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Chapter 561 The Spring of the Nazi Navy

As the starting point reached Germany, Britain knew that Germany would definitely take the path of aircraft carriers. In order to deal with the threat from Germany, Britain mobilized a large number of aircraft carriers to the mainland. In addition, it also started building aircraft carriers frantically. Britain was a country that relied on sea power to rise.

The country has a deeper understanding of the navy than any other country.

The Royal Navy now has a total of eleven aircraft carriers, including the first light aircraft carrier built in the UK, the HMS Arenas. This aircraft carrier has a displacement of about 10,000 tons and can carry twenty aircraft.

There are two Brave-class aircraft carriers, namely Brave and Glorious. Both of these aircraft carriers were transformed from battlecruisers. They are similar to the Japanese Akagi. Their maximum displacement is close to 30,000 tons and they can carry forty-eight aircraft.

These three aircraft carriers were all early models. However, after that, the Sino-Japanese naval war took place. The aircraft carrier, the new generation of maritime hegemons, finally began to show its ferocious side. The British suddenly realized that they had fallen behind. You must know that China

The Qidian has more than seventy carrier-based aircraft, and one aircraft carrier is equal to two of the British. This is something that the British Empire absolutely cannot agree to.

In the following days, despite the decline in national strength, Britain began to build aircraft carriers. Britain first built the aircraft carrier Ark Royal, but by this time China's first aircraft carrier Zhenyuan had been launched. Britain once again felt its own power.

The thinking has fallen behind.

Therefore, Britain gathered its best engineers to design a new generation of Glory-class aircraft carriers. A total of four ships were started at the same time, namely Glory, Victory, Terrifying and Indomitable.

This is the largest number of first-class aircraft carriers currently in service in the UK, but the British once again made a fatal mistake. They believed that the defense capabilities of traditional aircraft carriers were too low, so they focused on strengthening their defense capabilities, targeting both the flight deck and the hangar.

Armor added.

However, after the heavy armor was installed, the aircraft carrier's aircraft capacity was greatly reduced to only thirty-six. China has a very low evaluation of this type of aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier's weapon is aircraft, and in terms of positioning, China regards the aircraft carrier as

As an offensive weapon.

If an aircraft carrier wants to ensure safety, it should use aircraft to actively sink the opponent. If the opponent flies to its head, the aircraft carrier will be finished. No matter how thick the armor is, can it still surpass the battleship?

In addition to the eight aircraft carriers mentioned above, due to the increasingly severe situation in Europe, the United Kingdom refitted an early aircraft carrier, the Furious, and added island-style buildings. Another independent aircraft carrier of less than 20,000 tons was built.

The Horned Beast can carry thirty-six aircraft. In addition, the British also have the Eagle. This ship was originally the battleship Corcoran built for Chile. Due to World War I, the construction was not completed. This warship was converted into

USS Eagle aircraft carrier.

The number of aircraft carriers of the British Navy is probably the best in the world. However, China's evaluation of this force is that it is large but not strong, has many warships but not sophisticated, has a messy model, and has worrying combat effectiveness.

Looking at all the British aircraft carriers, only the Ark Royal has a carrier-based aircraft number of 70. The rest generally have around 30 aircraft carriers. China's latest Ningyuan and Jingyuan can easily exceed 90 aircraft carriers.

Almost one aircraft carrier can rival three British ships.

In addition, because there are too many aircraft carriers, more escort warships need to be shared, and more supplies must be consumed. This is a huge burden. Of course, the UK also considers the dangerous sea conditions of the Atlantic in doing this, but it is not worth the gain!

This time, in order to assist Norway, the United Kingdom dispatched seven aircraft carriers to form a huge fleet, including four Glory-class aircraft carriers, HMS Ark Royal, HMS Fury and HMS Eagle. The remaining aircraft carriers are guarding important areas such as the Strait of Gibraltar.

This is already the strongest lineup the UK can field.

The British Royal Navy is based on the Shetland Islands near Norway, protecting a large number of British and French forces landing from northern and central Norway to defend the country. However, the German advance was too fast. By the time the British reinforcements arrived, the main force of the German army

Having broken through the central zone and pointing directly to the north, the focus of the battle between Britain and Germany became Narvik in the north.

With the help of air superiority, the British army launched a focused attack on the German paratroopers. A large number of German soldiers lost their lives, but they still fought tenaciously to buy time for the main force.

The British Navy was dispatched in a large scale. German Navy Commander-in-Chief Dönitz had already learned of the situation in advance through a reconnaissance plane. Dönitz knew very well that this was the moment Germany had been waiting for. Whether it could completely shake Britain's maritime hegemony would depend on this battle.


In fact, ever since the German Navy acquired the aircraft carrier, Dönitz has been thinking about how to wash away the shame of World War I and completely eliminate the British Royal Navy. Both Dönitz and Hitler knew that Britain's greatest hope was the Royal Navy. As long as the Royal Navy was defeated,

Germany won more than half of it.

Germany currently has only three aircraft carriers, which seems to be inferior to the United Kingdom in number. However, if measured in terms of the number of carrier-based aircraft, Germany is no less than the United Kingdom. The Bismarck and Tirpitz both have more than 80 aircraft carriers, and the Munich has more than 80 aircraft carriers.

It could also reach seventy. In addition, since Germany occupied most of Norway and could obtain the support of shore-based aircraft, Dönitz was full of confidence in this battle.

This was Germany's turnaround. Dönitz personally commanded three aircraft carriers to set off from southern Norway and go north along the coast to meet the British navy. This scene was similar to the Battle of Jutland during World War I, and this scene

China participated in both naval battles.

During World War I, it was Qiao Yu who encouraged Germany to fight so hard that Britain suffered heavy losses. This time, China's influence on the German navy was even greater. All German aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft pilots were trained with the help of China. Germany was wreaking havoc on the Atlantic Ocean.

submarines also imitate China's wolf pack tactics.

It can be said that looking at all the countries in the world, China and Germany are the pair of countries that understand each other the most. This time can also be seen as the Chinese navy competing with the British navy again.

The British side has also been paying attention to Germany. After learning about the dispatch of the German navy, the British aircraft carrier formation also changed its course and sailed toward the southwest. In this way, they could avoid German shore-based bombers to the greatest extent, and also be able to

Effective against the German Navy.

The aircraft carriers of both sides are constantly dispatching carrier-based aircraft for reconnaissance. The North Sea is far less vast than the Pacific Ocean, but under the current circumstances it is still difficult to detect the fleet on the vast sea. Both sides are actively detecting the other's traces. Under the aircraft carrier's

In a contest, being able to discover the opponent's traces first will have a decisive impact on the war.

At this time, both London and Berlin seemed a little dull and depressing, and the air seemed to be stagnant. The current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was Chamberlain. This old gentleman was already feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

He signed an agreement with Hitler in Munich, betrayed Czechoslovakia without mercy, and then sacrificed Poland. The old guy has done everything he can. He has given the green light to Germany's expansion and is just waiting for Germany and the Soviet Union to fight to the death.


But at this point in the script, Germany no longer acted according to the British wishes, but turned its spearhead and aimed at Western Europe. It was only at this time that the British suddenly realized that they were not fully prepared at all, and all the three armies were slacking off.

Far inferior to Germany's fully mobilized war machine.

Members of the British House of Commons have initiated a motion of no confidence against Chamberlain. The old guy knows that his career as Prime Minister is coming to an end, and it will end in the most degrading way, but he has nothing to do. The only thing Chamberlain is looking forward to now is the United Kingdom.

The Royal Navy was able to defeat the Germans and save one last bit of face.

Things on the battlefield often do not happen as people imagined. Both Britain and Germany were trying to find each other with carrier-based aircraft, but the first one to discover the enemy ship turned out to be a German submarine. This U-shaped submarine was originally going to

The Atlantic Ocean disrupted Britain's shipping lanes, and ended up bumping into Britain's huge aircraft carrier fleet.

The captain quickly reported the news to the country, and Dönitz quickly received the information. He immediately dispatched carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft to conduct searches. At the same time, he ordered the aircraft carrier to prepare for combat. The carrier-based aircraft were transferred from the hangar and loaded with weapons.

With good fuel and bombs, the German pilots were all eager to try it.

They were the best ones selected from all the pilots in Germany. Hitler valued naval aviation very much, so in addition to flying skills, they also had to be pure-blooded Aryans, and all indicators met the Nazi requirements.

, only in this way can they be selected into the naval aviation force, and then undergo rigorous training under Chinese pilots. They have been able to adapt to the harsh sea conditions of the North Sea.

Now it is finally time to win meritorious service for Germany. The position of the British fleet has been roughly determined. Germany's three aircraft carriers faced the wind and waves and increased their speed to the fastest. Planes loaded with bombs and torpedoes rose into the air.

, formed a huge fleet and rushed towards the British Navy.

At the same time, the British fleet also discovered the German navy. British carrier-based aircraft also took off. The two naval fleets began attacking each other out of sight. This was completely different from the First World War. It was originally a glorious moment.

The battleships have been put in a secondary position by all countries, and the aircraft carrier is the well-deserved maritime hegemon!

The gap in aircraft carrier technology between the UK and Germany was evident at the beginning of the war. Although the UK has seven aircraft carriers, it does not have an advantage in the number of carrier-based aircraft. What is even worse is that it is more difficult to coordinate and command. There is no doubt that the speed is inferior.

A lot slower.

Most of the German planes had already taken off, but Britain had not yet fully mobilized. The Nazi war eagles flew across the vast sea and rushed towards Britain fiercely. British planes hurriedly responded, and planes continued to be easily shot down by Germany. Several German fighter planes broke through.

Overcoming the obstruction of the British army, he dropped a fatal torpedo on the aircraft carrier Fury at the outermost edge of the entire formation! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendation, monthly vote, and your support

, is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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