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Chapter 77: The Yunnan Army Arrives

When Wang Chengji heard that Qiao Yu agreed to help him solve the crisis of the bank and the bank, he was naturally overjoyed. After the news spread, the people of the Xu Mansion suddenly became very fond of the governor. The reason for the chaos in the Xu Mansion was the Kuomintang movement.

After saving the hard-earned money of these people, and now being able to keep it, I am naturally very happy.

Immediately, Qiao Yu followed Wang Chengji into the Xu Mansion. While pursuing the civilian army, he also wanted to restore the security of the Xu Mansion. Wang Chengji and others started to count the losses of the bank. They were busy for most of the day, and the statistical results came out. This time

All the banks lost a total of nearly 3 million taels of cash. However, the soldiers and civilians of the Syrian government took back about 2.3 million taels from the civilian army. The actual loss was about 700,000 taels. This loss is still within the tolerance range.


However, what is more troublesome is the heavy loss of manpower at the bank. Six shopkeepers were killed directly in the conflict. Many accounting clerks and clerks have fled. It will take some effort to restore the functions of the bank, and in the financial industry

The most important thing is confidence. If this kind of chaos occurs and the people's confidence is lacking, they will immediately face a bank run frenzy.

Therefore, Wang Chengji was extremely anxious when he saw the statistical results. He didn't know whether the governor could fill such a big gap. If he couldn't, most of the banks in the Xufu would probably close down.

"Mr. Wang, this loss is indeed very great, especially the loss of personnel, which means that exchanges cannot be resumed immediately, and the people will lose confidence because of this, and the loss of confidence will cause large-scale bankruptcies of banks. The situation is very urgent!


"Yes, your Majesty the Governor, these harmful Communist parties are really abominable. Originally they were shouting slogans of serving the country and the people, but now it seems that they are all lies. They are just a bunch of people who eat people without spitting out their bones."

Bully!" Wang Chengji was extremely angry, but Qiao Yu was smiling.

"Mr. Wang, I think there are not all bad people in the civilian army. Maybe there is some misunderstanding this time. It is better to solve the immediate problem first. I decided to deposit the 500,000 taels of military pay in the bank of Xu Mansion. At the same time,

Then let the bank help purchase military supplies worth 200,000 taels!"

When Wang Chengji heard this, he was overjoyed. What the bank lacked now was confidence, and the deposit of General Qiao's salary in the Xufu Bank was undoubtedly an acknowledgment of the bank's credit. This was more useful than anything else. It is conceivable that not only would the common people not come to bank again,

He might even deposit the money in the bank. I didn't see Governor Qiao depositing the money. Would he allow his money to go down the drain? With this idea, Xu Mansion's bank will probably be able to survive the crisis.

"Thank you very much, Governor Gao Yi. I can't thank you enough. You are really the reborn parents of Xufu Bank! I salute you." As he spoke, Wang Chengji was about to kowtow, but Qiao Yu hurriedly supported him.

"Mr. Wang, I am the governor of Sichuan, and I have to think about the people of Sichuan. This is what I should do. However, this time has also exposed serious shortcomings in the bank's management. The capital is small and the ability to resist risks is too weak. I have

I have sent a telegram to Vice Speaker Wang Dongcheng. He will come to Xufu soon to discuss how to solve the issue of ticket numbers. My opinion is to form a large bank and imitate the operating methods of foreign banks such as HSBC.

Expanding strength and enriching capital can not only resist risks, but also promote Sichuan's industrial development. This is a good thing that achieves multiple goals with one stone!"

When Wang Chengji heard this, he immediately understood that the emotional people were not helping him in vain, but wanted to gain benefits. However, at this point, he had to compromise. Wang Chengji was not opposed to establishing a bank, but China's bank account bank

They were too scattered, and the grievances between them were deep, so several attempts failed. It might be a good thing to use Qiao Yu's power to establish a bank...

Luzhou and Xufu fell into the hands of Qiao Yu. Anyone who knows the situation in Sichuan knows that southern Sichuan will probably fall into the hands of the new governor. Southern Sichuan and Chongqing are both prosperous places. With these two places as capital, Qiao Yu

No one can shake Yu's position as governor of Sichuan. The situation in Sichuan is becoming clearer, but there is one person who is anxious. It is Cai E, the governor of Yunnan who has just established a military government.

At this time, Cai E had just ascended to the throne of Governor of Yunnan and was full of ambition. However, he immediately encountered the biggest problem, which was the problem of money. Yunnan is located in the southwest border and has a strong military force of more than 30,000 people, but it itself has

It is relatively poor, and the province alone cannot supply the needs of the army. Therefore, the first priority before Cai E is to feed the army, and taking Sichuan into his pocket is undoubtedly the best choice.

But the problem is that Sichuan established a military government much faster than the Yunnan Army, and Cai E was still quite wary of Qiao Yu. Before the Wuchang Shouyi, Qiao Yu was still unknown, but immediately after the Wuchang Shouyi, Sichuan was established

The military government, and the most important thing is that there is no obstruction to the establishment of this military government. It is completely natural. Cai E, as an extremely smart person, naturally knows what this means. It can only be said that Qiao Yu has unparalleled influence on the local area.

, rashly sending troops to Sichuan will definitely annoy this person!

"Let's all discuss whether we should send troops to Sichuan?"

"Commander, sending troops to Sichuan is an inevitable choice. How about brothers eating and drinking? I think we should send troops as soon as possible. Now Qiao Yu is not moving very fast. He has only occupied eastern and southern Sichuan. He has not yet established a stable foothold.

This is a good opportunity to make a move. Once he unifies Sichuan, there will really be no chance!" The person who spoke was Li Gengen. He is the military and political chief of the Yunnan military government and the leader of the Yunnan Alliance. He has considerable power. Even Cai

E also respected him very much. Li Genyuan had long resented Qiao Yu. He knew that it was Qiao Yu's suppression that prevented the Sichuan Revolutionary Party from developing at all, so he tried his best to take the lead.

"I also agree to send troops, but Qiao Yu has made many speeches and talked about local autonomy. If we enter Sichuan, we will definitely encounter strong opposition from the other party. His power is not weak, so I am a little worried!" Cai E said.

"The Governor, Huang Xing and Li Yuanhong have all sent distress telegrams. The three towns in Wuhan are fighting hard now. I think we can enter Sichuan in the name of aiding Hubei and ask Qiao Yu to make way for us. Moreover, Duan Fang is still in Sichuan.

Zhao Erfeng is still here. Once we enter Sichuan, we will stay in southern Sichuan in the name of dealing with these remaining Manchu Qing forces, especially the salt wells in the Fushun area must be in our hands, otherwise the Yunnan Army will not be able to maintain its strength!"

The person who spoke back was Xie Ruyi, who was also an important figure in Yunnan independence. The excuse he proposed was very appealing to Cai E.

"Okay, just do as Youchen said, I will send the power call now, Youchen, you also quickly form the first echelon and quickly enter southern Sichuan!"

The Yunnan Army discussed the matter properly, and Xie Ruyi, Li Hongxiang and others got busy. At the same time, Cai E issued a telegram announcing the Yunnan Army's plan to assist Hubei, and also telegraphed Sichuan to provide roads.

After Qiao Yu learned about the power supply, he knew that what was supposed to come would eventually come. Although he admired Cai E very much, the two of them now had their own power, and this conflict was inevitable.

"It doesn't matter who you are, the three outstanding sergeants, as long as you dare to touch my territory, I will fight you to the death!"

Qiao Yu had already made up his mind to have a confrontation with the Yunnan Army, and immediately issued a telegram strongly opposing the Yunnan Army's entry into Sichuan.

Qiao Yu said three things during the call. First, Yunnan is located on the border and has important national defense tasks. If the Yunnan Army moves north and the country suffers even a slight loss, then everyone from Governor Cai E to ordinary soldiers will be national sinners!

Secondly, Sichuan is still in the midst of war. If the Yunnan Army rushes into Sichuan, it will easily cause misunderstandings among Sichuan people, trigger conflicts, and damage the harmony between the two families.

If the Third Yunnan Army wants to aid Hubei, it can completely go through Guizhou and directly enter Hubei, which is more suitable than going through Sichuan.

At the end, Qiao Yu also issued a stern warning that Sichuan has the ability to deal with the remaining forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and to complete the revolution. No one can use any excuse to destroy the autonomy rights of the Sichuan people. At the same time, the Manchu Qing Dynasty has not yet been overthrown. Hope that revolutionaries everywhere

Don't do things that hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy!


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