the corpse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It concentrated a large amount of the military industrial essence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Czech-made weapons once showed their talents in China and are remembered by others. Now Hitler has set his sights on Czechoslovakia.


It has developed industry and abundant resources, making it an important base for further expansion. When Germany was still immersed in the joy of winning Austria, Hitler had already set his sights on this place.

It is easy to find excuses for trouble. The Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia bordering Germany has three million Germans. These people are close to Germany and have formed Nazi organizations. Now Hitler is using them to start trouble, and

The most troublesome people at this time were the rulers of Britain and France. Chamberlain and Daladier stayed up all night, thinking about ways to solve the crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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