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Chapter 47 Tyrant

The atmosphere in the Getafe dressing room today seemed a bit tense.

When Segura, Pineda and others walked into the locker room together and prepared to start a day of training, they were greeted by Popovich and others who stared at them angrily.

"Victor!" Popovich, the team's No. 10, shouted when he saw Segura chatting and laughing.

Segura looked up and saw Popovich, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked: "What's the matter, ElBaradei?"

"You were the ones who published those things in the newspaper, right?" Popovich asked, glaring at his teammates.

Popovich knew that Segura and others had objections to winning, but he never interfered with such things in the locker room. After all, we were still teammates. They had objections to the head coach, but not to themselves.

There is no need to make the relationship so tense.

But now, Popovich can't hide his inner anger.

Yesterday, he received several phone calls from reporters he knew well, asking him about the internal strife.

Only then did he realize that this matter had actually been known by the media, and it was also the influential "Marca" newspaper.

This kind of matter has always been an internal matter of the team, and everyone has this awareness - no matter what internal conflicts there are, they must either be resolved in the locker room, or they are not allowed to be mentioned except in the locker room, and not a word is allowed to be mentioned.

Although no one has ever said it explicitly, everyone knows this and it is an unwritten rule.

The locker room is sacred and cannot tolerate the prying eyes of the media.

The conflict between Segura and Chang Sheng could technically be regarded as a war in the locker room, although most of the battle took place on the training ground.

Therefore, Segura and others have never exposed this kind of contradiction before - as long as no one exposes it, it will be difficult for reporters to notice it. In fact, many internal conflicts are only made public directly.

known to the outside world.

Popovich also believed that this was a sign that Segura and others knew the rules, so naturally he was unwilling to say anything on this matter.

Who would have thought that this matter would actually be revealed by them!


You want to ask why Popovich didn't suspect that Chang Sheng was the one who brought this up?

Because Popovich is very aware of the relationship between their head coach and the media - he has directly blocked the media, will he go to the media to break the news? And he is still looking for "Marca" who has always disliked him.

Based on his understanding of Chang Sheng during this period, he didn't think his head coach would be so mean.

So this matter can only be caused by Segura and his group.

Faced with Popovich's questioning, Segura's smile froze.

Of course they were the ones who brought this matter to light, and they knew very well the consequences of doing so, which would have a negative impact on the team's relegation.

So now facing Popovich's questioning, Segura is a little embarrassed.

Pineda next to him reacted quickly: "No problem, Baladi! How could we do such a thing..."

"Then who told them these things!" Popovich threw a copy of yesterday's "Marca" newspaper in front of them.

All eyes fell on the cover of Marca.

To the left of the cover image is a headline: "Getafe: The fortress collapses from within!"

There is no need to turn to the specific page to read the content. Just look at the title and you will know what it is about.

Segura, Pineda and others raised their heads and looked at the teammates in front of them.

Like Popovich, they looked at him in unkind ways.

Although they had a falling out with Chang Sheng, there were not so many direct conflicts between the players in the locker room. Even Jose Passarella and Carlos Campo, because Popovich was there

, everyone does not offend the river.

This is the first time that their thoughts are expressed directly on their faces like this.

They are hating Segura and Pineda and others.

"You don't want to tell us that the media made it up, right?" Popovich sarcastically said.

Segura finally reacted. He shrugged and pretended to be relaxed: "Who knows? Maybe it's true. Maybe Chang himself told the media..."

He didn't finish speaking because he found that Popovich was looking at him like an idiot, and there were many people like Popovich.

"Stop talking nonsense!" A young man yelled loudly from the crowd.

Following the curse, Jose Passarella walked out from among his teammates, his eyes burning with anger as he stared at Segura.

"Boy, please be cleaner!" Segura may have been a little concerned about Popovich's status in the team when he faced Popovich, but when he met Jose Passarella from Team C, he could

He can show off his "senior" airs. And he is more cruel to Jose Passarella, because Jose Passarella is a central defender! Segura was originally the main player, but now he is the main player.

Indeed, Jose Passarella Segura always thought that this boy had stolen his position - if this boy hadn't performed so well, how could Chang Sheng be so willing to blatantly put him in the stands?

In the first team, Jose Passarella is not a troublemaker, and he doesn't want Carlos Campo to jump like that, so Segura thought Passarella would be easier to bully.

Unexpectedly, in the face of his scolding, Passarella would not give in and had a tough attitude.

"Everyone here knows that you plan to leave the team, so whether Getafe is relegated has nothing to do with you. You think that doing such a thing will affect the team and ultimately fail to avoid relegation. But you are just dreaming!

"José Passarella hit the nail on the head and pierced the hearts of Segura and others. "Getafe will definitely be able to successfully avoid relegation!"

Popovich came up and patted him on the shoulder, stood next to him, and then looked at Segura and others without saying a word.

Carlos Campo also walked out of the crowd and said to Segura: "Want to fight? Jose and I are not afraid!"

Then he also stood by Jose Passarella's side.

Although the other teammates did not stand up, they also expressed their meaning with their eyes - they agreed with what the young man said and they were willing to stand with the young man.

Jose Passarella has long won everyone's trust and love with his performance on the court and attitude on the training field.

Seeing this scene, Segura's face suddenly turned ugly.

He suddenly realized that not only were they excluded from the team by Chang Sheng, but now they were also isolated by these teammates.

This team...it seems like there is really no need to stay any longer!


In the end, the two sides did not break up directly. Segura and others chose to remain silent under the glare of everyone.

In fact, it is the default.

They changed their clothes silently and quickly left the dressing room.

For them, the current atmosphere in the locker room is extremely painful. It is better to spend less time in it.

After they left, Jose Passarella found a good friend in Carlos Campo.

"It's unfair for those reporters and Segura to treat the boss like this! But the boss is unwilling to face the media now, so he can't change for himself. We should help him defend him." He put forward his own idea.

Campo asked: "What are you going to do? Go and tell reporters that the boss did not cause internal strife and that the boss is not a tyrant? Who will believe you?"

"Of course I will not go to reporters. I have thought about it. I want to express my support for the boss on an occasion that their reporters cannot stop."


“On the pitch!”

"what are you up to?"

"I want to score goals to express my support for the boss!" Jose Passarella said firmly.

Carlos Campo was stunned.


Segura and the others thought that being isolated by their teammates in the locker room was a thing of the past. They just needed to endure and endure until the end of the season, and then they could escape from this damn place.

Who would have thought that when the day's training began, Chang Sheng gave them a "surprise".

Before the training started, Chang Sheng stood in front of the team and started calling their names one by one.

Those whose names he called were all members of the "rebel party".

After reading the name.

He said: "The people whose names I just called...from now on, you will report to the B team and train with the B team. I am confident that the Getafe B team will have players of your level in the next few years.

Feeling excited.”

After hearing what Chang Sheng said, those people felt as if they were struck by lightning.

They didn't expect Chang Sheng's revenge to come so quickly! And so cruelly!

They didn't even wait for the season to end before they were all thrown into the cold palace!

Spain's B team is actually the "reserve team" in other national leagues.

Everyone knows very well what it means to be put into the reserve team.

This is punishment. Punishment for them leaking internal team secrets.

If it was just as simple as breaking into the B team, the key lies in his last sentence, "I am excited for Getafe B team to have players of your level in the next few years." What does that mean? You are not stupid.

Everyone can hear it! He is going to put them on the B team in the next few years!

This is really... so cruel! Most of them just transferred from other teams to Getafe this season, and the contracts they signed are at least three years. For example, Segura, Pineda, Segou

La's contract was for three years, and Pineda's contract was even worse, for four years.

Long-term contracts were a dream for them before, but now they have become a nightmare... If they were really forced to stay in Team B until the end of the contract, they would have been ruined long ago...

The other players looked at the stunned Segura and his companions without any sympathy.

At such a critical moment for the team's relegation, these people went out of their way to report the internal affairs of the team to the news media for their own personal gain, completely regardless of the impact this would have on the team's relegation. If the team finally

These people will definitely hate them if they are demoted due to the impact of this incident.

Even Rudy Gonzalez was not surprised or upset by the fate of these players.

He lowered his head, and no one knew what his expression was, but he did not come out to go against Chang Sheng this time.

"Why... why!" Segura protested loudly after realizing how cruel this punishment was. He never thought that going against the head coach would lead to such cruel revenge! It is not uncommon for players and head coaches to have conflicts.

, How can there be such a ruthless head coach!

"You know it in your heart!" Chang Sheng said with a cold face.

"No...you can't treat us like this!"

"Do you need me to remind you again?" Chang Sheng suddenly laughed, "Now, I am the head coach here!"

Segura, who was struggling to his death, suddenly succumbed.

Yes, this is really a cruel and cold reality - the person in charge here now is this annoying guy in front of me.

And this guy is simply a devil!

Carlos Campo, who saw this scene, touched Jose Passarella next to him: "Why do I think those damn reporters finally got it right for once? The boss is really a 'tyrant'


Jose Passarella shook his head and said: "To the enemy, he is a tyrant. To me, he is a king!"


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