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Chapter 645: The Collapse of Germany

After successfully mastering nuclear weapons, Qiao Yu felt completely relaxed. As long as he mastered this weapon, he could guarantee absolute safety. Throughout history, since the advent of nuclear weapons, there has never been a direct confrontation between two major countries that both possess nuclear weapons.

Because no one can bear the consequences of a misfire in a war, so major powers are increasingly choosing to fight proxy wars.

After China masters nuclear weapons, it will be able to ensure basic national security. The next step for China to compete with the world will be more peaceful competition. Of course, there will be no shortage of proxy wars. But as long as China does not make mistakes, there will not be too much.


In fact, it is not easy to take this step. Starting from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, for nearly a hundred years, Western powers ran rampant in China, taking whatever they wanted. Even low-income countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium could come to China to eat meat and drink.

The Tang Dynasty's ancient civilization suffered unprecedented bullying.

When Qiao Yu built China's entire industrial system, it was also centered on military industry and heavy industry. For the vast majority of Chinese people, their living standards were sacrificed. Of course, due to the development of Northeast China and the vigorous promotion of chemical fertilizers

, the Chinese people’s food and clothing problem has been solved, but the overall improvement is not fast enough.

In addition, due to the need to develop agriculture and build farmland water conservancy facilities, tens of millions of farmers in China participate in voluntary labor every year. They build diversion canals, dig storage tanks, renovate dams, and extensively plant trees and grass in the central and northwest regions. Some major projects also require

A large number of migrant workers work for free.

Especially after the outbreak of World War II, China used the pressure of the war to overhaul railways and highways in the central and western regions. At its peak, more than 30 million migrant workers participated in voluntary labor. This is simply unimaginable in other countries. It can be said that China

China's rapid development is based on the initiative and dedication of two generations. Without the support of the people, China will never be able to benefit greatly from World War II.

Therefore, it is these ordinary workers who truly support this country and nation. They built the Great Wall and opened the Grand Canal. Without their sacrifice, there would be no future for the country.

This is also the reason why Qiao Yu has always looked down on literati. Chinese literati have always had their eyes set high above their heads. They have never been willing to stoop down and do something practical. They stubbornly believe that the recorders of history are the creators of history, and they are the representatives of civilization.

They are a symbol of orthodoxy and are always superior to others. But they can never change their role as bystanders. They are bystanders during the construction of the country and they are also bystanders when the country is in danger.

Of course, experts who are truly talented and capable of doing things in a down-to-earth manner are real experts. Those who criticize for the sake of criticism are not even comparable to ordinary people.

It can be said that China has spent thirty years following the 200-year-old industrialization path of the West. Now that it has successfully developed nuclear weapons, it officially means that China's core technology has approached the world's most advanced level.

In this arduous pursuit, all Chinese people are well-deserved winners. In the days to come, we should pay more attention to the interests of the people and tilt income towards ordinary people.

Therefore, during the end of the Japanese War, Qiao Yu took the lead in announcing that he would implement a housing project within the next ten years. He would build 30 million housing units to solve the housing problems of most people. At the same time, he would promote 12 years of free education and make compulsory education more accessible.

The number of years has been increased to twelve years, and students from primary school to high school can receive free education. At the same time, Qiao Yu will also promote a nutritional meal plan. Provide students with free milk, sufficient meat, calcium supplement biscuits, etc., guaranteed.

The health of a generation.

In addition, basic wages have been significantly increased to ensure the interests of the working class.

The issue of medical treatment is also a topic of greatest concern to the public. Qiao Yu has formulated a new medical security plan to establish basic medical security covering all people. In addition to the state paying part of the funds, local governments must also provide financial support to the people based on their own financial capabilities.


The most critical point is that in order to avoid the problem of excessive growth in medical expenses, China has creatively implemented a family doctor system, prompting some trained doctors to sign contracts with ordinary people. They are responsible for promoting medical knowledge to the people and solving daily diseases.

Once you get a serious illness, you need to enter a large hospital for treatment. During this process, the family doctor is responsible for helping the patient supervise the hospital's operations and avoid the problem of excessive medical treatment. With the help of a doctor who is familiar with medical operations, the price can naturally be effectively determined.


At the same time, there is no need to worry about collusion between these family doctors and hospitals, because the income of family doctors is jointly borne by medical insurance funds and local finance. The better they do health work and the less they spend on medical insurance funds, the more they can get.

interests. The higher the satisfaction of the people he is responsible for, the more local financial rewards he will be able to obtain.

After the introduction of these major reform measures, it was a huge shock to the entire Chinese society. The Chinese government's policies have begun to change. In the past, the core was to save the nation, get rid of the fate of being oppressed and controlled, and strive to achieve self-reliance and self-reliance. Now there is no doubt that

To benefit the people, policies are tilted towards all people, so that ordinary people can better enjoy the fruits of national development.

To realize these policies that benefit the people cannot be solved with just one mouthful. What is needed is real money and a lot of investment. The reason why Qiao Yu has the confidence to promote these policies is because he has gained a lot of wealth through his actions in Japan.

China has seized more than one billion U.S. dollars worth of gold and a large amount of foreign exchange from the Japanese government's warehouses. In addition, it has obtained hundreds of thousands of precious cultural relics from Japanese museums. Compared with the Japanese government, the Japanese royal family and chaebols

The accumulated wealth is even more amazing.

From several of the Emperor's secret warehouses, gold equivalent to 800 million U.S. dollars was obtained, as well as a large amount of jewelry. In fact, this is not surprising. The Japanese government relied on aggression to plunder a large amount of wealth, but it also had to pay a huge sum of money.

Military expenditures, and the emperor's wealth naturally cannot be taken in or out.

As for Japan's chaebols, it is even more astonishing. From the hands of chaebols such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and Sumitomo, China has collected at least more than five billion US dollars in cash. In addition, the number of land and factories they have accumulated over the years is even more difficult to measure.

China cannot monopolize this physical wealth, it has to share it with the United States. However, this amount is quite astonishing, enough for China to do a lot of things. In addition, the biggest ones are the industrial machines. According to estimates, the total price is at least 2

With more than 100 billion, a large number of factories can be built immediately after these things are shipped to China.

These factories will provide China with a large amount of tax revenue. It is foreseeable that in the next ten years, the Chinese economy will benefit from the plunder of Japan, and then show a spurt of growth, and fiscal revenue will also skyrocket. With these as the basis

, Qiao Yu is naturally confident in promoting those huge projects that benefit the people.

The mushrooms in China exploded, and the mushrooms in the United States on the other side of the world also reached the final moment. In this time and space, the United States' research on nuclear weapons was much earlier than in its original history, especially the fascist countries who attacked more violently in the early stages.

The United States suffered more serious losses in the Pacific. Roosevelt did not hesitate to give huge support to the Manhattan Project. He also hoped that once the war situation developed in a direction unfavorable to the United States, the United States could use revolutionary weapons to reverse the situation.

It was due to Roosevelt's heavy investment that the United States' nuclear weapons program was proceeding very smoothly. Just over a month after the explosion of China's atomic bomb, the United States also began testing its own atomic bomb in the western desert.

Compared with China's low profile, the United States announced to the world in a very high profile after acquiring the atomic bomb that the United States had mastered a revolutionary weapon and could deal a fatal blow to Germany, which was still stubbornly resisting, at any time. Roosevelt demanded that Hitler accept unconditional surrender as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the United States will launch the most brutal attack on Germany.

At this time, Germany had not yet realized that the disaster was coming. Hitler's long-prepared counterattack had begun. The German army once again unexpectedly broke through the Ardennes area of ​​Luxembourg. The German army broke through the French defense line here four years ago.

, sweeping across Western Europe in one fell swoop.

This place has witnessed the glory of Germany, and now Hitler wants to replicate his previous success again, hoping to break through the Allied front from here and solve the crisis on the Western Front in one fell swoop.

At the beginning of the war, the Allies were indeed a little careless. Optimism permeated the entire Allied leadership. Everyone believed that Germany was already meat on the chopping block, and there was no possibility of counterattack.

However, the Germans did the opposite. The German army did launch a counterattack, breaking through the Allied forces' peripheral positions at the first opportunity and quickly developing in depth. Until this time, the Allied forces were all dumbfounded.

Only then did they hurriedly mobilize reserve troops to encircle them.

However, at this time, only the Chinese army was relatively free. After the capture of Paris, since the Chinese army contributed a lot in Normandy, it naturally needed to rest and reorganize, so it served as the reserve force of the entire Allied force.

Now that Germany has broken through the defense line, the Allies have no choice but to move the Chinese troops up to block the German offensive. Germany's desperate struggle has caused so much trouble to the Allies. Stalin in Moscow seems to have noticed something unusual. It turns out that the Allies

The army is not that strong. Without the Chinese army, the Allied forces may perform even worse. Although the United States and Britain have good economic strength, these soldiers may be useless decorations. The Soviet Union may need to take more decisive measures.

Stalin knew very well that seizing the post-war fruits meant relying on his fists. If the fists of the United States and Britain were not strong, then it was inevitable that the Soviet Union would gain more benefits.

The Soviet Union's intentions were quickly detected by the United States and Britain. Roosevelt also knew that a strong enough deterrent must be provided. Only in this way can the United States become the undisputed hegemon of the world. He immediately approved the plan to use atomic bombs against Germany, and a ship

The American aircraft carrier carried the atomic bomb secretly to Europe, and Germany's final collapse has also entered the countdown. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest motivation.


ps: It will end in three to five chapters. The new book "Fengxi Jiangshan" has been released. Everyone can continue to start a new story and a new journey under the banner of Fengxi!

This chapter has been completed!
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