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Chapter 1003, Plague Nation

The west coast of Golden Continent, the Silver Harbor to the west of the Aztec Kingdom, has blue sky and white clouds, clean sea water, narrow beaches, bald eagles soaring in the sky, and children playing carefree on the beach.

Everything on the boat made Li Anyuan look at it with gusto, and he felt that everything here was as beautiful and peaceful as the paradise described by Tao Yuanming.

However, he knew that this peaceful and beautiful land was being ravaged by a plague, and so many people died that it alarmed the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so he sent a team from the Ming Dynasty Medical College headed by Li Anyuan to come to Golden Continent.

While curbing the spread of the plague, of course the most important thing is that the plague here must not be allowed to spread to the Ming Dynasty.

Silver Port was built at the mouth of a river and had a good natural harbor. Because it was rich in silver, the Aztec Kingdom paid tribute to the Ming Empire every year, and the gold was transported back to the Ming Dynasty from here.

At the same time, the Aztec Kingdom and the Inca Empire were both exclusive mining areas belonging to the Ming Ocean Trading Company, where the Ming Ocean Trading Company had an extremely large gold and silver mining team.

There are more than a dozen large-scale silver mining areas alone, and tens of millions of taels of silver can be mined every year, which is then continuously transported back to the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, Baiyin Port is also an important port on the east coast of the Golden Continent. From here across the land, you can reach Penglai City, the most important port in the east bay of the Golden Continent, in the shortest distance. There is even Aziz between Baiyin Port and Penglai City.

The spacious roads built by the Turk Kingdom connect them.

In addition, Baiyin Port is located in the middle area of ​​Huangjin Continent, so the fleet heading south to South Huanghuang Continent and the fleet heading north to North Huangjin Continent will all pass through here.

Therefore, the entire Baiyin Port is very prosperous. In just a few years, Baiyin Port has grown to a considerable scale. The population that lives here has exceeded 50,000. It is considered a large city.

The ship Li Anyuan was on was slowly moored at the pier of Baiyin Port. The entire ship was filled with personnel from Daming Medical College and medical equipment and medicines transported from Daming.

Everyone else excitedly set foot on the land of Silver Port, preparing to have a good rest. The long sea journey is indeed very tiring.

However, Li Anyuan was not in a hurry to get off the ship, but stood on the deck overlooking the entire Baiyin Port.

The port is very busy. A large number of descendants of the Yin Shang Dynasty work here as porters, responsible for loading and unloading goods. They are all tall, strong and hardworking.

Children can be seen everywhere, playing and playing in groups. Each of these children is strong and looks much stronger than the children here in Ming Dynasty.

These children are often accompanied by some women. These women are obviously different from the women of the Ming Dynasty. They are obviously descendants of the local Yin and Shang Dynasties.

"The difference in appearance is not very big, but why are the people here in Golden Continent generally stronger than us Ming people?"

"Also why are they obviously stronger than us Ming people, but their disease resistance is weaker than ours? Why is their mortality rate so high when faced with the smallpox virus?"

Li Anyuan carefully observed that as the founder and professor of Daming Medical College, he had gradually broken away from the shackles of the original traditional Chinese medicine and slowly transformed into a research-oriented medical scientist.

Every time I go to a place, I almost habitually study the people in that place and the diseases that occur most frequently there, and then study the reasons behind them.

"We don't know how resistant our children born to descendants of the Ming Dynasty and the Yin Shang are. This time, not only the smallpox virus is rampant in Golden Continent, but also influenza, measles and other diseases."

Li Anyuan seemed worried, because according to last year's census data from the Ming Dynasty, there were a large number of mixed descendants of the Ming Dynasty and the descendants of the Yin Shang native to Huangjin Continent among the population.

The first batch of 100,000 Ming Dynasty people who came to Huangjin Continent were almost all men. After arriving at Huangjin Continent, these people basically married local indigenous women. Many of them even married many. After a few years, they had many children.

A large number of mixed-race descendants came down, numbering in excess of one million.

In addition, a steady stream of people from the Ming Dynasty migrated over later, and they were all similar. This resulted in a phenomenon where you can see a large number of children everywhere, all of whom are mixed descendants of the Ming Dynasty and local indigenous people.

"Mr. Li, you are finally here!"

Wu Lin, the magistrate of Baiyin Port, personally came to the port to welcome Li Anyuan and others. When he saw Li Anyuan, it was as if he saw a life-saving straw.

"Master Wu, is the situation serious enough?"

Li Anyuan looked at Wu Lin, and he could see the sadness on his face at a glance.

"It's not only serious, it's almost out of control."

Wu Lin nodded solemnly, and then said: "We in Daming are in a better place. We follow your requirements in advance, so whenever we find someone with smallpox, we immediately isolate and disinfect it, so we can

Take control."

"But the Aztec Kingdom has begun to lose control. A lot of people have died. Many towns have become dead zones. Although they have followed my request, I don't know why.

It’s just hard to control it.”

"And sometimes, it has been controlled, but it will suddenly break out. What is even more frightening is that when we Ming people got smallpox, the mortality rate was not high, but once these Aztecs got smallpox, they were almost certain to die. This

Make the control of the Aztec Kingdom more difficult."

"Many Aztecs are trying to come to our Ming cities, which makes our control more difficult."


Li Anyuan listened carefully, thought for a moment and asked, "Have any children been infected with smallpox?"

"Yes, and the situation is quite serious. Compared with our local children in the Ming Dynasty, their resistance seems to be much weaker, and their mortality rate is also extremely high."

Wu Lin said seriously.

"It is better to follow the original rules first. Once someone is found to be infected, they will be isolated immediately and disinfected with lime. In addition, people who have been in contact with the patient must wear masks, and items must be boiled in boiling water."

"I need to understand the situation here first."

After thinking about it, Li Anyuan immediately gave instructions.


Wu Lin also nodded happily.

Li Anyuan's team is very efficient and acted quickly as soon as they arrived at Baiyin Port.

Zoyacac ​​City, a city of the Aztec Kingdom just over a hundred miles away from Silver Port, Li Anyuan rode a horse and came here with a dozen apprentices, preparing to collect samples.

"Isn't it said that this city has a population of tens of thousands?"

"Why can't you see even a single person?"

Li Anyuan was riding on a horse, looking at the open city gate, but could not see a single figure. At the same time, he could faintly smell a putrid smell coming from the city with the blowing of the wind.

"Could it be that the smallpox virus wiped out the city?"

Someone thought for a while and said fearfully.

"Do you still dare to go in?"

Some people were so frightened that they backed down.

"What are you afraid of?"

"You are all students of Daming Medical College. As doctors, you should have the heart to treat diseases and save people, and to help the world. In the face of diseases, if we people can't do it, who can?"

Li Anyuan looked stern, and when he heard the words of his students, he couldn't help but angrily yelled.

"Yes, the student knows his mistake!"

When the students under his command heard this, they immediately responded in unison.

"Wear a mask, put on gloves, and pay attention to protect yourself."

"Follow me into the city!"

Li Anyuan put on his mask, put on his gloves, and took the lead to walk into the city.

The city looks very deserted and chaotic. You can see discarded things everywhere at the city gate. At the same time, as you enter the city, the rancid smell becomes even stronger.

The streets were filled with corpses, numbering in the tens of thousands. Some were so rotten that they were infested with maggots and exuded an unpleasant stench. Some had just been discarded. Others were not dead yet and were dissatisfied.

A pustule, lying helplessly on the street waiting to die.

From time to time, you can still see some natives carrying out corpses, discarding them on the street very casually, then putting their packages on their backs, and hurriedly fleeing. However, Li Anyuan saw at a glance that there was already smallpox on the other person's face.

Characteristic pustules.


Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was shocked, and then some people couldn't help but vomited. Even if they were studying medicine, they often dissected the human body, but this scene in front of them, even they, who were studying medicine, couldn't help but vomit.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

There are really too many dead people on this street, too many.

Bodies can be seen everywhere, with no one to manage or clean them up, and they are discarded very casually, so that many places are even covered with corpses, and there is no place to even walk.

"No wonder they couldn't control it. No one took care of the corpse, and they didn't even do the simplest burial. It's weird that they can control smallpox."

Li Anyuan frowned and continued walking in this small town.

Soon, they came to a pyramid, where a large number of people gathered. These people gathered together and even used human sacrifices on the pyramid.

Whenever someone is killed and the heart is dug out by the sacrificer to sacrifice to the gods, the crowd below will start shouting crazily, and people will go crazy to grab the blood and smear it on their bodies, hoping that this will avoid death.

Injured by the plague.

"It's so ignorant. There is a large amount of smallpox virus in the blood. This is just seeking death!"

Seeing this scene, Li Anyuan's expression changed again.

The use of human sacrifices was something I had only read about in newspapers before. I didn't expect to witness this scene with my own eyes. However, what is even more worrying is that they gathered together during the smallpox epidemic and smeared blood. This is even more worrying.

Will accelerate the spread of smallpox virus.

This chapter has been completed!
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