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Six hundred and fortieth chapters: The country is destroyed and the city is broken

Hirohito was not an idiot. When he saw this scene, he immediately guessed that he had been betrayed by Ishihara Wanji and Okamura Neji. An unknown fire rushed straight to the ceiling. His face was distorted and his lips were blue.

He was speechless. At the same time, a huge feeling of fear also surged into his heart. He had now become a prisoner of the [***] Squadron. This was the thing he was most worried about, but he didn't expect it to become a reality.

, how can we not make him despair?

China has long hoped to catch Hirohito as the culprit, bring him to court, and publicly interrogate him in front of the whole world, completely trample the aloof emperor under his feet, and make him lose face. Such a punishment is far better than being kept secret.

It would be much better to kill him in vain.

However, it is not easy to catch Hirohito. China has previously arranged a large number of spies in the hope of gaining something. However, Hirohito has always done a good job in keeping secrets, and it is difficult for intelligence personnel to determine his final whereabouts.


Just when China was at a loss what to do, representatives of the Japanese Mitsubishi Zaibatsu suddenly contacted the Allies. They hoped to atone for their sins and let the Allies guarantee the safety of their family property. These chaebol capitalists are very similar in nature to the Jewish consortium in the United States.

Yes, they have no loyalty, only interests. Moreover, after Hirohito came to power, he also carried out a series of crackdowns on the chaebols. Japan's chaebols have also been dissatisfied for a long time.

In addition, these chaebols are not fools. They see clearly that Japan's defeat is irreversible. Rather than accompany the country to perish, it is better to actively seek a way out. China is happy to see the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu's investment.

After all, if you want to break the fortress, the best way is to attack from within. Zaibatsu are also one of the most important forces in Japan. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake, so they can provide great help.

Therefore, Qiao Yu immediately issued an order, agreed to the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu's request, and promised to ensure the safety of their personal and property. After receiving China's promise, the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu then secretly provided a large amount of intelligence to the Allies, and was able to quickly capture Tokyo.

They also have an important relationship.

Both China and the United States listed Emperor Hirohito as the number one war criminal, so breaking through Tokyo and capturing Hirohito became the biggest wish of both China and the United States. Mitsubishi also actively launched operations to comprehensively spy on Hirohito.

Finally, they contacted Ishihara Kanji. Ishihara was once a member of the Kyorei Ministry and was led by Saionji Gongmo. Saionji Gongmo had a close relationship with the chaebol, so they established contact easily.

Ishihara is also very clear about Japan's situation, and he has frequently thought of Xiyuanji Gongwang's last words during this period. For more than a thousand years, Japan has reached its most dangerous time. Ever since the Allied forces set foot on Japan's mainland

, Japan is already facing the danger of national subjugation and extinction.

It is useless to fight blindly at this time. We must compromise and preserve Japan's vitality as much as possible. From the bottom of his heart, Ishihara Kanji is already inclined to surrender. Of course, he also knows that the biggest obstacle to surrender now is Emperor Hirohito.

, at this time, he had to admire the vision of Xiyuan Temple Gongwang. He had foreseen this situation a long time ago and told them the solution.

Throw Hirohito out, let him take the blame, and then preserve Japan's basic system. We can establish another emperor and surrender. As long as we can survive, that is Japan's highest wish. The Japanese have been kneeling for thousands of years, and now they are kneeling again.

It's not that difficult. The most inappropriate thing is to drag the entire Japan into the abyss of eternal destruction because of selfishness.

This kind of thinking is absolutely treasonous in normal times. Even if Ishihara Wanji agreed to this request in front of Gongwang's couch in Xiyuan Temple, he still had a perfunctory feeling in his heart. But now, he feels that Xiyuan is even more important.

What Temple Gongwang said makes sense, and it should be done.

Ishihara Kanji contacted Okamura Neiji, and the two finally reached an agreement. At the same time, they passed the message to the Sino-US Allies through the Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, asking the Allies to agree to retain Japan's emperor system and ensure Japan's reading ability and


The Allies agreed without hesitation, and also told them that the Allies would only pursue war criminals and would never break their promises. Ishihara Kanji received the Allies' guarantee and planned a plan with Okamura Neiji.

In this incident, they gave Hirohito as a gift to the Allies.

Hirohito was pulled out of the car by the Chinese special forces. Hirohito's face was livid, his eyes could almost burst into flames, and he stared at Ishihara and Gangcun.

"Traitor! Scum! The shame of the Yamato nation!" Hirohito's roar was full of anger and unwillingness. He never thought that he was betrayed by two Japanese officers. This was even more difficult than the Allied forces directly capturing him.

He feels uncomfortable.

Ishihara smiled and suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, "Your Majesty, the reason why Ishihara did this is to protect Japan. Although Your Majesty is noble, it is not as important as the entire Japan. I have a clear conscience. But I betrayed my master after all.

If anything happens to Your Majesty, the Ishihara family will follow Your Majesty to the death!"

"Bah! Japan!? I am Japan. You idiot, do you think that by betraying me and letting me take the blame, you can let China and the United States let Japan go? No! Japan is finished, you two.

Red Deer is the empire’s biggest sinner…”

Hirohito continued to curse, but the Chinese special forces had already stuffed him into the prepared armored vehicle. Later, the Queen Ryoko and others were also taken away, while Ishihara Wanji and Okamura Neji were still standing there in a daze.

They didn't know how to move. Looking at the armored vehicle going away, the two of them also fell into deep thought. Is it right to do this?

A feeling of uneasiness suddenly arose in the hearts of Ishihara and Okamura, but at this time the allies were very happy. With Hirohito's trump card in hand effortlessly, most of Japan's problems were solved, and the Allied soldiers no longer had to bear the huge pressure.

There were casualties.

However, Koiso Kuniaki and others in Tokyo were in complete panic. His Majesty the Emperor and his family were all missing, and no one was alive or dead. When he thought that the Emperor might fall into the hands of the Allies, Koiso Kuniaki felt that he

His head instantly became dozens of times larger, and the heavy and oppressive air made him speechless.

The same goes for other Japanese generals. They desperately searched for Hirohito, but there was no news. At the same time, they also discovered that Ishihara Kanji and his subordinates had also disappeared together, which made Koiso Kuniaki even more worried.

A layer of shadow.' The upper echelons of Japan were in chaos, and the entire Tokyo defense system became lax. The Allies worked hard to successfully separate Tokyo from the surrounding Japanese defenders, splitting Tokyo into several pieces that were not under each other's control.

The war situation is becoming increasingly unfavorable for the Japanese, and what is even more unfavorable is that their hearts have been dispersed.

They were not made to wait any longer. Three days later, the Allied forces took the initiative to stop attacking the Japanese positions. Hundreds of loudspeakers appeared on the Allied positions. From these loudspeakers, the Japanese heard an incredible sound.

The sound is the crane sound of their emperor.

For ordinary Japanese, it is definitely a great honor to hear the emperor's voice, but this time none of them can laugh. The emperor actually directly asked all Japanese soldiers and civilians to give up their weapons and surrender unconditionally to the Allies!

These Japanese soldiers felt the incomparable lie. They were able to fight to the death and sacrifice everything. Their biggest spiritual pillar was to be loyal to the Emperor. How many of them shouted the slogan "Long Live the Emperor" and the steel of the Sino-US Allied Forces. They fought for

The emperor fought, but the emperor asked their loyal warriors to surrender, so were their sacrifices still valuable?

Just when the Japanese military and civilians were stunned, China and the United States dispatched a large number of planes, and countless leaflets fell like snowflakes. The leaflets stated in simple Japanese that Emperor Hirohito had been arrested, and all Japanese military and civilians must

Give up the resistance as soon as possible. If they continue to resist desperately, not only will they be completely wiped out, but even the safety of the Emperor will not be guaranteed.

There is also a photo of Emperor Hirohito printed on the flyer. In the photo, the Emperor still looks the same, but he is a little haggard and looks very tired. However, some Japanese soldiers who have seen the Emperor's portrait and even witnessed the Emperor in person are instantly

Everyone recognized him, this was their emperor, their spiritual support.

For a moment, the ordinary Japanese felt that the sky was falling and everything they believed in was in vain. These Japanese did not even know that they should continue to resist. They threw their weapons on the ground in dejection and instantly transformed from brave beasts.

Turned into a lamb to be slaughtered, the difference between before and after is simply unimaginable.

Some officers still didn't believe what they heard and saw. They thought this was a conspiracy by the Allies. The emperor was blessed by gods, so how could he fall into the hands of the Chinese. They shouted desperately, asking the soldiers to take up arms.

, continue fighting.

However, the Japanese have already reached a limit and can no longer hold on. Now that their spiritual support has been removed, they are like deflated rubber balls and can no longer muster their fighting spirit.

Seeing the rapid collapse of the Japanese army, some of the most stubborn officers saw that everything was irreversible, and they committed suicide by caesarean section. This almost became a wave that swept through the entire Tokyo garrison, and soon more than 300 Chinese soldiers were killed.

Junior officers committed suicide in despair. Without these backbones, the entire Japanese army's will to resist completely collapsed.

The Allied forces have been paying attention to the situation of the Japanese army. When they saw that the emperor turned these brave soldiers into sheep with just one word, everyone felt inexplicable shocks in their hearts. At the same time, they had doubts about the status of the emperor.

This gave me a new understanding. Perhaps among high-level Japanese people, the Emperor is not so sacred, but in the eyes of ordinary Japanese, the Emperor is a living god.

With Hirohito's speech, the morale of the Japanese defenders also collapsed. The Allied forces easily occupied the entire Tokyo and quickly controlled all the important military and political officials of the Japanese government. They are all war criminals and will be brought to court.

During the interrogation, they must not be allowed to die prematurely.

At the same time, the Allied forces transmitted the emperor's speech through radio waves to the entire Japan, especially the northern part of Honshu Island. Those Japanese who still wanted to resist stubbornly gave up their resistance, and the military operations in the Japanese archipelago were finally over!

(To be continued)

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