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Chapter 618 The Hunger War

At this point in the war, Japan has lost all possibility of victory. Submarines from China and the United States are all over Japan. The electronic surveillance system can crack a large number of Japanese documents every day. Every move of the Japanese government cannot escape the attention of the allies.

surveillance, and China has also deployed a large number of reconnaissance aircraft to continuously conduct reconnaissance on the four islands.

Under this situation, any sneak attack Japan wants to do is nonsense. It can only honestly compete with China and the United States in terms of force. However, in the competition with China and the United States, Japan is at an absolute disadvantage and has no chance of winning.

For example, this time Japan dispatched the Taiho and Zuikaku, but these two aircraft carriers combined have less than 80 carrier-based aircraft. Japan has lost all its elite pilots. Aircraft carriers cannot do as much as they do on land.

A rookie pilot dares to fly into the sky. If his skills are not up to par on an aircraft carrier, he will have an accident and destroy the entire formation.

Therefore, even if they knew that there were not enough pilots, the Japanese could only leave the aircraft carrier empty. When the Chinese carrier-based aircraft formation came over, all the Japanese carrier-based aircraft took off to fight. The fighting became very fierce, and the Japanese pilots resisted desperately.


However, this is also a situation where a cornered beast still fights. The Chinese aircraft have the upper hand in numbers, and their performance exceeds that of the Japanese. Moreover, the pilots are veterans who have been trained in many wars. They are extremely skilled. Dealing with the Japanese aircraft is like an old man playing with a naughty child. After a while, one after another

Japanese fighter planes were blown up in the air and turned into fireballs.

Of course, Japan is not without countermeasures. Their most important weapon is the kamikaze. A large number of suicide planes take off from the southwest of Japan, and the fuselages are filled with explosives. These pilots will drink a drink before leaving.

A bowl of wine, and I flew into the sky in a dizzy manner.

For this kind of suicide aircraft, China has also studied a lot of methods. The most important of them is to have a sufficient warning distance. Send more fighter jets to patrol. As long as they appear, they will be destroyed in the sky. They will never be given.

Opportunities for people to get close to the warship.

When the Japanese Kamikazes first appeared, they could still cause some trouble to China, but after being used many times, they no longer pose any threat. These pilots were unable to approach the Chinese fleet at all. Most of them were shot down, and the rest

It also ran out of fuel and fell into the sea.

The Japanese also know that the kamikaze has lost its effect, but they have another secret weapon, which is the Kaiten-type suicide torpedo, which is also one of a series of Japanese suicide weapons.

Since it is named Kaiten, it means that Japan regards this weapon as the key to turning the tide of the war. This suicide torpedo is operated by one person, with a total length of 14.75 meters and a diameter of 1 meter. It can load 1550 kilograms of high explosives.

Three times that of ordinary torpedoes.

Kaiten torpedoes were carried by submarines and surface ships. After approaching the enemy ship, they launched an attack. This time Japan also sent out this weapon, hoping to be able to save Japan's fate.

Since Japan clearly knew that China's surface ships were powerful, they did not use surface ships to carry Kaiten torpedoes. Instead, they used submarines to carry torpedoes and secretly approach the Chinese fleet from another direction.

There is a fatal flaw in the design of the Kaiten torpedo, that is, if the submarine wants to dive underwater, the torpedo operator must enter the torpedo in advance. This means that the submarine must maintain a surface navigation state when sailing.

Only when you are close enough can you dive underwater and launch a fatal blow.

This also gives the other side the opportunity to discover and attack. A submarine carrying four Kaiten torpedoes is traveling at sea. There are four suicide torpedo drivers in the submarine cabin, including the development of this weapon.

The black wood.

At this time, Kuroki and his three companions lectured: "Gentlemen, the cause of the Japanese Empire has reached its most difficult moment. The Chinese and Americans are trying to attack our homeland. All the loyal and brave men of the empire should sacrifice their lives."

To defend the glory of the empire and to sacrifice one's life for His Majesty the Emperor is the most glorious thing for us!"

Kuroki's words made the other three people's blood boil with excitement, as if they were taking life and death lightly. Just when these people were full of enthusiasm, suddenly a series of explosions sounded outside the submarine, and Kuroki and others were startled.

The Japanese submariners were also panic-stricken at this time. They were discovered by a patrolling Chinese frigate, which was firing at them with artillery shells.

Submarines are actually very similar to venomous snakes. They focus on concealed attacks and kill with one hit. Once discovered, submarines are actually very fragile, especially now that there are four kaiten torpedoes on the deck above the submarine, making the submarine even more clumsy.

It is very inconvenient to move.

The Chinese frigates were originally responsible for guarding the periphery of the war zone. They suddenly discovered a strange-looking submarine with a lot of things on the upper deck and it was moving quickly. Therefore, they immediately launched an attack and caught the submarine by surprise.

After being attacked, the submarine could only dive hurriedly to avoid it. However, due to the limitations of the Kaiten torpedo, the diving depth was seriously reduced and the speed was also affected. The Chinese frigate rushed over and dropped a series of depth bombs. The submarine

was hit hard.

The most terrible thing was that a depth charge exploded above the Kaiten torpedo. The violent squeeze detonated the Kaiten torpedo. The charge of one Kaiten torpedo was on top of three ordinary torpedoes. There were also on the deck of this submarine

If four things are reversed, the consequences can be imagined.

There was a violent explosion under the water, blowing the entire submarine into pieces. No one inside was spared. Kuroki and the other four operators finally perished together with their torpedoes and were buried in the sea.

The violent explosion also affected the Chinese frigate on the water. The frigate had no idea what they had sunk. The underwater explosion caused a large wave several meters high and almost overturned the frigate.

Japan's Kaiten torpedoes had a bad start, but their aircraft carrier was actually at its last moment. After most of the Japanese carrier-based aircraft were shot down, the aircraft carrier became a living target. Hundreds of Chinese fighter planes attacked the Taiho and Zuikaku.

started the hunting operation.

One after another, heavy bombs were dropped on the deck of the Dafeng. Soon, this huge maritime overlord was changed beyond recognition. The gorgeous appearance was torn away, revealing the ugliest side. The personnel on the aircraft carrier were also killed and injured.


However, the Chinese pilots still seemed to be unsatisfied. As long as the warship remained silent, they would not give up the attack. The Taiho became a living coffin on the sea. The accompanying Zuihe was not much better, suffering four torpedoes and

The Zuikaku, which carried at least ten bombs, was sinking rapidly toward the bottom of the sea.

The sinking of two highly decorated aircraft carriers of the Japanese Navy also marked that the last essence of the Japanese Navy has disappeared, and they can no longer make trouble.

After the two aircraft carriers were sunk, the other escorting Japanese ships could not escape their fate. They scattered like frightened beasts on the sea, and the Chinese aircraft were like hunters, finding them and sending these warships to hell.


After a great battle, dead bodies and wreckage were everywhere on the sea. The last essence of the Japanese combined fleet disappeared into the cold water. Japan no longer had any hope.

After winning this naval battle, the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet went up the coast and carried out crazy bombings on Japan's coastal areas and ports. All warships that could float on the water were attacked. In fact, the Americans also fought hard through hard battles.

Clear out the Japanese defenders on Iwo Jima.

The American fleet finally arrived. When they saw that China had begun to attack the Japanese mainland, the Americans were very upset. You must know that they have an unforgettable hatred with the Japanese. The United States immediately participated in the attack. Roosevelt personally ordered the dispatch of a large number of

The super flying fortress was loaded with bombs and dropped on the Japanese.

The Americans are far more crazy than China. They don't care about waste at all. They will not let go of anything as long as there are Japanese people. Moreover, the Americans also shipped a large amount of Agent Orange, which was dumped on Japan.

According to Chinese estimates, at least nearly half of Japan's cultivated land will suffer severe yield losses or even no harvests, and the toxicity of Agent Orange is very stable and will exist for a long time.

Entering the bodies of Japanese people through food and drinking water, the number of Japanese cancer patients and deformed babies will increase several times or even dozens of times, and the damage caused will last for at least decades. This is definitely an unforgettable punishment.

, which makes every Japanese feel pain in their bones.

The Japanese's concept of honor and disgrace is actually very different from that of the Chinese. Taking stealing as an example, they do not think that stealing is a shame, they only think that stealing and being caught is a shame. The Japanese took advantage through despicable methods. Not only did they not

I will reflect on it, write it in a book, turn it into a case, and publicize it to future generations.

In a word, the Japanese only see success or failure and have no sense of shame. They lack something called independence and self-examination, which determines that Japan will not be able to produce great politicians and thinkers.

Only the personal pain of this nation can make them recognize the facts, and then China and the United States will give the Japanese a way to enjoy it more, that is, a war of hunger!

The Japanese government has repeatedly called for jihad and prepared 100 million pieces of jade. The Allied forces held on until the last moment. The Japanese mainland was indeed making crazy preparations. Millions of Japanese were armed. Faced with this situation, they rashly attacked the Japanese mainland.

, will definitely bring serious losses, especially when victory is in sight, the losses are simply not worth it. Therefore, Qiao Yu and Roosevelt agreed on this hunger war at the Tehran Conference.

The naval and air forces of China and the United States have completely blocked the four Japanese islands to prevent Japan from receiving any overseas supplements. Their fishermen are also not allowed to go to sea for fishing. Everyone is trapped on the four islands and awaits death.

In addition, both China and the United States used a large number of bombers to attack Japanese factories, dropped Agent Orange, destroyed farmland and forests, and even polluted water sources. In short, they did their best to starve, thirst, and poison the Japanese! (To be continued.


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