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Chapter five hundred and ninety second attack

() The so-called Atlantic Charter was a thing created by Roosevelt and Churchill. It was divided into eight articles. The most important of them was to declare that the two countries would not pursue territorial or other expansion, not recognize territorial changes caused by fascism through aggression, and respect the people of all countries.

The right to choose its own political form, the restoration of the sovereignty of peoples who have been violently deprived of it, and the complete elimination of fascism, etc.

Churchill proposed the Atlantic Charter at this time. The meaning was very clear. He did not want China to take the opportunity to annex India. Britain had already suffered a lot at the hands of Qiao Yu. Starting from northern Myanmar, Britain had to give in and colonize.

Order almost collapsed... .

This so-called Atlantic Charter also has a limited role. It does not pursue territorial expansion, which does not mean that the territory will not expand. For example, after World War II, the Soviet Union greatly advanced its borders westward. As for the United States, it occupied Japan's strategic location in the Pacific.

All are brought under their control.

In the final analysis, it still depends on strength. As long as there is enough strength, what is not yours is yours. Gu Weijun also knows that Churchill's warning is very weak. What China wants to do is definitely not something that the UK can stop.

"Mr. Prime Minister, China greatly respects the spirit of the Atlantic Charter. It must be fair and reasonable in handling international issues and respect history and reality!"

Churchill was so sensitive that he naturally heard the two most critical words in Gu Weijun's words, that is history! This so-called history is definitely not the history of British colonization of India, but the long history of the entire East Asia. China is the suzerain of the surrounding small countries.

Small countries are naturally within China's sphere of influence...

Gu Weijun's intention was also quite clear, which was to restore China's former vassal system. Churchill wanted to oppose it, but he could not find any good reason for it. You must know that Britain still relies on China's help. At the beginning of the war,

China sold four anti-submarine aircraft carriers to the United Kingdom. These aircraft carriers have made great achievements with their superior performance. The United Kingdom is still counting on importing more weapons from China. It is obviously not a good thing to really anger China at this time.

The so-called Washington Conference was a harmonious one on the surface, but secretly it was a conspiracy between countries, especially among allies.

There is no direct conflict of interest between China and the United States. However, Roosevelt was also worried that China would expand too much, especially since the United States was not ready for war. If China quickly seized land with its powerful military force at this time, the United States would have no way to stop it.

While Roosevelt emphasized the need for joint cooperation among allies to prevent China from moving too quickly, he also stepped up the deployment of troops and shipped large quantities of supplies to Australia.

All countries finally signed the United Nations Declaration in Washington, which made it clear that all countries would use all their power to deal with fascist forces, and no country would ever make peace with fascism alone. This declaration was an explanation to the world.

Just after the United Nations Declaration was adopted, China's long-prepared offensive has already begun. China's top leaders have conducted countless deductions on how to fight this war. In the end, everyone reached an important principle, which is to avoid a major catastrophe.

A war of attrition on a massive scale.

A war of attrition is not only a consumption of war materials. It is also a consumption of human lives. Even if it wins, it will inevitably outweigh the gains. Therefore, China attaches great importance to using its absolutely superior force to attack as quickly as possible and achieve a quick victory without delay.

South Korea is the first battlefield where China practices this theory. When China and Japan redivided the Korean Peninsula, each side supported the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea. Now, one of the two countries stands on the side of China, and the other side.

On the Japanese side, the fate of the entire peninsula is in the hands of others. Koreans are very dissatisfied, but what is the use of such dissatisfaction!

China has concentrated 40 divisions, more than 1,500 fighter jets, and more than 2,000 tanks in North Korea. At the same time, it has accumulated reserve forces of 15 divisions in the Northeast, plus 13 North Korean divisions.

, Shi Yi directly commanded more than one million troops.

With so many troops and weapons deployed on the small Korean peninsula, China's intention could not be more obvious, which is to use absolute force to wipe out the Japanese forces in one fell swoop. As the top commander in this area, Shi Yi has been gearing up, waiting for an attack.


Although he has been in charge of the army for many years, Shi Yi can't help but feel a little excited at this time. This is different from the previous small-scale conflicts. This is a world war in the true sense. It is a stage that any officer dreams of. If he succeeds, he will be world-famous, and if he fails, he will become a world war.

The laughing stock of the world cannot be taken lightly by anyone.

While he was waiting anxiously, the base camp approved the battle plan he personally formulated, and the land war between China and Japan officially broke out.

It was the Air Force that started this war. A total of five hundred bombers, escorted by many fighter jets, took off from various airports in the air and quickly flew to the Japanese military airport on the side of the Republic of Korea. China's goal was clear, that is

Knock out Japan's air defense capabilities as soon as possible and completely seize air supremacy.

The commander of Japan is General Hata Junroku. He can be regarded as one of the few sober people in Japan. He knows very well that fighting a huge monster like China is undoubtedly an attempt to shake a tree. Moreover, Japan also challenges the United States and Britain at the same time.

When a powerful country becomes powerful, it becomes even more desperate.

Although Japan has occupied a huge territory, the momentum is amazing, but Shunroku Hata knows that once the Sino-US war machines are fully mobilized, the results for Japan will be very dangerous. However, as a stubborn Japanese soldier, Shunroku Hata at this time

What I want to do is not to surrender, but to fight to the death.

Shunroku Hata is very careful about the North Korean defense line. North Korea is small in area, has many mountains, and lacks strategic depth. This is actually very disadvantageous for the defending side. Therefore, Shunroku Hata has always advocated that once a war begins, Japan must act decisively, concentrate a large number of superior forces, and quickly

Attack northward and push the defense line to the Yalu River to gain the upper hand.

At the same time, it can also destroy the base of China's long-range bombers and reduce China's interference with Japan's homeland. However, Japan's main forces are placed on the Pacific battlefield and there is no time to concentrate its forces. Therefore, Japan can only take a defensive position in the direction of the Korean Peninsula.

Shunroku Hata has always despised the strategic vision of the base camp. Those people can't see that the Chinese are the most dangerous enemies of the empire. However, there are some things that he cannot decide. Shunroku Hata can only do his best to do his part.

Things have turned North Korea's defense line into a copper-supported and iron-bottomed one.

"General, Chinese planes have invaded in large numbers!" A staff officer reported the situation to Shunroku Hata in a panic. Shunroku Hata glanced coldly at the staff officer who had beads of sweat on his forehead and said coldly: "Is there anything to be surprised about?

, we are on the battlefield, it would be abnormal for the Chinese not to attack."

"General, the situation is a little different this time. The Chinese air force seems to be deployed in full force on an unprecedented scale. All the airports along the border have been attacked!"

At this time, Shunroku Hata also quickly glanced at the intelligence, and then he hurriedly walked to the front of the combat map, looked at it carefully, and then said: "This is the prelude to a large-scale attack by the Chinese. You immediately send my order and ask everyone to

The army is ready for battle and ready to respond to the Chinese land offensive!"

After Shunroku Hata's order was issued, the entire headquarters staff became busy. Japanese soldiers on the border line entered combat positions, and all aircraft took off as much as possible to intercept the Chinese bombers.

Around the 38th parallel of north latitude, fighter planes from China and Japan were coming and going, fighting in a massed mass. China's aircraft had dual advantages in quality and quantity, and at the same time, China's pilots were also elite. This is

Japan couldn't compare. As soon as the fight began, the Chinese Air Force had the upper hand. A large number of Japanese aircraft were shot down like dumplings.

Airports, highways, railways, warehouses, and factories all received special attention. In one night, the Chinese Air Force dropped more than 20,000 tons of napalm bombs near the dividing line. The fire illuminated the entire front. The Japanese military

Facilities received intensive care at the first opportunity. Twenty-four airports were caught in the flames. Japan lost more than 300 fighter jets, most of which were destroyed on the airport before they had time to take off.

In addition, the port of Incheon was also heavily attacked. It is an important port, responsible for blood transfusions to the frontline defenders, and it is also a material storage center. Thousands of bombers visited here, and the cargo ships docked in the port were all destroyed.

It was sunk, and all the warehouses on the shore were reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

The bombing has not ended yet, and the Chinese artillery has begun to violently bombard the Japanese army. Artillery is known as the god of war. This time, China has concentrated two thousand cannons to bombard the Japanese defense line. It has just dawned, and the east

The sky has not yet brightened up, but the sky in the west has been dyed fiery red by the light from the artillery fire.

Heavy artillery shells fell on the heads of the Japanese army one after another, and the defense fortifications were destroyed in large numbers. This time China used a large number of rocket launchers. The super high speed made the shells like hail, covering their heads and faces, and immediately stunned the Japanese.


An island country with scarce resources like them would never be so heroic. Not to mention cannonballs, even bullets are very stingy. Where have you ever seen such pure cannonballs with tens of thousands of tons as the unit of measurement? The earth shook and the mountains shook, and there was a violent explosion.

The sound was like an earthquake, and even the most ferocious Japanese could not help but feel a little frightened.

After the three-hour shelling ended, most of the surface fortifications on the Japanese position had been cleared, and the real offensive began. China's heavy tanks roared towards the Japanese position, and more than 500 behemoths were rampant.


The military demarcation line between China and Japan reaches more than 200 kilometers, but Shi Yi chose the direction closest to Seoul as his main attack, without any concealment or hesitation at all. This sudden attack made Japan a little bit agitated.

They were confused and even suspected that the Chinese had some conspiracy. You must know that the Chinese are experts at playing tricks.

Shunroku Hata could not help but have some doubts, and just when he had this doubt, the Chinese team had already taken the lead in breaking through Japan's defense line and began to crush it in depth. (To be continued.)

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