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Chapter 587: Binding the Canglong

() Japan successfully bombed Pearl Harbor two months ago, allowing Americans to experience the feeling of hell. Now China’s bombing of Japan’s oil refineries also makes Japan feel unforgettable pain. The huge power of napalm makes Japan

Ri himself was horrified.

Once it burns, there is almost no way to extinguish it. Traditional fire extinguishing methods have no effect. They will only make the fire more intense. It is almost impossible for personnel to survive as long as they are contaminated. Moreover, when napalm burns, it will produce a large amount of toxic gases.

, the nearby people were poisoned, suffocated, and then burned to death...

It can be said that this is a very cruel weapon, but it is perfect for dealing with these Japanese beasts. The first round of bombing completely destroyed three oil refineries. Japan was finally shaken. If it happens again, it will be like this.

Several times, the oil refinery that Japan finally snatched from Britain would disappear, which Japan did not want to see anyway.

Japan has been a resource-hungry country for many years. Japan has no energy or minerals needed for industrialization. In the past, Japan relied on plundering from China. Later, after losing China, Japan occupied Nanyang, and Japan gained stability.

Oil supply, if you want to go to war with China and the United States, how can you do it without enough oil?

Therefore, Japan had no choice but to send the Canglong and Feilong to stop the Chinese aircraft carrier. The telegram sent by Japan to send troops was immediately cracked by the Chinese intelligence agency, and the news was notified to Shen Honglie.

China is the country that attaches most importance to intelligence work in the world. In addition to planting spies, it also cannot let go of technical means. It intercepts local secrets and deciphers them. This is a very effective way to obtain intelligence. In history,

Britain sank the battleship Bismarck. The United States won the Battle of Midway. Both were inseparable from the detection of intelligence...

Japan has always been in a weak position in this regard. The United States cracked Japan's intelligence during the Washington meeting and knew Japan's bottom line. Later, the United States also often cracked Japan's diplomatic cables, which attracted strong protests from Japan.

In fact, the reason why this situation occurs is also caused by the backwardness of domestic mathematical research in Japan. In fact, all passwords have their own rules, which means that as long as the rules are found, they can be deciphered. Therefore, this is the competition between mathematicians from various countries.

A battlefield. Japan lags behind the United States in basic science, and it is not surprising that the code was cracked by Americans.

In this time and space, not only the United States can decipher the Japanese code, but also China. Qiao Yu once organized the most outstanding mathematicians in China to study the rules of the Japanese code. In the end, he basically succeeded in deciphering the Japanese code easily, and regardless of the

No matter how you change the Japanese version, China can decipher it.

This has also become a worry for Japan. After Japan formed an alliance with Germany, Japan hoped to solve the cryptographic problem with Germany's help. You must know that Germany has some of the best mathematicians in the world. Hitler

At that time, it was also a big deal, and Germany handed over the newly developed encryption machine to Japan.

I am very happy. I think that with the German cipher machine, I can be foolproof. I have an unforgettable admiration for white people from the bottom of my heart. However, it can be said that it is God's will. The German's own cipher machine is not omnipotent.

, the British actually broke the German code.

After China passed the Lend-Lease Act, its relationship with the United Kingdom became closer. The British intelligence agency shared the results of their research with China. With the ideas provided by the United Kingdom, China quickly figured out the secrets of Japan's telegrams, but this time China did not alert the enemy, but pretended not to know.

The Japanese thought they had a plan, but they didn't know that the news that they ordered the Canglong and Feilong to attack had been discovered by the Chinese side. Shen Honglie was also very happy at this time. He hurriedly commanded the fleet to sail northwest, open up the battlefield, and then Send a plane to search.

Shen Honglie knew very well that Japan only had six large aircraft carriers, but they had to support operations in two directions. As long as one could be sunk, the combat capabilities of Japan's combined fleet would be seriously weakened.

The Chinese aircraft carrier did not search for the Japanese aircraft carrier, but received a report from a submarine. In the northeast, an aircraft carrier formation was discovered off the coast of the Philippines and was heading rapidly towards Borneo. After receiving the news, Shen Honglie immediately Study the chart carefully.

According to Chinese intelligence, Japan's large aircraft carriers are concentrated near the Java Sea. It is impossible to appear from the northeast. Faced with two contradictory pieces of information, Shen Honglie also fell into hesitation. Now it is completely a test of a command. The judge's ability to judge.

If Japan's main force is really in the direction of the Philippines, it means that China's previous intelligence was wrong, and now the aircraft carrier formation is also in an extremely vulnerable position. However, if the submarine's intelligence is wrong, China is likely to lose A good opportunity to eliminate the main force of Japan's navy.

But there is another possibility, that is, both the intelligence is correct. The aircraft carrier coming from the Philippines is just a partial division, and the real main force is still in the south. Thinking about it carefully, Shen Honglie strengthened his judgment, and he immediately The aircraft carrier Ningyuan was ordered to break away from the formation and sail northeast to find out the strength of the Japanese army.

The other three aircraft carriers continued to search to the southwest. The Ningyuan quickly moved northward under the protection of the escort ships. At the same time, carrier-based aircraft were sent to search. Soon the Ningyuan's reconnaissance aircraft discovered a Japanese fleet, including a Japanese fleet. aircraft carrier, three heavy cruisers and five destroyers.

The Ningyuan immediately dispatched carrier-based aircraft to take off to meet the enemy. The pilots swept across the vast sea and finally discovered the Japanese aircraft carrier not far away. At this time, Japan's carrier-based aircraft also took off, and the two sides launched a fierce battle. Fighting, Japan only has about twenty aircraft, and the number is more than double that of China. Although the pilots fight desperately, their bravery cannot make up for the double gap in quantity and quality.

Japanese aircraft kept falling into the sea in the sky, and even exploded in the air. The Chinese carrier-based aircraft broke through the interception and rushed towards the Japanese aircraft carrier at the fastest speed. At this time, the Chinese pilots had already understood the Japanese aircraft carrier. It's the Fengxiang light aircraft carrier.

This aircraft carrier is the earliest aircraft carrier built by Japan. It adopts an island structure. However, due to the immature design, Japan reversed the course and demolished the island superstructure, leaving only a bare deck on it, so it is very recognizable. easy.

The Fengxiang was originally to assist the Japanese army in attacking the Philippines. As the battle on the Philippine Islands basically ended, the Fengxiang lost its usefulness. The battle in the direction of Singapore became more and more urgent, so Japan dispatched this aircraft carrier. Heading south from the Philippines, they tried to sneak attack the Chinese fleet as a surprise force, but were discovered by China in advance.

Suddenly the Fengxiang's situation became extremely dangerous. This light aircraft carrier with a displacement of less than 10,000 tons cannot even withstand ordinary bombs, let alone torpedoes. A bomb weighing hundreds of kilograms can easily destroy it.

Sent to the bottom of the sea, the Japanese fired desperately into the air in an attempt to save their own fate.

This was obviously a futile struggle. Three dive bombers had already set their sights on the Fengxiang. The war eagles cut through the sky at the fastest speed, approached the Fengxiang, and then dropped the bombs easily. The movements were as smooth as clouds and flowing water.

, two of the six bombs hit the Fengxiang's bow.

The Japanese aircraft carrier has a very interesting design, that is, there is a big red circle on the map at the bow of the ship, which is the symbol of their plaster flag. The reason for doing this is because they are worried about the aircraft landing incorrectly, which is confusing.

Incomparable battlefields are also possible.

With this big red circle, Japan's aircraft can find its home base, but Japan's stupid mind never thought that after being painted like this, it would also provide bombing instructions to foreign aircraft and become a living target.


These two bombs landed just on the bow of the Fengxiang. The violent explosion tore apart the deck of the Fengxiang in an instant. The Fengxiang was also a veteran who had served for twenty years and was injured during the Sino-Japanese War.

Although the ship has been maintained several times, it has reached the end of its service life and the hull is seriously aging.

The ability to resist the explosion was reduced to a very low limit. The explosion tore the deck and caused a fire, which quickly spread to the interior. The fuel and bombs exploded together, and the Fengxiang quickly turned into a living coffin.

Seeing that the Fengxiang was completely destroyed, the Chinese pilots focused their attacks on other ships. A 10% chase was staged on the sea. The Japanese warships tried their best to escape, but how could the ships on the surface compete with the aircraft?

For example, Japanese warships were sent to the bottom of the sea one by one.

Just when the Ningyuan discovered the Fengxiang, the Japanese aircraft carrier formation took the lead in discovering the Chinese fleet. They dispatched seventy aircraft to form the first wave of attack aircraft and flew towards the Chinese aircraft carrier.

At this time, Chinese carrier-based aircraft have also taken off. Japan's Zero fighter and China's Phoenix launched a fierce confrontation. The two aircraft can be said to be the concentrated expression of the industrial capabilities of China and Japan. The Zero fighter has excellent

It has excellent low-altitude combat performance, and its range and firepower are both outstanding.

The main force that attacked Pearl Harbor and swept across Southeast Asia was the Zero fighter. The past two months can be said to be the most glorious period of the Zero fighter. However, the Chinese Phoenix fighter is not bad either. It has proven in the British air that this aircraft can already compete with

German aircraft compete on the battlefield and can be regarded as one of the top fighters in the world.

When the two powerful forces met, it was natural to decide a winner. A Zero and a Phoenix got entangled, and the lightweight Zero had the upper hand. Just when it was about to attack the Phoenix, the Phoenix suddenly flipped to the left.

The Zero immediately couldn't keep up. After getting rid of the Zero fighter, the Phoenix quickly fired back. A series of cannons were fired out, hitting the Zero's fuselage. Suddenly the aircraft was exploded in the air and turned into a big

Fireball! (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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