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Chapter five hundred and eighty ninth heavy loss

() Strategic bombing is not only an attack on military targets, that is, troops, military bases, military facilities, etc., but also a thorough attack on production facilities, transportation buildings, and even residential areas. The purpose is to destroy the opponent's entire war potential and force the opponent to lose

The will to resist and then surrender in defeat.

From this perspective, strategic bombing must be indiscriminate bombing, and it mainly targets ordinary people. This time China is no exception. More than 200 bombers entered the Japanese Sea under the escort of fighter jets, of which 80

The bombers formed a separate group and headed straight for Tokyo...

The target of the remaining bombers is the shipyards around Nagasaki. The competition in the Pacific battlefield is shipbuilding capabilities. Whoever builds ships faster than the speed of losses will be able to take the initiative on the battlefield. Therefore, China mainly attacks Japan.

Ben’s shipbuilding ability.

In the last Sino-Japanese war, China single-handedly directed a suicide attack against the Japanese fleet and achieved brilliant results, which fully proved that there were serious loopholes in Japan's homeland air defense. Japan itself was not unaware of its own

His weakness is that he is still very concerned about the local area.

However, Japan's national foundation is limited, and a large number of troops have to be sent to garrison overseas. Especially the sea and air forces are used to seize colonies. The local defense capabilities will inevitably be somewhat reduced. Many pilots are novices. Although Chinese aircraft invaded Japan

After entering the airspace, Japan issued a warning, but only a few fighter jets were able to take off in time to intercept.

And it was quickly shot down by Chinese escorting fighter jets. Although the anti-aircraft fire on the ground was dense, there were loopholes to exploit, especially since the bombers flew at a very high distance and could easily avoid...

Wu Kaijie was also flying a plane at the forefront at this time. He had participated in the bombing of Germany. To be fair, there was a huge gap between the air defense forces of Japan and Germany. Japan was not even a fraction of Germany's. The UK currently has casualties.

The military branch with the highest rate is bomber pilots.

In the initial stage, you will basically be shot down again after three dispatches. After three months, the probability of a novice surviving is no more than 10%. Paratroopers and bomber pilots are the two services with the highest mortality rate. Only personal experience

Only those who have experienced it know the cruelty on the battlefield.

Japan's air defense system is not strict at all. Under the cover of night, Chinese bombers quickly broke through the loose defense lines and arrived over Nagasaki. The main target of this attack was the Nagasaki Shipyard.

The Nagasaki Shipyard is the product of Japan's Meiji Restoration period. It is a product of the colonial and industrial policy. It is affiliated to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. After years of development, it has become one of the largest shipyards in Japan, capable of producing various types of warships. Now

There was a huge ship lying on the dock.

That is the Musashi super aircraft carrier. After Japan focused its naval development on aircraft carriers, it sadly discovered that there was no way to compete with China and the United States in terms of numbers. Therefore, Japan began to work hard to pursue the performance of warships.

We hope to build super aircraft carriers to make up for the lack of numbers.

The Musashi is a product under the guidance of this idea. According to Japan's design, the standard displacement of this aircraft carrier will reach 65,000 tons. This is nearly 20,000 tons larger than the largest aircraft carrier currently in service in the world. It is a substantial

It is not a giant at sea. The Japanese plan to deploy more than 120 combat aircraft on it, so that the combat effectiveness of one aircraft carrier can be comparable to that of two other aircraft carriers.

The Musashi was also close to being launched at this time. The Chinese intelligence personnel would never let go of such an aircraft carrier. The main target of this bombing operation was the Musashi. Even if this giant ship could not be destroyed, the shipyard would still be destroyed.

As a result, the Musashi could not be launched on time.

The bombers roared over the Nagasaki Shipyard, and rows of incendiary bombs roared and fell from high altitudes. Each bomber could carry four tons of bombs. After they were all dropped, it was like countless fires scattered to the ground, and every time

An explosion spread out and divided into countless small fires.

In an instant, the entire shipyard was enveloped in flames. The intensity of the burning and the speed of the fire were beyond imagination. The fire soon engulfed the entire employee residential area. The Japanese have become arrogant and arrogant since they swept across the United States.

, simply did not believe that the homeland would be attacked, so air defense preparations were very inadequate.

When being attacked by air raids, many Japanese people could only close their doors and windows and huddled at home fearfully, without having time to enter the air raid shelter. After the incendiary bombs fell, countless fires ignited the Japanese wooden houses. The fire was unstoppable and the smoke and flames were fierce.

It quickly spread everywhere.

Feeling that his life was threatened, the Japanese tried to escape from home, but the poisonous gas from the burning had spread everywhere, and there was a serious lack of oxygen. Many people suffocated and fell down as soon as they took it out. The whole family collapsed together, and were finally swallowed up by the fire.

Soon the fire spread from the land to the port shore, and the docks and docks were also ignited by the fire. Countless Japanese firefighters no longer cared about the danger. They tried their best to prevent the spread of the fire and used all methods.

At this moment, the bomber piloted by Wu Kaijie flew over the shipyard and dropped the last two incendiary bombs. By chance, they landed on an oil storage tank, igniting the oil stored inside.

There was a shocking explosion, and this time the fire could not be stopped, and it quickly spread to the slipway.

The Musashi super aircraft carrier was not spared, and other warships under construction and repair were not spared. The fire destroyed most of the Nagasaki Shipyard's factories, and some small workshops attached to the Nagasaki Shipyard also suffered unprecedented losses.

, the machine can be replenished if it is destroyed, but the most terrible thing is the loss of shipbuilding talents, which cannot be made up for in a short time.

Several of the incendiary bombs fell into the villa area where the experts lived. The rapidly spreading fire easily swallowed the lives of dozens of Japanese experts, including the main designer of the Musashi. The huge loss of elite talents was

Japan can never make up for it.

More than half of the urban area of ​​Nagasaki was shrouded in flames, and Tokyo was also bombed at almost the same time. Tokyo is the political center of Japan, and the emperor and government officials all live in Tokyo. Air raids can have a negative impact on the morale of the Japanese people.

Amazing impact.

This also declares that no place in Japan is absolutely safe. Eighty bombers split into two directions and attacked Tokyo. Incendiary bombs fell on the heart of Japan mercilessly like hailstones. The bombing of Tokyo was completely indiscriminate.

Yes, where there are more people, where there are more people, where there are denser buildings, where there are more buildings.

No one is innocent in the war, especially those Japanese people. They sent their sons to the front line and contributed their products to the Japanese government. In fact, they were trying to get dividends from the war.

Without these fanatical people, it would be impossible to equip a huge army.

Just like gambling, once the Japanese are on the table, they must be prepared to lose everything. The bombing operation caused half of Tokyo to be plunged into a sea of ​​​​fire. Emperor Hirohito and the senior officials of the government had already hid in a special air-raid shelter.

, escaped the air raid, but a shadow of darkness shrouded the hearts of every Japanese high-level official.

The situation of the war was not as easy as Japan imagined, and Hirohito's face was even more shockingly gloomy. The destruction of the U.S. Pacific Fleet allowed Hirohito to reach unprecedented heights. He is the god worshiped by the Japanese people and the one who leads Japan.

He was heading towards the glorious Holy Lord, but this bombing operation was like a slap in the face, causing stars to pop out in front of Hirohito's eyes.

This huge gap drove Hirohito almost crazy. China's bombing campaign had ended and the fire in Tokyo was far from extinguished. Hirohito called Prime Minister Hideki Tojo over.

"Prime Minister, I trust you and entrust you with all the affairs of the empire, but is this the answer you gave me? The people of the empire fled in panic under the Chinese air raids. Where is the empire's air force? Where is the air defense force?

?Do you still have my safety in your eyes?"

Hirohito's roaring questioning put tremendous pressure on Tojo. Especially when Hirohito asked if Hirohito's safety was in his eyes, Tojo was even more horrified and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, I am always aware of you."

I dare not forget your Majesty’s safety, but the war is urgent, and many elite pilots have been sent to Nanyang and other places to guard the newly won land. I will transfer them back now and do my best to ensure the safety of our home airspace.”

"Confused! If the empire wants to fight the Chinese, it must have sufficient resources. Not only cannot it abandon its Southeast Asian colonies, it must also expand. Australia must be occupied as soon as possible. There are countless mineral resources there, which can ensure the empire's supply of raw materials.


Hirohito's mind is still very clear, and he cannot disrupt the entire strategic layout because of temporary anger. He frowned: "You must come up with a revenge plan as soon as possible. The Chinese can attack Tokyo, and the Empire can also attack Beijing."

, the empire is going to turn the city of Bei Jing into a sea of ​​fire!"

Although Hirohito said so, he was also very clear in his heart about the weakness of Japan's air force in bombers. There was no way to compare with China. In fact, Hirohito was also very helpless at this time. Why did God send Japan to the edge of the Asian continent?

Guarding four isolated islands, there is no way out.

If Japan can occupy an area with superior conditions, the Yamato nation will definitely be able to create brilliant achievements, and the whole world will crawl at Japan's feet.

Tojo did not dare to disobey Hirohito's orders. He could only arrange retaliation as soon as possible. This time the bombing operation ended, one-third of Nagasaki's urban area was destroyed, 20,000 people were killed in the flames, and more than 30,000 people were injured.

, the number of destroyed buildings reached 5,600, and the loss of wealth exceeded 500 million. In addition, more than 80% of the Nagasaki Shipyard was destroyed, and the Musashi under construction was seriously damaged. More than 10,000 people died in Tokyo, and more than 3,000 buildings were destroyed.

Buildings were destroyed, and a large number of private workshops were destroyed. These workshops all served Japan's military industry. After they were destroyed, Japan's military production was seriously affected.

However, China's bombing campaign has been unanimously praised in the world. The afterimage of Pearl Harbor made all Americans sad. The Japanese were also bombed, which made them extremely happy. All major newspapers published enthusiastic articles: Burning

Japan! God’s punishment! (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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