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Chapter 632: Roosevelt’s plan

It was also Hitler's tragedy to find an ally like Mussolini. The German troops fought desperately to defend Italian soil, while the Italians themselves fled in all directions. If they could not escape, they would surrender as soon as possible.

These Italian soldiers were also very professional and directly asked the Allies to treat them as prisoners of war. These Italians could cook macaroni easily. The war finally said goodbye to them. Who is willing to risk their lives all day long? Enjoy.

The food and sunshine were no longer very good, but the Italians imprisoned in prisoner-of-war camps were very obedient. Thousands of prisoners often only needed a small number of guards to keep them obedient.

Compared with German prisoners of war, these Italians are simply standard students. Many Italian soldiers even surrendered voluntarily and entered Allied prisoner of war camps. Here they could eat well and drink well, and their lives were not in danger. It was simply a dream.

Compared with those companions who are still fighting on the battlefield, it is simply too happy.

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean and an important part of the German-Italian Mediterranean route. Now that it is lost, it is equivalent to having a leg of Germany and Italy cut off, and the impact can be imagined.

The Allies immediately used Sicily as a base to launch a large-scale bombing campaign into Italy. The traditional industrial areas in northeastern Italy received special attention. A large number of factories were razed to the ground, and human losses were also very serious.

The more intense the Allied attacks became, the greater the Italians' determination to get rid of Mussolini's rule became almost unstoppable. Then the Allied forces used Sicily as a base to launch a landing operation in southern Italy. The Italian army

He has no fighting spirit and will collapse at the first touch.

The situation in Rome became increasingly unfavorable to Mussolini. All the opposition groups united to form a huge anti-Mussolini force, and they also elected the highly respected Marshal Badoglio as their leader.

After winning the support of both the military and the government, Badoglio organized a coup, destroyed Mussolini's power in one fell swoop, imprisoned Mussolini, and at the same time expressed his acceptance of unconditional surrender and withdrew from the war. The three fascist countries

Among them, almost everyone thinks that the first one to be unable to withstand it will be the Japanese. After all, under the crazy attacks of the two powerful powers of China and the United States, their destruction is right in front of them.

But it turned out that everyone was wrong. Japan was far more tenacious than imagined. Even if its homeland was attacked by a large-scale landing attack, the Japanese did not choose to surrender. The first one to be eliminated was Italy. This made

Everyone was shocked. Italy was definitely the biggest idiot in Europe.

Hitler, who was in the wolf's den, resented and deplored Mussolini as his ally, and at the same time felt a sense of sorrow for the death of a rabbit. Mussolini was the founder of fascism and established political rule in Italy early.

Under his rule, Italy became one of several powerful countries in Europe. When Germany first started to arm itself, it had to look up to Italy.

However, as time passed, the war soon revealed the original shape of this idiot power. Hitler lost a loyal helper and suddenly seemed extremely lonely. Germany's ability to choose allies was indeed not very good. Mussolini was considered loyal, but he

What a waste. Although Japan is tenacious, it is a reckless man. It was Japan's crazy actions that dragged China and the United States into trouble and formed a powerful anti-fascist alliance. Hitler was extremely upset when he thought of these.

There were constant retreats on every battlefield, and Stalin also launched super-large-scale offensives, constantly driving the German troops out of the country and taking the opportunity to enter Eastern Europe. The battle for the United States and Britain to open a second battlefield was just around the corner, and the German troops were stretched thin.

, it has reached the point of tearing down the eastern wall to repair the western wall, and Hitler can only find hope of victory from the mystics.

Qiao Yu pays close attention to the situation in Europe. He is keeping an eye on the most important spoils of this world war, which are German scientific research results!

Before World War II, there was no doubt that Germany was the country with the highest technological level. For example, Germany had considerable technological accumulation in missile technology, jet fighter technology, and even nuclear weapons research. However, Hitler did not make full use of these new technologies.

It's just the power.

And Qiao Yu knows better that this is just a superficial achievement. Behind it is Germany's strong mechanical equipment manufacturing capabilities and high-precision machine tool production capabilities. China once built a 10,000-ton forging press with the help of Germany.

Then China carried out reverse engineering and began to design and produce it on its own.

Chinese engineers have also built China's own forging press, but the actual quality is still inferior to the German products. This is not because the engineers are not smart enough, but because of the gap in industrial technology accumulation. You must know that so far, there are only a few people who can manufacture this large machine.

The only countries are Germany, China and the United Kingdom. Neither the United States nor the Soviet Union has this capability.

After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union made rapid progress in the field of military technology and led the world's trend. To a large extent, the reason was that the United States and the Soviet Union divided Germany's industrial technology and also robbed a large number of Nazi scientists, allowing the two countries to lead the world.

Global. Having cooperated with Germany for many years, Qiao Yu is very aware of the capabilities of these German scientists. From the current point of view, China's industrial technology as a whole is still far behind the United States, and even slightly behind the Soviet Union. However, this gap is not insurmountable.

Yes, strictly speaking, they are just mutually exclusive. But once the United States and the Soviet Union divide Germany's technological accumulation, China will probably be left behind by these two countries. Therefore, Qiao Yu very much hopes to participate in the war against Germany. Participate in the war.

After occupying the partition, they also took a share of this technological feast.

Of course, this is just an idea in Qiao Yu's mind. It is not easy to travel across the ocean to fight in Europe, and it also depends on the wishes of the United States. This is different from the Asia-Pacific region. China can come at will at its own doorstep.

Within the sphere of influence, things are difficult to handle.

After Qiao Yu communicated his ideas with Jiang Baili, Jiang Baili came up with an idea, which was to let the Americans take the initiative to ask China to send troops to assist them in their counterattack in Europe. To do this is actually simple, it is nothing more than letting the Americans know about the landing operation

Because of the difficulties, China and the United States divided their labors, with the United States attacking Japan's Shikoku Island, and China attacking Honshu Island.

Among the Japanese archipelago, Shikoku Island plays an important role as the gateway to Tokyo and other places. If Shikoku Island is lost, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe and other places will be exposed to attack. Therefore, Japan's defense on Shikoku Island is considerable.

It's strict, no worse than Honshu Island.

The Americans were prepared to undertake the attack mission, which meant that they would hit a wall. After all, the American system determined that they could not bear too serious losses, and Roosevelt would definitely find a way to avoid too many casualties.

Of course, Qiao Yu would not place all his hopes on the Americans asking for help. You must know that the cowboys in the United States are also a very tenacious group. Moreover, Roosevelt is an old fox. He absolutely does not want to watch China benefit. Therefore,

In order to be on the safe side, Qiao Yu also secretly dispatched some agents to Europe. Even if he could not clearly carve up Germany's industrial technology, he could still obtain it through some other means.

Even if you can't get it, you still have to take advantage of the chaos of war to kill as many of these people as possible to weaken the scientific and technological strength of the United States and the Soviet Union. The Three Kingdoms Game between China, the United States, and the Soviet Union has actually begun.

Each of the three countries is encircling its own territory. During this war, the Soviet Union gained Eastern Europe, plus the Balkans, and extended its hands to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. China, on the other hand, established its sovereign power in the Western Pacific and went deep into the

The Indian Ocean region. As for the United States, it has pocketed the Atlantic Ocean, most of the Pacific Ocean, and all of Western Europe, and has eaten the fattest piece.

Britain, the former hegemon, is facing the fate of being slaughtered. Its original sphere of influence in Europe has almost disappeared. The overseas colonial order has also completely collapsed. The financial center has moved from London to New York. This is the last step of the British Empire.

Every bit of face was torn off.

Now the only remaining sphere of influence of the United Kingdom is the Middle East. Because the United Kingdom played a great role in the North African battlefield, firmly guarded the Suez Canal, and also controlled the Strait of Gibraltar, the United Kingdom still has huge influence in the Middle East.

But this is only a matter of time. China and the Soviet Union have begun to get involved in the Middle East, and the United States has also accelerated its pace. After a world war, the biggest loss may not be the defeated Germany, but the victorious United Kingdom. This is really a kind of

Huge irony.

Qiao Yu was pursuing German industrial technology, and the Americans encountered big trouble when they attacked Shikoku Island. Unlike Kyushu Island, more than 80% of Shikoku Island is mountainous and has a population of more than 300 people.

Well, Shikoku Island is a relatively backward industrial area in Japan, but the more so, the more fierce the folk customs become.

After the Americans launched the landing operation, they encountered a tenacious counterattack. In particular, the Japanese made full use of the complex terrain and built a large number of hidden bunkers. These bunkers were rigorously calculated to minimize the firepower advantage of the United States.

Moreover, the Japanese also played a trick of imaginary and real. In some fortresses, no personnel were arranged to guard them, but poison gas bombs were placed. When the American soldiers approached, the Japanese hiding in the distance detonated the poison gas bombs.

, causing heavy damage to the unsuspecting U.S. military.

In total, more than 40,000 people died in the first ten days of the U.S. landing operation. This casualty figure shocked the U.S. military. They estimated that taking the entire Shikoku Island would cost at least 200,000 lives.

What also made Roosevelt even more worried was Normandy. If the Germans were as crazy and tenacious as the Japanese, how many people would the United States have to die to successfully counterattack the European continent? Will it cause dissatisfaction among voters? This is all necessary as the president of the United States.

Considering the issues, Roosevelt had to turn his attention to China.

China has abundant human resources, a strong political will, and its soldiers are extremely sacrificial and have a tenacious will to fight. It can fully withstand a large number of casualties, which the United States cannot match. Should we find a way to let China take on the most difficult beach landings?


(To be continued)

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