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Chapter 629: Present Report

() Both China and the United States know very well that since they set foot on Japan's soil, they have become invaders in Japan's eyes. The battle situation they will encounter will be unprecedentedly difficult. As the army pushes to Kumamoto

After that, the battle on Kyushu Island really reached its most intense stage. The Japanese fought to the death and fought for every inch of territory.

As the saying goes, poor mountains and harsh waters bring out unruly people. Kumamoto and other places have always been relatively poor areas in Japan, so the ambition and desire for expansion and aggression are the strongest. Kumamoto's soldiers are also ferocious and cruel. Moreover, at this time, they are still guarding their homeland, even more so.

There can be no cowardice. The family members are watching from behind, and no one dares to retreat easily. In that case, even if he survives, he will always bear huge shame in his life.

Therefore, every Japanese soldier is extremely crazy and will not give up resistance as long as there is breath left, and suicide attacks are also very frequent. The main attack task is the 1st U.S. Cavalry Division. The history of this division can be traced back to the U.S. Du Li War.

During the period, he was the founding father of the United States, an ace trooper, and made great military exploits.

At present, the First Cavalry Division no longer has cavalry, but has become tanks and armored vehicles. However, this designation is still retained, symbolizing their glory. During the landing operations, the Chinese troops assumed the main mission.

Your army and the North Korean army that can assist China and the United States in fighting are also organized by China.

The Americans could not watch themselves being reduced to a supporting role in the battle, so the task of attacking Kumamoto was snatched away by the Americans. Under the cover of superior firepower, these American soldiers quickly rushed towards the Kumamoto soldiers' positions, a battle of blood and fire.

The battle began. In this battle, the Chinese troops only served as auxiliary attack tasks. In the eyes of many Chinese generals, this was a war without any technical content. The United States turned victory into a simple calculation of firepower.

Their aircraft and artillery will output as much ammunition as it takes to advance one kilometer.

The Japanese positions were continuously destroyed with overwhelming firepower, tens of thousands of tons of high explosives set off metal storms, and a large number of Japanese soldiers died in the attacks. However, the Japanese

They indeed showed their instinct to fight tenaciously. They didn't know how to retreat or fear.

They use complex tunnels to protect themselves. How many times do Americans not believe that there are still living creatures? However, when American tanks launch a charge, they will still be killed by tongues of fire shooting out from unexpected places. More and more,

Many American soldiers fell to the ground during the charge.

The war has completely turned into a battle between Japan's nerves and America's steel. It depends on who can't hold on first.

The Chinese generals are still a little disdainful of the American style of play. This is purely about force. The war is no longer a battle of wits and courage between generals, but has become a production problem. It must also be able to provide the firepower that makes Japan desperate.

, the United States will be able to win the war, and the generals will have less and less space to play.

But if you calm down and think about it, this might not be a bad idea. War is a contest of national power. Without the support of a strong industrial system, there is no way to win.

The United States launched a company attack on Kumamoto and its surrounding areas for seven days, dropping more than 200,000 tons of bombs, firing more than 500,000 rounds of artillery shells, and plowed almost every piece of land. Everywhere on the battlefield was covered with debris.

It's a mess.

Despite this, the Americans had not completely captured Kumamoto. The vanguard troops entered the edge of the city and were immediately met with a desperate counterattack by the Japanese. The Japanese soldiers and civilians used the ruins caused by the bombing as cover and fought to the death. The United States paid 7,000

Many lives were lost, and more than 20,000 people were injured.

The 1st Cavalry Division, an ace unit of the United States, could no longer withstand casualties. In fact, the casualties suffered by the United States were not too many. Even the 1st Cavalry Division, which suffered the heaviest losses, accounted for less than 20%. Compared with the Soviet Union and Germany,

The battlefield is too different. If the Soviet army has a relatively large advantage in the number of party members and regiment members, they can continue to fight even if they sacrifice 70% or even 10%.

Obviously the United States did not have such a strong will. The United States wanted to show its bravery in front of the world, but it failed, and the main attack task had to fall on the Chinese ** team.

Liu Xiang, Deng Xihou, Su Ding and other generals who are mainly responsible have also been discussing how to capture the stronghold of Kumamoto. If they go head-to-head like the United States, China is still confident that it can capture Kumamoto. After all, China has stronger military strength and more soldiers.

They are more tenacious, but with such a thousand, they will definitely suffer heavy losses, which is something that no frontline commander wants to see.

After some debate, Deng Xihou came up with a method, which was to fight poison with poison. When attacking other areas, due to the hasty retreat of the Japanese troops, many warehouses were not destroyed in time, and the Chinese ** team seized a large number of poison gas bombs.

In addition, China found a batch of scattered Japanese documents, and thus found several locations where Japan secretly stockpiled poison gas bombs.

After some searches, China discovered a total of more than 200,000 poison gas bombs, including biological poison gas and a large amount of chemical poisons such as mustard gas. In short, the number was shocking. In addition, the Chinese ** team also found several explosives


Most of the test subjects used by Japan were American and British prisoners captured from battlefields such as Southeast Asia, as well as a large number of Koreans and Southeast Asian natives. Japan used these people to conduct various cruel experiments, using new methods.

It is simply unspeakable. Even a warrior who is used to life and death and has experienced the test of war cannot bear the scene before him.

All the research results were taken away by China. In addition, China invited American war reporters to come and see Japan's masterpiece. These reporters were shocked by the scene in front of them. The mutilated corpses, the strange ways of death, every corpse

It's all the same story, thousands of US military prisoners died here.

While vomiting, these reporters recorded these in the photos, which were then spread to the United States. Japan's atrocities were exposed to the world. Mainly, normal people were shocked when they saw those extremely cruel and brutal photos.

What this government has done has completely exceeded the limits of what can be tolerated by the class.

Although the atrocities of the Nazis have begun to be exposed, compared with Japan, Germany's crematorium has not yet reached the point of resentment. Japan has become the representative of the most brutal country in the world. Especially among them, the ** experiment

Thousands of them were American prisoners of war, which angered all Americans. The families of those who sacrificed their lives took to the streets one after another, demanding greater punishment from the American government.

Public opinion is both fictitious and real. Those mothers who were waiting for their children to return safely at home suddenly received the news that their children were slaughtered by the Japanese, and they were used as experimental subjects and brutally killed.

, they died without their bodies intact, and no one can bear such afterimages.

They wanted to kill all the Japanese and bury their children with them. As a democratically elected president, Roosevelt must also respect the people's desire for revenge, and must use more cruel methods to retaliate against the stubborn Japanese.

When things got to this point, the poison gas bombs discovered by China came in handy. Both the Chinese and American armies temporarily stopped their ground attacks on Kumamoto, and instead used aircraft and artillery to drop all the poison gas bombs on Japanese soil.


It is not just the military that is targeted, but more civilians. This is no longer a war, but a genocide. It is obvious that the captured biological agents alone cannot meet the needs. Both China and the United States have a considerable amount of them in stock.

All the poisonous gas can be taken out now.

Throwing wildly at Japan without any regard for civilian casualties, the United States vowed to create a no-entry zone. China naturally had an indifferent attitude. It was all harming Japan anyway, and the United States was the one instigating it. It was just as crazy as it was.

After the two countries fired a large number of poison gas bombs into Kumamoto, a large number of Kumamoto people were infected immediately. The poison gas bombs developed by Japan were shockingly powerful and extremely poisonous. And because they used a large amount of East Asian seeds to make

Experiment, the result was more contagious, and soon a large number of Kumamoto people fell down.

Don't underestimate these ordinary people. They are of great significance to the Japanese soldiers guarding them. They can help them build fortifications, treat the wounded, provide food, carry ammunition, etc. In addition, they are also the largest backup pathogens. If there is a gap in the front line,

They were immediately replaced. The relationship between the army and the people can indeed be described as fish and water.

With the support of the people of Kumamoto, the Kumamoto Division can fiercely compete with China and the United States. But now that people are falling ill on a large scale, it is like draining the pond, and the remaining fish will only die. There is absolutely no luck.


Japanese soldiers are also willing to treat these people, but their medical resources are not enough for self-sufficiency. They can only teach some self-prevention methods as much as possible, but this cannot fundamentally solve the problem. After a large number of biological and chemical weapons are used,

, every inch of air and land in Kumamoto contains a large amount of toxins. As long as you take a breath or drink a sip of water, you may be infected. It is simply impossible to prevent it.

Just ten days after the large-scale use of poison gas, the Chinese Army officially began a fierce attack. The army quickly rolled over the Japanese positions. The Japanese resistance along the way was very weak. It was far from what it used to be. Most of them

His body was all weak and weak, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without the ferocity of the past at all.

Most of them have been infected with severe infectious diseases such as cholera and anthrax, and their physical strength has been severely depleted. Even those who are lucky enough not to be infected are already weak because of the large-scale death of people in the rear and the cutoff of food and water supplies.

, such soldiers naturally cannot compete with the wolves and tigers of the Chinese soldiers. The only thing the Chinese Army has to guard against is those terrible infectious diseases, so be sure not to get them on yourself.

Rimoto wanted to use poison gas to deal with the Chinese team, but now he shot himself in the foot. Kumamoto, the last stronghold, was about to be lost, and Rimoto's situation became even more dangerous!

This chapter has been completed!
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