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Chapter five hundred and sixtieth aircraft carrier collision

After careful consideration, Roosevelt concluded that the main threat now is Nazi Germany, and Japan is just a scabies disease. If it can be calmed down, and when the winner is decided on the European battlefield, Japan will not be a problem. It has no ability to threaten the United States. Not one of them has yet.

What can an island country the size of California do?

However, in response to Japan's provocation, the United States must also respond fiercely to inflict pain on Japan and make them remember it. Therefore, Roosevelt is prepared to use the trick of economic sanctions. Although Japan has annexed the Dutch East Indies and obtained considerable resources,

However, there is still a huge gap in oil and steel, both of which are necessary materials for war.

In addition, Japan still lacks non-ferrous metals. Of course, some cutting-edge machine tools and equipment also need to be imported. These are Japan's weaknesses. If the United States wants to punish Japan, it must start from these aspects.

However, if we want to successfully sanction Japan, we must bring China over, because if the United States does not export, China can still take the place of the United States. Sanctions by the United States alone will have no effect at all. On the contrary, it will make Chinese goods cheaper in vain.

That's why Roosevelt made a proposal to China. The United States also knew that China could not be used in vain, so Roosevelt offered very generous conditions. For example, the United States increased the amount of raw silk it purchased from China and sold a batch of important machinery to China. Now the United States has not yet done so.

After the Great Depression, a large number of factory machines were still at a standstill, so it was not difficult to sell them to China.

In addition, Roosevelt also hoped to reach an understanding agreement with China on the grounds that Siam and the Philippines were threatened at the same time. In fact, the meaning behind this agreement is very simple. It is that the United States recognizes Siam as an exclusive colony of China, and requires China to recognize the Philippines.

American colonies.

The U.S. proposal was quickly sent to Beijing. Qiao Yu is in a good mood now. The contradiction between the United States and Japan has become more and more intensified as China hoped. China's pressure is getting smaller and smaller. In the overall international situation, China

Became a relatively comfortable person.

Qiao Yu was reading Roosevelt's proposal, and he also had documents sent by Japanese Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese government. Japan also frequently showed goodwill to China.

Japan is actually very upset about the assassination that occurred in the Philippines. The United States determined that it was Japan. The Japanese could not defend themselves, but Japan itself knew that they were not responsible for the assassination. So who was behind it?

Some Japanese officials have also placed suspicion on China, but unfortunately it is just a suspicion and no definite evidence can be found.

The country of Japan is sandwiched between several major powers. This is a fate they can never escape. Japan is also constantly weighing how to deal with the two major powers China and the United States.

According to the geographical environment, Japan's main enemy is China. This is something both sides know very well. There will definitely be another battle between China and Japan to determine who is the real master of East Asia.

Japan has targeted China as its primary enemy. In fact, there is also the issue of historical baggage. They have been creeping on China for the past two thousand years. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan shouted to leave Asia and join Europe. But how can this be so easy?

Things, some things have gone deep into the bone marrow. There is no way to eliminate them.

The only way is to defeat, conquer, and destroy the country of China. In this way, Japan will become the natural successor of East Asian civilization, and it will have enough cultural confidence to become a global power with high heads.

This is an important consensus among all walks of life in Japan's military and political circles. However, there are great differences in how to achieve this goal. One group of Japanese believes that they should first concentrate on defeating China. The most important thing is to eliminate the Chinese navy, recapture the Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan, and then start from

The Korean Peninsula attacks mainland China.

The other group is firmly opposed to this plan. They believe that there is a huge gap in war potential between China and Japan. Moreover, the Chinese government is now tough on the outside world and the morale of the people is unprecedentedly high. Even if Japan can achieve the goal of wiping out the Chinese navy, the next land war will

It will also face many difficulties. The huge China can completely drag Japan to death.

They believe that they should follow Germany's approach of gradual expansion. Germany currently appeases its most important enemy, the Soviet Union, and then attacks Northern Europe, and then targets Britain and France. Japan should do the same, appeasing China, its most important enemy, and then

By quickly defeating the United States, Britain and other countries, Japan will have enough strategic rear and sufficient resources to engage in a life-or-death showdown with China.

The representatives of this group are Kanji Ishihara and Neji Okamura. It is said that Emperor Hirohito admired their strategy, but the naval general Yamamoto Isoroku strongly opposed it. Yamamoto Isoroku was the most famous American general in Japan.

Having truly seen the industrial capabilities of the United States, he repeatedly warned the Japanese government not to try to provoke the United States, as that would only awaken a giant.

However, some people in the Japanese government still disagree. They believe that the United States is a democratic country and is very fragile. Unlike an imperial country like Japan, it will sign a city alliance after suffering a major defeat and will never fight Japan to the end.

China is not aware of the various controversies of the Japanese government, but the secret letter sent by Japan at this time promised China that as long as China can stand on the side of Asia, Japan is willing to open the markets of Indonesia and South Korea to China.

"Brother Baili, Japan has always been greedy. As long as they eat something in their mouth, they will not let go easily. Why are they so happy this time? Can you see through what they are thinking?"

Jiang Baili was actually constantly thinking about Japan's plans, and he could not figure out Japan's thoughts, "President, these so-called commitments to open the market will not be immediate, and some negotiations will always have to be carried out. This is probably Japan's delaying strategy.

The purpose is to appease China, but as for their real calculation, I still don’t know much about it!”

"In this case, we might as well postpone it for a while, temporarily deal with the US request, and wait until the situation becomes clearer before taking action!"

"It is true that we currently have the capital to delay, but Japan has always liked to fight undeclared wars, so we cannot but take precautions. I suggest that the existing six aircraft carriers be adjusted and the Zhenyuan, Dingyuan, Zhiyuan, and Laiyuan be transferred to four

An aircraft carrier was placed in Ryukyu to frighten Japan. In addition, two new aircraft carriers, the Ningyuan and the Jingyuan, were responsible for the South China Sea, keeping an eye on the direction of Indonesia!"

"Well, this method is feasible, but six aircraft carriers are still not enough. We have to step up the production of aircraft carriers. Based on the mature experience of Ningyuan and Jingyuan, we will build two more aircraft carriers and name them Jingyuan and Fuyuan.


The United States built more than a hundred aircraft carriers during World War II, but only about twenty Essex-class large aircraft carriers were built. The rest were light aircraft carriers and escort aircraft carriers with very limited actual combat capabilities. According to Qiao Yu’s plan, China has

Ten main aircraft carriers are enough to cope with the situation, but too many will exceed China's national strength.

These ten aircraft carriers are all Yuan-class ships, and the last two are still on the drawing board and are named Anyuan and Hepingyuan. They will also become the core force of China's future maritime hegemony.

The Asia-Pacific region still maintains a fragile peace, and countries still maintain a restrained attitude, while Europe has reached the point where its bayonets are red. Hitler has already focused his attention on Denmark and Norway in Northern Europe and France in Western Europe.

The Jutland Peninsula where Denmark is located is the key to Germany's access to the sea, and Norway guards the Northern Sea Route. It has a large amount of iron ore in its own country, as well as a lot of non-ferrous metals, such as nickel ore, etc. In addition, it has captured

After conquering Norway, Sweden and Finland can be forced to defect to Germany, and Northern Europe will fall under Hitler's control.

This was very important for Germany. In order to quickly capture these two countries, Hitler mobilized powerful forces. A total of seven divisions attacked Norway, and a total of two divisions and a brigade attacked Denmark.

From the perspective of the army, this scale is not large, but Germany's naval and air forces were mobilized. All the Nazis' only three aircraft carriers were taken out, with the Bismarck and Tirpitz acting as the main force, and the Qidian was modified.

The aircraft carrier Munich also joined them. The three aircraft carriers and the number of carrier-based aircraft exceeded 250, forming an unprecedentedly powerful air strike force.

Faced with Germany's all-round three-dimensional attack, Denmark only lasted two hours. In fact, the overwhelming carrier-based aircraft made Denmark completely give up resistance, and the attack completely turned into an armed parade.

Germany is also making rapid progress in Norway. In the original history, paratroopers were the protagonists in attacking Norway. This time, the main focus of the attack was on the aircraft carrier.

The three aircraft carriers dispatched powerful aviation forces and carried out indiscriminate bombings against ports, railways, highways, fortifications, and government agencies. Oslo, the capital of Norway, was soon engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

After receiving the report from the front, Hitler, who was in the wolf's den, seemed extremely excited. The aircraft carrier was such an amazing weapon. It was flexible in combat and powerful. It was definitely the trump card to dominate the war.

His eyes were no longer on Norway. What he was thinking about now was how to cross the English Channel with an aircraft carrier and plant the Nazi flag on the streets of London.

The Battle of Norway once again created a miracle. Germany occupied two-thirds of the Norwegian territory in less than half a month. In fact, Hitler's army was already ready to attack France at this time. Now it seems completely possible.

Destroy Norway before the campaign on the Western Front officially ends.

At this time, Britain and France had sent reinforcements to Norway, but their actions were slow. Their reinforcements did not arrive until most of Norway had fallen. Faced with Germany's overwhelming sea and air superiority, the British could only bite the bullet and fight to the death.

Fighting, the first large-scale collision between aircraft carriers on the European battlefield is about to take place! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest


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