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Chapter 373: The Way to Use the Power of Faith

The establishment of a new order will take some time, but judging from the current situation, the entire Sun and Moon Continent is developing in a good direction. Although the feudal ideas of the old era still affect this continent, it has been separated from personal attachment.

People with connections are like businessmen entering the sea for the first time, gradually groping for ways to make a fortune.

Basically, everyone has installed a space system, and many people, out of a desire to show off, often post a message to show off their experience of getting rich after getting rich.

People who are thousands of miles apart can also learn from this experience. The most common thing is not to make a fortune, but to work in factories in the city.

Although land has now been distributed to everyone, there are only so many people and so much land in the entire continent, so no matter how much land is divided, not many people can get it.

After all, both the Sun Moon Continent and Douluo have the same overpopulation. The food-based soul masters feed 60% of the population on the entire continent, and the rest rely on the food grown in the land to survive. This is how the entire continent is very

The reason for less famine is that the total amount of food produced by food-type soul masters is stable. Even if the number of food-type soul masters in a certain year is slightly less, at most it will lead to an increase in food prices, and more generous rewards will make the remaining

These food-type soul masters produce more food, thus balancing out the lack of people.

The greater the number of the same population, the greater the probability of giving birth to a food-based soul master. If so, the mainland can feed a large population with very little food.

As a result, even if the exploitation of landlords is eliminated, the land in each person's hands is actually not much. If you only rely on farming, it will be difficult to even have enough to eat.

So some people with quick thinking gave their land to others to contract, doing things similar to landlords. They only received a part of the harvest, and they went to work in the city where workers were recruited. They were the first to do this.

People, there is no doubt that they make money.

He calculated his salary and the dividends after contracting out his own land, and found that his annual income was two or three times that of simply farming. It just so happened that this guy liked to show off, so he distributed it in the space system.

go out.

After Lan Nuo saw this little popular post, he immediately gave it official promotion. Similar posts have received a lot of traffic. This kind of politically correct speech, let alone true, even if it is false,

Give traffic!

Lan Nuo originally thought of continuing to play the role of a troll, and then increase his own traffic to drive the development of these people and find jobs. Unexpectedly, some of them have already done this, and they have good adaptability to the Internet age.

, I have learned to post it in space.

Lan Nuo just needs to find these posts now and promote them vigorously. There is always a shortage of smart people in this era. Some people see that their posts have become popular, so you can put up an advertisement in the comment area.

The advertisements may not necessarily be what they want to advertise, it may be that their bosses discovered business opportunities and inserted their own products into them.

Some people have benefited greatly from this method, and people all over the continent have become aware of their products. Naturally, more people are interested in this industry.

Lan Nuo watched the advertisements flying all over the sky, watched some people organize a troll army, and saw some people making their idol debut on the Internet. Some people have even started to perform black and red operations. He had to sigh, how adaptable human beings are. The Internet is so powerful.

No matter where things go, they are all virtuous. This chaotic situation is definitely not acceptable. In reality, everyone wears virtual identities on the Internet and can do whatever they want. In many cases, they cannot be controlled by the law, and the law has no way to regulate it.


But Lan Nuo does not intend to let the world's Internet develop like this. When cyber violence occurs in the future, there will be no way to control it, and there will be so much trouble that it will be impossible to tell whether the information on the Internet is true or false, but the gain will not be worth the loss.


He does want to carry out an entertainment promotion plan, but it is not a state of entertainment until death. It is difficult to establish a real network order. On the one hand, people on the network are anonymous from the beginning. Everyone takes anonymity for granted, and naturally

There is no way to promote the use of real names on the Internet. Without real names, most of the time it is difficult to impose punishment on individuals. In this case, how to restrain people on the Internet?

But things are different here. The Internet in the entire world is in the ascendant. It is a new thing for everyone, and it is not surprising that new things have rules. Therefore, real-name Internet access is gradually becoming more popular.

And part of the identity information is completely public. All online occasions are equivalent to public places in reality. Only information that may affect personal security, such as addresses, will be kept confidential.

This makes people who were still setting the pace online at the beginning gradually start to panic, because after the real-name system, if they continue to set the pace like this, they may be found by the host along the network cable. In this way, even if there is no power to supervise, the network will

His speech will also be much more restrained.

This is completely unacceptable to people in the real world. Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that the Internet is a place outside the law. How can it be possible to accept such strict restrictions. But people on this continent do not know what the future of the Internet will be.

Although I feel that the real-name system is a bit strict, it is not unacceptable.

And those who still commit crimes after the real-name system will be directly banned. What is different from reality is that everyone here must have an account before they can access the Internet. In reality, if a person's account is blocked,

He can also use another account, or even use another social software altogether, but after the account is blocked here, he will immediately disconnect from the Internet. Not only will he disconnect from the Internet, he will also lose a series of abilities he previously gained on the Internet.

At first, there were still people who did not follow the rules, but after being banned for several years, they cried without knowing where to go. Those who were permanently banned for serious crimes, decades later, felt extremely regretful. In the future Internet era,

Not having an account is like social death, and it becomes extremely difficult to live a normal life in society.

Lannuo has not yet launched electronic currency on the Internet. At this stage, everyone has not fully accepted it. The Internet is a new thing. Rushing to launch online currency may not be acceptable to people, and it may also arouse the vigilance of other people. Even so,

Some people have also begun to buy and sell soul power. They have begun to use the soul power stored in the system as a bargaining chip.

Lannuo plans to wait for these spontaneous transactions to develop for a period of time before formalizing them.

What he has been busy with recently is not unifying the continent, nor is it counterattack Douluo or annihilating super soul beasts. His current strength can indeed be sold to the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. He has simulated it before in the parallel world.

You've done it once. If you attack again this time, you'll be sure to win nine. However, the way of fighting in the different world is to rely on a large army to besiege, and rely on the superiority of firepower to grind the opponent to death.

In reality, this style of play is not suitable. The mainland has finally achieved peace. How can we make such a fuss now? Therefore, Lan Nuo prefers to improve his combat effectiveness first, and then kill the evil at a smaller cost.

The eye tyrant dominates.

It sounds a bit unrealistic. Without obtaining the cycle, he seems to have nothing to improve. But in fact, he still has the prototype of a godhead in his body, which can gather the power of faith and build a network in him.

After that, many beliefs from unknown sources began to converge towards him, and it was obvious that many people subconsciously worshiped the builder behind the network.

And now, what he wants to do is to create a more intuitive image of you and gain people's faith, while what Lan Nuo wants to do... is to make a movie!

From his current observations, the power of faith is the power to change reality through belief. Whatever you believe, it will become true. Believing alone has no effect, but if there are more people who believe, some incredible things will happen.

will become real.

Lan Nuo has done experiments. It is difficult to reflect the power of personal faith in the macroscopic world, because this level of power is too weak. It is almost impossible to interfere with the world.

But you can design elaborate experiments to verify the existence of this power. The experiment designed by Lanno is a balance, but one side is longer and the other is shorter. It is similar to the steelyard scales we use in daily life, but it is much more precise.


The long pole is fifty times as large as the short pole. Put weights with corresponding proportions on both sides to keep the balance balanced. Then let an ordinary person try hard to imagine that the mass of the weight on the side of the long pole is

become bigger.

Observing the balance in this way, I found that the balance did not seem to have any change.

However, Lanno still has the next experimental steps. Everyone knows the Cavendish torsion balance experiment. It was this experiment that verified the existence of universal gravity, and Lanno also used the same principle.

There is a laser emitter on the balance that can emit laser light and hit it on a curtain twenty meters away. In this way, even if the balance tilts or shakes only slightly, the light spots on the curtain can be faithfully reflected.

The entire experimental area is isolated from the outside world and can only be observed inside through a layer of glass. In other words, nothing outside can affect the balance of the scale, except for thinking.

On the surface, the balance does not seem to be shaking at all, but if you observe the light on the curtain, you will find that when the volunteers participating in the experiment imagine that the weight on one side is heavier, the light spots on the curtain are vibrating.

And it is slowly tilting in one direction.

This means that the weight on the other side of the long wall has indeed become heavier, but the degree of increase in weight is very weak. Conventional methods cannot observe this degree of change at all.

Because of this, collecting the power of faith requires a large number of believers. If it is just an ordinary person, although one person can supply the power of faith day and night, the amount of supply is too small. Even if it accumulates over time, it will gradually accumulate.

To the extent that the macroscopic world can be more clearly understood, but that takes too long. Only the faith provided by a large number of people can give people the ability to significantly affect the macroscopic world in a short period of time.

And if you want to have the huge power of faith like the gods, you need a large number of believers and a long period of accumulation.

Lan Nuo does not have as long a time as the gods, but he can make some manipulations in the number of believers and the direction of utilizing the power of faith.

The gods may claim that they are omniscient and omnipotent, or have extremely strong abilities in a certain general direction. This allows them to obtain very functional and convenient power. If they claim to be omniscient and omnipotent, they can even obtain a wishing machine.

power, but this power is bound to not be as powerful as a single force.

After obtaining almighty divine power, transforming them into the power of flames. It is definitely not as powerful as directly obtaining flame-type divine power, and the flames released are more powerful.

If you want to have more comprehensive functionality, you must greatly sacrifice the effect of the power of faith and accept the loss of the power of faith in the process of affecting the real world.

Therefore, the gods generally do not directly promote their full-time omnipotence, but promote their mastery of certain aspects of power. For example, the power of the elements of earth, wind, water, and fire, or the power of the ocean, so that when they use the corresponding abilities, their power will be

It is much stronger. With the same level of power of faith, its combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the Bo but Jing type. The reason is that the loss during the transformation process is reduced.

What Lan Nuo wants to do is even more extreme. The gods cannot make their own doctrines too complicated, and it will be too difficult to spread them. Therefore, believers only know who has certain abilities, as for the specific details.

, it is impossible to know the specific effect of the skill. The god who has obtained the divine power can only figure out how to use it. The loss of this part is almost inevitable.

But Lan Nuo is different. He is not worried that his abilities will not be disseminated if they are defined in too much detail, because he himself wants to make himself the protagonist of a movie or TV series.

In these films, the protagonist's abilities will be described in detail and intuitively reflected. In this way, if he wants any ability, he can make a movie specifically for himself. In this era of barren entertainment activities, even if he doesn't have much

Wonderful movies can all be hits, not to mention that he can take the movie he watched in his previous life and change the protagonist!

In this way, although his various abilities transformed from the power of faith have become well-known, there is no loss at all because of the transformation process. Each ability can theoretically be achieved with the same power of faith.

The strongest level.

As for the issue of functionality, it is indeed difficult to solve. Such a detailed description of performance means that Lan Nuo basically has to use force like the protagonist in the movie, and his room for maneuver will be much smaller, but after all, he can customize himself

ability, there is no need to worry that the power of faith gives oneself unnecessary power, and the problem of shortcomings in this area is not that big.

And what Lan Nuo is filming at this time is the Superman series of movies...

[To be continued]

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