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Chapter 628: Kumamoto Division

() Japan used a large number of poison gas bombs during the war, which caused great trouble to the Allies. In the early days, the Allies did not take it seriously. However, as more and more soldiers fell, the top brass could no longer sit still.

After a while, a group of health and epidemic prevention experts were dispatched to investigate the truth of the matter.

These experts quickly figured out the facts. The Japanese army used a large amount of poison gas to spread cholera, typhoid, anthrax and other infectious diseases. In addition, Japan also used mustard gas, known as the king of poison gas, and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed.

As a result, more than 3,000 Japanese soldiers, who were the least prepared for protection, have been killed, and the number of deaths continues to increase.

These experts also discovered that the poisonous gas used by Japan was far more toxic than imagined and extremely contagious. Judging from the situation at the scene, Japan has reached the forefront of the world in the research of biological and chemical weapons.

In addition to causing major trouble to the Allies, Japan's abuse of poison gas caused the most serious losses to the Japanese people. They did not have military protection or adequate medical care. Moreover, these people were in a state of hunger for a long time and their physical resistance was very weak.

It is fragile. As long as it is infected, it is impossible to escape death. And it will soon spread to Jiarui, and the scope will become larger and larger. It can be said that Kyushu Island has all the conditions for a rampant plague.

The Allies were also gnashing their teeth at Japan's crazy behavior. The United States had never seen such crazy soldiers. They did not take the lives of the enemy seriously, and they did not take their own lives seriously. They completely

They are extinct beasts, struggling to survive in a corner.

The Allies can only eliminate these Japanese invaders as soon as possible in order to get rid of the immediate crisis. Therefore, the Allies have to speed up their attacks. China and the United States have gathered more than 40 divisions of troops on Kyushu Island, and nearly 10,000 more.

Combat aircraft, this is the most powerful air force lineup since the war began.

There are more than 5,000 bombers alone, including the American Super Sky Fortress and the Chinese Dragon aircraft. Both sides have prepared a large number of napalm bombs, cluster bombs, ground-penetrating bombs and other weapons. The main ones are attacking Japan.

Japan's effective strength, as long as the Japanese army is wiped out Qianjing, all the troubles will naturally be gone.

When dealing with Japanese underground fortifications, ground-penetrating bombs played an unexpected role. Especially the American soldiers who came into contact with this type of ammunition for the first time immediately fell in love with ground-penetrating bombs. In the past, they used carpet bombing.

, but the effect is often not very ideal. All the fortifications on the ground are destroyed, but the underground parts are helpless.

The ground-penetrating bomb is different. It can easily penetrate several to more than ten meters underground and easily eliminate Japanese invaders in mouse holes. It is a very ideal weapon.

Earth-penetrating bombs were manufactured by China to deal with Ryukyu's tomb fortifications. After years of development efforts, the latest earth-penetrating bombs used by China are more powerful, have higher precision, and are more capable of damaging Japanese fortifications.

As an ally, China authorized the technology of earth-penetrating bombs to the United States. The United States immediately felt like they had obtained a treasure. They had been shocked by the tenacious Japanese. Every time they captured an island, they had to pay a lot of sacrifices. If they did not take away the Japanese on the island,

Don't even think about occupying this island if all the Japanese are killed. Moreover, the Japanese are crazy about building a large number of underground fortifications, just like mouse holes. In the past, the Americans could only rely on flamethrowers to clear the underground Japanese little by little.

Original entry.

Not only was the effect poor, but due to the limited range of the flamethrower, the American soldiers had to get close to the tunnel and were extremely vulnerable to Japanese attacks, thus losing a large number of soldiers. Now that there are ground-penetrating bombs, it is completely different.

It can easily destroy the tunnels that the Japanese have painstakingly built, which is why the United States can advance rapidly on the Pacific battlefield.

Now on Kyushu Island, China and the United States are using ground-penetrating bombs even more crazily, and the Allies have also invented more abundant tactics, such as using ground-penetrating bombs to open Japanese tunnels, and then injecting gasoline into the tunnels.

Mix poison into it and ignite it together. The toxic smoke will go deep into the tunnel and destroy all the Japanese inside.

In addition, China has also dispatched a large number of special operations teams. These special forces are divided into countless teams, specifically responsible for searching for areas where Japanese invaders may be hiding, and then calling on the air force to carry out intensive bombing here.

And as the battle continued, the Allied forces advanced faster and faster. More than three-quarters of Kyushu Island fell into the hands of the Allied forces, and the Japanese were not monolithic. Although the stubborn militarists among them accounted for

The vast majority of ordinary people were loyal, ignorant, and filial towards Emperor Yao.

But as the saying goes, there are hundreds of ways to enter the world. If you have more people, you will inevitably have more thoughts. Japan has had the power of the communists since the Taisho Emperor, and there are also some Japanese who believe in the revolutionary theory of the Soviet Union. These

In the eyes of Japan's mainstream society, people are thugs and are completely marginalized, but they have not completely disappeared.

After China and the United States landed on Japan's land, they actively searched for these rare animals among Japan. After spending a lot of effort, they achieved results. Some heretics in the eyes of the Japanese government began to cooperate with the Allies.

They were unified into the Japanese army. At the same time, according to Qiao Yu's instructions, Mizumura stepped forward to form the Japanese Republic and became the president. Other Japanese factions were also absorbed into this government.

Among them, they hold important official positions.

This government proposed a constitutional provision that stipulates that Japan is originally a republican country, where sovereignty belongs to all citizens, and all citizens enjoy full freedom under the protection of the law.

A few paragraphs of the constitution were announced, but Hirohito, who was still in Tokyo, felt cold all over and couldn't say a word for a while.

Since China and the United States landed on Japan, the shock to Japan has been unimaginable. Japan has not been invaded on a large scale for thousands of years. The Yuan Dynasty came over aggressively, but gave up because of the typhoon.

.Decades ago, the United States' Perry fleet knocked on Japan's door, but this did not bring hatred among Japan's people. On the contrary, Japan regarded the United States as its benefactor, thinking that they were treating Japan.

From ignorance to civilization, Japan commemorates the black ship incident every year and is even more grateful to the United States. It is evident that Japan has no shame.

This time, China and the United States invaded Japan's territory on a large scale, and Japan regarded it as the first time they opened up new territories. How could they not be horrified. Although Emperor Hirohito always encouraged his subordinates to fight for the country, he was

Indeed, the last thing he wanted to do was to fight tooth and nail. Hirohito also knew that there was no hope of victory. What he wanted most was to end the war with dignity. As long as his position could be preserved, everything was easy to negotiate.

The most common thing Hirohito did during this period was to hide in a secret room and secretly listen to Allied broadcasts. He listened to both China and the United States, hoping to find out the Allied attitude towards Japan and provide reference for the next action.

These broadcasts did not provide hope to Hirohito, but instead gave him endless fear. China and the United States pointed their attacks directly at the Emperor Hirohito, calling him the culprit, and asking all Japanese to voluntarily abandon the Emperor and oppose him.

militaristic system.

Every time Hirohito hears this, he feels chills on the back of his neck. If the allies label him as a war criminal, then the end can be imagined. There will be nothing but death, and it will be quite miserable.

That kind of death, the thought of having a rope tied around his neck and being strangled to death made Hirohito afraid from the bottom of his heart.

He even often wakes up from nightmares, covered in cold sweat. Hirohito's original plan was to kidnap the entire Japanese. To kill him, he would kill the entire Japanese. In this way, the Allies would definitely throw a trap, and he would have a chance.


However, Mizumura stepped forward to organize this new Japanese Republic, but cut off his last glimmer of hope. This means that the Allies have found their own puppets and completely abandoned the current Japanese government, including the Yao Emperor.

Hirohito was included, and the new Japan implemented a democratic republic system, which meant that the Yao Emperor system was also abandoned. This result really shocked Hirohito.

Therefore, after he heard this broadcast, his whole body felt as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Empress Ryoko also noticed Hirohito's abnormality and couldn't help but tug at Hirohito's shirt.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry. You are protected by the Great God Yaozhao. You will never be in any danger. Moreover, people all over Japan will risk their lives to protect you. Even the most brutal Allied forces cannot massacre 70 million Japanese.


Ryoko's words calmed Hirohito's mind a little, but he was still uneasy.

The Chinese and American Allied Forces have successively captured Kitakyushu, Saga, Fukuoka, Oita, Nagasaki and other places. Kagoshima and Miyazaki, located in the southern part of Kyushu Island, were also violently attacked by the navy and air force and were almost razed to the ground. Then the Chinese Navy

A partial division of the Marine Corps landed here, and the entire outer perimeter of Kyushu Island was captured.

Now the last stubborn stronghold is Kumamoto, and the main force stationed in Kumamoto is the Japanese Sixth Division, also known as the Kumamoto Division. The Kumamoto Division is one of the most powerful divisions in Japan, and all its troops come from the original

Within the Satsuma Domain, the Satsuma Domain was one of the driving forces behind the Meiji Restoration in Japan. This area was also the most pioneering and enterprising among the Japanese, and they regarded territorial expansion as their mission.

The Kumamoto Division is currently defending its hometown under the leadership of its commander, Lieutenant General Kanda Masane. All the soldiers of the Kumamoto Division have unprecedentedly strong fighting spirit. They want to defend their homeland and show their bravery. Saigo Takamori launched the Southwest War

, it was Kumamoto Town, the predecessor of the Kumamoto Division, that withstood Saigo Takamori's attack and thus won the supreme honor. Now Kanda Masane is going to perform this miracle again and turn Kumamoto into an insurmountable place.

Hisao Tani, who was responsible for guarding Kyushu Island, also concentrated all the remaining Japanese forces on Kyushu Island near Kumamoto, hoping to rely on Kumamoto's tenacity to defend here. Moreover, the common people in Kumamoto Castle were also mobilized. They consciously numbered them and used them as reserves.

, as long as a soldier dies in battle, they will immediately replenish it. Kumamoto has become the most stubborn fortress under the guard of the Sixth Division.

This chapter has been completed!
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