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Chapter 644 Plant a Mushroom

Everyone knows how difficult it is to overcome obstacles and obstacles, especially when developing a new area. Japan has worked hard in Borneo for more than ten years and invested hundreds of billions of dollars to turn Borneo into a pearl in Southeast Asia.

There are complete railways and highways, as well as airports and terminals, etc., as well as villages with complete infrastructure. These things allow the Chinese people to start production activities as soon as they move in, without any obstacles.

The Japanese could only return to the crowded four islands, and now the four islands are full of victims, and their fate can be imagined. After successfully taking control of Borneo, China's entire Nanyang development operation also started.

There are tens of thousands of islands, large and small, rich in resources and fertile soil. They can not only provide raw materials for Chinese industry, but also serve as a food base.

However, in order to realize these functions, we must first understand the natural conditions of the entire Nanyang. The Chinese government has mobilized more than 3,000 people from various universities to form more than a dozen scientific expedition teams, and they have carried out research ships to conduct research on Nanyang.

A large-scale investigation operation.

Qiao Yu also attaches great importance to the development of Nanyang. He requires that more than 60% of Japan's compensation be invested in the development of Nanyang. In addition, diverted immigration funds must be allocated from the finance every year to build the infrastructure of Nanyang.

We cannot relax at all in construction.

Moreover, Nanyang should not only be regarded as the source of raw materials and commodity markets, but also build a large number of factories here, develop high-tech industries according to local conditions, and form a Nanyang economic circle, forming a complementary and competitive relationship with other economic circles in China.

Qiao Yu has always believed that economic development must have enough freedom and cannot rigidly demarcate regions. Instead, there must be full competition among various regions. The conditions for the development of Nanyang are very good, and it is not necessary to simply become a domestic economic colony.

This is also a lesson learned from the Soviet Union. After World War II, the Soviet Union roughly divided the functions of the satellite countries in Eastern Europe. Each country became a supporting workshop for the Soviet industrial system. As a result, all countries generally lost their economic vitality and were unable to exert their own economic advantages.

, in the end, economic problems led to political disunity, which was a fatal blow to the Soviet Union.

Of course, the Soviet Union was forced to do this because their population was limited. They suffered heavy losses in World War II, and before their population could recover, they had to engage in a high-intensity military competition with the United States. They had to use this simple and crude method to achieve the fastest development.

Compared with the Soviet Union, China's biggest advantage lies in its population. Even this numerical advantage is overwhelming for any country. Therefore, China can carry out luxurious industrial layout with a simple purpose, that is, to involve the entire population to the maximum extent.

in industrial production.

China's industrialization can be called the most important change in human history. Once a behemoth with a population exceeding the United States and Europe combined completes its magnificent transformation from an agricultural country to an industrial country, the production capacity it can explode is absolutely astonishing.

The United States is still the world's economic hegemon and the leader in manufacturing. But as long as China firmly promotes education, builds a sound foundation, and then vigorously absorbs capital, China will definitely surpass the United States completely in twenty years. And this transcendence is irreversible.


Capital is like water, and the market is like a reservoir. China has the largest potential market and the largest productive population. Any capitalist who wants to make a fortune will never let go of the Chinese market. Capital will flow in crazily.

China, this situation is just like the massive inflow of European capital into the United States before World War I.

No matter whether Americans are willing or not, they are unable to reverse it. In fact, China's development path is similar to that of the United States, but the rise of the United States is accompanied by the decline of the United Kingdom and the entire Europe, while China's rise comes at the expense of the decline of the United States.

Roosevelt, the best politicians in the West, did not fully estimate this point. On the one hand, it was because of the sense of superiority brought about by the long-term strength of the West. On the other hand, Roosevelt did not believe that China could completely realize the transformation of industrialization. In most Western politicians,

In my eyes, China is a powerful but poor country.

The key to maintaining this country lies in the strength of Qiao Yu alone. Therefore, they believe that China's biggest weakness is in politics. If there is no strong person to control it, the contradiction between developed areas and backward areas will completely break out.

The country is at risk of falling apart.

In fact, this suspicion in the West is very reasonable. After all, huge and unified empires rarely appear in Western history. Take the Roman Empire that Westerners boast about. Although it existed for more than a thousand years, the dynasties changed very quickly.

Frequently, the longest dynasty is only more than ninety years, and the other dynasties of more than ten years are everywhere. Westerners simply cannot understand the concept of great unity that is deeply rooted in the bones of the Chinese people.

Of course, Qiao Yu also has a clear understanding of China's hidden dangers. China occupies the entire East Asian continent, plus the Nanyang region. The entire territory is similar to the Soviet Union, but the actual area controlled is definitely not comparable to the Soviet Union. You must know that the Soviet Union is quite

A large amount of land is in Siberia, and not many people live there at all.

With the exception of the Qinghai-Tibet region, China basically has a large population. After the development of Nanyang in the future, China's population will expand greatly. In order for such a huge system to operate smoothly, the most important thing is to break the various

To overcome the barriers between regions and achieve rapid communication, the development of infrastructure such as transportation has been elevated to the most important position.

Qiao Yu is ordering the government to formulate corresponding plans to improve China's infrastructure as soon as possible. There is no doubt that this has sounded the clarion call for large-scale construction projects. Many entrepreneurs who were worried about the post-war economic recession are relieved. At least China will continue to do so after the war.

And in a market like Nanyang, there will never be a problem of demand decline.

While the Chinese government was busy with its post-war economic layout, the war situation in Europe also entered its final moments. After the Allied forces landed in Normandy, they successfully captured Paris. Paris, which had been occupied for more than three years, was liberated again. Compared with other countries

, the French fought very easily.

Parisians had almost never heard the sound of artillery. When Germany attacked them, the French government declared Paris an undefended city. When the Allied forces attacked here, Germany reduced its troops early, so Paris did not suffer much at all.


They are even more comfortable than the British. If the French are dissatisfied with anything, it is the issue of the United Nations Security Council. Due to the firm opposition of China and the Soviet Union, although France has become a permanent member, it does not have the veto power.

As the saying goes, if you become a Buddha and don't become an ancestor, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes. Without veto power, what is it like to be a permanent member of the Security Council? It is still not able to get what you want. In the world, it is not two second-class powers. Why is this not the case?

Make the proud descendants of Napoleon angry.

De Gaulle in particular was extremely depressed, but there was something even more depressing. After the Chinese army entered Paris, they directly took control of the Louvre and other museums, and then a large number of experts and scholars followed closely.

They directly cleaned up the Chinese cultural relics in the museum and moved away all the cultural relics that France had looted from the Old Summer Palace. At the same time, China made a request to the French government to cooperate with the Chinese government in retrieving the cultural relics scattered among the people. De Gaulle was full of heart.

I don’t want to, but I can’t go against China’s will. You must know that China also made great efforts in the process of liberating France, and the idea of ​​returning cultural relics was jointly decided by the four giants, and France has no ability to disobey.

And the most important thing at the moment is to fight against Germany. After all, the culprit of World War II has not been completely eliminated. The Soviets split into two routes from Eastern Europe to attack the German mainland. The northern route broke through Poland and set foot on German soil, while the southern route

Then it launched an attack from the Balkan Peninsula and had already reached Austria.

The Allies could not slow down. After occupying Paris, the Allies quickly launched an attack on the French-German border. The United States and Britain had more than five times the strength advantage. Although the German army was good at fighting, it could not maintain it and could only retreat step by step. Of course.

The Germans did not retreat blindly. They retreated in a very orderly manner. The Germans were also shrinking their troops and preparing for a final blow. However, there were many objections within the German army. They believed that the German military resources had been exhausted and they rashly invested a large number of troops in the battle.

A counterattack would only bring greater losses, but Hitler insisted on counterattacking. He regarded this operation as the final opportunity to make a comeback.

In fact, Hitler also had doubts about victory. After all, the power gap between the two sides was too big. Even if Hitler could defeat the Allies on the Western Front, there was still the Soviet Union and China. Germany's enemy was the entire world. Especially when Hitler heard that

After Hirohito was captured and Japan surrendered unconditionally, his morale instantly dropped a lot. The last ally left Germany, and now he was left to fight against the entire world.

He kept telling people around him that the German head of state must not be taken as a prisoner, and that inferior peoples could not be allowed to insult the dignity of Germany. Hitler hid cyanide in his clothes and prepared several barrels of gasoline. If the Allies

After Berlin was captured, he would commit suicide and would never be taken as a prisoner.

Just as the Allied forces were advancing rapidly, China quietly erected a tall tower in the desert of Xinjiang, and built a large number of houses and buildings around the tower. There were also many scattered tanks and armored vehicles. Basically, it was

A city was simulated.

With the erection of the iron tower, China's atomic bomb has reached the final stage of testing. Qiao Yu, who is in Beijing, has been waiting for the final news. As a cross-era weapon, China can be invincible as long as the atomic bomb can be grasped in its hands.

The place of defeat.

Jiang Baili and others who knew about the atomic bomb plan were also unprecedentedly nervous. After years of hard work, success or failure depends on today. While they were nervously waiting for the news, the testing site in Xinjiang also placed the atomic bomb on the iron tower, and prepared

The final inspection work was carried out.

What followed was a huge mushroom cloud rising over Xinjiang! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest motivation.


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