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Chapter 374 I am making a movie in Douluo

Lan Nuo doesn't care much about the content of the movie. As a new thing, the movie can still attract people who have never watched the movie even if the plot is not very good.

What's important is the foundation of the protagonist's ability in the movie. The actor who plays the protagonist, without a doubt, must be Lan Nuo himself, and the protagonist's ability must be very powerful, at least an ability that is meaningful to him now.

In this way, you can improve your own strength by starring in movies. The Superman series is just the beginning. After all, although Superman's abilities are powerful, they have not yet reached that crazy level. Lan Nuo thought, what if one day he

What kind of crazy effect would it have if you filmed Dragon Ball?

Although he doesn't pay much attention to the plot when making movies, as long as the protagonist's powerful abilities are shown, but on the other hand, he attaches great importance to the special effects of the movie.

If there were no special effects, and a fighting spirit turned into a horse was filmed, then in reality the ability he obtained might really be fighting spirit turning into a horse...

Therefore, special effects are necessary, and they must be real enough and cool enough to make the audience believe that Minori really has such abilities.

And special effects can be done with mental power. Lan Nuo even planned to make a special effect of blowing up the moon. He used his mental power to build a model of the moon and then simulated how it would look like being blown up. How exaggerated can the expression be?

The combat power obtained by Lan Nuo will be exaggerated.

In fact, he wanted to make One Punch Man directly, but people of this era, who have not been exposed to other types of movies and animations, may feel confused when watching One Punch Man.

In addition, there is another problem that One Punch Man is bald. This setting is too cheating. Lan Nuo doesn't really want to give up his hair in exchange for power. Even if he really wants to film it, he has to find a way to make this bald man.

Change the settings.

And even if Lan Nuo really makes a film about One Punch Man, it will definitely not be like in the One Punch comics, where Saitama, who is so invincible, is finally drawn to the upper limit of his combat power. If there is a bald head who takes it seriously

If you can't beat the enemy, then what kind of One Punch Man is it?

For the Superman series that is currently being filmed, most of the attention is spent on special effects. It must be so fake that people think it is not a movie, but a real video.

Fortunately, Lan Nuo now has enough mental power and a special effects artist like Sea Princess. However, in order to attract her, Lan Nuo later gave up the role of a heroine for her to play. In short, even the heroine also has super powers.

, this power is also the help of Lan Nuo.

In this way, a farmer's child in the movie begins his heroic deeds. A down-to-earth identity can increase his popularity. In short, as long as the actor is Lan Nuo himself, it won't be a big problem.

At the beginning, Superman could not fly and only had great strength and extremely high speed. However, as the movie continued to advance, Superman's strength also continued to become stronger. Along with the ability to fly, he also had a body of steel.

Even the explosion of a nuclear bomb cannot harm his body. People in this world do not intuitively understand what a nuclear bomb explosion is, so in order to give them a concept, Lan Nuo and Princess Hai spent a lot of effort and used their mental power to

A special effect was arranged, which turned out to be an entire miniature city with perfect details.

Not only can you see the tall buildings, you can even see the pedestrians and vehicles on the streets. If two adults enter this city, they can take pictures of Ultraman or Godzilla.

The next scene to be shot is the scene of the city being destroyed by a nuclear bomb. It is not intuitive enough to describe the power of a nuclear bomb using the power of a bomb explosion of many tons. The most intuitive thing is to let people see its terrifying destructive power.

As a bomb exploded in the center of the city built with mental power. The terrifying light ball spread in all directions, and the shock wave knocked down the buildings in the city as easily as building blocks. Lan Nuo set up many cameras, some of which took close-up shots.

Some shoot a bird's-eye view, and some cameras are directly engulfed by the explosion, giving people the most intuitive experience of destruction. In the movie, this explosion scene only needs to be edited.

This special effect is so real that you can even take a close-up of the building to see the whole process of it being destroyed and falling apart in the shock wave. Looking down from the sky, you can see the circular shock wave spreading continuously until it destroys the entire city.

That shocking scene is completely beyond the understanding and cognition of ordinary people, and it also exceeds the title Douluo's understanding of destructive power.

This special effect can be said to be the one that cost Lanno the most energy. The power of the bomb is a very important benchmark in the process of comparing combat effectiveness. The audience must deeply understand how powerful this explosion is, otherwise it would be a one-punch nuclear weapon.

The audience had no idea what level of power this was, and they thought it would be a trap if it could only blow up a house with one punch.

The rest of the things are much simpler. After showing the destructive power, the subsequent nuclear explosion does not need to be so detailed. It only needs to show that Superman's body of steel can survive the explosion of the nuclear bomb intact.

This body is so powerful.

As the plot progresses, Superman's strength also increases. He can lift buildings and push mountains, and his speed is almost as fast as the speed of light. In theory, he can reverse time.

However, Lan Nuo did not add this ability to Superman. On the one hand, it is impossible to achieve time reversal with the number of people on this continent. Such a heaven-defying ability. Even flying at the speed of light is impossible.

On the other hand, even if he is given the ability to fly at the speed of light, he cannot control it. Just like the speed that Mr. Cat can control now is only seven or eight times the speed of sound. If the speed is faster, the control will not be enough and he may go everywhere.


So Lanno slightly weakened Superman's flying speed. The upper limit is sub-light speed, but the flying speed usually displayed is only about ten times the speed of sound.

It is also easier to create special effects in this way. If it is really flying close to the speed of light, the captured picture will even need to consider red shift and blue shift, and the audience will not be able to understand it at all. The significance of this kind of picture is not only difficult to shoot with special effects

, it will also make people look baffled.

But if the speed is ten times the speed of sound, the special effects will be easier to shoot. All you need to do is film the ground beneath your feet and the Mercedes-Benz tram retreating. Lan Nuo only needs to use his mental power to create a miniature land, and then let the camera play high-speed on the ground.

Flying by, if you convert the ratio in this way, you can reach a speed of ten times the speed of sound.

In addition to speed and strength, Superman also has powerful vision, powerful hearing, and even supersonic hearing. Superman can see extremely distant objects, even if there are obstacles in the middle, it does not affect his clear vision and perspective.


As for hearing, it is more metaphysical. He can hear someone calling for help hundreds of kilometers away, and then rushes to the scene to save the person, but the sound travels hundreds of kilometers and reaches his ears, which makes the day lily go cold.

Although most people on this continent do not know the concept of the speed of sound, with the popularization of education, they will definitely know it in the future, so here it is directly set that Superman has hearing that ignores distance, which means that the sound cannot

It needs to be transmitted to his ears. He only needs to send it out and he can hear it without delay and receive the cry for help from the person calling for help.

This ability is still very useful. It is equivalent to extremely strengthening Lan Nuo's senses. As his strength becomes stronger, the ability of hearing becomes less and less useful.

If the enemy's speed is supersonic, then identifying the enemy's position through hearing is a fool's errand, because by the time you hear the enemy's voice, the enemy has already punched you in the face.

But if his hearing can become a type that ignores distance, it can avoid the tragic fate of being eliminated because the opponent's speed continues to increase. It can still be his important sense like vision.

In addition to his powerful senses, Superman also has powerful attack capabilities. For example, his eyes can release rays with terrifying strike distance and powerful power. He can spray storms from his mouth and freeze enemies. However, there are not many special effects in this area.


Lan Nuo is not lacking in similar abilities, but he only focuses on the ability to freeze enemies instantly. After all, this ability is very consistent with his own ice attribute ability, and after use, it can show superimposed power.

After the special effects were done, it was time to tell a plain and simple plot. Lan Nuo roughly copied the plot of the original work, except that he did not assign a weakness to Superman. The weakness of kryptonite was too bad, so he directly made Superman, a nearly invincible superhero,

It fell, no one knows how many levels, and no one knows how many times it put Superman in crisis.

Lan Nuo's fundamental purpose is to gather the power of faith and make himself stronger. He is not really creating a character in a movie, so this weakness will definitely not be retained.

After spending a month like this, Lan Nuo finally made a reluctant version of the movie. However, he found that his acting skills were not as good as he imagined, and he had to make major conciseness and modifications to the pictures after filming, including the lines.

On the other hand, he also needs to dub again and again.

And no one can help him in this regard. It must be his own appearance and his own voice to ensure that the power of faith will be concentrated on him. Otherwise, his appearance and voice will not match, and his faith may not be good.

Part of the power will go to the voice actors, which would be a huge loss.

"I feel very good! Are there really so many problems? Why don't I feel any sense of disobedience?" Princess Hai, who had put a lot of effort into filming the movie with Lan Nuo, saw Lan Nuo there.

"Excellence" couldn't understand it for a while. In her opinion, what the two people shot was extremely real, completely beyond this era, and would definitely give the audience a huge shock.

But Lan Nuo said that what they made was just a bad movie, not even a popcorn blockbuster. Every time Sea Princess felt that the movie was perfect, he could always find all kinds of flaws, and carefully

After careful consideration, Princess Hai did find that there was a flaw in this aspect.

"You can't see these problems, just because you have watched too few movies. If you go to Decepticon One, they have all the movies I have seen, but you have only seen a few? Just watch more.

You can understand that what we made is not actually a qualified movie, but it should be about the same for this era.

It can be promoted and ready for release! As the first movie in history, it must be able to attract a lot of attention!" Lan Nuo's current space system users are close to 80 million, and the entire Sun and Moon Continent is less than 200 million.

The number of users is already extremely exaggerated. Except for those who live in extremely remote areas, almost everyone has a space system.

The number of believers in this order of magnitude has surpassed that of most gods. Even if the gods have followers in every world, they rarely reach the order of millions.

If we add the nearly 400 million people on Douluo's side, Lan Nuo's power of faith may grow at an incredible rate.

As the behind-the-scenes BOSS of the space system, the filming party of the movie is naturally very aggressive in publicity. Although it cannot reveal that it is the BOSS behind the scenes, it can allow accounts with many fans to repost the trailers it releases, and even Lan Nuo himself.

I created several accounts with tens of millions of fans and asked them to forward the news that I needed to spread the word.

In addition, the trailer of the movie is indeed cool. Although many people have seen the battles of strong people, and some have even seen the battles between titled Douluo, their perspective is fixed and it is impossible to follow those strong people in the battle.

Experience the complete battle process.

But movies are different. The camera follows the protagonist. If the protagonist flies at high speed, the camera will follow the high-speed flight. When the protagonist and the enemy are fighting from the sky to the earth, the camera will also follow the sky and the earth.

This kind of strong sensory stimulation is completely beyond the understanding of ordinary people, and it also gives them huge expectations for the film.

Since the unification of the Sun and Moon Continent, all kinds of new things have given their lives a completely new look. Their living standards have also been greatly improved. As a result, everyone will naturally look forward to the new things that are born, because these can always bring them


Naturally, Lan Nuo would not dampen their enthusiasm. After the promotional video was familiar to everyone, the real video began to be played on the Internet.

It was broadcast directly online from the beginning, skipping the process of playing in theaters. On the one hand, it required the establishment of public facilities such as cinemas. It required a lot of manpower and material resources, and most importantly, it took a lot of time to broadcast it across the entire continent.

Popularization is really too slow.

On the other hand, with the support of the space system, there is indeed no need to build a cinema anymore. Apart from going on dates with girlfriends, the only thing that attracts people nowadays is the huge screen, and space

The system is presented directly on the retina, and the screen can be as large as you want. Naturally, there is no need to watch it offline.

[To be continued]

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