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Chapter 617: Defeating Japan Again

The proposal of financial order directly made the atmosphere of the meeting of giants not very harmonious. A serious gap arose between Roosevelt and Churchill. In order to ease the atmosphere, Roosevelt suggested that the next four giants hold talks on opening up a second battlefield in Europe.

At this time, the Soviet Union had initially achieved victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, and the balance on the Eastern Front had begun to reverse. Stalin was no longer eager to let the United States and Britain start a second battlefield to save lives, but Stalin still hoped that the United States and Britain would open a second battlefield in Western Europe as soon as possible.

In this way, the pressure can be effectively shared, and the United States and Britain can focus their main energy on Western Europe, so that the Soviet Union can confidently and boldly seize Eastern Europe. With this in mind, Stalin strongly urged the United States and Britain to open a second battlefield.

Lao Qiu wanted to delay the opening of the second battlefield as soon as possible and let the Soviets and Germans die more. These two countries were not good things in Lao Qiu's eyes, and the best result was to die together.

Roosevelt hoped to end World War II as soon as possible. The United States was ready to take over world power. Even if Churchill was unwilling in every possible way, he could not defeat Roosevelt and could only agree to Roosevelt's proposal. However, he immediately proposed that China should be allowed to participate in the war.

, China has a relatively light burden among other countries, and its military resources are extremely abundant.

"I listened carefully to the Prime Minister's suggestion. I think Mr. Prime Minister's proposal to open a battlefield in Southern Europe is a very good one, especially launching an attack from the Balkans. It is a genius idea. But after all, it is too far away from the center of the Nazis. The United States and Britain

The main force should still land from the French coast. The Prime Minister also proposed that China join the war. I think it can be done this way. China will send an army from the Persian Gulf to open the road to the Turkish Strait, and then China and the Soviet Union will cooperate to land from the Balkans.

, this way we can take into account the requirements of both aspects!”

Qiao Yu made such a suggestion rashly, and Churchill was immediately dumbfounded. He was planning to land in the Balkans solely to prevent the Soviet Union from occupying here, and to preserve Britain's sphere of influence. If China intervened, what would happen to Britain?

Isn't it all in vain?

Before Churchill could object, Stalin on the side spoke. He strongly supported Qiao Yu's suggestion, believing that China could effectively strengthen the eastern front by sending troops. This would create a situation in which the United States and Britain were responsible for the western front, and China and the Soviet Union were responsible for the eastern front.

Good to eliminate fascism.

Stalin said this, but in his heart he admired Qiao Yu immensely. When he met with Qiao Yu a few months ago, Stalin was still worried about whether the Soviet Union could withstand the German attack, but now he has begun to look forward to the post-war international order. And the situation has also changed.

According to Qiao Yu's script, China first gained a foothold on the Atlantic Ocean, and then reached out to the Persian Gulf. Now it is time to capture Turkey and Greece, and the Soviet Union's dream of embracing the ocean is about to be realized.

"I think this suggestion is inappropriate. If China counterattacks Europe from the direction of the Turkish Strait, it will inevitably arouse opposition from Turkey. They have not joined our alliance yet, nor have they declared war on Germany!" Churchill talked about Turkey, but Qiao Yu didn't care.

waved his hand.

"Since Turkey has not declared war on Germany, it means that this country has a pro-German tendency and is a potential threat. In the last war, Turkey fell to Germany. Now they still have this plan. For this kind of ungrateful

We can only use an iron fist to make those countries understand the reality. They must either join the righteous side and fight against Germany, or they can only be destroyed. There is no such thing as neutrality in this world war, either we must be friends or we must be enemies!”

Qiao Yu suddenly expressed this super tough attitude. Stalin on the other hand agreed very much. This idea was very consistent with the Russian way of thinking. At the same time, Stalin was also worried that if China intervened in Turkey, it would drive the Soviet Union out. Now

China has already laid out a big plan. If it occupies Turkey, it will be able to encroach on Europe. This is not impossible.

Stalin secretly planned to send more troops to Turkey to compete with China. Roosevelt remained silent and did not want to see the expansion of China or the Soviet Union, but he also felt that this was a very good bargaining chip.

, which can prevent China and the Soviet Union from causing trouble for their financial plans.

Roosevelt was able to break the rules and has been re-elected as president for three terms. It would be impossible without the support of the financial groups behind him. Now the task given to Roosevelt by these financial groups is to seize financial hegemony. After thinking about it, Roosevelt suddenly spoke up and agreed with Qiao Yu's opinion.

Now the three giants have reached an agreement, and any resistance by Churchill has become useless. At this time, Lao Qiu feels that he has been abandoned by the world, and is extremely depressed. It can be said that the most depressed person in this giant meeting is Lao Qiu.

, he has absolutely no decision-making power.

Just as the Tehran Conference was about to end, good news came from the Pacific battlefield again. Nimitz commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet to capture Saipan. Saipan was an important part of Japan's defense against the United States. After losing it,

The door to the Japanese mainland is wide open, and the United States can threaten the Japanese mainland at any time.

However, the United States is not the biggest problem. The Chinese army took a month to sweep the entire Luzon Island, and then took over Mindanao. On the other hand, after the Chinese army took over Sumatra Island, it directly attacked Java Island.

Japan has ruled Java for several years, but Japan brutally exploited it and used the local indigenous people crazily to perform heavy manual labor. Especially after the outbreak of the war, Japan continued to brutally exploit these indigenous people and squeeze oil and water from them.

Support expansion wars.

Over the past few years, the indigenous population on Java Island has been reduced by more than one-third. The Japanese madness completely pushed these indigenous people to the Chinese side. The landing operation became very smooth, and Japanese influence was immediately wiped out.

Immediately, the Chinese army focused its attack on the island of New Guinea, which is the largest island in the Southeast Asia. Moreover, the island of New Guinea belongs to Oceania in terms of regional division. China is now involved here in order to extend its power to Oceania.


Although Australia is a white-dominated country, it is too far away from the United States and Europe, and too close to China. Taking New Guinea will have an immeasurable impact on Australia. Australia is no longer alone on the sea, but not far away.

A huge creature was staring at him.

China has attacked most of the islands in the Southeast Asia, except Borneo. This is also intentional by the Chinese high-level officials. Borneo is the island where Japan has been operating for the longest time, has the largest number of immigrants, and has the strongest control. Not only that, they come here to colonize

Most of the Japanese are still the most fanatical fascists.

They traveled thousands of miles away from their homeland and came to this fertile land. They were absolutely unwilling to go back to the narrow four islands of Japan to suffer, nor did they want their hard-earned land to be confiscated. Therefore, the entire

Borneo is among Japan's overseas colonies with the strongest will to fight.

The Japanese themselves established a death regiment, and all the overseas Chinese were organized to fight for the land to the last man. After understanding the situation, the Chinese Supreme Command decided not to attack Borneo for the time being, which would definitely cause serious losses, and

It will also delay China's attack on the Japanese mainland, which is not worth the gain.

The measure China took was to capture all the islands around Borneo one by one, and finally completely isolate Borneo, only blockading it but not attacking it.

Anyway, this is already rotten meat in the pot and will never fly. China has shifted the focus of its attack to the southwest of Japan.

A large number of bombers were deployed from the southern coast of North Korea to Jeju Island and other places. Large-scale strategic bombing was launched against the Japanese mainland. Hundreds of thousands of tons of napalm bombs were dropped on the heads of the Japanese. Most of the major cities were

be destroyed.

In addition, China has released a large amount of Agent Orange, which threatens more than 20% of Japan's farmland. Japan already experienced a famine last year, and the situation will only become more serious this year. The United States is also taking active actions, and their

The Navy has already pointed its finger at Iwo Jima. As long as it is captured here, the US military can use long-range bombers to bomb the Japanese mainland.

The American people are all looking forward to this day. The hatred of Pearl Harbor completely angered the descendants of these cowboys. They prepared more toxic agents and prepared to starve all the Japanese to death and turn the four islands into a hell on earth.

China tightened the noose at the same time, and the four giants also issued a joint declaration in Tehran, stating that they would completely defeat the fascist forces and would never make a separate peace. They also demanded that all fascist countries must surrender unconditionally and fascist war criminals must be severely punished.

This was the most fatal one. Emperor Hirohito was in panic all day long. He knew that Japan had lost hope of victory and the Allies were coming with overwhelming force. What he was most worried about was becoming the culprit of the war.

But it is useless to worry. After the Chinese navy swept the Philippines, it concentrated six aircraft carriers, Zhenyuan, Dingyuan, Ningyuan, Jingyuan, Zhiyuan and Taishan, to attack the southwest and southwest waters of Japan. The target was Tanegashima, China

The Japanese side is preparing to knock down all the islands outside Japan and then trap the four islands.

Japan has also seen through China's plan, and they are not willing to sit back and wait for death, so they once again dispatched the two large aircraft carriers Taiho and Shokaku, and also dispatched the medium-sized aircraft carriers Chiyoda and Ohtaka to go south together. Four ships.

The aircraft carrier formed two battle groups and attacked the Chinese army like a pair of pliers.

However, the Japanese had a bad start. The aircraft carrier Taitaka was sunk by a submarine just after leaving its home port. This submarine was the USS Big Mackerel of the United States. When the United States started the war, it only sank one aircraft carrier, the Zuikaku, and the rest of the Japanese

All large aircraft carriers were lost to China, which made the Americans lose face.

This submarine finally gave the Americans some face. The Japanese had no choice but to give up this way and withdrew the Chiyoda. The Shokaku and Taiho sailed towards the Chinese fleet. Their luck was also bad.

The reconnaissance aircraft on the Chinese aircraft carrier first discovered them, and the first wave of attack aircraft arrived immediately. Japan's last main maritime force was also facing the danger of destruction. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations at Qidian.

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