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Chapter five hundred and eighty eighth air raid on Japan

() The Zero fighter may have outstanding performance in some aspects, but it has a fatal weakness. Poor protection is its biggest flaw. After being hit, it can easily turn into a big fireball, and even the pilots will not be able to survive. Many of them

A valuable experienced pilot died like this, which is definitely a huge loss to Japan.

However, Japan did not seem to be aware of it, and was still attacking China's blockade with all its might. Zero aircraft were continuously shot down. Only less than ten aircraft in the first wave of attack aircraft successfully broke through the blockade, but they soon

It was attacked by escort ships, and under intensive firepower, they were all shot down. In the end, only one Chinese light cruiser was injured...

Japan's first wave of attacks ended with very few results. China's attack officially began. This time, China dispatched 126 aircraft to form a powerful strike group and went straight to Japan's aircraft carrier.

Skimming the vast sea, the Chinese aircraft finally discovered the Japanese fleet. The two huge aircraft carriers Canglong and Feilong were just above the sea, surrounded by a large number of warships escorting them. They were like a monarch on the sea. The Chinese pilots were not polite at all.

, pounced forward.

At this time, Ri himself also knew that the first wave of attacks had failed. Nearly half of their carrier-based aircraft had been lost. Now there were less than fifty aircraft that could take off to intercept. The situation was very critical. However, Ri himself did not hesitate at all.

Stage a battle between Zero and Phoenix.

The Zero fighter that swept across the Pacific finally encountered a powerful enemy. The Phoenix had maneuverability that was not weaker than the Zero, and with its powerful engine, it was faster than the Zero. The most important thing was that the Phoenix equipped the pilot with bulletproof glass and

The protective armor will not cause serious damage even after being hit by a bullet. This is something that the Zero with fragile defenses can never match...

More than thirty Zero fighter jets were shot down. Japan's blocking network had been riddled with holes. Chinese carrier-based aircraft quickly rushed towards the Japanese fleet, and the focus of the attack was on the closer ones.

Aboard the Soryu aircraft carrier.

The Canglong aircraft carrier is the first full-time aircraft carrier built by the United Fleet after Japan's defeat at the hands of China. This is different from the historical situation. The Canglong's full load displacement exceeds 25,000 tons. It was once regarded as

A symbol of Japan's navy getting back on its feet.

During the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and the battle that swept across the South Seas, the Canglong made great achievements. In other words, it also shouldered countless blood debts. This time, the end of the Canglong has finally arrived. The first to attack the Canglong was the Chinese torpedo.


There were more than ten torpedo planes targeting the Canglong. All the anti-aircraft firepower on the Canglong was turned on. A dense rain of bullets was fired into the air, forming a fire net. There were three Chinese torpedoes.

The plane was shot down, but due to the lack of cooperation from other warships, there was only so much the Soryu could do.

Other torpedo planes broke through to within 20 meters of the Soryu and dropped deadly torpedoes. Six torpedoes hit the Soryu from different directions at the same time. The violent explosions tore apart the armor of the Soryu's side. Violent explosions occurred one after another.

, the fire spread rapidly.

All the planes on the deck fell into the water due to violent shaking, and fuel, bombs and other items also began to explode. The entire warship was shrouded in flames from beginning to end, and the Japanese sailors let out shrill screams of hunger. Some people were killed.

Swallowed by fire, some reluctantly tried to jump into the sea to escape, but the Canglong aircraft carrier quickly broke into three pieces and quickly sank underwater.

The sinking of the warship created a huge whirlpool, dragging all the Japanese soldiers who jumped into the sea into the deep sea. They completely lost their lives and became food for fish and shrimp on the seabed. The Canglong aircraft carrier completely sank.

China's first wave of attack aircraft had consumed most of its fuel due to its entanglement with the Zero, so it could only withdraw quickly and wait for the second wave to attack the Feilong.

At this time, Japan also mobilized a large number of shore-based aircraft in Borneo to launch an attack on the Chinese aircraft carrier. In fact, Japan's original plan was to use shore-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft to cooperate with each other to carry out shuttle bombing against the Chinese aircraft carrier.

Ultimately offsetting the numerical advantage of China’s aircraft carriers.

However, this is destined to be wishful thinking on the part of the Japanese. Most of their first wave of attacks were shot down by China. The remaining Zero fighters also lost their fighting spirit. How could they continue to attack? As for the cooperation of shore-based aircraft, there were also serious problems.


When the carrier-based aircraft attack ended, they arrived belatedly. Shen Honglie knew that China's power had the advantage. In this situation, the most important thing was to avoid making mistakes and avoid Japan taking advantage of loopholes.

If you study the war carefully, you will find that many battles are not about how many things the two sides did right, but about who can make fewer mistakes, especially when the strength is dominant, and they cannot be greedy for success. Therefore, Shen Honglie has never

Despite all efforts, not all carrier-based aircraft were dispatched.

All carrier-based aircraft on the Jingyuan aircraft carrier were not dispatched, but were responsible for guarding the entire fleet. The attack fleets took off from the Jingyuan and Fuyuan. Now Japan's shore-based aircraft are attacking, and the Jingyuan

All the carrier-based aircraft on board took off and began to intercept Japanese aircraft.

Carrier-based aircraft pilots are the elite of a country. As for shore-based pilots, most of them are young boys who were sent to the battlefield as soon as they learned how to fly aircraft. Especially in a country like Japan, its own pilot reserve is not enough.

, and now its territory has suddenly expanded several times, and it must be defended everywhere.

The limited military strength is like sprinkling pepper noodles. They have to be taken care of everywhere, but there are loopholes everywhere. Most of these Japanese shore-based pilots are novices with only more than a hundred hours, and they don’t understand the meaning of air combat at all. Look at them

The Chinese veterans sneered at the messy formation.

I don't even bother to compete with this kind of opponent, but this is a battlefield, and I can't pay attention to the spirit of chivalry. The Chinese pilots still hit the Japanese planes mercilessly. It was like dumplings were dropped on the sea, and planes were shot down constantly. Japan

The aircraft has inherited a long tradition and has very weak defense capabilities. It is basically a disposable lighter. As long as it is hit, it will turn into a big fireball.

In just a few dozen minutes, more than 60 planes were shot down. This time, Japan took off a total of more than 100 planes, and more than half of them were lost. The remaining pilots either fled in panic or attacked desperately.

Chinese warships, but their blind attack had little effect. Only one Chinese destroyer was sunk, and the rest of the warships were unharmed.

By this time, China's first wave of attack groups had also returned. After they joined the battle group, the Japanese aircraft group became even more defeated and fled in panic.

After retrieving all the aircraft, they nervously loaded fuel and ammunition, and the second wave of attacks began immediately. At this time, Japan already knew the news that the Canglong had been sunk, and they could not help but feel a sense of badness in their hearts. The Soryu sank, and the Feilong was unable to support itself. Fearing that it would be in danger, they hurriedly ordered a retreat to the Java Sea.

The retreat of the Feilong was tantamount to handing over sea control off Singapore to China. The hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops attacking Singapore lacked sea control. The consequences can be imagined.

However, China would not let the Japanese go. Carrier-based aircraft then pursued them. At this time, the Japanese aircraft taking off from Sumatra also arrived on the battlefield and happened to collide with China's second wave of attack aircraft. After the melee, Japan dropped another forty planes, and the rest all fled in confusion.

However, with their interference, China's pursuit plan was interrupted, and night had fallen, and the South China Sea was relatively complex. If it was ambushed by a Japanese submarine, the consequences would be disastrous, so Shen Honglie ordered the fleet to withdraw north and leave the battlefield.

After a war, Japan lost an aircraft carrier, more than 200 aircraft, and a large number of excellent pilots. It was a head-on blow to the Japanese navy. China had just entered the war and achieved such results, which made all allies Rejoice.

US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill sent congratulatory messages one after another. They expressed the hope that China would play a more important role in the war. To put it bluntly, they wanted China to contribute more. Qiao Yu knew it well.

Riben needs to be beaten up, or even crushed to death completely, but we cannot let Riben die too quickly, and we must let Riben continue to impact the old world structure. Moreover, Riben still has a strong fighting power accumulated over the years. It is not easy to completely defeat Japan.

After this war is over, control of the South China Sea can be guaranteed for the time being. China's next attack will focus on comprehensively attacking Japan's industrial potential. The entire World War II is a competition of production capacity. Only by destroying a country's industrial capacity can it Completely destroy the opponent's war potential.

Long before declaring war on Japan, China built a large number of military airports in North Korea and deployed more than 200 long-range bombers. After the war broke out, this number quickly reached 500. The range of these newly commissioned bombers It can reach 3,500 kilometers, which is more than 500 kilometers farther than the American Flying Fortress, and its bomb load is similar to that of the Flying Fortress.

These bombers take off from northern North Korea and can completely cover the southwest of Japan and even the Tokyo area. The distance between China and Japan determines that once China launches an attack on Japan, Japan will have flaws and weaknesses everywhere.

The person in charge of commanding this air strike was Wu Kaijie. He originally participated in the air force assisting the British. With the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the burden on the British shoulders was much lighter, so China withdrew its pilots and owned the Asia-Pacific battlefield that was about to break out. , Wu Kaijie has participated in many bombing operations against German industrial areas in Europe and has rich combat experience. This time he is also confident in attacking Japan.

Of course, there are differences in the bombing of Germany and Japan. For example, the German factory area has strong buildings and high-explosive bombs should be used, while Japan is full of small workshops and should use incendiary bombs. More than 200 bombers roared with deadly incendiary bombs.

Flying into the sky, the target is directly aimed at the Japanese islands. (To be continued.)

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