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Chapter 633: Chinese Expeditionary Force

"Brother Baili, although China can be called a powerful country, it still has to exchange its lives for benefits. It is still a long way from being truly powerful!"

"What the President said is right, but don't underestimate yourself!" After all these years of hard work, Jiang Baili has seriously aged, with snow-white hair on his temples, and age spots have also appeared... Although Qiao Yu tried his best to provide these old helpers with astute skills.

Doctors protect their health, but the laws of nature are irreversible, and Jiang Baili is no longer the same as before.

Recently, Jiang Baili has handed over most of his work to the people below him. He is more pragmatic, but Jiang Baili is still very energetic and his thinking is very quick.

"No country becomes strong by a handful of people. It is destined to require sacrifices by one generation or even several generations. And the process of industrialization is a battlefield without smoke. Only by gritting one's teeth and surviving the most difficult juncture can we face the world.

Come to the dawn of victory. China is at this juncture now. In fact, the price China has paid is much lighter than other industrial countries in history. For this reason alone, the president is enough to mark his name in history!"

What Jiang Baili said is not wrong at all. The transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society does require a painful transformation. This is a painful nirvana process. In an agricultural society, farmers rely on the weather for food, and there are busy days and leisure periods every year.

In an industrial society, people need to go to work every day. This is a huge gap.

Moreover, in the early days of any country, industrial products were synonymous with roughness and inferior quality, with far more imitations than originals. Such products did not have much competitiveness in the market and relied entirely on the strong protection of the country's political power.

Looking at all countries, except for the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the industrial revolution, other countries have taken this path from low-end to high-end. Germany, the United States, Japan and other countries are all the same. Due to poor product quality and backward industrial technology

, it is not competitive at all in the international market, so it loses money in the early stages of industrialization and requires continuous subsidies from the state.

Among the major industrial countries, there is either plundering externally or squeezing agriculture internally. In short, there is no other way out. In the development of China in later generations, foreign countries have summarized the so-called Chinese model. In fact, there is no Chinese model at all!

China has just gone through the same path that all industrialized countries have gone through. There is nothing special about it. It is cheap and inferior, and copycats are everywhere. This is a common feature of all countries in the early stages of industrialization. The so-called summary of foreign scholars is just self-deception. They have forgotten

It is a disgraceful page. No powerful country has become strong from the beginning. They all have a bitter history, but some grandsons just forgot about it after they became rich.

In this time and space, China has to go through such a road, and there is no way to cross it. Of course, with Qiao Yu's advanced guidance, China has only paid a lower price.

"Brother Baili, it's also a reason why we are too low. The people don't have enough to eat, don't have enough clothes to wear, and are basically on the verge of bankruptcy. At this time, working in factories for more than ten hours a day is tolerable, as long as they can have enough to eat.

If we have enough food, factories will never lack workers. It is with this spirit of sacrifice that China's industrial layout can be completed. We owe this generation of Chinese people!"

"The hardships of one generation or two are nothing. If we don't overcome this hurdle, we will continue to suffer." Jiang Baili asked again: "President, how should China take the road to becoming a strong country after the war? Yes.

Should we engage in an all-out confrontation with the United States and the Soviet Union, a three-pointed alliance, or should we sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers?"

What Jiang Baili asked was also a question that Qiao Yu had been thinking about. How can we be considered a powerful country? Territory, resources, and military are only one aspect of being strong. The most important thing is to have super industrial production capabilities. Britain became

The colonial empire never fell because it was the first to carry out the Industrial Revolution. The United States became a world hegemon thanks to the huge industrial production capacity accumulated during the two world wars.

If China wants to become the most powerful country in the world, the first thing it must do is become the largest and most powerful industrial country with the largest industrial cluster. Only in this way can China be promoted to the position of world hegemon.

"Become an industrial hegemon first, and then become a world hegemon. China must adhere to the industrial line at all times, otherwise no one can support a huge country like China!"

At present, the total population of the world is less than 2 billion. China has a population of 500 million, and it is still in a period of rapid growth. Within 20 years, China's population will exceed 800 million. Plus some areas in Southeast Asia, the population

The total number will exceed one billion, which is definitely the most populous country in the world.

If you want so many people to live well, you must have huge industrial production capacity. After the British came to hegemony, they slowly moved towards the road of de-industrialization and began to rely on finance to make huge profits. To put it simply, they used their huge

The navy controlled the world's trade routes to collect protection fees from the world, and then deprived a large number of colonies. The British lived a comfortable life.

The United States followed the same path after it became hegemonic in later generations, becoming more and more dependent on the financial industry for huge profits. Such empires are a parasitic way of survival and are completely a cancer of the world. It is inevitable that they will weaken and even perish. In Qiao Yu

In the plan, China must adhere to the route of focusing on industrialization in the future. Only by actually producing products and conducting trade is the truly reliable route. Otherwise, the world will not have that much population to support China.

It is based on this consideration that Qiao Yu is willing to join the US-led world economic order. In fact, just a few days ago, Chinese political representatives signed the Bretton Woods Agreement at Bretton Woods, recognizing the dominance of the US dollar in international trade.

that power.

This conference was regarded by Roosevelt as the greatest diplomatic victory of the United States. In fact, during the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt and Churchill had a quarrel over the issue of the international financial order, and the two sides refused to give in to each other.

The actions of the United States were tantamount to digging up the ancestral graves of the British. Churchill was absolutely unwilling to compromise easily. For this reason, he even asked China for help, hoping that the two countries could jointly resist the American plan.

However, after some thought, Qiao Yu actually agreed to the request of the United States. As a result, the United Kingdom was left alone and had no capital to confront the United States. It could only give up its world financial hegemony. The United States successfully seized the world financial hegemony.


The so-called Bretton Woods system has the following key points: First, the U.S. dollar is linked to gold. Countries confirm the official gold price of $35 per ounce set by the United States in January 1944, and the gold content of each dollar is 0.888671 grams of gold. Governments of various countries

The ax or central bank can exchange U.S. dollars for gold at the official price to the United States.

Second, the currencies of other countries are pegged to the U.S. dollar. The governments of other countries stipulate the gold content of their respective currencies, and determine the exchange rate with the U.S. dollar based on the ratio of gold content.

Third, implement an adjustable fixed exchange rate. According to regulations, the exchange rate of each country's currency against the US dollar can only fluctuate within a range of 1% above and below the legal exchange rate. If the market exchange rate exceeds the 1% fluctuation range of the legal exchange rate, the governments of various countries have the right to

Obligation to intervene in the foreign exchange market to maintain exchange rate stability.

In addition, there is a supplementary point of settlement, which together constitute the so-called Bretton Woods system. Then, through mutual agreement of all countries, two important international financial institutions, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, were established. The former provided short-term loans to various countries.

To balance the international balance of payments, the latter provides long-term loans to help countries achieve economic recovery.

The establishment of these two major international financial institutions is undoubtedly led by the United States. The United States occupies more than 17% of the International Monetary Fund. According to regulations, this share can veto any claims that are unfavorable to the United States.

, which was also advocated by Roosevelt.

Qiao Yu will naturally not let the United States do whatever it wants. China has also obtained 14% of the share. Although China cannot veto all proposals, as the country with the second largest share, it can easily join forces with another developed country.

Veto some resolutions.

In addition, the same is true for the share in the World Bank. China has become the world's second largest economy after the United States, surpassing the United Kingdom. Of course, in this system, the United States occupies an absolutely dominant position and holds the world's financial hegemony.

After this system is established, it means that Americans can continue to print pieces of paper in exchange for goods from other countries. If other countries want to conduct international trade, they must first exchange their own products for U.S. dollars, and then use U.S. dollars to do business.

In the process of buying and selling, it is necessary to transport materials like the United States.

Of course, in principle, countries can also exchange their currencies for gold. However, under the premise that countries generally recognize the U.S. dollar, they may lose money if they exchange it for gold. Therefore, the U.S. dollar has gained the reputation of the U.S. dollar. Qiao Yu is really too concerned about this issue.

It is clear that this kind of international trade led by the United States has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the original trade barriers between countries have disappeared, but the disadvantage is that the United States can get something for nothing and exploit the whole world.

In order to prevent the fruits of its labor from becoming a pile of waste paper, China secretly signed a secret agreement with the United States, that is, China has the right to convert U.S. dollars into gold at any time, within a period of one to two years. Roosevelt relied on the United States

With strong economic strength, he thought it would be difficult for China to obtain a surplus from the United States, so he agreed without hesitation.

China cooperated with the United States on international trade issues, allowing the Americans to smoothly control global financial hegemony. Roosevelt also wanted to reciprocate. In addition, Roosevelt also hoped that China would bear part of the sacrifice, so Roosevelt formally made a request to China to let China send some

Elite troops participated in the Normandy landings, and the United States also agreed to give China the power to partition and occupy Germany.

Qiao Yu immediately agreed and took five elite divisions from the troops that landed in Japan to form the Chinese Expeditionary Force. They then set off to the British Isles to receive adaptation training, and the Normandy landing finally began.

(To be continued)

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