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Chapter 634: The Jet Age

() China is not without power in Western Europe. The battle group composed of two aircraft carriers, the Pingyuan and the Anyuan, has been staying in the UK and helped the UK guard its maritime borders and protect its waterways. In addition, China also dispatched a group of anti-submarine ships, plus

At the beginning of the war, China assisted some British pilots, and China had considerable military strength in the British Isles.

If these marines arrive again, the Chinese navy, land and air force will all gather in the UK and will play an important role in the counterattack on the European continent. This is definitely a force that cannot be ignored, and along with this force will be

There is a huge team of experts and scholars whose mission is to recover lost cultural relics.

Since the Opium War, Western powers have frequently invaded China and plundered an astonishing amount of cultural relics. These are all treasures left by the Chinese ancestors. How could they have been covered in dust for so long and fallen into the hands of these Western barbarians? Now there is an opportunity, Qiao

Yu naturally needs to be completely cleaned up.

Some people also think that cultural relics cannot be eaten or drunk, and it is extremely difficult to preserve them. When the country was not yet rich, there was no need to get them all back. In fact, these people do not understand the true value of cultural relics, which is the most important thing in this world.

Every powerful country has its own glory...

For example, the Russians' control was territory, while the Americans' control was economic strength. In later generations, it developed into a powerful and transcendent military force. The Japanese also believed in their superb technology, and even the Koreans began to make history and come to find them.

Some false self-esteem.

Compared with these countries, China has an uninterrupted history of five thousand years, which is the pride of all Chinese people and the ultimate source of national sentiment. These cultural relics carry China's long history. Seeing these things, the Chinese people

It is as if we are having a conversation with our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago, and the national pride it brings is indescribable.

As for the ugly people who often appear in later generations who try their best to slander the heroes of the past generations of China, and put on the pedestal some things that have harmed the country and the people. They confuse right and wrong, confuse right and wrong, and mess up the history of the Chinese people and the beliefs of the Chinese people. I really don’t know about this.

Do people get cents or riyuan!

It is out of respect for history that Qiao Yu sent hundreds of scholars to England, carrying more than two tons of written materials and film films. What he wanted to do was to ask for what China had lost.

Churchill's face turned dark when he saw China mobilizing troops like this. The country with the most Chinese cultural relics is the United Kingdom. Now it is really difficult for the United Kingdom to spit out everything it has eaten. During the last world war,

China took a batch back, and now it has adopted this posture, which made Churchill unable to help but curse, saying that China was taking advantage of the situation.

Just when Lao Qiu was extremely angry, Stalin of the Soviet Union issued a statement stating that all cultural relics plundered by Tsarist Russia from China would be returned. He said that this was a crime in the era of imperialism. The Soviet Union is a country that represents the progress of human civilization.

They would never be proud of these luxurious rags from the colonial era. Therefore, the Soviet Union decided to return all illegally looted cultural relics contained in all museums to China.

The Soviet Union's statement was righteous and resounding, and they immediately began to take action. They took the initiative to invite Chinese experts to clean up. The Soviet Union was certainly not aware of its conscience. The main reason was that after Stalin swallowed up Turkey and Greece, the Soviet power finally extended to

This is a freeze-free port that has been dreamed of since the time of Peter the Great.

Being able to occupy this place means that Stalin is already comparable to Tsar Peter. Although he lost the Far East seaport in his hands, Turkey is far more valuable than Hesenwo. And according to the current situation, the Soviet Union is at least

Can divide Europe equally with European and American countries.

Although the Soviet Union suffered huge war losses, this war also completely pushed the Soviet Union to a new height. Stalin was enjoying unparalleled glory. Of course, Stalin also knew very well that the Soviet Union must face the consequences of its wanton expansion in Europe.

The strong rebound from the United States and Britain can be imagined, and the pressure is great.

At this time, China must not be offended, otherwise the Soviet Union will only fall into a situation of being attacked from both sides. Moreover, Qiao Yu also confided a very important piece of information to Stalin, that is, the issue of nuclear weapons. Qiao Yu only told China that it was about to successfully develop a time-honored weapon.

The weapon is enough to easily defeat any opponent. Stalin knew very well that this must be a nuclear weapon, and only this kind of weapon that only existed in theory could have such terrible power. This made Stalin have to give him a favor, honestly.

Actually hand over all the cultural relics.

In fact, nuclear weapons were not unfamiliar to Stalin. Soviet scientists had also conducted preliminary research in this area, and the Soviet Union also learned through a powerful intelligence system that the United States was also engaged in research in this area. However, Stalin did not know which step it had reached.

It is clear and unclear whether this project can be successful.

However, although the Soviet Union was aware of the United States' Manhattan Project, it knew nothing about China's nuclear weapons program, or even the extent of China's progress. This made Stalin feel sincerely afraid. The more mysterious something is, the more terrifying it is.

When Qiao Yu confided the issue of nuclear weapons to Stalin, it was obviously not as simple as wanting to exchange some cultural relics. He knew very well that the most important thing between major powers was balance, and the balance of terror maintained by nuclear weapons was also very important.

The Manhattan Project of the United States has begun, and Qiao Yu has no ability to prevent the United States from possessing nuclear weapons, and it is impossible for China to obtain enough nuclear weapons to destroy other countries in a short period of time. In this case, it is better to let the Soviet Union possess nuclear weapons as soon as possible, so as to realize the Three Kingdoms

maintain balance among themselves and jointly maintain the stability of the world.

In addition, from the bottom of his heart, Qiao Yu is not willing to abuse nuclear weapons. The large amount of radioactive substances brought by nuclear weapons will cause huge harm. Not only will the Congress suffer losses, but the radioactive substances will also affect the entire world through the circulation of atmosphere and water.

Radiation will also bring genetic mutations, and the entire earth's ecosystem may be threatened. At that time, the gains will really outweigh the losses. Everyone has nuclear weapons, which actually means that no one has them. The struggle between major powers can

Being in a controllable state is also a good thing for China's long-term interests.

Of course, Churchill didn't know the deal behind China and the Soviet Union. He only knew that the Soviet Union's actions now put Britain in a very disadvantageous position. The Soviet Union took the initiative to return the cultural relics, so what should Britain do? You must know that since the beginning of the war, China has been the final aid to the United Kingdom.

country, and China's navy, army and air force are still assisting the British in fighting, of course, it can also be understood as a real threat.

If the UK does not behave well and something uncontrollable happens, the UK will be in an embarrassing situation. And just after Stalin expressed his stance, Roosevelt also announced a similar plan, and the United States will also return cultural relics to China.

The reason why the United States can make this decision is very simple, that is, the United States focuses on world hegemony, and the United States and the Soviet Union have begun competing for Europe. At this time, the United States really has no need to conflict with China anymore. It can pull China

Coming over was the best choice, so Roosevelt made this decision.

This only puts Churchill in the most disadvantageous position. The United States and the Soviet Union agreed. What's so great about Britain? In the end, Churchill had no choice but to nod in agreement. At the same time, the four major powers issued a joint statement. After counterattacking Europe,

, Chinese cultural relics scattered in France, Italy, Germany and other places must also be returned to China.

The person most dissatisfied with this decision was France's de Gaulle. The top four decided the matter unilaterally without informing the French. De Gaulle felt a huge shame filling his chest. He was furious to death, but he couldn't.

There are not many other options, this is the treatment of subjugation.

The issue of cultural relics is just an interlude between the big powers. The most important energy is to counterattack the European continent. With the arrival of the Chinese army, more than three million troops gathered in England, and for a while, dark clouds fell over the city.

Yu was defeated and the counterattack had reached the final moment.

The United States and Britain had also formulated a huge Guardian Plan before this, with the purpose of attracting Hitler's attention to the direction of Calais, and then the Allied forces would land in Normandy by surprise to ensure the success of the operation.

After everything was ready, the battle officially started. The overwhelming Allied fighter jets headed towards the European continent. Countless bombs were poured onto the German positions, setting off waves of metal, and countless German fortifications were destroyed.

Airports, highways, and command posts were all within the attack range of the Allied forces, and everything they passed was a mess.

Of course, Germany was powerless to fight back. Hitler also had a secret weapon, which was the jet fighter. In fact, the research time on jet aircraft was not short, but due to the technical level, it could only focus on the development of piston aircraft. And

By the 1930s, piston aircraft had become very mature, but they had also reached a bottleneck that they could not break through. That was the problem of flight speed. The speed was limited to 750 kilometers per hour, and it was very difficult to break through.

Aircraft designers had to turn their attention to other methods. Jet engines were gradually put on the agenda by various countries. Germany was relatively far ahead in this regard. Especially after Hitler knew that China had turned to the Allies, he knew that Germany

The situation is unprecedentedly critical, so revolutionary weapons are urgently needed to win Germany's victory.

The jet aircraft program has received unprecedented attention, and Germany has mass-produced the Me262 jet fighter nearly ten months earlier than in history. The maximum speed of this revolutionary aircraft can reach 870 kilometers, far exceeding

It has destroyed all the aircraft in active service of the Allied Forces and can be called lightning in the sky.

Just when the Allied forces launched the Normandy landing operation, Hitler sent out two squadrons of Me262 fighter jets, hoping that with their excellent performance, they could reverse the situation on the battlefield and help Germany turn defeat into victory. (To be continued.)

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