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Chapter five hundred and ninety third: Advance

() Shunroku Hata's face was gloomy, staring at the sand table. The forwards of the Chinese ** team had broken into Japan's defense line for nearly five kilometers. You must know that the fortifications on the front line were all built by Shunroku Hata. Since the last time Japan was attacked,

After the war, Japan had a clear understanding of the strength of the Chinese Army, and it was clear that Japan was in a weak position. Therefore, Japan invested a lot of financial and material resources to build a super defense line comparable to Maginot.

The Japanese invested no less than one billion ri in this defense line, and at its peak, more than 500,000 laborers were employed. In order to build this 240-kilometer-long defense line, more than 100,000 North Korean laborers died.

It's completely a line of defense made of piles of bones...

And the most important thing is that this line of defense is not only what can be seen on the ground, but the greater mystery lies underground. In order to offset the advantage of China's armored power, the Japanese have built underground tunnels, densely packed, one after another.

Japanese soldiers were like mice, operating underground. At the same time, a large number of artillery and machine guns were hidden in complex underground fortifications, forming an unprecedentedly tight defense system.

Shunroku Hata still maintained enough confidence in such a line of defense. The Chinese team would never want to break through it easily, but the fact surprised him. The Chinese attack speed was much faster than he imagined, and there were no tunnel fortifications at all.

Playing its due role, Hata Shunroku was very annoyed.

The smooth advance of the Chinese ** troops is actually inseparable from adequate preparations. A few years ago, the Japanese have built a large number of defense fortifications in southern Korea. How could China not know about this situation? Therefore, China has also launched a campaign against tunnel fortifications.


Underground fortifications are like mouse holes. If you want to deal with the Japanese soldiers in them, it is just like dealing with rats. Usually people use various methods to deal with rats, such as filling with water, smoking, etc. You can also do the same to deal with the Japanese soldiers inside the tunnels.

.But what needs to be filled is not water, but diesel.

After injecting diesel into the tunnel fortifications, and then using a flamethrower, it will immediately burn violently. Even if the Japanese soldiers in the tunnels are not burned to death, they will die from suffocation and toxic gases. As for the more stubborn fortification groups,

China also has a powerful weapon called ground-penetrating bombs.

During the Battle of Ryukyu, China had already used this weapon to deal with Japan's tomb fortifications. Now China's ground-penetrating bombs have been greatly improved in both power and accuracy. They can easily destroy the fortifications carefully built by the Japanese.

It was precisely with these adequate preparations that the Chinese team's attack speed was unprecedentedly fast. It had already created a depression of nearly 20 kilometers on the Japanese defense line, with a depth of about seven kilometers.

Shunroku Hata was walking back and forth in his headquarters, looking extremely agitated, "Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet? What are they thinking?"

Shunroku Hata's roar frightened everyone in the headquarters. One staff officer replied bravely: "Your Excellency, Commander, the Chinese have carried out intensive bombing on our railways and roads. The roads are seriously blocked.

There is simply no way for our soldiers to reach the front line quickly."

China concentrates all its forces to attack one place and quickly break down Japan's defenses. To achieve this goal, the most important thing is to control the air. Only with air control can China block reinforcements from other places and defeat Japan.

The restrictions remain in place, and they can do nothing while watching China break through the defense line.

This is indeed the case. After several hours of bombing, all Japan's air force bases near the front line were successfully destroyed. A large number of combat aircraft were destroyed on the ground. Japan's air power was severely damaged and could only hand over air supremacy to China.

After taking control of the air, China concentrated its efforts on attacking transportation hubs. Roads, railways, and ports were not immune.

At the same time, Japanese reinforcements arriving by various means of transportation were also severely delayed by the air force. It can be said that Japan's way of mobilizing soldiers from the rear has been blocked. Now all Japan can count on is its frontline troops.

However, the Japanese troops are suffering a cruel blow. The Japanese soldiers can be called the elite force of this era. They are loyal and brave, even to the extent of despising their own lives. The quality of individual soldiers is also extremely good, and many of them have extremely good marksmanship.

Excellent, but personal excellence cannot make up for the equipment gap.

China has been carefully building war machines for many years, and now it is almost time to display them. Tank commander Cui Weihua is currently driving a Pixiu heavy tank at the front of the Chinese team.

Pixiu is also a ferocious beast in ancient Chinese legends. It eats only but does not eat. It is regarded as a representative of the wealth that can be swallowed up from all directions. The latest heavy tank developed by China is also named Pixiu. This does not mean that it only eats.

No more, but only he can destroy others, and no one can destroy Pixiu.

This is indeed the case. The total weight of the Pixiu heavy tank has reached 42 tons. The main gun equipped is a 105 mm caliber anti-tank gun. It can fire uncapping armor-piercing projectiles and penetrate 100 meters at about 1,500 meters.

Sixty millimeters of homogeneous armor, this data far exceeds the frontal armor of Japanese tanks. It can be said that Japanese tanks will be wiped out as long as they are hit by one shell from Pixiu.

Even those who are more than 2,000 years old will not be able to survive if they are attacked. Although Japan has put a lot of effort into developing tanks, due to resource constraints, the so-called heavy tanks developed by Japan are at the level of medium tanks in other countries.

Moreover, due to the backwardness of metallurgical technology, the defense capabilities of Japanese tanks are even more fragile, and they are far from being comparable to China, which is very technologically mature.

What's really awesome about the Pixiu tank is its powerful armor. The frontal armor reaches 140 mm, and it adopts a sloped armor method, which not only increases the defense thickness, but also increases the probability of ricochet. In addition, the tank turret adopts a

The spherical design effectively reduces the height of the tank and also enhances its defense capabilities.

Through these designs, the Pixiu tank is undoubtedly the perfect embodiment of firepower and protection in this era. Of course, as an excellent tank, good maneuverability is also essential. Pixiu is equipped with a 570-horsepower engine.

, the top speed can reach 40 kilometers per hour, and it adopts a new suspension system, which makes the driving more comfortable and the movement more flexible. It can walk on the ground without any obstacles in ordinary trenches and ravines, and its maneuverability is not behind the old tanks.


Being able to drive such a steel overlord on the battlefield is definitely an unprecedented enjoyment. Cui Weihua was also very excited at this time. Pixiu has four members in total, a commander, a gunner, a loader and a driver.


The experienced Cui Weihua became the commander. The commander is the commander of a tank. His main mission is to coordinate the cooperation among the tank's internal personnel. At the same time, he must also take into account the entire battle formation and pay attention to effective cooperation with other tanks.

In addition, the commander will also play the role of machine gunner and gunner.

The Pixiu tank is equipped with a special commander's command tower, which has a wide field of view and is easy to observe. However, Cui Weihua prefers to open the hatch cover and stick his body out, so that he can accurately grasp the ever-changing battle situation. Although he has to risk the risk of bullets, he still

Can produce good results.

From the beginning of the war to now, four Japanese tanks have been destroyed by tanks commanded by Cui Weihua, and three firepower points have been eliminated. More than thirty Japanese soldiers, many Japanese, have died at the hands of this behemoth.

They would even tie bombs to their bodies in order to die together. Cui Weihua also has some admiration for these crazy Japanese people.

Most of the middle and lower-level officers and ordinary soldiers in the Chinese Communist Army were born after the Revolution of 1911. When they formed their world view, they coincided with the world economic crisis. In this great crisis, China not only did not suffer any losses,

On the contrary, their rapid development and economic success have given them a completely different view of the world from their predecessors. At the same time, they are also a confident generation.

They have not experienced a terrible famine, and most people can go to school and have enough to eat. They have no respect for the so-called great powers. They even talk about Japan's plundering of China. They cannot understand that a small island country

It is simply unimaginable to be able to beat the Celestial Kingdom.

Now Cui Weihua finally had a chance to teach the Japanese a lesson with his own hands. He drove the steel beast and quickly crushed the Japanese defenses. Their task was to find a way out, and then the follow-up troops would clear out the annoying underground fortifications. Those

Japanese soldiers like rats will also be beaten into pieces.

Cui Weihua, who was traveling quickly, suddenly felt a chill on his back. As a veteran on the battlefield, he had special sensitive nerves. It seemed that some danger was approaching. He suddenly shrank down and got into the tank.

In the middle, just as he was falling, a bullet hit his helmet.

He drilled a hole and was not injured at all, but he was also very angry. He immediately determined the opponent's position based on the direction in which the bullet was fired, and hurriedly ordered the tank's muzzle to turn around, aiming at a bunker, and fired a shot.

In the past, it happened to hit the bunker, and saw flames all around. Suddenly several stumps and broken legs were thrown into the air, and a Japanese sharpshooter was killed.

The Chinese ** team traveled unimpeded all the way and quickly passed through Japan's carefully constructed defense line. Shunroku Hata was like an ant on a hot pot. If the defense line was breached, Seoul was close at hand. The Chinese ** team could reach Seoul with just one charge.

, losing Seoul means losing South Korea. At this time, Shunroku Hata had to be anxious.

He hurriedly ordered the transfer of a Japanese tank division. This was a force that Japan had devoted all its efforts to build. It was equipped with more than 300 tanks and was the essence of the Japanese army. Originally, Shunroku Hata was still

We expected to rely on this force to attack China, but now we have to use it to defend ourselves.

Japan's tank soldiers have the highest status in the Japanese army. They are full of arrogance and roar towards the battlefield in their tanks. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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